HomeMy WebLinkAbout12151969 ZPC Minutesf~ CO "~ V V 1 J With no further questions or information to be presented, motion. by Mr. Bricker, seconded by Mr. Hines, that Public Hearing be closed. Voting Aye: All ~3pon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Monday, December 15, 1969 at 7:30 p.m. Attest: ecre ary RECESSED MEETING ZONIlVG AND PLANNIlVG COMMISSION - DECEMBER 15, 1969 The Zoning and Planning Commission. of the City of West University Place con- vened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, December 15, 1969, 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Chairman David W. Hannah, presiding; members L. B. Bricker, H. E. Lott, E. Gene Hines and R. C. Hilton. Mr. Hannah opened the meeting by stated the Commission was giving further con- sideration on a request for rezoning by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company to rezone Lots 1, 2,3 and ~+, Block 25, Collegeview lst Addition, City. of West University Place, Texas for the parking of automobiles owned by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and~or its employees. He also stated for the benefit of those in attendance that the Public Hearing on the above application had been closed and this meeting was for deliberation on the part of ,the members of the Zoning and Planning Commission for a recommendation to the City Commis- sion on the request for rezoning for parking. Mr. Hines: There was obviously a divergence of opinion and during the Public Hearing more people spoke against the proposal than for it. Duri~ the course of the conversations, there was reference made to long-range studies in this area included by planners Caudill, Rowlett and Scott in their report prepared for the City in 1963 concerning land use and future land use for future develop- ment. This area was incorporated in one of the case studies in that report. These lots are only a portion of the suggested study and is one of the draw backs. If we could do it all there would be no question in my mind. I would like to read Case Study #3 from this report: "This area illustrates quite a variety of problems and possible solutions. It contains development ranging from retail shopping centers, movie theater and large office building (without adequate off-street parking) to medium and small sized houses, some of which are approaching a dangerously low level of maintenance. Here are some examples of how blighting influences affect housing, and how differences in orientation and street arrangement can make a great difference in enviornment. For instance, consdier the condistions on Voting No: None ~~~ Cason Street as compared with those of West and East College Streets. Cason Street, open to traffic at both ends, is congested and crowded with parked cars of office employees. The atmosphere is not conducive to normal single family resident ail use, and there is little incen- tive to maintain houses to high standards. By constrast, East and West College, physically as close to commercial development and busy streets, dead-end to prevent through traffic and discourage park- ing, the general impression is one of isolation from the surrounding activites, and a quiet, attractive residential environment is main- tained. The latter area needs no other special treatment to preserve its value; the former must receive extensive surgery. .. _ , .. The intensity of established commercial uses West of Weslayan indi- cates a need for greater depth of insulation. Therefore, this area was selected for study of larger scale redelopment and a greater variety of transtional land uses. In order to eliminate a source of traffice problems and provided needed off-street parking .spaces it is recommended that Weslayan Street be closed to traffic between Riley and Bellaire and converted to a parking lot. In addition, removing any connection between Stella Link and Ruskin to-the West will take business traffic off Ruskin, preserving it for residential use. The study shows a large area West of the shipping center redevelop- ing far apartment use. As an example of the large scale development this area could support, the plan shows 12 two-story apartment building, and two ten-story buildings, comtaining approximately 220 dwelling units. Two covered parking area serve the low buildings; underground parking would be required for the ten-story units. The low buildings face small courts for privacy, and the tall buildings face the large open area. Various small office buildings and aprtment buildings are shown on the perimeter of the commercial area, as a transitional use. The other ex- ample shown is a townhouse development on the north, forming the trasi- tion between apartment buildings and the single family neighborhood. These could be either rental or individually owned houses. Attaching the houses and designing them around shall courts or patios allows greater coverage, yet combines most of the remaining open space into a large area for effective use. The open yrad in this development provides screening distance between the houses and the major street, and contains ample space for swimming pool and lawn. This type of townhouse develop- ment is becoming increasingly popular." We are faced with the problem of piece-meal zoning, using this as a guide line. The questions from residents concerning the remainderof the residences. is valid and I do not have an answer. The congestion on the streets is till there and if not rezoned we would still have the same problem. Mr. Bricker: I went down to this area today and the "No Parking" signs are on one side and not on the other..... which forces the cars further down on Riley and as far as Fairhaven. This means they have cleared one side and they have gone further down. Mr. Hannah: Mr. Burney made the point that this was initiated by the company resulting from complaints of residents in the area about parking of automobiles r s in front of houses by employees of the Telephone Company, and this was the first instance in a 5 state area that the Telephone Company is willing to provide park- ing for employees. Mr. Lott: It seems to me that the people do not want the cars in front of their houses and the only solution is to provide the parking spaces and this does not interfere with zoning or the outlook of the zoning report.' Mr. Bricker: Does Caudill, Rowlett and Scott report show this smaller area? How about if we took the entire block. 