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1 F ~'
FEBRUARY 6, 1973
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened
in regular session at the Community Building, Tuesday, February 6, 19?3, 7:30 p.m.,
with the following members present:: Chairman E. Gene Hines, presiding; Members
C. C. Bartholomew, Roland Dahlin, 'rJ. Peter Lipscomb, and H. Allen E,Teatherby.
Ns. Hines stated for tree minutes that the above members were given their Oath of Office
~. on Monday, February 5, 1973 and the folio*,:ring officers voted by the membership:.:
GV E. Gene Hines, Chairman, Roland H. Dahlin, Vice-Chairman, and P;. Allen Weatherby,
CC Secretary.
~ An application from Mr. Randolph B. Lee, 281It ;•Jroxton, for subdivision of
Lot 8, Block 7,
~~Test University Place 1st Addition
6611 Belmont,
into two (2) lots, each 50' x 2001, both fronting on Belmont, was submitted to the
Commission for consideration. T~:r. Lee is the owner of this property.
T~otian by :"r. ;~Tea,therby, seconded by 3r. Dahlin, that a Public Hearing be called
for Tuesday, March 6, 1973, 7:15 p.m., to consider the application of. NLr. Randolph
B. Lee for subdivision ox'
Lot 8, Block 7,
'p`est University Place Zst ddition
5611 Belmont,
into two (2) lots, each 501 x 2001, both fronting; on Bel,-nont.
Voting kye: .rill V o ting }y o : stone
Potion was duly made, seconded`ar~d carried, to recess the regular meeting until
the conclusion of tie Public gearing called for 7:a~5 p.m.
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Notion was duly made, seconded and carried, to open the Public t.earin~; for consider-
ation of rezoning urea 3B, nereinater described::
Lotsl, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Block ?_
Lotsl, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ;, 8, Block 3
Lotsl, 2, 3, 4, [, 6, 7, 8, Block 4
.nest Jniversity Place 1st Addition,
as originally platted,
City of s^Test TJniverst~:° Place, Texas
C.~air•man. ascertained From secretary that °r?otice 5.f Public tearing was published in
the Southwestern Argus, January 17, .1973, by Affadavit of Publication signed by
R. C. Preston, 2~~Tanagin~ Director of the South?~Testern Argus, w.~ich publication has
been desibnated by t:~e City Commission as t're official newspaper for tYie City of
~~~est University Place for 173. The secretary also ascertained that notice to
~;f~ 0
Property Owners within 200 feet of the properties under consideration had been
mailed January 17, 1973.
lotion by T~ir. Bartholomew, seconded by TALL . Dahlin, that the CAUDI;~, RGinTLETT SCOTT
this meeting and bound with ti:e official mirnites of the meeting.
Voting Aye:. X111 Voting No: Nore
The Chairman introduced each member of t7e Zoning and Planning Commission who
idezitified therselves and stated where they lived in the city.
The procedure to be followed was outlined by the Chairman.
The following is an i:~troductory statement from the Chairman of the Zoning and
Planning Commission:
In JanuaraT of 1971 t,~e City Commission of Trest University
Place, Texas, consisting of ..ayor Jorn Ty. Neighbors, and Commissioners
Don L. Karris, Fred E. Ttughes, Charles H. Underwood, Jr., and Paul W.
TrJallin, Jr. appointed f or a two year period the Zoning and Planning
Commission consisting of L. B. Bricker, ~~. C. Caldwell, Roland Dahlin,
and Fi. Allen YTeatherby, and E. Gene Fiines. The Zoning and Planning
Commission was charged with the responsibility' in addition to its
normal duties, of closely examining the current land uses and zoning
in the city, with particular emphasis to be placed on those areas on
the periphery of our char, and after"such examination to make recom-
mendations to the City Commission related to our findings.
