HomeMy WebLinkAbout05291973 ZPC Minutes~~ ~I/,~ SPECIAL MEETING Z4NING AND PLANNING C4Mt~IS5I4N MAY 29s 1973 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened. in special session at the Community Building, 6iC~t Auden, Tuesday, May 29, 1973, 7:45 p.m., with the following members presents .Chairman Hines, presiding; Members Bartholomew, Dahlin, Lipscomb and Weatherby. The special meeting was called to order by the Chairman. Motion was duly made, seconded and carried, to open the Public Hearing called for this time for consideration of rezoning the hereinafter described properness Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas Lots 1, 2, 3, lt, :~, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1.0,, 11, 12, 13, ]lt, 15, 16, 17, 18, Block 10, Virg~.nia Court Addition, as originally platted, City of West University ,Place, Texas Lots 1, 2, 3~ b, 5, 6, 7~ 8, 9, 14, 11, 12, 13, 11.t, 15, 16, Block 5, Virginia Court Addition, as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas Lots 1, 2, 3, '!~, ,~, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, Block 9, Preston Place Addition, or originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas Lots 1, 2, 3, Lt, 5, Block 5, Preston. Place Addition, as originally platted, City of West University Place, Texas Lots 1, 2, 3, Block !t, fiangley Terrace Addition, as originally p2attted, City of West University Place, Texas Tract 6, .1~9~ Acs., Abstract 61, A. C. Reynolds Survey, 120 ft. x 180 ft., fronting on Kirby Drive The Chairman introduced each member of the Zt~ning and Planning Commission who identified themselves and stated where they 7.ived in the city. The procedure to be followed was outlinedby the Chairman. ~'~ ~:~ The Chairman aeacertained from the secretary that Notice of Public Hearing was published in The Houston Chronicle on May 12, 1973 and letter dated Nlay 11, 1g73 was mailed to property owners within 20t) ft. of properties to be considered. The following is an introductory statement from the Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Commissions- 'Tonight's Public Hearing is the first in a second series of hearings concerning the peripheral land uses in certain areas of the City ®f West University Place, Texas. For those of you who were not in attendance at one of the three hearings held during the month of February, 19?3 a brief review of what brings us together tonight might be helpful and/or informative. ~`+ ~ In January! 1971 the 1971-72 City Comrni.ssion charged the then Zoning and Planning ~ C'ommission with the responsibility,in addition to its normal duties, of closely ~ examining the current land uses and zoning in the city, with particular emphasis _"'~ to be placed on the peripheral areas of the city and after such examination to ~ make recommendations to the City Commission related to their findings. The firm of Caudill Rowlett Scott was engaged by the City Commission, upon the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission, to conduct a land use survey and relating their findings to other factors, among them the changes in areas surrounding West University Place, traffic flow in and around our city, general patterns of development and change within the city and then prepare a report of their findings and recommendations concerning them. 'Zhe primary purpose of the report was to provide the Zoning and Planning Commission with a tool to be used. by them to help arrive at tentative recommendations for change, if any, concerning the city. Zn the course of time of preparation. of the report, applications were received requesting consideration of changes in certain areas, but it was the feeling of the Zoning and Planning Gommission that no piece-meal changes should be considered until a comprehensive analysis could be made. The above mentioned report from Caudill Rowlett Scott entitled CITY OF WEST U~tI-' VERSITY PLACE 1971 LAND USE AND CIRCULATION PLAN was accepted by the City Commis- . sign about ],5_months ago and since that time has been available for use at the City Hall and has been on sale for those who wished to purchase a copy. With the aid of the CRS study, the Zoning and Planning Gommission devoted a year to studying land uses with emphasis en peripheral areas. We did not then, and do not now seek changes as goals, but wish to maintain the city as we know it, to reinforce its strong points and hopefully to re-direct trends which could result in future problem areas, and it is our tentative belief that to meet these ob~ae- fives, some zoning changes might be desirable. A brief review of the sequence of events following tonight's hearings follows. After hearing each other speak to the issues, the Zoning and Planning Commission can take two basic courses of action, neither of which will be done tonight.: 1. Notify the City Commission that after the public hearing no action will be taken to recommend pursuing .the matters being discussed, or, 2. Recommend to the City Commission that a portion of, or all the items considered tonight be considered by the City Gommission. The City Commission can, in the event the latter recommendation is made, take twao courses of