HomeMy WebLinkAbout09111973 ZPC Minutesf~ REGt1LAR MFE7.'1NG ZONING AND PLANNING COMM,LSSZQN. SEPTFM~ER 7;1, 1973 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con- vened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, September 11, 1973, caith the following members present: Chairman E. Gene Hines, presiding; Members Bartholomew, Dahlias, Lipscomb and Weatherby. A letter from Whitt Johnson, City Manager, forwarding a copy of a letter signed by Mr. Ronald Shoup concerning a development plan for the proposed Independence Park was presented to the Commission. A letter aclrnowledging receipt of this information to be drafted later during the meeting. The following letter .from Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Manager,was presented to the Commission: Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chairman Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas Dear Mr. Hines: I have been instructed by the City Corr~nission to advise the Zoning and Planning Commission that arrangements .have been made by the City to acquire title to Lots 10 and 11, BLock 18 Collegeview 1st Addition 3804 University Boulevard being property owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Norwood. This property is contiguous to the City Ha11 and the existing house will be demolished, rermved and the vacant tract of land then utilized as a parking area. The City Commission wishes you to be informed of this contemplated action so that this inform~.tion would be useful in any of your future planrLing pertaining to the.area adjacent to the City Hall. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Whitt Johnson City Manager A letter to the City Manager acknowledging receipt of the above letter to be drafted later during the meeting. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the regular meetin` of the Zoning and Planning Ccmunission was recessed until after the Public Hearing called for this time. Motion by Mr. Dahlias, seconded by Mr. Weatherby, that Public Hearing called for Lr' !. i , 7:45 p.m. be opened to cQns~.de~r the applicat%on of Lena N. 8azile to subdiv%de Lot 5, Block 33 ~:st University Place, 1st Addition into two lots, each with 50 ft. frontage on Westchester,, according to plat on file and descript%an of property as follows: BEING a tract or parcel of land being part of Lot 5, Block 33, West University. Place, a subdivision to the City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas accodring to the plat tY~reof Recorded in Volume 444, Page 563, or more parti- cularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the west line of Westchester Avenue, said point being c~ the northeast corner of Lot 5 and the southeast corner of Lot 6; V THENCE SOUTH along the west line of Westchester Avenue and the east line of ~"~ lot 5, a distance of 50 feet; THENCE WEST along a line being at right angles to the east line of Lot 5, a distance of 41.7 feet; THENCE SOUTH, a distance of 1.0 feet; 'I~gT1CE WEST, a distance of 15.5 feet; THENCE NORTH, a distance of 1.0 feet; 'IHE'~iCE 4~ST, to a point in the west line of I.At 5, a distance of 92.8 feet; THENCE NORTH along the west line of Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet to the north- west-, corner of Lpt 5; THENCE EAST along the north line. of Lot 5, a distance of 150 feet to the north- east corner of Lot 5 and the PLACE OF BEGINNING and being part of Lot 5, Block. 33, West University Place. ~c~~e~~~~e~e~e~~e BEING a tract or parcel of land out of LAt 5, Block 33, West University Place, a subdivision in the City of West Lniversity Place, Harris County, Texas accord- ing to the plat thereof Recorded in Volume 444, Page 563, of the Harris County Deed Records; said tract or panel of land being rmre particularly described as follows: BEGIlVNING at a point in the west line of Westchester Avenue, said point being the southeast corner of Lot 5 and the northeast corner of Lot 4; THENCE WEST along the south line of I.pt 5, a distance of 150 feet to a point in the west line of Lot 5; THENCE NORTH along the west line of Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet; THENCE along a line at rift angles to the west line of IAt 5, a distance of 92.80 to a point for corner; ~~,1: THENCE SOUTH a distance of l foot to a point ~`or corx~.er; THENCE EAST along a line parallel to the south line of Lot 5, a distance of 15.5 feet to point of corner; THENCE NORTH a distance of 1 foot to a point for corner; THENCE EAST along a line parallel to the south lane of Lot 5, a distance of 41.7 feet to a point in the east line of Lot 5, and the west lane of West- chester Avenue; THENCE SOUTH along the east lane of Lot 5 and the west line of Westchester Avenue a distance of 5Q feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and being a part of Lot 5, Block 33, West University Plane. Ms. BAzile and Mr. Jack Pridgan were in attendance at the meeting. During discussion it was pointed out that the Zoning Oz~clinance requires that no portion of a house shall be closer than 3 ft. of the property ]one and that the 15.5 ft. line as described would not be 3 ft. from the re-e~ztrant corners to the corners of the house. Mr. Pridgin advised that the surveyor could provide new drawings and description of the property to cxeate the property lane so that all encroachments are eliminated. Motion by Mr. Lipscomb, seconded by Mr. Weatherby, that application for sub- division of Lot 5, Block 33 West University Place 1st Addition 6512 Westchester into two lots, each with 5Q ft. frontage ~ Westchester, be approved, subject to filing of a plat and description of property which will lengthen the 15.5 ft. line presently shown on the plat on file sot that there*-will be 3 ft. be- tween the re-entrant corners and the corners of the house; and subject to com- pliance with all building setback requirements, building code, or other govern- ing ordinance, whether or not herein specified, for any subsequent construction. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Following is a description of the two lots as approved for subdivision: BEING a tract or parcel of land being part of Lot 5, Block 33, West University Place, a subdivision in the City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 444, Page 563 or mere particu- larly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the west line of Westchester Avenue, said point being the north east earner of Lit 5 and the southeast corner of Lot 6; '1~iCE SOUTH along the west line of Westchester Avenue and the east line of ~~ Lot 5, a distance of 50 feat; Tf~iCE WEST along a 7,ine Leing at ~a.gk~t ang7,es to tie east 7.ax~e of Lit 5, a distance of 40.45 feet; Tf~TCE SOUTH, a distance of 1.0 feet; THENCE WEST, a distance of 18.0 feet; THENCE NORTH, a distance of 1.0 feet; THErTCE WEST, to a point in the west lime of Lot 5, a distance of 91..55 feet, THENCE NORTH along the west Line of Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet to the north ~ west corner of Lot 5; G~ ~ THENCE EAST along the nortth line of Lot 5, a distance of 150.ft. to the north- ~ east corner of Lot 5, and the PLACE OF BEGINNING and being part of Lot 5, ~ Block 33, West University Place. V BEING a tract or parcel of land out of Lot 5, Block 33, West University Place, a subdivision in the City of West University Place, Harris Comity, Texas according to the plat thereof Recorded in Volume 444, Page 563, of the Harris County Deed Records, said tract or parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGTNDTING at a point in the west line of Westchester Avenue, said point being the southeast corner of Lot 5 and the north east corner of Lot 4; TH~TCE WEST along the south ].i.ne of lot 5, a distance of 150 feet to a point in the west line of Lot 5: THENCE NORTFI along the west line of Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet; THENCE along a Line at right angles to the west line of Lot 5, a distance of 01.55 to a point for corner.. THEr1CE SOUTH a distance of 1 foot to a point for corner; THENCE EAST along a line parallel to the south line of Lot 5, a distance of 18.0 feet to point of corner; THE~iCE NORTH a distance of 1 foot to a point for corner: THENCE EAST along a line parallel. to the south line. of Lot 5, a distance of 40.45 feet to a point in the east line of Lot 5, and the west line of Westchester Avenue: THENCE SOUTH along the east line of Lot 5 and the west line of Westchester Avenue a distance of 50 feet to the PLACE OF BEGIl~iING and being part of Lot 5, Block 33, West University Place. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,. the Public Hearing was closed. ~~ Upon mode duly made, seceded and carried, the recessed. meeting was opened. An appli.cati_on from Mr. Doy D. Myers for subdivision of I.pt 2 , Block 40 West University Place 1st Addition 6636 Buffalo Speedway into two lots, each 50 ft. x 150 ft., each fronting on Buffalo Speedway, was submitted to the Commission for. their consideration. Mr. Myers is the owner of the property. Mr. Myers made application to the Zeing and Planning Commission on April 3, 1973 to subdivide the above lot for which a Public Hearing was held e May 1, 1973 at which time the subdivision was denied. CSee Case #73-3 on file in the office of the City Manager.) Mr. Myers stated that the plat of the property as submitted shows accessory buildings as encroaching into the north set back line, but that these buildings had been removed and he also stated the he had signed a contract for the sale of the north one-half of the property on which the house stands. Motion by Mr. Lipscomb, seconded by Mr. Dahlias, that appl.i.catie of Mr. Doy D. Myers, to subdivided Lot 2, Block 40 West University Place 1st Addition 6636 Buffalo Speedway into two lots, each 50 ft x 150 ft, each fronting on Buffalo Speedway, be accepted and Public Hearing for consideration of the subdivision be called for the next regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning on October 9, 1973. Voting Aye: Mr. Lipscomb Mr. Hines Voting No: Mr. Bartholomew Mr. Dahlias Mr. Weatherby Motie was rejeted by vote of three to two on the grounds that no evidence was presented to shave ark change to invalidate the previous decision of the Corrani.ssion in denying the subdivi:si.on. Mr. Myers said he wanted the minutes to show that shortly there would be two owners of that same piece of property. The development plan of Independence Park presented by Mr. Ronald Shoup and the letter from the Environmental Improvement Committee concerning proposed changes in the Fene Ordinance were l5riefly discussed and the Chairm-uz authorized to aelmowledge receipt of same and ask that the Com~.ssion be informed in both instances of any action taken by the City Corrnni.ssion. (See Reading File for letters referred to above on file in the office of the CityI~NAGER.) The following letter was drafted to the City Manager concerning the city~s acquisition of certain lots for a parking lot:. il' i n 2~S`i' Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Manager City of West UniversityPlace, Texas Dear Mr. Johnson: We appreciate. receipt of the information concernang the acquisition of - Lots 10 and 11, Block 18 Collegeview 1st Addition 3804 University Boulevard ~ by the City of West University Place for use as a parking lot N for city employees. CO `~ This property in combination with property previously acquired V should provide adequate parking space which is needed at the V Gity Hall. It is our recommendation that the city be exemploaxy in its action in the development of the property and provide propery screening, imaginative landscaping, and adequate functional and decorative Lighting. We feel it i.s incumbent upon the city leaders to develop city property in a meaner which will inspire its citizens in the development of private property and complete a r~Ll done project which will be a source of pride to all citizens. Yours very truly, /s/ E. Gene Hines, Chairman Zoning and Planning Commission City of-West University Place, Texas The following is a resume of 1972 activities of the Zoning and Planning Commission for use in the 1972 Annual Report as requested by the City Manager: During 1972 the Zoning and Planning Commission met fifteen times in regular or special sessions and numerous times in work session. During the course of regular meetings, traffic problems were discussed, work was done at the request of the City Comrmi.ssion concerning interpretation of definitions, re- zoning inquiries were answered and lot subdivision applications and numerous applications for rezoning property on the periphery were processed. The completed WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE LAND USE AND CIRCULATION PLAN was received and the major thrust of the work in 1972 was the formulation of a course of action to be taken concerning possible recomur~endations for changes in the zoning of certain peripheral areas. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on August 6, 1973 were approved as corrected. ~S Upon mota..ox~ du],y made, seconded and cax~.^aed the m~et~ng ad~cYUxned at 10:15 p.m. ~.~~ ~G rm~n AT~'EST: Go.~~.G~ aretary 1 1