'F' . _`i~ ,r_ Mr. Hines: If entire block -would have to define as "_special"residential - as ~ townhouses, or two story apartments. One of our problems 'is inadequate buffer ~, strips between the commercial and residential. t~ +'J Mr. Hannah: I think we have to face the fact that the automobile was not nearly U the factor it is today. and the area was not developed either in West University V or Houston at the time the zoning ordinance was drafted and passed. We are faced with the consideration of lots of cars and no place to park them. Any question about "spot" zoning as far as concerns rezoning should include a consideration of rezoning the entire block. Mr. Hilton: There is going to be a change and I think it is our place to direct the change in the right direction. I am inclined to recommedn that we go ahead and rezone as requested. Zoning is a problem, because we are continuing to look and to evaluate the entire area with the changing time and use of land and property. Mr. Hines: The triangle bounded by Weslayan and Stella Link has be recommended to the City Commission for rezoning for Professional Office buildings and~or parking. This recommendation is in abeyance before the City Commission until further information concerning development from owners has been received and studied. The quoted Case Study #3 points out that on the East of Stella Link after the rezoning of lots'for Pilgrim Equipment, we would not approach from the right across the triangle to the approximate same depth. Mr. Lott; Parking is a special type of zoning. There are no structures and it is certainly different than if it is zoned for retail business. Mr. Hannah: These are also predominately 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. employees. Mr. Hines: I think the plan the Telephone Company presented is ~ood but the design may need to be improved. Mr. Lott: The area Est of Stella Link has been zoned for business for several years. We only rezoned three lots that had not been zoned for retail business and was contiguous to the zoned property. I'think it would be hard to construe as "spot zoning" because it is contiguous to the Telephone Company property, and as has been pointed out you cannot keep a utility company out of an area. Mr. Hannah: And if you can't keep it out, it would be reasonable to make it convenient for that utility to service the area. ~. Mr. Lott:. The existing parking spaces the Telephone Company had been using are being used during construction. Mr. Bricker: As I understand it, if this is not changed for parking the Telephone Company accgrding to the Off-Street parking ordinance will have to provide parking. Mr. Hines: What should be included in recommendation? Mr. Bricker: I would like to recommend rezoning the entire block.. I think this area could better be used for a block area to stop any further encroach- ment into the residential area if rezoning for "special"residentail which would be townhouse or 2-story apartments. Mr. Hannah: We have only four lots involved and these are the onlyones which we can recommend action on at this time. Mr. Bricker: I thin it should be recommmended and taken under consideration by the Zoning and Planning Commission and the City Commission at an early date to rezone the entire block. Mr. Hannah: Any further questions or discussion? Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Hines, that the Zoning and Planning Commission recommend. to the City Commission that consideration be given to amending Zoning Ordinance 111 of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the parking of automobiles owned by Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and~or its employees on the following; Lots 1, 2, 3,-and ~-, Block 25, Collegeview lst Addition, City of West University Place, Texas. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None. Motion by Mr. Hines, seconded by Mr. Bricker, that Chairman be authorized to make Final Report to the City Commission recommending that consideration be given to amending Zoning Ordinance 111 of the City of West University Place, for the parking of automobiles owned by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company and~or its employees on the following: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 25, Collegeview 1st Addition,. City of West University Place, Texas. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The members of the Zoning and Planning Commission asked that the minutes reflect a desire on the part of the Commission for the City Commission to authorize the City Engineer to up-date and have printed new zoning maps. The Zoning and Planning Commission was presented official surveys of property owned by Eddie J. Kriebel for signatures of the Chairman and Secretary, showing subdivisions as approved by the Commission as follows: Lot 5, Block 30, West University First Addition, 6408 Buffalo Speedway, City of West University Place, Texas 1 Subdivided into lots, each 50' c 150'., both fronting on Buffalo Speedway Approved July 17, 1969 Lot 11, Block 22, West University Place 1st Addition, 6317 Westchester, City of West University Place, Texas Subdivided into two lots, each 50' x 150', both fronting on Westchester Street. .Approved December 11, 1969 Upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried ~`'~ Cp V V Attest: 4 cretary 1 1 ~~