In pursuit of these matters, upon the recommendation from
the Zanies and Planning Commission, the firm of Ca~zdill Rowlett Scott
was engaged by the City Commission to conduct a land use survey, and,
relati..~ag t~Eir findir..gs to other information, that is, the charges in
areas surrounding ~~Test University Place, traffic flow through and
arozznd our city, general patterns of development and change wi.tY~in the
char, to then prepare far the City Commission a report of their find-
ings and recommendations concerning trem. The primary purpose of the
report was to provide tl~~ Zoning a.nd Planning Commission with a tool
to be used by them to help arrive a.t tentative recommendations for
change, if arty, concerning our city. During the period in which the
report was being prepared tF~e Zoning and Planning Commission received
an increasing number of requests to rezore lots in the peripheral
areas, aril it was evident -that perhaps some changes ~*ere ~3esirable,
but that such changes could not and should not be done on a piece-
meal basis and that any action should be deferred until a comprehensive
analarsis could be made.
The above mentioned report from Caudill Rowlett /cott, entitled
accepted by the city approximately one year ago and since that time has
been available for review a:zd use at City Hall and has been on sale
for those who wished tc, purchase a copy.
Tacitr~ the aid of the ,F,a study, the Zoning; and Planning
Cornmiswion has devoted a year to studying land use within the city-with
particular errmF~asis on peripheral areas. ~e have not sougrt change as
a goal, but wish to maintain the city as we know it, to reinforce its
attributes and hopefully to re-direct trends which could result in
future problem areas in the city, and it is our tentative belief that
to meet this objective, some zoning changes may be desirable.
~efure sharing with yoia these tentative thougY~ts, a brief
review of the sequence of events fo?_lotiaing tonigizt's meeting sr~ould
be of interest to you. rifler listening to each other, hopefully with
patience, forebea.ring and understanding, the Zo- Wing and Planning
Commission can take two basic courses of actio~~, neither of which
wi17: be done tonight.
1. tiotify the City Commission that after tre public hear-
ing no action gill be taken to recommend ?aursu~ng the matters being
~ discussed, or
V 2. Recommend to to pity Commi scion that a portion of, or
al7_ the items considered tonigkit be considered by the City Commission.
The City Commission, can, %.n t:::e event the latter situation
prevails take two courses of a^ta.or., as I understand it:
1. ^Leview tl:e recommendation and reject it, or
2. Accept tiie recommendation and as .required by statute
ccncernins crarges~ in zoninb call a z~ublic hearing for t?~:e~_r review
of tr~.e recommendation.
ibis public hear~.ng by the City Commission is held jointly with the
Zoning and Planning Ccznmissicn. At its conclusion the Zoning and
Planning Commission. can eit~er vote to rescind or modi~'y their
original recommeY~dation or vote to affirm their previous action.
Depending on the a.ctior. so taken by tY.e Zoning; and Planning Commission,
tre City Commission can triers, or at a later date, vote to reject the
recommendation or vote to accept it and call for tYe drafting of an
ordinance amending tine existing ordinance to effect the change or
^Yow, to the specifics of tonight.
~1e have tentative recommendations to make fc~r your hearing. 1,JT~ have
studied the entire city, emphasizing the periphery. cur concept is
a consideration of and recommendation for a total plan, but because
of the anticipated wide spread and gratifying interest on the part of
the citizens the Zoning and Planning Commission felt that a series of
meetings should be held primarily because or t?.e size of our meeting
place and the different aspects of the areas being studied. Tonight's
consideration is a portion of those properties generally described as
being bounded on the west by Poor Farm. Ditch, on the nor~tz by Cason
Ctreet and a line extending from its intersection with '°Jakefcrest east
betwe~:;n 'rlerlein and Cason to iirby i~rive, on the east by Kirby Drive
and on tie south by Bellaire Boulevard. The specific area to be dis-
cussed tonigt is bounded by i~u.ffalo Speedway on the west, Cason on
tre north, Brompton on ttie east and Bellaire on t1Ae south. ibis is
~~ Y~..
approxi,-nately tie center 1/3 portion of the area "first described.
~:eari ngs for tiie other 2/3 areas have been called for the next two
succeeding Tuesday ever.~_:~gs.
