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06051973 ZPC Minutes
REGULAR MEETING 2iJNING AND PLANNING CQMMISSION JUNE 5, 1973 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened i.ti regular session at the Community Building, 610 Auden, Tuesday, June 5, 1973s 7s30 pm., with the following members present: Chairman Hines, presiding.; Mem- bars Bartholomew, ~ahlin, Lipscomb, and Weatherby. Motion by M'r. Bartholomew, seconded by Mr. Lipscomb, that the regular July meet- ing of the Zoning and Planning Commission be set for Monday, July 9th, as it is now scheduled for July 3rd, the night before the July lath Holiday, and that the August. and September regular meetings be scheduled for the first Monday of the month. During discussion it was brought out that the first Monday of September is Labor bay Holiday. Mx. Lipscomb accepted Mr. Weatherby~s amendment to his motion that a date for the September meeting be chosen at a subsequent meeting. Voting Aye: Ali Voting No: None Application from Mrs. T~llkie B. Manning to subdivide '.Lot 3, Block Lt9 West University Place 2nd Addition 3211 Rice Boulevard, into two lets, one 55 ft. x 10© ft. fronting on Rice Boulevard, and one 95 ft. x 100 ft. fronting on Buffalo Speedway. Motion by Mr. Dahlin seconded by Mr. Weatherby, that the application be accepted but that no Public Hearing date be set until all members of the Commission had an opportunity to view the property. Minutes of the Regular Meeti on May 1, 1973, of the Recessed Meeting on May 9, 1973, and of the Special Meeting on May 29, 19?3 were presented to the Commission. No action was taken to approve the minutes at this, time. fl 1 4n motion duly made, seconded and carried, ..the regular meeting was recessed until after the Public Hearing called for 7:~t5 p.m., this date. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to open the Public Hearing called for consideration of rezoning the hereinafter described properties: (1) Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas (2) Lots 1, 2, 3, !~, Block l~, Coliegeview 3rd Addition, as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas 6 .~'} ~ (3) its 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Block 2, Bissonnet Place Addition, as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas (l~) Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, l0, Block 3 Bissonnet Place Addition, as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas (5) Lots 9, l0, 11, 12, Block 18, Colonial Terrace Addition, ~' as originally platted, N City of West University Place, Texas CO ~ Because of the extremely bad weather conditions motion was made, seconded and ~j carried to recess the Public Hearing until 8:00 p.m. to give everyone an oppor- tunity to arrive. . Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to open the Public Hearing at 8x00 p.m. after the recess.' The Chairman introduced each member of the Zoning and Planning Commission who iden- tified themselves and stated where they lived in the city. The procedure to be followed was outlined by the Chairman« The following is an introductory statement from the Chairman of-the Zoning and Planning Commissions ~Tonight~s Public Hearing is the second in a second series of hearings concerning the peripheral land uses in certain areas of the City of West University Place, Texas. For those of you who were not in attendance at one of the three hearings held during the month of February, 1973 a brief review of what brings us together tonight might be helpful and/or informative. In"January, 1971 the 19?1-72 City Comnni.ssion charged the then Zoning and Planning Commission with the responsibility in addition to its normal duties, of closely examining the current land uses and zoning in the city, with particular emphasis to be placed on the peripheral areas of the city and after such examination to make recommendations to the City Com¢nission related to their findings. The firm of Caudill Rowlett Scott was engaged by the City Commission, upon_the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission, to conduct a land use sur- ~rey and relating their findings to other factors, among them the changes in areas surrounding West University Place, traffic flog in-and around our city, general patterns of development and change within the city and then prepare a report of their findings and recommendations concerning them. The primary purpose of the report was to provide the Zoning and Planning Commission with a. tool to be used by them to help arrive at tentative recommendations for change, if any, concern- ing the city. In the course of time of preparation of the report, applications were received requesting consideration of changes in certain areas, but it was the feeling of the Zoning and Planning Commission that no piece-meal changes should be considered until a comprehensive analysis could be made. The above mentioned report from Caudill. Rowlett Scott entitled CZTF 4F WEST UNTVERSITF PI.A.CE 1971 LAN D USE AND CIRCULATION PLAN was accepted by the .City Commission about 15 months ago and since that time has been available for- use at the Gity Ball and has been on sale for. those who wished to purchase a copy. With the aid of the CRS study,.- the Zoning and Planning Commission devoted. a year to studying land uses with: emphasis on peripheral areas. We did not then, and do not now seek changes as goals, but wish to maintain the city as we know. it, .to reinfiorce its strong points and hopefully to re-direct trends which could result in future problem areas, and it is our tentative belief that to meet these objectives, some zoning changes might be desirable. A brief review of the sequence of events following tonightis hearings follows. After hearing each other speak to the issues, the Zoning and Planning Commission can take two basic courses of action, neither of which will be done tonight:. 1. Notify the City Commission that after the public hearingno action w3.11 be taken to recommend. pursuing the matters being discussed, or, 2. Recommend to the City Commission that a portion Of, Or all the items consid- ered tonight be considered by the City Commission. The Gity Commission can, in the event the latter recommendation is made, take two courses of action, as I understand. it; 1. ~R.eview the recommendation and re3ect it, or, 2. Accept the recommendation and, as required by state statute. concerning changes in zoning call a public hearing for their review of the recommendations. This .public hearing by the City Commission is held jointly with the Zoning and Planning Commission. At its conclusion the Zoning and Planning Commission can either vote to rescind or modify their original recommendation or vote to affirm their previous action. Depending on the action so taken by the Zoning and Planning Commission, the City. Commission, can then or at a later date, vote to reject the recommendation or vote to accept it and call for the drafting of an ordinance amending the existing ordinancetoeffect the change or changes. So much for the procedure. During the first part of my remarks, I made reference to the three public hearings held in February. The calling of those earlier hearings set by the 1971.72 Zoning and Planning Commission. The evening prior to the first hearing, the 1973-73 Zoning and Planning Commission was sworn in and two of the members received their "baptism of fire" the following evening on aboard hearing recommendations which they had had no part in formulating. My personal observation is that they held up well under fire. At our first regular meeting at the conclusion of the three earlier hearings, the Zoning and Planning Commission voted to withhold any rec- ommendations concerning the hearings until such time as the 1973-71~ Commission could review the other peripheral .areas, determining whether additional