HomeMy WebLinkAbout01131955 ZPC Minutes
JAAiUARY 13, 1955
The Zoning & Planning Board convened in Regular Session at the City Hal.i,
Thrusday, January 13, 1955, 7:30 P.M, with the following members present:
Mz . Ed Davis, presiriin~; Messrs. A. G. Davis, H. iv1. Halbert, Roy Maley and Chi
Wilson. ~l'he City Attorney was also present. tiix~. David Hannah was absent.
In compliance with action taken cn January.r~, 1355, the Board further con-
sidered the request for re-platting Lots 8. 9, and 10, Block 1, Krenzler Courts,
as requested by ~;rs. Emma Krenzler and her son, PJIx'. Carl Krenzler. The purpose
cf the request 'sezng o lace eta e cons ruc~•lon o an o mice bui ing and parking
facilities by Mr. A. M. Bogart, who is holder of an option on ne property.
Motion by N1r. Dlaley, seconded by NIr. Davis, that the Zoning Board recommend
apprcvai by the City Ccmrnission of the request... to re-plat Lots 8.,9 and 10,
Block 1, Krenzler Courts, presently zoned for conii~iercial use,. and located
between Albans and Wra~;ton Roads and frcntin~ on Kirby Drive,. subject to
the folloulino: ~l) the front set-bacT_ shall be a arLinimur~i o~° 15 ft, fro~i the
West property line ci Kirby Drive, (2) th.e side set-back lines along Albans
and Wrotton Roads shall be a mini1num of 10 Ft. for a distance not to exceed 100
ft from the West property lane Gf Kirby D•ri~e anti beyond this 100 Ft. any building
must observe the established set-back of building dine along Albans and Wro:>ton
Roads,(3) the set-bacl~ s~.~c~n fife west .boundary line of Lets v,~, anti ~_0, shall
established by a ii.ie l~l Ft. r'rcm the West property line of Kirby Drive; further:
The Boar~~ ~ ~-~r:r,~~P~~3.<, ~,;:.r#.ti t-~=u .,~ :e ?permitted to excavate for underground
par?? ~~~ up to .but not beyond the property lines on all sides and that parl~ing
of automobiles on the surface be permitted up to the west property l;_ne of Lots
8, ~ and 10; this reco:~mendation used on the premise that the more off-street
parl~ing space pos:~ible to provide refluces traffic congestion in the area.
Votin;~ A~-e: Ali.
~,%,;:inm T.-G Tong
The Zoning Board is aware that in raking tha above recommendations for e<~ceptions
in set-backs, the 20 Foot e~.sement or alley along the West property lines of
Lots 8, ~?, and 14 would be abandoned, but fee?. this. is justifiable since it
is evident the easement was originally created fer. utilities to serve Lat 9,
which will become unnecessarsT with a building ecverinr; all three lots. The
Zoninn Board. also feels that its recommerdaticn for setbac'_~ exceptions are
nenerally in accord. with co~mmer•cial building set-backs in the neighborhood
and when observed. by the builders will provide orderly and attractive development
of this business property.
With no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned.
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