~;a stated in t;e public notice a:~d in letters to property oimers, we
are settialg ford: for discussion the consideration of other titan
single fari3.ly u.se for properties in t'riis area. Properties with BellairE
Boule~eard franta~;e wi_l1 be consa.iervd for use as special Fesidential,
consisting of single family or townhouses and Business and F_rofessional
office btiildings, financial ~.nstxtutions, medical clinics or related
uses. It i.s the feeling of the 1971-73 term Zoning and Pla:>ning
Commis,~i.on that so,:~e m_i.im;m land area for develoument of other than
single fa-ni.ly usabe should be set, one figure being a l~0,000 square
foot land area for projects in the business and professional office
building category, ar~d that in tiie event of to~rr~'rouse development a
minimua;< area of development should also be established, zn attempt to
control the quality of development. The Commission was strcngly in
favor of tie mandatory separation of these categories from 3 single
family uso, b;- means.. of walls, fences, planting areas and/or open spaces.
"roperties with Cason frontage, the Zoning and Planning Commission:
would consider placin; in :two potential use categories: Lse by Rigr~t,
consisting of single fa,nily and townhouses krith a minimum amount of
land are? involved in tow-:~hcuse development and Use by P.eview - a cat-
egory allowing those uses described for 3ellaire BoulEVard property,.,
but only upon review and after rneetirg certain criteria -being contig-
uous wi±ll:Cellaire :'oulevard propert~T, aahering to screening and set
back restricitiors to be established and. allowing no vehicular traffic
from or to Cason utreet far ~?roperties so developed.
Tese are ti-e basics - a perhaps "too long arriving at the point" type
of reading, but a statement that I, as chairman of tl~~e Zoning a.ud Pla..n-
ning Co~issior~ Piave taken the perogartive to make. As you may or may
not know, two members who sit on the board tonight were not involved
in any of the discussion in formulating these statements or in arriv-
ing at this stage in tree whole Natter. They are free to speak if they
so knish. 'T:e 1971-73 board spent many soul searching hours arriving
at this point and most of the proposals set fos~`~h repr~~ent a compro-
mise of stands by all five peon= ~g in.volved. I personally u*ish to
thank ?~r. B. L. Bricker and ~Ir. ~T. C. Caldwell, past members of the
Coma3.ssion, for the many tours they spent these bast two years in
helping form~ilate tY:ese ideas and if they are p~^esent tonight and wish
to speak would urge them to do so.
If any member of t;le current commission wishes to enlarge upon t?~iese
statements I would ask them to now speak.
:de will now hear from those ap~~licants and citizens who wish to speak
fir. favor of tr.e proposition as eet forth in the. official public notice.
Statement from i~.r. Dahlin:
I would like to emphasize one point ~Ir.:ines made and that is that the Zoning
and Planning Commission has been studying tre whole of tr,e Gity oi` 4~;est Univer-
sity Place _for the past two years. ;~Te did make a special study of peripheral
area because it was observed that the greater number of inquiries to develop
was from ti~ose areas.- ~Te always turned down inquiries because of tkxe single
family reside~~ti al zoning. Because of the number we had, the nature of tree
charges given us by the City Ccmmission, we needed to take a look at all of
Ydest t1niversit~,~ Place and in -particular tr:e peripheral area.. ~^Te have done that
ar,d used the Caudill Rowlett Scott F'eport. :-a'e do not intend to bring any piece
mea= action. Tonight is the first of a series of hearings whici. will probably
i`" take us all the way around the peri~?hery. According to our zoning ordinance,
areas zoned fcr something other than single familvt residential - a single fam-
~ fly residence can still be b~.zilt. A zoning ordinance is permissive, not mandatory.
