HomeMy WebLinkAbout08061973 ZPC Minutes REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND .PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 6, 1973 The Zoning and Planruxzg Correnission of the City of West University Place con- vened in regu].tr session at the City Hall, Monday, August 6, 1973, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Hanes, presiding; Members Batho- lomew, DAhln, Lipscomb, and Weatherby. An application from Mrs. Lena N. Bazile for subdivision of Lot 5, BLoc]c 33 West University Place 1st Addition 6512 Westchester into two lots, each 50 ft. x 150 ft., both fronting on Westchester, was sub- mitted to the Corrnnission for their consideration. Mrs. Bazile is the owner of the property. Mrs. Baza.J.e and Mr. Jack S. Pridgin, Realtor, were present to discuss the appli- cation with the Commission. It was pointed out by Mr. Hanes that an existing building on the north one-half of Lot 5 encroaches ten C10") inches into the three C3~) ft. set back which would be created by dividing the lot into two 50 ft. lots, and that if the subdivision was approved it would have to be approved subject to the removal of all en- croachments. Mr. Pridgen asked a.f the property lines could be created as follows: One lot: Being a tract or parcel of land out of Lot 5, Block 33, West Univer- sity Place, a subdivision in the City of West University Place, Harris County Texas according to the plat thereof Recorded in Volume 444, Page 563, of the Harris County Deed Records, said tract or parcel of land being ~re particu- larly described as follows: Beginning at a point an the west line of Westchester Avenue, said point. being the southeast corner of Lot 5 and the northeast corner of Lot 4; Thence west along the south lane of Lot 5, a distance of 150 feet to a point in the west line of Lot 5; Thence north along the west lane of Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet; Thence along a line at right angles to the west lane of IAt 5, a distance of 92.80 to a point for. corner; Thence south a distance of 1 foot to a point fot corner; Thence East along a lane parallel to the south line of Lot 5, a distance of 15.5 feet to a point of corner; Thence North a distance of 1 foot to a point for corner; Thence East along a lane parallel to the south lane of Lpt 5, a distance of 41.7 feet to a point in the east lane of Lot 5, and the west lane of Westchester Avenue; Thence South along the east line of Lot 5 and the west lane of Westchester Avenue a distance of 50 feet to the Place of Beginning and 'being part of Lot 5, Block 33, West University P1aoe. One lot: Being a tract of paroel of land being part of Lot 5, Block 33, West Un.~" ve~rs~,ty Plate, a subdivi~a~nan the City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas according to the plat thereof Recorded in Volume 444, Page 563, or more particu7.arly described as follows: {`'~ Begiru~.ing at a point in the west ]a.ne of Westchester Avenue, said point being ~ the northeast corner of Lot 5 and the southeast corner of Lot 6; CD U Thence south along the west Lane of Westchester Avenue and the east line of V Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet; Thence West along a line being at right angles to the east lane of Lot 5, a distance of 41.7 feet; Thence south, a distance of 1.0 feet; Thence West, a distance of 15.5 feet; Thence north, a distance of 1.0 feet; Thence W~:st, to a point in the west lane of Lot 5, a distance of 92.8 feet; ThenceNorfih along the west line of Lot 5, a distance of 50 feet to the nowth- west corner of Lot 5; Thence East along the northline of Lot 5, a distance of 150' to the norttheast corner of Lot 5, and the Place of Beginning and being part of Lot 5, Block 33, West University Place. and meet the criteria of the Zoning Orclinance. This would still leave mere than the minirrnun 5,000 sq. ft. with a 50 ft. frontage. Mrs. Bazile and Mr. Pridgen were advised that if they would furnish the Commis- sion with a sketch and an amended application by August 20, 1973, the Zoning and Planning Commission would request an opinion from the City Attorney con- cerning subdividing the. lot as described. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Dahlias, that a Public Hearing be called for Tuesday, September 11, 1973, 7:45 p.m., at the City Hall to con- sider the application of Mrs. Lena Bazile for subdivision of Lot 5, BLock 33 West University Place 1st Addition 6512 Westchester into t~ao lots as follows: Same a~ described above. 