hearings would be called, and if so to make any recommendations to the City Commission after conclusion of these additional hearings. We have met many times in the interim, have reviewed and discussed actions to be taken. ~_. This hearing tonight, the one held on Tuesday, May 29th, and that hearing scheduled for next Tuesday evening, June 12th, represent the current Commission's "plan of ~ action'! . Tonight's hearing concerns only those properties described in the Notice of Public Hearing for ton~~ht, as published and the Notice of Property Owners distributed as required by law: (Asked secretary to read legal descriptions of all properties and ascertain that Notice of Public Hearing was published in The Houston Chronicle, May 19, 1973 and letter dated May 19, 1973 mailed to property owners within 2O0 ft. of properties to be considered.) ~ These properties are in the area of "angle" Bissonnet and may be divided into ~ four {~) general areas as follows: V 1 A trian ap y , y V { ) gular sh ed area bounded on the NORTH b Bissonnet on the EAST b the east property line of Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition and on the SOUTH by Sunset. (2) An area bounded on the NORTHW~~ST by Bissonnet, on the EAST by the east property line of Lot !t, Block !~, Collegeview 3rd Addition, on the SOUTH by the south property lines of Lots 4,3,2, and 1, Block !~, Collegeview 3rd Addition, and on the WEST by Wesleyan Street. (3) An area bounded on the NORTH by Bissonnet, on the EAST by Wesleyan, on the SOUTH by Browning and on the WEST by the west property line of Dots 9,$,7,b, and 5, dock , 2,~ Bissonnet Place Addition, this area 3 being in short, those lots EAST of, and abutting, the Eastern Star property. and, {~) The area bounded on the NORTH by Browning Street, and the EAST by Wesleyan, on the SOUTH by the south property line of the lots facing north on Browning and on the WEST by Academy, plus a triangular area bounded on the NORTHWEST by Bissonnet, on the EAST by Academy, and. on the SOUTH by the south property line of those Lots f~*onting on Bissonnet. Lots in 1 and 2 will be considered for rezoning to allow use as Parks, with con- sideration to be given to the closing of the western terminus of Northwestern Street at Bissonnet.. Lots in 3 above, will be considered far re-zoning to allow use as business and pro- efrssional office buildings. Lots in 4 above, will be considered for rezoning to allow use as single-family resi- dential, townhouses, or cluster houses, with consideration to be given to the closing of Browning Street at Academy. The right to construct new or maintaim existing single-family residences on all of these lots would still be in effect, except and if an ordinance should be drawn creating park areas, in which case only use as a public park would b e allowed. Do any members of the Zoning and Planning Commission wish to add to this statement.. or present statements of their own?~ 4` Mr. Dahlias requested that all those speaking either 3n favor of or in opposi- tion of the consideration to rezone direct their comments to either Area l~ 2~ 3s or 1t. Motion by Mr. Dahlias, seconded by Mr. Bartholomew, that the following motion be extracted from the minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission of January 2~ 1973 and made apart of these minutes "Motion by Mr. Dahlias, seconded by Mr. Caldwell that the Zoning and Planning Commission hold a series of Public Hearings to consider plans for each of the peripheral areas identified on page 33 of the Caudill Rowlett Scott West University Place 1971 'Land Use and Circulation Plan and further defined 3n the letter dated November 9. 1972 to Mayor Jahn N~ Neighbors in preparation. of formal recom- mendations to be presented to the City Commissions Voting Aye:: A11 Voting No: None.' Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Chairman administered oath to all those in audience desiring to speak. The following are those speaking FOR rezoning: Mr. John Ruth re resentin his arents who live at ltllb Bissonnet: Complimen- ted Commission on time an service an s a e e oug goo zoning went hand 3.n hand with good property values and good government, and requested that the Commission give consideration to rezoning all property facing, on Bissonnet for townhouses and that he is for rezoning all areas as outlined in Notice to Prop- erty Owners. ~Ir. Hines: We cannot consider anything except what has been noted in the Public ot"R-`acs.. Mr. Bill Satterwhite, represeru~ing Mary U13xich,_l~019 Brown I have viewed the area and talked to thepeople who own t e props y direct across from the Eastern Star area. It has lost its utility. The traffic has become so heavy it is dangerous for children and animals. The increase of traffic is bad for single family dwellings. The Ullrichs are in favor of all four propositions. They feel it will increase their property values and it would b e in the best interest of West University Place and alI owners. Emil I~ubala, ~i011 Brownina: My property ad3oins the Ullrich property. I also feel the earns way about the heavy traffic. Townhouses would be very good for the area and that is what 1 would like to see done there. My neighbor feels that a cul-de-sac at the end of Browning Street would solve some of the traffic problems. I am for the rezoning of Area !~. Ro E. Cook attorne and real estate broker representing W. A. Horne, owner of Lots ~ ~ Block 2, Bissonnet Place. ~ z PUBLIC HEARING BY ZONING AND PLAN-' NINE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TUESI~A.~ JUNE Z~ 1973, TO CONSIDER FEASIBILITY AND ADVISABILITY OF RE-ZONING CAIN PROPERTY TO PERMIT USE OTHER THAN SINirLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL USE. .PROPERTY: Lots S &fi~ Block 2~ Bissonnet Place. Located: Southwest corner of intersection of Bis- sonnet and Wesleyan streets. OWNER: W. A. Horner represented by Roy E. Cook' r4 Attorney and Heal Estate Broker. TRAFFIC COUNTS: Bissonnet, approximately 15,oGo cars per day; Wesleyan, approximately 121 cars per day« SURROUAIDINGSs A,. fio the south - 3 1-story wood frame dwellings. B. To the west - 1-story brick Eastern Star Temple", for which building permit granted some years age. G. To the north,, across Bissonnet - Montclair Shopping Center", including Humble Station,.Gar Wash, Cleaners, Baskin-Robbins, large Weingarten Supermarket, and some 8 or 10 other retail stores. D. To the northeast, Nc~atercorner" - across intersection: Conoco Station, Woolco discount center, and some 6 to 8 other retail stores. PRESENTLY ZONED: Single family residential. RESULTS OF EE'FORTS TO SELL: .~. No one interested in property far zoned use. B. Offered to builder of townhouses opposite Trunkline Gas building but no interest there. They said: "Too heavy traffic intersection, back-up traffic on lights make impossible to get in or out, surroundings net con- ~ ducive to townhouse development, property not properly shaped, and too shellow depth." ~ C. Very great interest on part of prospective purchasers for commercial use. Sum- ~ wary: Owner has he]d property since 19l~6, paying taxes thereon. There have been ~ commercial developments around perimeter for many years, on Kirby, end an Bissonnet; V also University and Rice Blvds. In more recent years, Gity has permitted construc- t/ Lion of non-residential on ad3oining prnperty (Eastern Star Temple); City has per- mitted construction of non-residential on Stella Link opposite Cellar Door, with 2-story retail and. office building. Owner feels he should be permitted to develop property to highest and best use. Glenn Eason, 5620 Wesleyan: My old house should come down. The Eastern Star has meetings once each week and they have scheduled other meetings until there seems to be a meeting every evening. It is pretty quiet until they start to clean up from a meal and then the clatter of the garbage cans wakes to dogs and me and it sometimes gets loud. The traffic is getting terrible.: Lots of traffic comes off Wesleyan down Browning to miss the light at Wesleyan and Bissonnet and recently ~No Parking" signs have been installed on one side of Browning. I have had my car hit three times by ears coming into Browning from Wesleyan. I am for the re- zoning in Area 3 and !