_"~ I-lotion by fir. Dahlin, seconded b~* 2~.r. y~Teatl~erby, t'r,at tr,e following mction be
~ extracted from the minutes of t.,e Zoning a~~d Planning Commission of January 2,
1973 and made a Hart of those minutes:
'~Niotion by Mr. Dahlias, seconded by i7r. Caldwell, that-the Zoning
and Planning Commission hold a series of Public aearings to con-
sider plans for each of the nerip!zeral areas identified on page 33
of t.e ~.ABDILL R~o1LETT ;:;CUTT 'JEaT UNIilul~.>ITY PLACE 1971 LAND USE
ATD CIRCiTLATTORI PLAAt and further defined in the Teter dated "'?ovem-
ber 9, 1972 to R~ayor John tr . .Teighbors, in preparation of formal
recommendations to be presented to the Cite Commission. Voting
Aye : All. Voting goo : rJone
Voting Aye: All. Voting No: done
Chairman administers Cath to all tY~ose in a~zdience desiring to speak.
rlr. James L. P~ussell, owner of Lots 3 and !~, Block 4, West University Place Ist
Addition, spoke in behalf of rezoning, and his application to construct a bank
at this location. Nr. Russell briefly stated that if the rezoning was permitted
he proposed to build a bank on the properties fronting on Bellaire Boulevard from
Buffalo Speedway to Vanderbilt, and although he did not own all the properties
has been assured by the owners of the otr,er properties that they would sell to
him in the event of rezoning and granting of a charter by the state. I-:e said he
had made application for a ch~cter in December, 1972. Ile proposes approximately
16,000 sq. ft. building ~,rith tt.e required number of off-street parking spaces
as rrovided by the Off-Street Parking Ordin.a_nce of the City of West University
Place. :de also stated the bank would be closed at 2 p.m. to customers and !~ p.m.
for employes.
Dr. Thomas vready, owner of Lots lA, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3 and !~, Block 3, krest Univer-
sity Place 1st Addition, from Vanderbilt to Belmont directly south of Mr. Russells
property, spoke in behalf of rezoning and his application to construct a med-
cal clinic on his property.
.yrs. A. Calma, who owns lots in the 2900 Block of Bellaire Boulevard, stated sre
wa.s for rezoning on Bellaire Boulevard.
l~r. Fred Ii~aghes, 4016 Villanova: I do not own any property. Iie said he was
interested from the standpoint of the whole city and if we get services we want
we might see an increase in taxes, and this rezoning might help to stop this.
IIe also stated there was a possibility of some developer breaking the zoning
ordinance and then we would get a trashy area. His feeling was that the periph-
ery of this city should be rezoned for something; else other than what it is
and a gocd exa:7ple would be toTJrnho?~ses. I am fer it.
The Chaa.rrnan stated the Coning and Planning Commission also ~.as an application
to rezone Lot 2, Block 4, Z'~est University Place lst ~~ddition fer construction
of office buildings from ~r. ?~tilliam Peet.
questions from Jane archer, 2705 Cason; Geor6e I~. Tinsman, 3904 Puskin; '?ert-
rand F. Caldwell, 3031 Cason; C~.ar'_es ,. Spencer, 2634 Cason; P. F. and
Christine HEigan, 303 SoutY:western; and C. P. Lanmon, 6637 Buffalo Speedway;
Ar.n 4~allin, 3311 Albans; I'~.rs. henry ~v'. Stroebel, 270b Talbot; J. L. Morton,
3312 'university Bo~.~levard; Tomas I~. ~LcrmFan, 6648 Buffalo Speedway; lion R.