action, as i understand it: 1. Review the recommendation and re~eCt it, or, 2. Accept the recommendation and, as required by state statute concerning changes in zoning, call a puba.ic hearing for their review of the recommendations. This public hearing by the City Gommission is held ~.ointly with the Zoning and Planning Gommission. At its conclusion the Zoning and Planning Commission can either vote to rescind or modify their original recommendation or vote to affirm their previous action. Depending on the action so taken by the Zoning and Planning Gommissions the Gity Commission can then, or at a later date, vote to reject the recommendation or ve~te to accept it and call for the drafting of an ordinance amending the existing or- dinanee to effect the change or changes. 5a much for the procedure. 1 During .,the firs part of my remarks, I made reference to the three public. hearings held in February.. The calling of those earlier .hearings was set by the 1971-72 Zoning and Planning Commission. The evening prior to the first hearing, the 1973- 7t~ Zoning and Planning Commission was sworn in and `two of the members received their "baptism of fire" the following evening on a board hearing recommendations which they had had no part in formulating. My personal observation is that they held up well under fire. At our first regular meeting at the conclusion of the three earlier hearings, the Zoning and Planning Commission voted to withhold any re w mn~endations concerning the hearings until such time as the 1973-7lt Commis- sion could review the other peripheral areas, determining whether additional hearings would be called, and if so to make any recommendations to the City Commission after conclusion of these additional hearings. We have met many times in the interim, have reviewed and discussed actions to be taken. This hearing tonight, then,, and the hearings scheduled for the next two Tuesday evenings represent the current boax°d's plan of action". Tonight's hearing concerns only those properties described 3si the Notice of Public Hearing, as published, and the Notice to Property Owners in the area described as being bounded. on the NORTH by Tangley, on the EAST by Kirby Drive on the SOUTH by the south property lines of Lots 5 and 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Additian~ as originally platted, and on the WEST by Lake Street. This description is specific on three of its boundaries with street names as limits. On the south boundary Lots 5 and 6, Block 13 are those which back up to lots facing University Boulevard. The lots facing University Boulevard are not being considered in this hearing for possible .change in land use. St is the tentative recommendation of this Commission that lots in the above described area with Kirby Drive frontage be considered for rezoning to a11ow use as single-family residential {its present category with the exception of that block from Tangley to Plumb), townhouses, cluster houses or business and professional office buildings. Lots with Lake Street frontage will be considered far rezoning to allow use as townhouse s, with access from Lake Street, and for parking, with proper. screening with no access allowed from Lake Street, when such parking is used iri connection with developments on Kirby Drive. The right to construct new or maintain existing single-family residences on this properties with Lake Street frontage would not be changed from that which exists in the present Zoning Ordinance. ~,'~ Do arty members of the Zoning and Planning Commission wish to add to this state- ment or present statements of their .own?~' Mr. Dahlias spoke briefly and stated he wanted to emphasize the Chairman's opening remarks, He also stated that the consideration for tonight is only for one portion of a complete and comprehensive study; that the Zoning and Planning Commission has considered land use and possible changes over the entire city; that the Commis- sion~s goal is the same as all citizens, that is, to retain a residential character of West University; and that in order to do this it may be necessary to make cer- tain changes to keep our community a living community. He also emphasised that business and professional does not include retail or commercial businesses. ~ Motion by Nr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Bartholomew, that the following motion be ~ extracted from the minutes of the Zoning and Planning Commission of January 2, 1973 e~-J and made apart of these minutes: ' V V "Nation by Mr. Dahlias, seconded by Mr. Caldwell, that the Zoning and Planning Commission hold a series of'~' Public Hearings to consider plans for each of the periph- eral areas identified on page 33 of the Caudill, Rowlett Scott West University Place 1971 Land Use and Circula- tion Plan and further defined in the letter dated Novem- ber 9, 1972 to Mayor John. AT. Neighbors, in preparation of formal recommendations to be presented to the City Commission. Voting Aye: All Voting Atos A1one.