~, and I am for closing one Browning at Academy, even if nothing is rezoned. J. E. Metz, 3817 Sunset: Area 1. We have Woolco in ..front of us. There are only five houses on this short street. Auto`mabiles run straight through and then have to stop, back and turn around. We are against a park for Area 1 and would like for the Commission to consider rezoning our properties for townhouses. George S. Stillmant 1107 Coleridge:, What are cluster houses? Mr. Hines: They are essentially the same as townhouses. .The concept of cluster houses is they share a common wall, but can face different directions and share common yards, but be definable as separate pieces of property. Mr. Stillman: Do we have proper building codes in West University Place ,to keep that type construction from developing into poorly constructed houses. Mr. Hines Yes, the fire Cade requirements take care of most of it. Mr. Weatherby to Mr. Cook: We want to assure ynu that no commercial or retail business is under consideration. Mrs. Madona Self l~O11 Arnold: I am interested in`>the cluster house arrangement. at square footage wou d each unit have? And what would keep them from being a motel type construction. Mr. John Grebe eakin for Residents Assocation: The Residents Association maintains the only solution in to support only a residential solution in the problem areas. We commend you for considering some areas for parks. Area 3 you are considering for business and professional office buildings.. We do not feel that business and professional categorization is the solution. What if the busi- ness and professional office building area fails? The high traffic count. would be increased. We believe the utilization, of the land is going to change. Because of the gasoline shortage people who have moved out into the "country" are going to be returning and looking for places to build homes. I think the Group 3 area is an area which will change. I bought a house on Buffalo Speedway and I have children. The traffic w3.11 prob- ably increase there but this is something we have to live with and feel it is much better than fighting the freeways. I think there will be enough other people who will come into the city and make a compromise with the traffic. Mr. Dahlin: Area requirements would be incorporated into an ordinance. creating the cluster house or townhouse areas and"would set a minimum square foot. That would not be done at this time but if and when areas are rezoned. There seems to be a lot of office buildings in Houston which are vacant. Small. office buildings cannot compete with the large hi-rise buildings which will leave the small ones vacant and a high percentage of turn over. We favor a residential solution to problems and an analysis, of the petition we presented to the Commission shows that most .citizens.. are against business and professional category. The following are those speaking AGAINST the rezoning. Leo Rubenstein owner of Block 1 Colle eview 3rd Addition: Area 1. I support consideration for rezoning Areas 2, 3, and However I am against the con- sideration to rezone Block 1~ Colle~eview 3rd which has been designated as a park. I feel the property would be better put to use than a park for the apart- ment dwellers across the street. $ could be used for commercial buildings. There are commercial activities be- hind closed doors in West University Place, This should be allowed commercial if not that then multiple dwelling or townhouses. Mrs. Rub Eubanks 3815 Sunset: I am against rezoning Area 1 for park and for rezoning the who a area inc uding the ~ houses across ft*.c~m Block 1' CV 3rd for townhouses or~cluster houses. Mr. Etter, r~resenting the Fraternal Home Association; Theee gentlemen,said they are not against the rezoning in any way but wanted to protest the closing of Browa~ing Street at Academy as this would increase the traffic problems coming out of their parking lot. They said the Association consists of three temples with an aggregate of 5~40q rr~mbers and the building is in use practically every night. They said they are "unalterably opposed to closing Browning at Academy, aIt would be suicidal to our organization and destroy the use of the Temple.e' C. H. Hotalen Jr. 38t?9 Sunset: Z face Block l Gollegeview 3rd .A,ddition. This property has on y been goo or growing weeds. I am against using it for park use. I have small children and Z have-never allowed them to play out there, The street is too busy for a park even for adults and recently cars even drive into the property from Bissonnet. It is not suitable for a park. 1 I have hopes my property will appreciate and be utilized for commercial purposes and I think this will have to be considered more and more in the future. More encroachment will be made from Houston for supportive activity for this city. It cannot continue to be an island in a metropolitan city. There are businesses in the city and no one seems to object to those and T feel certain selected properties could be dedicated to commercial, business and professional offices, enterprises on the peripheral. And it must come in the future because of the vary location of the city. I am against Area 1 being; rezoned for a park. I am not personally con- cerned with what would be on the other propositions. Jose Agulder, 3$03 Sunset: I am against Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition, being rezoned or a park unless a new category could be given and rezone all of~our prog- ~ erties along with Block 1. I am against closing of Northwestern Street. This ~ would send the flow of traffic to the southern end and make our exit very dangerous. ~ Mrs. Clara Beaver lives 6l~21 Sewanee owns rental ro ert ~t112 Judson: I am ~ ago nst any rezoning as state in Area 3 because we wou a to n sin West V University 'lace as that island in a bustling metropolis. W. R. Middleton 3936 Arnold: We have owned a homes in West University since 1.936. he dollars are chipping. away at the home owner and I would Like to see .that island maintained. We have our share of traffic on Wesleyan but we are staying where we are. Closing one street-only puts the traffic on another street and I do not think that is fair to the home owners. Ronald L. Hudnall 3011 ~tienb : I am opposing any business type area in Area 3. be ieve t ere is ess r fic there than on Buffalo Speedway. L. C. McCull 2615 Tan 1e : •I want to go on record in saying that the weather has ept many peop a away rom this meeting who are residents and involved in dollars, and cents and trying to protect their homes. We line one block from Kirby Drive. Up until four years ago, we had a deled restric- tion which ran out and we were unable to renew these restrictions and two businesses are now there where four beautiful homes were tarn dawn. Traffic and parked cars make this area untenable. They park in driveways and con- gest traffic. These are the people who work in the area.. We went to the~city officials and explained the situation and they agreed with us and we received along with four others an adjustment in our taxes because of the untenable situation, and also received a tax adjustment from the county. ~ has been rumored that West University needs extra money, but I think that whatever increase they receive will be off set by lowering of taxes in adjustments near commercial areas. It would cause more police and fire protection. When they build townhouses and cluster houses on narrow streets fire