Ba.vis, 6315 Buffalo Speedway; ~':. L. ~~lorley, Jr., 273 Talbot; B. L. Jones,
6421 Buffalo Speedway; and Thomas F. Kelly, vill_ Corondo Court, elicited
the follo,~ding information from ~Ir. Russell:
Iie stated he thought this was an ideal location far a bank, that tYie Fannin
State Yiank and the Mercantile Bank (both in the near area) had shoh*n increased
profits during the past year; the trading area named in his application for a
charter was bounded by Greerbriar, BissQnnet, the railroad track, ILTOrth Braes-
t•.*ood a.nd Kirby Y7rive; the hours of tl:e ba~~I> would probably Y;~a from 9 am. to
2 p.m. with the drive-in window open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on i~ridays; a
fence would be built completely across tre north. property line; the building
would be located approximately 100 .feet from tY~.e ncrth property line; no stack
ir. the bank has as tiTet 'teen issufld as t':~e c<arter has not yet been granted;
the y°+est property across tl~e street from tI-ae Lots in qu.estior_ are not for sale;
if this proS~er~ty is not rezoned he i:at an alternate site; they would confor^:
to a'_l traffic controls and that iIiie~' ri. ~. allip~ wa.s ~.t~ ;Iie meeting wrien he
presented his applica;i.on and had said he would look into that very care~ully;
and that he did not nv?a live in r+est uriversity 'lace.
Ans~~T~:ri_ng a question from Jane Archer, 270,5 Cason, to Br. uready concerning
the need for a.~nedical clinic in rTest University Place with the medical center
only five ma.nutes away, he stated that re no*r rented ~.r. office in tl.s medical
center a.t ar: exorbitant rent a:,d tr.e clinic would increase 'Sest University's
tax revenue and he could profit in utilizing his property on Bellaire Boule-
vard which ii his ox~in i^n _-,as become a very peer single family residential
area a,.d the vacant gropert~T has lain undeveloped for 30 years. Iie also stated
he '_ad no definite plans for constrti~.cton at this time and that he lived in
West University until 6 months a.go when le moved to tY~.e country.
ann :Wallin, 3311_ Albans, acre : i:r. Iiu~hes if he believed in the Right of Review
which he answered affirnativel~*, and i~Lr. J.L. Blair, 6311 e"estchester, asked
~r. Hughes ii he did not think tle city's services wo.~ld Y:ave to be extended
to commercial buildings if tl:~is ~*as rezoned instead of increased for residents.
r. Hughes explained tI'iat l~.r. Bla.ir misunderstood him, that he meant we con-
tinually ask for additional services and this requires additional taxes which
?~rould be realized from r:ew de~Eloprnents.
:~r. Cletus •~'a.rk, 6711x. Rutgers, stated that the sanitary sewer was not adequate
in the area at trais ti;:~e to serve tl:e residences, y?ho would gay for larger
~: ~5~
sanitary sewer and water lines for commercial use'
~r. ~-;ines stated that he did not know i.f. the sanitary sewer and water lines are
large enough or not, but that the taxp,.~~~;4^ pays for all public improvements.
Ps. Yenneth Davis, 2717 Sunset, asked if i-t was the recommendation of this
Zoning and Planning Commission that the wring be changed.
Nzr. Hines said that the Zoning and Planning Commission had to state a specific
intent to call a public hearing and that they had st~zdied and came forth with
these ideas; that they cannot attempt to change other than what is called for
in public hearing; trot trey have taken their position and want to get the
~ voice of the people on it. die also said that an the best interests of the city,
CV the Zoning and Planning Commis~~ion. established tYiese ideas for tine purpose of
~ hearings.
~ ~:r. Davis asked if the Commission rod found anyone "pro" zoning other than those
V who had spoken a.t 'the meeting.
Mr. Dahlin stated that this is tine first of t.~ree hearings on the first segment
of the property a:~d that there will be hea-rings later where no applications have
bean received and that this Zoning and Planning .Commission is the reason they are
raving the hearings acid that it Mould have ca11E~d the public hearings whether
applications were received or not.
airs. Jackie Patterson, 3616 xmL~~erst, inquired. as to why the Cc*nmission is con-
cerned with the entire block from Bellaire Boulevard to Cason, ?•rhen Bellaire
Boulevard property would lend itsel_r to townhouses.
T~Ir. Bahlin answered that on the tentative recommendations, the Commission states
two possibilities and they felt that by discussing the properties to Cason it
would be .more to the liking of the peopl; on Cason.