~ Voting Aye: All Voting No: Alone Chairman administered oath to all those i.n-audience desiring to speak. ° The following are these speaking FOR. the rezoning: R. D. balker, 600$ Kirby: i am for the rezoning. I have a very personal interest in i~t, the more business interest in peripheral area, the more. taxes wall come into the city treasury so there will be no need for higher residential property taxes, Mari Lou Hofheinz, 26ck~ University Boulevard: Comes now,.. Mary Lou Hofheinz, in- c~vvi.c~ua~.~y and as ae~istra~of •the testate of her late husband, Faultas Hof- heinz, owners of Lots 8 and 10, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, consisting of a two story house at the corner of Kirby Drive and University Boulevard, known as 260~t University Boulevard, and a garage apartment known•as 6210 Kirby•Drive, and respectfully requests the Cornrrcission to include these lots within the boundaries to include use as townhouses, cluster houses, or business and pro- fessional buildings, or secondarily to include their use to the Zake Street plan for townhouses, with access on Kirby Drive and/or University Boulevard. That such extension would in no way depreciate or destroy the use, beauty, or uni- formity of ad,~acent or fronting properties but would enhance the beauty and value of those properties on the corner of University Boulevard and Kirby Drive: These lots are the only lots under the entire plan to have an exposure of over 5~ to business property and the proposed use said corner having a Mobil service station for a northeast, a retail store for a southeast;, a vacant lot for a southwest, aryl this lot now having a back on the Kirby development. The value of this property will drop greatly., The sale of the property will result in great financial loss to this owner working a hardship upon her alone under this plan. Inclusion within the plan:; will be beneficial to the boulevard, to the city, and adjoining lot d 2 owners. Wherefore she requests to include these Lots 8 and 10 in either the Kirby Drive oar Lake Street plan. /s/ Mary Lou Hofheinz, Ind. and Admin. of Estate of P. Hofheinz. H. Clay Waters, 6120 Lakes I have no objection to townhouses but T am concerned with parking lots and with proper screening. Would we have. a 12 ft~board fence or what does proper screening meant Mr. Hines explained the Fence Ordinance now in effect limits the height of fences in West University Place to 6 ft. and explained that "proper screening" would be provided for in the ordinance creating the rezoning if in feet anything was rezoned. Mrs. Carl Dazzio, 60I$ Kirby: I own this property and it is rent property and I am for the rezoning. Donald W. Ye er 6129 Fordham, asked Mr. Walker the place of his residence and e said he resided at .Kirby. L. C. McCully, 2616 Tangle: Asked the Zoning and Planning Commission why they were considering two t~pe~ of rezoning at one time. Mr. Hines stated that the members of the Zoning and Planning Commission thought this was the proper thing to do. Mrs. Jane Oskouie, 270,E Cason: What do you mean by business/professional build- ,ing ~., Mr. Hines At the present time, we have a. special category of business andjor pr~o~e~ss~ornal office building district. These structures house offices with no retail sales or businesses and parking for the offices. There is no allowance for a commercial parking lot. Mrs. Alexander Sachs, 5902 Lake. What is proper screening?' Mr. Hines explained to her as he had to Mr. Waters .above. Jerry Hazelwood, 5916 Lake: I assume you have a definition of townhouses or cluster houses. Mr. Hines read the definition of a townhouse from the ordinance creating the Townhouse District: ffA townhouse is a structure which is one of a series of dwelling units designed and used for only single-family occupancy, ground to skq, with no entrances or exits to or from adjoining structures, if any. He explained that cluster houses are essentially the same thing except it can share certain common areas or yards and that it is still a single-family concept. T. Max Davie, 601$ Lake: The people I have known who live in~the Townhouse District have become disappointed and moved away because of the small parking area. What are the parking space requirements for townhouses? Mr. Hines: Under the present Townhouse Ordinance there is a minimum of two parching spaces per living unit. Joseph DeMarkey, 2616 Amherst: What type of fence would be between Kirby and I,aice? f47', Mr. Hinesa The type would be set forth in the ordinance if any, rezoning the prop- erty. the ones in existence call for opaque fences not more than b ft„ in height. Mr, _._._ Davis: Would there be a tax increase? ~_ Mr. Hines: I have no idea. Mr. Earle Britton 6l~15 Bro tons speaking for the Residents association, made the fo owing points: 1. It seems to me we are in need of additional common spaces with emphasis on residential at increased density levels. ~`+ ~ 2. Increased traffic. Traffic or cars would be on the peripheral and relayed ~ "'~ to peripheral streets instead of to the inner streets. V V 3. Increase the Density Use. Increase to townhouses or cluster houses is a valid use for this type property. 