protection is nil. If it is not money you are talk- ing about Listen to the hearts of the people in this town who want?,to stay here in a home environment. J. A. Mueller re resentin his father who lives at l~027 Browni : I understand and sympathize with parking problems, but for the home owners. s it not possible for the Eastern Star to have an exit on Bissonnet? Mr. Etter: It~~would be physically possible but in view of traffic conditions that _~ exist now and will exist when Edloe overpass is opened, it would be suicidal to attempt to get into our parking area from Bissonnet. This location was picked for its accessibility from Wesleyan and Academy primarily. f Mr. Hines; At the present time, you do not have an exit or entrance from Bis- sonnet"f Mr• Etters Only from Browning. Mr« Hines to Mr. Etter: Do you own the triangular shaped property west of your parking lot? , Mr« Etter: Yes and have a 99 year lease from the City of West University Place on an undedicated: street through our property. Mr. Hines to Mr. Grebes Are you opposing only business and professional build- g~n"-s ~or all four? Mr. Gruber Apposing only Area 3 and commending for other areas. Motion by Mr« Weatherby seconded by I~r. Lipscomb, thatthe Zoning and Planning Commission will receive letters until July 9, 1973 from property owners in West University Place expressing their views on the properties as described in Notice to Property Owners and Notice of Public Hearing calling this Public Hearing for June ~! 1973, because the inclement weather may have kept some people from atten- ding the Hearing who other~rise would have done so and that these letters be in- corporated into the minutes and made apart thereof. Voting Ayes A11 Voting No: None Mr. McCully: I understand you have one more meeting. Mr. Hines: -Yes, a Public Hearing on June 12th. , Mr. McCully: Then you will make, recommendations to the City Commission? Mr. Hines Yes - a written recommendation. Mr. McCully then appealed to everyone at the Hearing to go~to any Hearings called by the City Commission and express their views. Mr. Dah1.3.n to Mrs. Eubanks Does any part of your opposition apply to Area 2? Mrs. Eubanks I am against Area 1 only. Mr. Dahlias Stated he wanted to advise that revenue raising has never been a cons~ation or discussion of the Zoning and Planning Commission. The following are letters received concerning the consideration to rezone areas under:-:discussion. eMay 23, 1973 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston,, Texas Gentlemen: 4 7 I have received your notification of Public Hearing on the 5th of June, 1973, but unfortunately, I will be on a vacation trip during that period. You will recall on the 3rd of October, 1972, my next door neighbor, Mr. Tamil Rubala and I appeared before the Commission informally to inquire of the possibility of building townhouses on our adjoining three lots. Needless to say, we are still interested in huilding townhouses and anxious to get started. ~" I would favorably support the idea of closing Browning Street from ~ through traffic at Academy Street, pravided a cul-de-sac is installed ~ in lieu of a steel i e barrier like the t eat Marlowe and Bissonnet. ~ p P f Yp V V The Eastern Star property forms an unuseable triangle shape which could afford ample area for a cul-de-sac and landscapable area sins- ported by the neighborhood. Enclosed is a print showing the possible installation of townhouses and a cul-de-sac for Browning Street. Respectfully your, /s/ J. L. Parish, J. L. Parish, A.I.A."` "May 34, 1973 5502 Auden, Houston, 5, Texas. W. University Zoning Committee, Mr. Gene Hines,. 37l~8 Rice Blvd. Houston, Texas Gentleman:. Re: Your notice of the Public Hearing on June 5, 1973, rezoning of the City of West University. I~fee3 the time is here for this change along Bissonnet. We purchased our home at 55(12 Auden, corner of Bissonnet in 1953, at that time Bissonnet was not paved, we were aware of the gasoline station across the street, activities there were quieter, after the paving of the street, as business increased the station required more large elec- trical equipment, rich are very noisy such as grease guns, fender straightening equipment, etc. We were promised less traffic after the completion of the Freeway,. but as you know that has increased many times, I felt this would happen, at the time the street was paved, was not in the favor of it but was told I could not stop progress, which I agreed, Houston will not sweep our side of Bissonnet, tell me they are not supposed to, when the gutter is swept Mr. Smith does this, all those diffi- culties plus not being able to get in and out of our driveway at _ _ ~~8 certain times of the day, without great difficulty along with insults from Motorist who do not care to pause a second, so that means we wait until, some kind Truck Driver lets us out, too paper from Woolco, beer cans bottles paper plates, many other such trash fills my yard, the latter thrown from ears passing. This in my mind has turned our home property into a commercial site, we are not able to sell as a one family dwelling on t~iis busy corner. I am for the change as quick as possible. Sincerely, /s/ George D. Smith George D. Smith" "June 7, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University 38~ University Blvd. Houston, (West University), Texas Gentlemens. This is in response to your motion of June 5 soliciting.letters regarding rezoning proposals. I am representing my father, Mr. A. T. Muller, who is a homeowner at 11427 Browning Street which is in category four (li) of your proposed Zoning changes. Mr. Muller would like to go on record as favoring the rezoning of category (4) including the closing of Browning Street at Academy. The argument of Eastern Star for a desire to route all of their park- ing traffic into Browning Street holds scant validity compared to the imposition forced on home owners on Browning. Eastern .Star's problem could be solved by opening an entrance and exit on Bissan- net Street, which is no more dangerous than proceeding to Academy and then entering Bissonnet as .is done at present. We take no strong position on the other categories except to favor following the wishes of the homeowners immediately concerned. It appeared that Tuesday night the homeowners in category (3) without exception favored the rezoning as prnposed, while the opponents all were residents from distant locations as far away as Kirby Diive. ©ne might wonder if the opponents would take their same positions if they were personally affected as is the owner of the property at Bissonnet and Weslayan who has been unable to sell or develop under existing restrictions. Finally, I would like to compliment your Commission on its fair and thorough investigation and hearing. Sincerely, /s/ J. A. Muller J. A. Muller" ~~`; June 6, 1973 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 7?005 Gentlemen: $ was impossible for me to attend the public hearing which you called on June ,~, 1973. ~ I own all of .Lot '1, Block 1$, in the Colonial Terrace Addition. CV ~p This lot is triangular in shape and is bounded by Bissonnet on ~'j the northwest, by Marlowe Street on the south and by Lot 2 on the V east. It is my understanding that you are considering: rezoning V all of the other-lots in this block fronting Bissonnet~so as to allow single family residences, townhouses or cluster houses. I respectfully request that you include my property in this rezoning proposal, as I do not think it would be fair to rezone the rest of the lots fronting on Bissonnet without including my property. I will appreciate your consideration. Very truly yours, /s/ Ines Munn Mrs. Inez :Munn 4130 Marlowe Houston, Texas 77a05~ June 6~ 1973 The Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Texas 77005 Gentlemen: Recognizing there is now a