:tiir. ~^iarren °. Outright, 3117 Cason, asked what would happen to rsis property if it
was zoned commercial and what ~aoul.d happen to his taxes.
ir. Hires stated than presupposing the property is rezoned, that residents could
continue to live in the single family houses, sell the property or de-aelcp it,
band together witi: neighbors and nobody sell, and that the taxes were not the
consideration of this Commission but bf the Tax Eoard of Equalization.
Mrs. Christine ~-iogan, 3803 Southwestern, asked what weight a petition would
brim if presented to t?:e Zcning and °lanning Commission against the proposed
P~x. Dahlin answered that the weight would depend on t}~e quantative analysis in
the best interest of all citizens.
Ir. :v'eatherby answered by explaining that at the time of the rezoning to town-
houses on Bissonnet he lived directly behind the area. and still does and was one
of the leaders of tie opposition. He said they worked very hard, hired an attor-
ney and submitted a petition to the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City
Commission-.which was reviewed by all the authorities and given great considera-
tion. He further stated that originally there was confusion as to whether the
area would be developed for townhouses or rrnzltiple dvae7_lings with smaller square
footage per unit and that their efforts succeeded in getting the Zoning and
Planning Commission to enlarge the perimeter size of the buildings, tizerefore
rie felt t::ey Iost Hart of the battle but won abetter zoning for West Univer-
sity Place.
I~r. .sines directly inquired cf ?~.r. P~ussell and Dr. Cready if they were given
any guarantee fram the Zoning and Planning Commission that their property
would be rezoned.
Both Mr. Russell and :Jr. Greedy answered "lio".
Mr. Earle V. Britton, 615 Brompton, spoke as fellows concerning tY.e rezoning:.
"Speaking for myself as a resident and myself as a professional planning con-
sL~ltant and for a large number. of residents wt~orzave banded together as the
:'~SIDP~i~'TS Cu'1T'TL~, I th irk these are some of the issues.
To do noting concerning zoning responds to a potential court situation, but it
is not fair to property oVmers for commercial values to move next to them.
repeatedly applications do bring fortYe these hearings on vacant property for
consideration. These applications are more dominant in CRS Report in the periph-
eral areas.
It is a myth that high traffic counts decrease t:ze value of property. The value
of apiece of land is related to its use. Land value increases in its potential
use. Property values will adjust over a period of time i*hen it settles on a
certain use. 'Nest University remains one of the few residential pockets not
imposed on by co~:mercial uses. The traffic must be made to head off and not
on to neig~:borY!ood streets.
Nest University residents will not seek err be divided by their feelings on use
for West University Place property.
Many problems concerning peripheral area goes back as far as 1953 rand Use Study.
Theyr must be addressed head-on.
a total plan must look at entire peripheral need and look at other issues as
~•ell. :Many "spot" and "strip" zoning applications have been held illegal and
this is something the Zoning and Planning Commission wants to elim_nate.
°.e suggest that uses fer this land remair residential and that particular
errrohasis be or_ owner occupied residential. I did not say single-family
detached. aJe need to loo:K to increased entity - like townhouses whicri are
owner occupied and encourage development so that owners will become a part of
the community. It very clearly seems to be for townhouses.
The problem is needing to be sol.v2d alt: the solution is to remain residential.
The R.ESIPiPuy`CS CCIL"iiTTEE will present a petition to this effect with over 1,000
Mr. C. P. Lanrnon, 653; Buffalo Speedway, spoke against rezoning the property
~cr a,n;Tthing otier than what it now i s - single Family ~.t~Telli+~g. He said this
wa.s not a. new nroblem~ each City Commission has been troubled.by this.~eriph-
oral propertJ~ and what to do with it .since at least 19I~6. Fie also s~.~.d _that
any changes ~r_11.'oring about multiple changes in the aneration of this city,
that it might bring in Wore revenue but tY~,e city twill have to spend more money
to t~:ke care of it suc:~ as larger Fire and Police Departments. Ile further
stated that it was his opinion that no homeokmer could"afford property for
a single family d~relli~g~ adjacent to commercial property ar~d t'~at if this
-~rcnerty ~rere allowed to be sold at a reasonable price someone would build
Y:omes on it, and until tlYe investors are tir-illing to put a r. easonable Write on
them., he is in favor of letting their. Y<old t're:m ar~d r_ot change ,tl~e zoning
TIr. ake tiel]_y, 3x11 Corond~a ~:.otzrt, said ':~e did not agree with tree gentle::gx~
who sNCke against rezcnirg i.n any shape or form nor with. Mr. Russell and Dr.