1~. Depth of Change. Would cause some problems, Any change: should be for one Sot depth. It is adequate for townhouses, cluster houses or single- family houses. When considering other uses we need more depth. Any new structure should be perpendicular to traffic to eliminate noises with controlled exits to enter and exit Kirby. This property deserves change because we have problem of empty lots and necessary desirable use. I recommend rezoning one lot depth for use as townhouses, or cluster houses only. Thank you very much. • The following are those speaking AGAINST the rezoning: Mrs. Hett Hach 2718 Arbuckle: Regardless of being redundant and repetitious a few things need to be sa d over and over again: (1) Most people who bought in West University Place knew of the zoning laws and probably bought their property for that very reason; {2) second, if these people do not want the property they bought, they can sell it at considerable increase in value for residences as it was first intended; {3) Once a perimeter is used for commercial purposes, the adjoining property becomes perimeter until we eat the heart out of the residential area; {!t) The commercial use of the property aver crowds the sewer liners the schools and the streets and traffic and parking problems are greatly multiplied. Soon people are pushing in front of residences and closing up private driveways.; {5) if one area is given over to commercial use no matter whether it is townhouses doctors offieess clinics or what not, other areas have a right to be declared commercial; {6) and lastly why all these separate meetings. Surely by now the Commission has secured the feeling of the ~aajority of the citiz~sa~s in West Univer- Place and that seems to be against rezoning. John Glover $907 Fordham: I suggest any changes be only ~ block deep and change vacant lots to parks. he city could condemn some of the vacant property at a reasonable rate and make parks. I would not be opposed to townhouses along Kirby. ll.. T. Max Davis, 601$ Lakes When we bought in West University Place we intended t® makeoit our home for all our lives. The reason we bought here was because of the zoning restrictions. I think probably you are overlooking something in that the large majority of people who have bought here have done so because of the rigidly enforced Zoning Ordinance. I wish you to put it to a vote. L. G. McCull 2615 T le I believe it is a physical impossibility for own ouses on aka treat. The street is only 27 ft. wide. We cannot park around our houses now for workers from Kirby coming and enjoying our trees on their lunch hours. If townhouses added to the congestion it would be a wr~rse traffic snarl on a 27 ft. street. Also on one side of the street you .would. have $80,000 townhouses with two and three cars with an entirely different philosophy from us cottage type people. It. cannot be done without ruining the west side of Lake. The city would loose because it would cause deteriorating properties on the west side of the street. The periphery gets smaller and smaller - where do we stop? Mrs. Alexander Sachs 5902 Lake: My name is Mrs. Alexander Sachs, I live at 90 e, corner o Plumb, on the southwest corner facing Kirby Drive. My husband has been an invalid 7'~ years or he would be here speaking. We bought the lot and built the house in 1937 and brought our children there when they. were babies and one was born there. We want to stay_in our home which has now. become a family homestead, a place where our unmarried children can return. Now comes an already fat and rich investor and wants to overturn the guarantees and zoning by which we lived and believed, wants the homes and land in front of our property for business use, and build a "Berla.n Wall" in front of use which is not only an .insult to our intelligence, but an insult to us all as individuals. This will sharply reduce the value of our property, owned and occupied largely by retired senior citizens, lilts ourse3ves, who sweated blood to pay for their homes. And the younger ones too, who have their savings sunk in them. And to most of us, all we own is in our homes. Well, we don't .want a "Berlin Wall" in front of us to make the investors fatter and richer off our losses. We want the residential integrity of our city left intact. Live and let live, I say. The city fathers of West University Place have hired Caudill Rowlett Scott and paid them with the taxpayers money to tell we taxpayers what to do with our property. Well, let the taxpayers themselves tell you what they want done with their property. We want to be left alone and we don't want a "Berlin Wall"' We want the residential integrity of this community left the way it is! Mrs. Thereasa Jacobs, 2627 Amhersts We have dust moved into West University Place. We were attracted to the neighborhood. because of the zoning. We would be against rezoning. We would like to see it kept as a very fine residential area. Jerry Hazelwood, 5916 Lake: We~only moved here last July,, We purchased prop- arty on Lake Street and if these changes are effected, I will probably. sell because the reasons I bought are disappearing. I am opposed to changes on Lake Street. Possibly Kirby could be used for park ground., I am in favor of retain:Lrlg the quality environment which exists in West.University