necessity to rezone certain periphery areas of the City of West University we wish to confirm and state clearly our feelings on the amendments proposed at the hearing on June 5, 1973. Speaking for Item 1 on the notice to interested property owners: We feel we must speak against the proposal as stated, namely, to make a park out of Black 1 Collegeview 3rd Addition. Because of the businesses directly located across Bissonnet and facing our property, the apartments under construction at the intersection of Law and Bissonnet plus the anticipated increases-:in traffic on Bissonnet caused by the Edloe overpass a park would be unsuitable and impractical. It is our belief that this property namely Block 1 Collegeview 3rd Addition and the properties facing this area namely Block 2 Col- legeview 3rd Addition and on which there is at the present time ~° five single-family residences, should be recommended for rezoning as follows: "To allow use as single-family residential, townhouses ar cluster houses'. We are against rezoning Block l unless Block 2 is included and then only specifically as stated above. TtiTe feel that the above type dwerl- lings would enhance the area and yet be fair to the residents of the 3800 block of Sunset who have born heavy traffic and many incvnven- iences caused by the business area that has sprung up in the immedi- ate area. We urge you to make a physical inspection of this area at Sunset and Bissonnet at both the peak and low periods of traffic so that you might fully understand the reasons for our recommendation. /s/ Mrs, H. E. Eubanks, Sr. 3815 Sunset Blvd. ,~s/ Mz~s Ruby`F. Jeffries 3819 Sunset Blvd. /s/ Mr. Jose Faguildes 3803 Sunset Blvd, /s/ J. E. Metz 3817 Sunset Blvd. /s/ May D. Metz 3$17 Sunset Blvd." "620 Georgetown Street Houston, Texas 7700 May 31, 1973 City Zoning & Planning Commission West University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 775 Gentlemenx I::have now completed attendance at all of the public hearings held tea date in 1973 regarding the problem of what to do about vacant peripheral land in West University Place. There is high probability that I will be away for the remaining hearings; however, since I have taken the oath as a prerequisite to being heard, I do want to go on record re- garding this important problem. I am against townhouses or professional office use because: (a) The overwhelming majority of the people say loudly, "No1". (b) Almost without exception, the "Yes" group are landowners real estate agent, professional urban planner, or architect, ail of wham co~xld or would stand to reap some direct one- time gain. from rezoning to townhouse/professional use. Consequently, their endorsement cannot be considered purely objective despite the best of intentions. The few who stand to gain would da so at the very high cost of inflicting substantial loss to many, or all, o:`' us within our city. (c) There seems to be a feeling expressed that dust because townhouses have seemed to work well along Bissonnet Street, they have proved their worth for use elsewhere along the _> periphery We really have not witnessed the long term ~~~ effect of high-density townhouse dwellings in our city.. Once the newness wears off and the fashion goes out of style, they can indeed become a high-density problem. Furthermore, it has been .pointed out by many at our hearings, that property adjacent to the periphery elsewhere is not necessarily the same as Wroxton Road. There is much to be said in ask- ing ourselves how will it look, and be, after we make the change as proposed and under discussion? It is not difficult to propose an arrange- ment of high-density housing to accommodate to a high traffic artery. But the problem is bigger than that and it has-two faces.. Unfortunately the other face, i.e., the next line of defense within the periphery always seems to end up with "egg on it". When this happens, the prob- lem is not solved, it is dust moved further inside the city. f~ ~ May I suggest and request that we try to find ways and means of making these unused lands public and openly beautiful. They will then serve ~ to be our barrier and first line of defenses add imfneasurably to the ~ overall value of the property within our city and put to rest once and V for all the speculation that feeds an the slightest chance of restruct- uring and watering down our rigid restr~etions. Sincerely yours /s/ Charles A Gillan C. A. Gillan CAG:rr/bc CC: Office of the Mayor City of West .University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005l~ "June 7, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen: REz REZO1~'ING OF WEST UTIIVEPSITY PROPERTY AS OUTLINED IN YtUR LETTER 5/19/?3 & DISCUSSED AT ~~2~~~'ING 6/5/73. My home is located at 3935 Arnold, which is on the corner of Arnold and Wesleyan Streets. This letter is to advise you that r.~e wish to go on record as being AGAINST: Rezoning of property described as: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Block 2, Bissonnet Place Addition, to allow use as business and professional office buildings. The reason we are against this rezoning is because we live within 100 feet of this area, any: to have office buildings this close would increase the already unbearable traffic load on Wesleyan. Also, it would naturally follow that persons working in these buildings would be parking in front of our home throughout the day and night. ~t) We are also AGAINST: Rezoning Lots 1, 2~ 3, lt, ~: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in Block 3 of Bissonnet Place Addition and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in Block 18 Colonial Terrace Addition. We live within 50 feet of this part of the area. Rezoning this area for cluster houses and townhouses would triple the number of people living in an area originally planned as one-family residences. Increasing the number of people in an area would also increase the number of automobiles. Again this would increase the traffic flow on the already overburdened Wesleyan Street. We chose this property for our home over 30 years ago because we did not want to live next to apartments and business's and we do not want it to change. Though the traffic flow along the side of our home on Wesleyan Street is extremely bad now, it is nothing compared to what it could become if office buildings and apartments are allowed to move into an area not planned for this usage. We attended the meeting the evening of June 5th (in a driving rainstorm) to express our views, and we certainly want to be informed of each and every meeting scheduled to discuss any changes to this area. Yours very truly, /s/ Mrs. Hannah Hershey Mrs. Hannash Hershey" These letters received after Public Hearing on June 5~ 1973 and made apart of these minutes in accordance with motion above: "3102 Sunset Blvd. Houston Texas 7700 June 15, 1973 The Zoning & Planning Commission West University Place Dear Sirs We are absolutely opposed to any re-zoning. of the periphery areas in West University Place for commercial purposes.. We feel only owner- occupied single family dwellings and green spaces for recreation are acceptable. West University Place is a delightful place to live; don't spoil it by submitting to commercial interests and pressures. Yours sincerelys /s/ Bridget Bertholon /s/ J. C. Berthalon" ~~, "June Ili, 1973 Zoning and Planning Commission 3800 University Blvd. City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemens My wife and I reside at 393b Arnold, corner of Arnold -and Wesleyan Streets, and have owned our home at this location since 191tb. We wish to urge the Commission to recommend against amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit the closing of Browning Street at Academy, to permit townhouses or ~' cluster houses to be built, or to permit any property to be used for ~ business or