~ :beady. He said his home backs ~zr to file property on Bellaire Boulevard and
he is raising r~is three crildren where a;~d ti;at the vacant 1.ats are trash
~ i.eans and .azards for crildren. In ~;is opinion the ..rezoning should be limited
~j to townhouses 100.
U Ns. %letus ~rark, 6714 Rutgers, spoke briefly against rezoning so as to keep '.r'est
Jniversity a r. esidLrtial area. Ile feels the lcts ire question were or. i~inally
bought for fa:v.ly residences and everyone I:new the restrictions when they bought
them. He felt sure there had beer, many o^z:"ortunities to sell the vacant lots
for residential lots. is agaa.nst cl~arxging the zoning to get a commercial
price for s~x~gle fanu.ly lots.
~r. L. T. ,cDaniel, 2733 '.'erlein, briefl~~ turz.ed ti7ror.gh tree Caudill Rowlett
Scott Study and said t:gat Ye ~*as for t~~eV goals as outlised but he :doubted
friar, lots were srl.lin~ for w3,C00 tc w12,OL~0 in ~aest L?niversity and w!as con-
corned about tie r~u~~r~ber of rental properties shown. He felt people should be
encouraged tc ourr~ their homes and rezoning for cammercia.l uses would discourage
this. It was his opinion that the "mini" freeway a.t :gdloe a.nd Bissonnet would
eventually be linked to tYie Astrodome area and this would increase traffic. He
stated he was against selling our homes for commercial property.
.~r. iom Ledbetter spoke as" represeiitati.ve ~f his parents, ~1Ir. and ~~rso ~~T. Ray
Ledbetter, who live at 2E~22 ~aterlein. Ile outlined procedures citizens could legal-
ly take to block a rezoning; ordinance and stated that trey *aere against the pro-
posed rezone;:~.
:~Ir. John Grube, 5315 Buffalo Speedway, said treat he is a new resident ~~ic. moved
here tc raise his fanny and that he did pat think the traffic problem was
unsurmountable, that he believed h is ciil:Iren woul~~? have to learn to live with
tr~..ffic as part of their growing up in a c~.ty. He stated :ae thinks it is very
feasible to put single fa:rily or to~mhousns in tie area and expected it would
be easy to sell them.
rr. Ueorge H. Y~insman, 39C4~ Buskin, objeetel to the .notice of public hear.rig
2G'11g ".lblli'~`ied 1"l ~:tid ~04tai?iEEt~eY'r? iirgu5 F;:S rte termed it a "tY1raW 3ti?ay" paper.
~Ir~s. Christine Kogan, 3~C3 Sc~:tiLt*`~>ter~, stated she did not thinl•. y-ou coulu put
toyTMrYiouses .side bd side with single fs.:r31y dt;Tellings.
I~rs. Lee Sl:aupe, 3712 Rice i3o~alevard, askr~d I"_r. Britton. if she understood correct-
lr that he is opposed to commercial development~_but not opposed to limited
change, :°~ainly to tcewnho=~:ses.
".r Lritton said this was ccrrec#~,
:.~ .
un motion dzldr :rage, seconded find carried the Public hearing adjourned.
Tae regular meeting, was .reopened.
letter from. 2~r. ~. u. rowze, Tanager, Realty do Building, „oustan Natural Gas
Co:m~ar~y, riru~ sting consideration fo» ci.ty to sell to them 15~ 0" of the western.
dead end of Corondo Court was presented for consideration.