Place. R~ ~; Mrs. Mildred Mains 5$E)6 Lake: Z work at West University Mlementary School and the West University Library. I close the library each evening at $ p.m. and have Haver been afraid to go home at that time when about $ months out of the year it is :already dark. T would Hat feel safe coming home every night at $ p.m. Z am proud of the young people who have bought homes in our neighborhood. They are improving the homes and are of a high caliber and the type we want in West Uni- versity Place. I am definitely against any changes. W. J. Aubertin 5$0~ Ann olis: I object to any rezoning on Kirby Drive. Doe n no rby a ong to t e c ty of Houston and would not permission for curb cuts have to coma from the city of Houston? t`~ Mr. Hines exp3:sined this is true .and that the townhouses on Bissonnet were so ~ planned for entrances and exits on the side street at the roar, but that in some ~ instances they had received permission for curb cuts for parking in the front of ~ the houses. V Mr. Britton explained that grouping could be made so that only a minimum of cuts would be necessary into a cluster of houses with a common court yard and/or park area. Charlie Fer son, 6106 Lake: Z am against rezoning. I cannot back out of my drive- way now when cars are parked across the street. How am I going to get out with increased traffic? Gerald Kerbaw 2€x30 Universit Boulevard: Have you given any thought to increased traf is at K rby and nivers t n .it will increase if additional construction is allowed. Mr. Hines: Agreed that Kirby Drive is a very busy street and stated that the Cow mission certainly did not want to bring any more traffic into the interior of the city. Fred Tooley~ b031 Lake: This letter is in response to the notice received from' your offices dated 11(73, concerning the feasibility of an amendment to the City's zoning ordinance in an area bounded on the North by Tangley, an the East by Kirby Drivel on the South by the south property ling of Lots ~ & b, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, and on the West by Lake Street. As residents of Lake Street this notice is of great concern to my wife and men as well as to other residents of Lake Street with whom I have communicated. We era relatively new residents to the City of nest University Place and for this reason it may remain clearer to us than to others exactly why we decided to settle in this community. The City~s image is_one of a very settled and permanent nature. A person considering it for his residence knows what he can expect of the community and is not faced with a day to day concern over fluctuating property values. He knows that buying or building in the city is a safe investment for the future and that he will not Nava to be concerned by creeping commercialism overnight con- struction, and undesirable persons who may be attracted by housing which seam- ingly provides more temporary accomodations. Lake Street is generally composed of modest looking homes but with owners who take an intense pride in their environment. Many homes have been remodeled, lawns are im:ttaculate and people are proud of the comfortable, quiet and permanent atmosphere which prevails. This is irX direct contrast to the noisy, dirty and visually unattractive appearance of nearby Kirby Drive. There is only a half block separating these two streets, but it could 3ust as easily be separating two worlds. Ta introduce parking lots on Lake Street with or without Lake Street access, with or without screening seems to be the most perfect solution I can think of far destroying the residential atmosphere of the neighborhood. There may be some argument for re-zoning Kirby Drive frontage to allow use far townhouses; however, a personal stand an this would require more information than one is afforded by the briefly written notice. I do know; however, that if Lake Street is to survive as a liveable, clean, healthy. and attractive en- trance to the City of West University Place, that it must be protected from the blight which Kirby Drive would most willingly share. Sf re-zdning is passed as proposed, would-be residents will either change their minds altogether, wait to see the results of the new zoning, or offer lower sums for property that existing residents ~rould like to sell in order to escape their devalued neghborhodd and who would be forced to accept. In eonlusicsn, the re-zoning as proposed would generate trash, noise, vermin, pollution, and generally destroy the unique character of West University Place' in those areas it encompasses. Tt would be my intention, and I hope that of many others, to take appropriate legal action against any agency or individual responsible for adversely affecting property. values, either real or aesthetic, as a result of re-zoning. It is our recommendation to the City Cammissic~n on Planning and Zoning, that the City's zoning ordinance not be amended as set forth in the above mentioned notice to interested property owners. /s/ Fred W. Tooley /s/ Shari P. Tooley Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Tooley b031 Lake Street Houston, Texas 77006 There was some discussion at this time as to whether