professional buildings. ~ We do not consider lots in Areas No. 1 and No. 2 to be suitable for use U (,> as parks due to their proximity to heavily congested traffic. We have always liked West University Place es a city of single family individual dwellings and strongly object to the nibbling at the fringes by selfish business interests. Very truly yours, /s/ W. A. Middleton, Jr. /s/ Mrs. W. A. Middleton, Jr." "l~032 Arnold 5t. - Houston, Texas June 18, 1973 Dear Clara Alice Beaver, I did not get to attend the meeting June 6 because of the weather. I dressed to go but decided against it. I wish to express my desire to keep West University Place as it is. This is the most desirable thing about our community. My husband, two children and I moved into this house in Feb. 19t~b. Now my children are married and my husband is dead. I live alone but I do not wish to leave my home. Ism so afraid I will not be able to live here if business goes in all around me. I think this is not a selfish desire. I think it is people who have plans for their own pockets who wish to change West University Place. Ism sending $10.00 to help get our message across. Sincerely, /s/ Mrs. Arthur Sweet" "June 19, 1973 Dear Zoning Commission, For almost 30 years we have been satisfied homeowners in West Univer- ~~. sity Place. We are Apposed at this time to the rezoning and are in favor of single dwelling, one-family residences as we have had in the past. We also object to having business places or recreation places moved from Bellaire Blvd. into the residential area. Sincerely yours, /s/ Mrs. C. E. Alders /s/ C. E. Alders "June 20, 19?3 Houston, Texas Planning and Zoning Commission 3$00 University Blvd. Houston, Texas ??005 Ta whom it may concern: In view of facts as I interpret the new zoning for West University Place, I can only see that this would serve for the best interest of our Commu- nity. I feel that Medical Bldg. and Professional Bldg. would only be to the interest of all persons living in West University Place. We have Np Medical Bldg. which I feel is badly .needed, so that doctors would some into our community. I feel very strongly that we need more doctors and this will be some help in getting them in here. I feel this is a need for the whole City of West University Place: and adjoining additions. As for townhouses, and cluster houses I am thinking of the beauty, plus taxes for West University Place. Taxes are badly needed at City Hall. There I vote for the new Zoning and Planning. I have attended the meet- ings. Yours truly, /s/ Mrs. Zelda Finch lt00$ Coleridge Houston, Tex. ??005 s3219 Robinhoad Houston, 77005 June 20, 1973 The Zoning & Planning Commission West University Place City Hall 3800 University Blvd. Houston, ??005 Dear Sirsz I read in the Southwestern Arg~as that you welcome comments before your next meeting. I surely hope that you do nothing to spoil West University Place as a wonderful place to live. I have been living here almost .six years and it makes me sick to see how the section nearest Kirby Drive has deteri- ~' orated since more and more businesses are going up on that street. I can understand why the residents on some of those streets wanted them blocked. Also, on Bissonnet~ I thought .the townhouses were OK, but now they are building new ones with those horrid garages in front. They don't look like homes and they do not have nice yards. If townhouses are to be permitted, there should be stringent regulations to keep the homelike atmosphere of West University Place. And the building code should be strict too. I watched those townhouses being built and I wondered what would happen to them if one caught fire. I lived in two .row houses in Philiadelphia and there were thick,, solid walls between each unit -- not so here. As for apartment buildings, I don't think they belong in a single-home ~ residential area. ~ I:~have always observed that when one relaxes regulations, it isn't long V before more and more regulations must be retracted. anal things change more and more rapidly. You know .the proverb about offering a finger, and then discovering before you. know that your arm has been seized. So I beg you to keep West University f'Iace's unique character. It is a wonderful place to live and I have been .impressed in the.past by the excellent work and attitude of our city coun+~l. Yours truly, /e/ Marie ROSE Rommel' "June 22, 1973 To whom..;it may concern: As a resident family of West.. University for 7 years, and soon to be home-owners, we would like to go on record as being against rezoning to allow business, apartments, townhouses, cluster houses, etc. to be built. in or on any edges of West. University Place. We want to keep Vest University a residential area. Of course, we do. approve use of land for parks for children to play. Sincerely, /s/ Mr. and Mrs. Don Davis lt120 Southwestern Houston, Texas 77005n "June 22, 19?3 Zoning and Planning Commission West University Place Gentlemen: Concerning peripheral land use, in West University: one of the most desirable features of our neighborhood, sitting here in the center of "un-zoned Houston", is it's strict zoning laws. They not only con- tribute to it's continued Family Atmosphere, they. are a mayor reason for it's continued popularity with home-buyers who prefer a close-in location. .~.[ ~ For this reason we feel our peripheral land should be zoned for con trolled townhouses and/or cluster houses. It has already proved it- self as a superior solution tv a sticky problem on Bissonnet. Many thanks to an efficient government for all you~ve done to keep West University a wonderful place to live. Sincerely yours, /s/-Linda and Pat Whitworth W. P. Whitworth, Jr. 5lt1~- Buffalo Spdwy." "June 20: 1973 The Zoning & Planning Commission, West University Place, Houston, Texas Sirs:: I am definitely opposed to the rezoning proposals along Bissonnet Street. I think we should maintain West University as a residential area. Sincerely yours, /s/ Mrs. A. L. Ideyland 3937 Coleridge St. Houston, Texas 77©05a Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to close the Public Hearing. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried to recess at 9x55 p.m. until June 12~ 1973 at 7:3~ p.m. ,,~~~- hairman Attest: -~------ ~~t _ Secretary _ r" These letters received after Public Hearing on June 5, 1973 and made apart of these minutes in accordance with motion above: "Zoning Commission Dear Sirs: I am in favor of remaining peripheral Land be used for single family dwellings and green park spaces an1y. Thank you. Very respectfully, /s/ Mrs. Lee E. Bentz 6531 Westchester" '-61~20 Sewanee, Houston June 25, 1973 Zoning and Planning Comm. W. tb P. City Hall 3800 West Univ. Blvd. Houston, Texas, 77005 Dear Sirs: As a widow of retirement age, living alone, I am grateful for the fine police and fire protection in this area. T appreciated having my house and garage inspected by the fire dept. representative; and T have appre- ciated the instant response of the police for the few small matters upon which I had occasion to call them. I hope West University can remain a quiet residential section, and kept clean from Bans, bottles and other rubbish, and T hope that noise,, the ltth pollution, will continue to receive its share of attention. T see no objee.tion to townhouses where suitable sites exist; I see no objection to banks, medical clinic buildings and legitimate like enter prises being built on the borders of this town. May T make a plea at this time for more protection for citizens like myself from unscrupulous builders and repair men. Cannot the inspector judge beforehand if work seems fair and reasonable, suitable materials used etc ~ Recently T had a porch enclosed. Th~_~door is an inside door, not for outside use; the finish began to deteriorate shortly after its installation. Tt does not