HomeMy WebLinkAbout11131973 ZPC Minutes~~Q~ REGULAR MEII'I~TG ZONING AND PLANNING COMP'IIBBION NOVEMBER 13,-1973 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, NOvember 13, 1973 with the following members present: Chairman E. Gene Hines, presiding; Members Bartholomew, Lipscomb and Weatherby. Mr. Dahlin was absent because of illness. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission ~,,~ on October 9, 1973 were approved as present. N ~,p Mr. Hines presented a copy of the minutes of an informal meeting held ~ November 5, 1973 among the City Commission; Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chairman, U and Mr. Bartholomew, member of the Zoning and Planning Commission; V Mrs. Waynell Gregory, Chairman, and Mr. Bill Sawyer, member of the Environmental Improvement Committee; Mike Parks, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board; and the City Manager. At the meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on October 9, 1973, it was decided that minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission would not be. presented to the City Commission until approved. At the meeting on November 5, 1973, this was brought up for discussion and it was de- cided that the minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission presented to the City Commission before approval be marked "DRAFT", as Mayor Harris advised that all minutes received from boards and committees are°, presented for information only and do not become a part of the City Commission's.- . permanent record. The Zoning and Planning Commission agreed to this arrangement. Mr. Hines presented a Newsletter dated October, 1973 from Houston-Galveston Regional Transportation Study and a publication from the Houston-Galveston Regional Transportation Study called "Application for Recertification of Urban Transportation Planning Process: for the information of members. These will be placed on filed in the office of the City Manager. Mr. Hines advised the members that his oral presentation to the City Commission concerning the current status of the Commission's study for consideration of rezoning of certain areas appeared to be well received by the City Commission. Mr. Mike Parks, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board, was present at the meeting to discuss park planning, in particular long. range planning, to be recommended to the City Commission. The following is a summary of the discussion with. Mr. Parks at the re- gular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 13, 1973: INDEPENDENCE PARK:. A park to be built covering Poor Farm Ditch from Bissonnet to Bellaire Boulevard. A sub-committee consisting of Mr. Howard T. Ayres and Wm. J. Galbraith have met with Mr. Tom Lankford of the Harris. County Flood C@ntrol Distr~et and made a study and submitted a report on the feasibility of the park and a property rights analysis involved in acquiring easements to and adjoining Paor Farm Ditch. Mr. Parks reported a committee had met withcfficials of Southside Place concerning their reaction to the area of Poor Farm Ditch which goes through their city and was told they were very. enthusiastic and would cooperate with West University Place in any way they could on the project. Various methods of funding have been considered, including having the project included in a city bond issue, applying for a Federal grant, and applying for a grant from the state in connection with the Bi-Cen= tennial Celebration planned by the state for 1976, and a direct assessment on each property owner of a set sum C$2.00 has been suggested) per month over a period of ten C10) years to pay for the parka When asked if he thought the Park could really become a reality, Mr. Parks stated he and his committee was certain it could be accomplished even if funding and development were done on sall sections at a time. TENNIS CENTER: Area from Buffalo Speedway to Vanderbilt, facing Bellaire Boulevard, one lot or 150 ft. deep, to be developed into a tennis center. He stated that with a veil of shrubbery surrounding the entire property he did not think people living outside the city would be a very big problem and also that a charge for use of the courts would also discourage outsiders from using the courts. He stated a sub- committee has made a cost estimate. of this property and estimated it would sell for $2.50 to $3.75 per sq. ft. as presently zoned for single- family residences. He suggested if city officials felt the money was not obtainable for purchase and development of this center that possibly a charge for use of .the courts could alleviate the cost of purchase and development and maintenance. This of course is a long range plan of purchase and development. CASE PARK: The block on which the swimming pool is located and desig- nated as Case Park where one tennis court is now is probably the are which should be given the first consideration and the City Commission has instigated action. to start very soon to redo the existing tennis court. Long range recommendation for this area would be to acquire the entire block bounded by West Point, Case, Academy and Byron. This is a high density populated area and need for a park in this part of the city is very real. There are fourteen C14) lots with ten C10) houses located on the lots not already owned by the city. Estimated value - $3.18 per sq. ft. Long range acquisition of properties as each house is put on the market might be the most feasible as far as funding is concerned.. ALTERNATE TENNIS COURT: The lots bounded by Poor Farm Ditch, Bellaire Boulevard, Sewanee and Corondo Court is an alternate location for a tennis center.. This would tie in nicely with the Independence Park pro- ject as the terminus to the Park at Bellaire Boulevard. Funding could be accomplished by bond issue or Federal grants or charge for use of the courts the same as above for other. court area. ~~g: ~IHITT J'pHNS;QN k'ARK EX;P;~Na~QN; A def~.nte need ~n thi:s area ,for a _ea.r 'ark type park.. one large enough for one or two tennis courts. The acquisition of the lots immediately wept of the present park bounded by Carnegie, Brompton, and Lot 2, Block 18, West University Place 1st Addi- tion, would be suitable. It was noted this would be very expensive to acquire. CV CD V U The question of the continued popularity of tennis was discussed and Mr. Parks said after conversations with various interested individuals as well as professionals, it was their opinion and the opinion of the Parks Board that only the first "wave's of interest had come to the United States and that in fact the crest would not be reached for several years. One reason for the. popularity of tennis is the comparative low cost of participation. Mr.Weatherby who. is active in the sport con- curred in this opinion. PARKS ON PERIPHERY: Asked if the Parks Board would be interested in the development o a small inactive park at the corner of Bellaire Blvd. and Kirby Cnorthwest corner), Mr. Parks said that the Parks Board would like to see that corner as well as other "odd" shaped lots. and any other vacant properties on the periphery developed as small inactive parks to make a "green belt's around the city and for beautification of the vacant peripheral land. It was decided that the Zoning and Planning Commission and the Parks and Recreation Board make their recommendations to the City Commission within a few days of each other. It was further, agreed that each group would keep the other informed of the time element for presentation of recommendations. There being no further .business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,. the meeting adjourned at 9:50. p.m. Chairman ATTEST: Secretary 0