all of Kirby Drive belonged to the city of Houston or was half the city of Houston's and half Vest University Place's. Mr. Hines advised the entire street belonged to the city of Houston. C. P. Lanmon, 663? Buffalo Speedways Mr. Lanmon verified that Kirby Drive did belong to the city of Houston and that West University Place starts at the west curbline of Kirby Drive. He ;also commended the Zoning and Planning Commission. on the conduct of this Public Hearing.. Mr. Lanrnon stated that the only favor- able comments had been from immediate property owners of the land in question and rightly so because they hoped and expected to make a profit from any change. He believed that additional development would increase our taxable valuer as West University Place would be compelled to institute mare controls - more policeman and more fireman - and the Insurance Commission might compel West University Place to put in more fire equipment if this is developed more fully as is being considered. Mr. Lanmon defended the Zcsning Ordinance saying ..that in its early years there were lets of violations but later there had been rigid enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. He said he did not know what the answer is but he hoped the Commission could do something to relieve the tension and apprehension of people on Lake, Cason, Werlein, etc. so they can go to bed and `t~33 sleep without worrying about their property. if there is a change. Mr. Hines to Mr. Britton: In the Townhouse District~:now in existence, we required a~0 Boot rear set back the same as for single-family residential lots. In the case of cluster houses, would this orientation not effect the. use of lots in~a;. development of this nature? Mr. Britton: It would only effect it to the. extent that four units could be built instead of five. The 20 ft, space behind could connect with garden lots and park- ing areas and be used as a walking area. ~+ The following are letters received concerning the consideration to rezone the C~1 area under discussion. V "May 22, 1973 V Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas Community Building 610~t Auden Houston, Texas 77005 Re: Public Hearing 7:1t5 p.m. on Tuesday, May, 29, 1973 Gentlemen: Please consider this letter the submission of my view in favor of amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit retail business use of the property described in your notice dated May 11, 1973, to in- terested property owners. I am the owner of Lots ~ and 6 in Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, as originally platted by the City of West University Place, Texas. Sincerely yours, /s/James A. Williams James A. WilliamsN May 29, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005. Gentlemen: I have your notice dated May 11, 1973, regarding a public hearing by the Zoning and Planning Commission, 7:l~5 p•~•, Tuesday, May 29th, to consider an amendment to the City Zoning ordinance. I am heartily in favor of an amendment and have been for a long time. :~, I own Lot 10, Bloch 9 in Preston Place Addition. Have had it for a long, long time. The first payment made Sept. 21, 1925 - $1090.00. It has cost me quite a bit of money - monthly payments, plus interest, my share in the pawing of Kirby Drive, Side walk in'front of my lot, surveying, taxes, grass cutting and maybe a few other little things I donut recall, On May 1st, I paid $30.c?0 to have the grass cut, plus X1.00 for garbage: bags. Have I said enough to convince you that I am for an amendmt to tyre present zoning ordinance. Thank you. Yours trxz~.~, /s/ Mrs. Beatrice M. A11en Mrs. Beatrice M. Allen 2311 Albans Rd. Houston, Texas 77005 529-9292 "587.1 Lake Street Houston, Texas 77005 May 29, 1973 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Bivd. Houston, Texas 77005 Dear Sirs: As owners of Lot 9, Block 1t, Preston Place Addition in West University Place, we are directly affected by the proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance. We find such an .amendment inadvisable for the following reasons. First, changing the use of lots along the east side of Lake Street would weaken the boundary between commercial Kirby Drive and the residential streets of West University Place. West University Place is unique among residential areas near downtown Houston in that it has for so many years maintained its foremost desirable quality--its image as a city of domes. This is, of course, due mainly to the strict adherence to zoning ordinan- ces throughout the city. At present progress in the area is more appar- ent than ever before with the great influx of young professional people who axe working to improve the quality of their property. On Lake Street alone within the past year many homes have been purchased and are being remodeled and otherwise improved. Second, to build townhouses along 'Lake Street would change the character; of the neighborhood. From experience we have found that townhouses often attract a segment of the population very different from the type of people living in West University Place. Ttrir d, commercial .property, such as parking for business and profes- sional buildings, even if "properly screened," would :not only destroy the character of the neighborhood and weaken the boundaries-but also lower property values on the west side of Lake Street. This is partic- ularly disturbing to those of us who have invested so much. time, effort, and money to raise our property values. Moreover, such change along i] 1 ~3: ~: Lake Street now could very easily mean further commercial encroachment into West University Place in the future and the ultimate deterioration of the entire city. The only change under consideration which we feel would not be detrimen- tal to the area is the possibility of using lots with Kirby Drive from- age as single-family residential, townhouses, or cluster houses. This would, we believe, be an improvement over the commercial property now there,: particularly drive-in grocery stores which burn trash. at all hours within a few feet of the residences on Lake Street. Otherwise, we strongly urge the commission to allow lots fronting on Lake Street to remain zoned for single-family residences. ~`+ ~ ~ Sincerely, /s/ Richard A. Logan U /s/ Karen A. Logan U Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Logan "6001 Lake Street Houston, Texas 77005 May 22, 1973 ZC3NTNG AND PLA?~NING ~MMISSIQN City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Re: Lots 1 - Blk. ~ -Virginia Ct. S25x1~0 Ft. Lot ~ - Blk. 9 - Preston P1 West University Place - Houston Gentlemen: Thank you for your recent letter in connection with the zoning restric- tions on my captioned property as well as others in my vicinity in West University Place and our next meeting to be held on May 29, 1973. We have lived on Lake Street for the past thirty odd years and have al- ways taken pride in our home and yard, and we sincerely hope that you will see the restrictions are not changed in any manner for gre~pertes on Lake Street other than possibly for single-family townhouses. We strongly object to any type of retail business to go in on Kirby Drive as it would"be impossible to maintain any semblance of order on our street if the wrong kind of business should be allowed in our lovely neighborhood, which includes the lots on Kirby Drive, directly ba~*k of our homes on Lake. It is my intehtion to be present for the next zoning meeting, but should I not be able to attend, please .accept this letter as my protest against any new zoning laws other than the one specified in my letter. 6~i l^J A11 the Noma owners in West University Place are most proud of our subdivision and wesurely want to maintain the nice, orderly and quiet neighborhood we have enjoyed these many years, especially as we have many young families on our Street who have small, young children and their safety is also to be considered in connection with any decisive zoning changes for our otherwise perfectly enjoyable surroundings. Your prompt and careful attention to my letter will be most sincerely appreciated. Sincerely yours, ~s/ D. J. West (Miss) D. J. West I?.lW; d3 s~ allay 21, 2973 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlamens Please accept this letter as my protest to an amendment to the Cityts Zoning ordinance to permit a use for purposes in addition to, or other than:,. single-family residential andjor retail business use, on the prop- erty,described in notice received by me: The lots described being bounded on the NORTH by Tangley, on the EAST by Kirby Drive, on the SOUTH by the south property line of Lots 5 and 6, Block 13, Virginia Court Addition, as originally platted, and on the WEST by Lake Street, This Public Hearing will be held by you on Tuesday, May 29, 1973, at 7:45 p.m, I hope to be present, but if not, this is MY PROTEST. I live at 613i~ Lake Street (Lot lfi, Block 9, Virginia Court Addition), Yours very truly, /s/ Mrs. Roderick J. Watts Mrs. Roderick J, Watts" »May 26, 1973 Zoning & Planning Commission City of West University Place, Gentlemen: As .much as I would like to attend the Zoning meeting, Z am leaving town Monday and will not be able to be present. IrA~~~ 1 0. I am very much in favor of the plan outlined in your recent letter. Whether or not I profit, as owner of two lots in that area, I feel > that new and modern buildings would be an improvement and revitali- zation to the area.. Very truly, /s/ Mrs. Lois Byrd Mrs. Lois Byrd" A petition from the Residents Association with 23© signatures was presented to the Zoning and Planning Commission which reads as follows: "The Undersigned oppose any rezoning in West University Place for ~ commercial, business, professional, or apartment use - - and strongly ,~ request that the Zoning and Planning Commission deny petitions now or U in the future which do not comply with these purposes." U This petition was accepted and made-a part of these minutes. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Public Hearing was closed. On motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Special Meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission was recessed until the Regular Meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June ~, 1973, at the Community Build- ing ~ 61011 Auden. ~~~ ~~ Chairman Attests ~j~ // ___ ec~e ,ary n