fit well; and can be seen through. at both sides of the door, and my friends tell me that a new floor should have preceded the other work, The carpenter was not even going to install any insulation until a friend called it to my attention. Flies come in around the. flimsy screens, the corners are poorly joined and nothing can be done because it wasp't written in the contract? Most citizens are not aware of the tech-;~.icalities that need to be put in writing. Sincerely yours, /s/ Lexie Hozlett'" "June 25, 1973 I am strickly for one family dwellings. /s/ Max A. Lang 6512 Westchester" "Lets keep one Family dwellings in West Univ. Place. Thats what makes a great community.. Sincerely, /s/ Mrs. M. A. Lang 6542 Westchester" "Mrs. H. Elson 5616 Wesleyan Houston, Texas 77006 June 2$, 1973 Block 2 Bissonnet Place Addition Lot $. , To The Zoning & Planning Commission. I just wish to state that my views on rezoning are the same as my neighbors Mr. Eason and Dr. Diamonon that it should go commercial. /s/ Hannah Elson" "June 26, 1973 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place Houston, Texas Dear Sirs, We are in favor oi" single family dwellings and park areas. ~~e are bitterly opposed to Professional Bldgs. and Office F~ldgs. or any commercial enterprises. We have been happy home .owners of West University Place for more than 32 years. Please don't make us have to sell our home after all these years. Sincerely, /s/ Mrs. i~ralter T. Bennett /s/ W''alter Bennett" TMHouston, Texas, June 2$, 1973 Mayor Don E. Harris and Members of the City Commission Planning and Zoning Committee: Gentlemen: Mrs. Reiney and I have given a great deal of consideration to the prop- osition of re-zoning certain Kirby and Lake Streets property suggested by the Committee for Planning and Zoning in a meeting of property owners on May 29, 1973. 1Veedless to say. we are very much opposed to any change in the present zoning regulations. There are several reasons for our decision which we will outline herein. Traffic is almost unbearable without the addition of townhouse traffic on Kirby. E~ccupant cars, one or more, plus those of visitors would further congest traffic and parking.. Wirth regard tp parking, the streets in the vicinity are very narrow, approximately 28 feet, and Littered with cars, some of which are owners, others we are informed working people in stores located in the village business area. Of all the people attending the meeting refered to above, there were only three (3) owners present in favor of re-zoning Kirby. One of those did not want any change but would accept townhouses. The other two owned property they were desirous of duping probably at inflated prices. The owners of vacant property purchased were well aware of zoning regulations thinking probably that some years later zoning regulations would be broken and the property sold as commercial for large profits. As far as we are concerned those prople will have to make the best of a bad business venture. Recently a home was sold on Kirby and a new one was constructed a year or so ago. We investigated the townhouses on Bissonnet which were bitterly pro=_; tested by property owners in the vicinity, and ascertained some had been sold, some rented aid others remaining for sale. If these town'.- houses cannot be all sold with the nice view across the street, Trans- continental Pipe Line Company and Coca-Cola Bottling Company, both of which are attractive buildings and well kept lawns, how in the name of heaven do you think townhouses an Kirby fronting three service stations, Jack-3.n-the-Box hamburger stand, etc. could be sold. In all probability some would end up as rent houses with very undesirable occupants. As you no doubt know there are several exotic or 'topless" lounges in the City of Houston bordering our city and those type of people are always looking for such desirable locations. With regard to townhouses on Bissonnet we have been advised lawns in the rear of same have become lakes after fairly heavy rains, which condition did not exist prior- . to construction of the townhouses, mainly due to non-adherence to specifications. with regard to Lake Street, an~r changes in zoning whatsoever would be most stupid. Fordham Street would then be considered peripheral prop- erty probably subject to re-zoning at some later date. Assuming the zoning laws were enacted by vote of property owners in West University Place, it would seem any change to be made therein should also rest with the affirmative vote of property owners of our city. We have been advised zoning ordinances adopted by other cities have been so enacted. Is t:hPre any provision in the regulatior~ that permits the city administration to re-zone property without the affirm- ative vote of all property owners of West University Place? It would appear this decision or interpretation has been made only by the last two administrations. You gentlemen live well within the city boundaries and are not affected by re-zoning; however should the occasion arise.. we do not believe there is one of you that would willfully permit the construction of townhouses on property adjoining your homes. Why not give the same consideration to home owners on Kirby and Lakel ~'e do not believe you could with a clear conscience ignore the pleas of owners who purchased. their homes under the protection of our rigid zoning regulations and re-zane Kirby and/or Lake street in (aver of a few disgruntled people interested only in dumping lots now zoned for one-family homesites. Finally, we implore you to consider all aspects of problem in question, the quiet, peaceful and harmonious home life on Lake Street and not make a second mistake of re-zoning either side of Lake Street or Kirby Drive for townhouses. If you are really serious about improving our City, why not give the matter of excessive parking on the narrow streets of `Vest University place. When cars a.re narked across For~lham Street from my home it becomes necessary to cross portion of my lawn when backing out of my driveway to avoid collision- with the parked car. People in nurr~~°QUs instances utilized their garages for purposes other than for housing their car and park cars on the street. Often there is sufficient space for parking one, two or more cars on their own driveways, but due to the inconvenience of moving car or cars to permit the removal of ear to be driven, park on the City streets. Possibly the parking ordinance could be amended to provide penalty for parking on the street in such instances. Yours very truly, /s/ William R. R.einey /s/ Leatha Feiney kddress: b015 Fordham Street" t~ dune 6, 1973 The Zoning and Planning Commission Gity of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Texas ?7405 Gentlemen: Recognizing there is now a necessity to rezone certain periphery areas of the City of West University we wish to confirm and state clearly our feelings on the amendments proposed at the hearing on J."une 5, 1973. Speaking for Item 1 on the notice to interested property owners: We feel we must speak against the pro~,osal as stated, namely, to make a park out of Block 1 Collegeview 3rd Addition. Because of the busi- ness directly located across Bissonnet and facing .our property, the apartments under construction at the intersection of Law and Bisson- net ?plus the anticipated increase in traffic on Bissonnet caused by the Edloe overpass a park would be unsuitable and. impractical. It is our belief that this property namely Block 1 Collegeview 3rd Addition and the properties facing this area namely, Block 2 Gollegeview 3rd Addition and on which there is at the present time five single,.-family residences, should be recommended for rezoning as follows: KTo allow use as single-family residential, townhouses or cluster houses~~ . kte are against rezoning Block 1 unless Block 2 is included and then only spe- cifically as stated above. 