6S both fronting on Westchester, subject the above described dimensions and an office on or before August 20, 1973 to recea pt and fi7.ang of a sketch showing amended application in the City Managers Voting. Aye: All Voting No: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Ccennission was recessed until after the Public Hearing called for this time and date. Motion by Mr. Lipscomb, seconded by Mr. Dahlias, that Public Hearing called for 7:45 p.m. to consider the application of Mr. Doy D. Myers, for subdivision of Lot 3, Block 30 West University Place 1st Addition 6426 Buffalo Speedway into two lots, each 50 ft. x 150 ft., each fronting on Buffalo Speedway, be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None My Myers spoke on beha.l.f of his application and stated that the garage which is shown on the plat as encroaching into the setback which would be created by the proposed property line has now been demolished and that a small building or shed on the back of the lot had been moved over the required five (5') ft. from the rear property line. He also pointed out that within Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition, theme ren~%ned only two or three 100 foot lots which had not been subdivided into 50 ft. lots and that this particular lot he felt was ideally suited for subdivision by the location of several large trees forming alrmst a natural division. Mr. Myers stated he had a potentail buyer for the south one-half of the lot, Mr. Jim Cornelius, who is now a resident of West University Place, and that he had tentative plans to build a patio type house on the lot and improve it in keeping with the neighborhood. He also stated that there were several friends and neighbors in the audience who would speak for the subdivision. Mr. Jim Cornelius, 3117 Georgetown, stated that he had lived in Wort Univer- sity Place six C6) years, was married and had two children, and he was in- terested in the south one-half of Lot 3, Block 30, West University Place 1st Addition, on which to build a patio type home for his family and he thought in doing so he would improve the neighborhood as well as the lot and he would appreciate the Commission approving the subdivision for these reasons. Mrs. Shirley Abel, 3500 Block of Plumb, dated she had been a resident of West University Place for 17 years and knew Mr. Myers and the improvements he had made on several properties in the city wh enhanced the properties as well as the appearance of West University Place. She also stated that she was ac- quainted with Mr. Cornelius and h%s family and felt they were the type of family we would like to keep in the city. ~?'7~..1 Mrs. D. W. West, 2813 Tangley, stated she is a realtor, but also a citizen of West University Place for 24 years, and she felt we were in need of lots _ for people to build homes on and that she was for. any lot being subdivided that was not in use. Mr. Dan Myers, sane of Mr. Doy Myers, stated he appeared for moral support for his father and asked consideration to approve the subdivision as requested. Mr. Dahlias asked Mr. Myers if there were not two or three lots across the street from Lpt 3, Block 30, West. University Place lst Addition, which were not subdivided. ~" Mr. Myers stated he was not sure, but possibly ~tt~•ere were, but that he was ~ referring to the descriptive Block 30, not street block in his statement. CO ~ Mr. Mike Parks, 6427 Buffalo Speedway, stated he lived directly across the V street from Lr~t 3, Block 30, West University Place lst Addition, and his lot was 100 ft. x 200 ft. and that there were two lots with 100 ft. frontage down the block on the east side, Mr. Parks stated he was opposed to the type buildings which have been built recently on the west side of the 6400 block of Buffalo Speedway which were called patio type buildings and if a driveway was constructed on the subject lot, the trees mentioned would either be starved or have to be removed, and that he felt it would be a blight on the whole block. He stated he was basically opposed to the subdivision. Mrs. Gentry, 6116 Buffalo Speedway, asked if this lot could again be sub- divi.ded. She was advised that it could not be and meet the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Cornelius said he oould understand Mr. Parks' concern about the trees but at this time they had been neglected for years and he though he would be able to construct a home without putting the trees in danger and would take care of them better than they have been in the past. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, that application for sub- division of Lot 3, Block 30 West University Place 1st Addition 6426 Buffalo Speedway into two lots, each 50 ft x 15.0 ft., each fronting on Buffalo Speedway, be approved, subject to compliance with all building setback requis~ements, building code, or other governing ordinances, whether or not herein specified, for arty subsequent construction. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Dahlia spoke for the information of those present and stated that the Zoning and Planning Commission only consideres applications and not appli- cants, although they were glad to have interested friends present. He also said that the C~mnission has no guarantee that Mr. Cornelius or anyone else will be the buyer of a particular piece of property and construct a home on ~~ that property and that all the Commission considers is that the application conform to the o7~dinances;:~of the city and whether-or not the subdivision would be for the over all benefit. of the city and it has no ~ntrol over who owns the property in the future and what they do with it. Upon nation duly made, seconded and carried, the Public Nearing was closed. Notion by Mr. Dahlias, seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, that Public Hearing called for 8:00 p.m. to consider the application of Mrs. Wilkie B. Manning, for subdivision of