Motion by ~r. DaYilin, secondod by sir. Weatherby, trat consideration be deferred
untt.l t~~e ~~cxt r. eular mepti.ng of tine Co;mni ssion and t:.at an inquiry be directed
to tie City Attorney asking his opinion on possible alternateves of the request
From ~ouston,datural bus Company.
Voting Aye: till Voting No: alone
~ letter from x. H. J. Tollett, Jr., Gak Leaf Nanage~ments, requesting per~r•-is-
sior to cor.str~~ct a. parkirsg lot at tti:e corr_or of Academy and Bellaire Boulevard
and the answer from tree City ;tanager wore presented to t.ie Commission for their
The secretary was instructed t;o' include the two letters as a part of t~:e minutes
with the statement from the Chairman that in his discuss~.on with the City
Attorney and City :•anager re brought out the fact that no commercial parking
could be permitted on this property.
`i~~e minutes cf tie regular meeting of the Zone.*~g and Planning Commission,
January 2, 1973 ~-aere presented arld approved as submitted.
Cn motion d~~'_Jr made, seconded anc carried tree meeting was recessed until
Tuesday, Fe'oruary 13, 1973, 7:3C p.zt., at the Community Building.
January 10, 1973
Air. ~~litt Johnson,. City _~ianager
lest tiniversity P3ace
38J~v i.~niversity Boulevard
rlcuston, Texas 7700 Re: Parking Lot
1;lOQ Bellaire ioulevard
uea.r °ire J011:I$on:
I would like at this timE to req~zest ~ermissicn to construct a narking lot
at tree carper ~f ticademy and Le1la.ire~Boulevard. I understand from our
telephone conversation that there should not be any problem in utilizing fetes
property for parking. I would '_ikc to ?lease confir:r, that this will comply
?~:ith t ~e restrictions.
V erg- truly ;nouns,
/s/ Fi. J. Tollett, Jr. CPr~
cc Drs. Fobert ~1. Boyd, Joh:. C. Curtis,
Rich 2.rd ~.. '_?lessal.2.
3£?37 :iellaire Dlvd., Room 202
r.OllStOn, eXaS 77~2~
Mr. H. J. Tollett, Jr., CPM
Oak Deaf I~ianagement
Heal s~state ~.anagement
8989 ~.estheimer, Suite 1114
Houston, Texas 770!42
January 214, 1973
Dear ?'s. Tollett:
You have requested by letter dated January 30, 1973 for permiseian to construct
parking lot at the corner of lcademy and Bellaire Boulevard.
I have discussed this request with our City Attorney, Charles F. `'oc:zrell, and
1r. E. Cene Hines, Chairman of. '; ne Zoning and Planning Commiss~ on and they have
confirmed to me the faot t'r.at a narking lot at this particular location will
conform with Zoning Grdinance I~?o. 902 which reula.tes this pro~~erty and t:.is
You will of ccurse have to submit plans and specifications and mane official
application for the coListruction of tIl€ parkin; lot on the property in question.
Yours eery truly,
/s/ ~riiitt Jornson
CitJT ?anager
CC Drs. Robert A; Boyd, John C. Curtis, Richard A. Plessala
3837 Bellaire Boulevard, Room 2.02
Iiouston, Texas 7702K
Per. toward Bur. Hey, Listrict tanager
Southwestern Bell Telephone Co~rrpany
6707 Academy, Room 102
Iouston, Texas 7700
F ebruars~ 3, 1973
/s/ =ary A. Byrne
City of ~~'est ~Jniversity
Zoning is ~'lanning Commission
3800 University Boulevard
ouston, Texas 7700
Since I feel that I will be unable +.,a attend t'rie meeting. this coming week, I would
like to cast my opposing vote for rezoning of tre property in question. I feel
that this would be a grave mistake aa:u do nothing for the home owners in this area.
~.?'Jp ~<st BLk. 2E
Lot 6
Tlla~;k yo~z.
..ec: e taz y^-~-