'uJe feel that the above type dwellings would enhance the area and yet be fair to the residents of the 3800 block of Sunset who have born heavy traffic and many inconveniences caused by the business area that has sprung up ~:n the immediate area. We urge you to make a physical inspection of this area at Sunset and Bissonnet at both the peak and low periods of traffic so that you might fully understand the reasons for our recommendation. Sincerely, /s/ C;,.H. Hotalen Jr.'~ "3737 Robinhood Houston, Texas July 3, 1973 Zoning and Planning Commission West University Place City Hall 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen: I wish for you to consider this letter as my opinion against any further rezoning of any land, peripheral or otherwise, located in the City of tiJ'est University Place. I am completely in favor of single-dwelling houses and/or parks far the few remaining unused lots, and most certainly would not ever be in favor of re- zoning any of this property for use as office buildings, medical clinics, banks, or any other commercial businesses. My husband and I had lived in Houston far twenty years prior to being transfer- red to another city. When my husband retired we returned to Houston to retire and we waited an entire year to move back because we wanted only to live in West University Place. The reasons for this wait was because we' wanted to live in this beautiful, quiet, exclusively residential community. We have seen what the encroachment of businesses has done to many other residential areas of Houston, and are aware of what happens to the value of property and to the contentment of family living within a neighborhood. Therefore, it is not my desire to see this corrumznity spoiled for the rearing of faYnilies nor the contentment of retire- ment by the rezoning for business. Thank you very much for any consideration this letter might af~'ord you in your decision on this matter. Very truly yours, /s/ Mrs. James A. Thomason Mrs. James A. Thompson 3737 ~Robinhood" w37i~2 Rabinhood Houston, Texas July. 2, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission West University Place City Hall 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen: Please include two more votes against any further rezoning of any land, periph- eral or otherwise, located in the City of West University Place. We are in fa- vor of single-dwelling houses and/or parks for the few remaining unused lots, and most certainly would never be in favor of rezoning any property for use as an office building,: clinic, bank, or any other .commercial business. We have enjoyed living in '+~est University Place since 1955, and selected our home in this area for the simple reason that it was a quiet exclusively residen- tial community. We experienced the encroachment of business and commercial establishments during our previous ].l~ years residence in the City of Houston, and know what it will do to oroperty values, to say nothing of the peace and quiet of the neighborhood. Therefore, we have no desire to ga through that again, and strongly urge that no zoning for any commercial use whatever be per- ,, mined in our city. We I;ave the best community in the entire Greater Houston area in which to live, whether to rear our children or to enjoy our retirement. Lets keep it that way. Very truly yours, /s/ W. G. Steed Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Steed 3712 Robinhood" 'July 7, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place 3$00 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen: R ~: REZONING OF ~~'E'ST UNIVEF.SITY PROPERTY AS OUTLINED IN YOUR L~'TTFR 5-19-73 & DISCUSSE"Ik AT HEFTING 6-5-73 Our home is located at 3936 Arnold, which is on the corner of Arnold and Weslayan.Streets. This letter is to advise you that we wish to go on record as being AGAI~'ST: Rezoning of property described asp: Lots ~, 6, 7, $, 9, Block 2, Bissonnet Place Addition, to allow use as business and professional office buildings. The reason we are against this rezoning is because we live within 100 feet of this area, and to have office buildings this close would increase the already unbearable traffic load on Weslayan. Also, it would naturally follow that persons working in these buildings would be parking in front of 0 i our home throughout the day and night. We are also ACuAINST: Rezoning Lots 1, 2,`3, !~, ~, 6, 7, u, 9, 10 in Block 3 of Bissonnet Place Addition and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in Block 1H Colonial Terrace Addition. r We live within 50 feet of this Hart of the area. Rezoning this area for cluster houses and townhouses would triply the number of people living in an area origin- ally planned as one-family residences. Increasing the number of people in an area would also increase the number of automobiles. Aain this would increase the traffic flow on the already overburdened Wesleyan Street. We chose this property for our home over 27,years ago because we did not want to live next to apartments and businesses, and we do not want it to change. Though the traffic flow alon the side of our home on Wesleyan Street is ex-~ tremely bad now, it is nothing compared to wtzat it could become 3.f office build- ings and apartments are allowed to move into an area not planned. for this usage. fi~n`e attended the meeting the evening of June ~'tii~:.(in a driving rainstorm) to express our views, and we certainly want to be informed of each and every meeting scheduled to discuss ari~y changes to this area. Very truly yours, /s/ iRr. and Mrs. 1rJ. A. N~iddleton, Jr.'~ "July 9, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen:: R~: ?~BZO1~ITtG CAF T~~'ST Ui~TIVER>TTY PROPERTY A~ OUTL3N~D ZN YOUR L='TTEP. ~-19-73 2c LISCUSSED AT M~'ETIN": 6-5-73 My home is located at 3925 Arnold, and this letter is to advise you that we wish to go on record as being AGAINST: Rezoning of property described. as: Lots ~, 6, 7, S, 9, Block 2, Bissonnet Place Addition, to allow use as business and professional office buildings. u To have office buildings this close would increase the already unbearable traf- fic load on v~'eslayan. Also, it would naturally f o11ow that persons working in these buildings would be parking in front of our home throughout the day and night. Gv`e are also AGAINST: Rezoning hots 1, 2, 3, ~, 5, b, 7, 8, 9, 10 in Block 3 of Bissonnet Place Addition and Lots 9, 10, 11, 12 in Block 18 Colonial Terrace Addition. We live only a little mere than 50 feet from this area. Rezoning this area for cluster houses and townhouses would triple the number of s~eople living in an area originally planned as single-family residences. Increasing the number of people we~uld also increase the number of automobiles. Again this would increase the traffic flow on the already overburdened ~r;esla.yan Street. 'The traffic floes on Weslayan Street now is extremely bad but nothing compared to what it could become if office buildings and apartments are allowed. to move int; an area not planned for this usage. in~e wish to urge the Com~r-ission to recommend: against amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit the closing of Browning Street at Academy, to permit town- houses or cluster hcuses to be built, or to permit any property to be used for business or professional buildings. Tate chose this property for our home over 3© years ago because we did not want to live next to apartments and business and professional office buildings. 6~dTe certainly want to be informed. of each. and every meeting scheduledto discuss arty changes to this .area. Very truly yours, JsI ytrs. John H. Bryan Mrs. John H. Bryan I am sorry this letter wi11 reach you shortly after July 9, but I have been out of town and have just returned. ~dil1 greatly appreciate your considerati.on." 1