LAt 3, Block 49 West University Place 1st Addition 3211 Rice Boulevard into two lots, one 50 ft x 100 ft. , fronting on Rice blvd. , and one 100 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Buffalo Speedway, be opened.. Voting Ayer A11 Voting No: None Nir. Robert Abel, 3521 Plumb, spoke as a friend representing Mrs. Manning and stated that the application conforms to standards as set by the Zoning Ordi- nance for subdivision of property and asked thatthe Corrnnission approve the application. Nor. t~atherby asked what would be done with .the existing buildings. Mr. Abel said they would remain although the garage, he stated, was in very bad condition and probably would have to be replaced before long. Mr. Aus-tin Xoung, 3127 Jarx~ax~d, asked if there was any reason the lOD ft. x 100 ft. fronting on Buffalo Speedway could not be divided into two lots.. He was advised by Mr. Hines that the application did not request this subdi- vision of the lot fronting on Buffalo Speedway and that no action could be taken to subdivide same unless application was made to the Conanission for consideration. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, that application for sub- division of Lot 3, Block 49 West University Place 1st Addition. 3211 Rice Boulevard into two lots, one 50 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Rice Boulevard, and. one 100 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Buffalo Speedway, be approved subject to compliance with all building setback requir.'+arnents, building code, or other governing ordi- nances, whether or not herein specified, for subsequent construction. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Public Hearing was closed. Lt= f E J ~t ~D U U ~otaon by Mr. Dahla:n, seconded by Mr.Weatherby, that the recessed meeting be opened. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and P7..ennang Commission an July 5, 1973 were approved as submitted. It was the decision of the Zoning and Plaruvng Ccsrm~ission to change the regu- lar meetings of the Commission to the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Motion by Mr. Bartholomew, seconded by Mr. Dahlia, that the following letter to Mr. Doy D. Myers, concex~,v.x~g his appearance before the Zoning and Planning Comnissicn on July 5, 1973, be entered into and made a part of these minutes. Voting Aye: All Mr. Doy-'D. M:yexs 6545 Buffalo Speedway Houston, Texas 77005 Voting No: None July 31, 1973 Dear Mr. Myers: Reference to your inqua.ry concerr~,ing your appearance at the Zoning and Planna~zg Cc~rani.ssion meeting on July 5, 197s in regard to the subdivision of J Lot 2, Block 40 West Uni.veaity Place 1st Addition the following is quoted fx+orn the minutes of said meeting: "After discussion of Mr. Myersf comments as they concerned his application to subdivide Lot 2,Block 40 West University Place 1st Addition 6636 Buffalo Speedway into two lots, each 50 ft. x 150 ft., each fronting on Buffalo Speedway, it was the unanalmus opinion of the Zoning and Planr~.i.ng Commission that no further action could be taken in the absence of a new application." Yours very truly, /s/ Mrs. Opal McKelvey Secretary" fl Motion by Mr. Lipscomb, seconded by Mr. Dahlia, that the following letters, one from Mr. Whitt Johnson,City Manager, to the Zoning .and Planning Commission and one fr~n the Zoning and Planning Commission to Mr. Whitt Johnson, City ~£ana• concerning the 1974 Budget, be entered into and made a part of these minutes. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None ~i "July 20, 1973 Mr. E. Gene Hones, Chan Zoning and Planning CorrQr~a.ssa on City of West University Place, Texas Dear Mr. Hines: City offici..als .are ixi the process of preparing 1974 Budget estimates. The City Comomisson would appreciate you offering any suggestions for additions or deletions of the 1973 $udget format which is enclosed. It is my understanding the Zoning and Planning Commission is going to meet July 30th in a work session and if possible would you present the Budget to the members for consideratian and let us have your report by August 1st. Yours very truly, /s/ Whitt ~'ohnson City Manager CC All members Zoning and Planria"ng Cc~n¢ni.ssion" "July 31, 1973 Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Mariagex City of West University Place, Texas Dear Mr. Johnson: . The following 1974 Budget for the Zoning and Planning Commission. is sub- mitted as requested in your letter dated July 20, 1973: Clerical Salaries 180.00 Office Supplies 100.00 Legal Notices 8 Recording Fees 300.00 Judgements 8 Court Costs 1,000.00 Legal Expenses 3,000.00 Planning 500.00 TOTAL $.~~- It is our understanding that salaries arm Legal Notices and Recording Fees. of the Zoning Board of Adjustment are included iri the 1973 Budget figures. as presented to us. The above are submitted as our estimates of our ex- penses and does not include any estimates for the Zoning Board of Adjust- ment. Respectfully submitted, ZONING AND PLANNING COMNl:CSSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE., TEXAS Irc' Upcan mptian duly made, seconded ax~,d carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m. ~` ~x3nan ATTEST: ~`+ Secretax ~~ N GO ~'J U V 0 ~~