HomeMy WebLinkAbout11162023 ZBA Minutes OCitvof West University Place Public Works Department ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES November 16,2023 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS Ross Fava(voting), Shaffer Braun (voting),Nikhil Nayak(voting), PRESENT: Jennifer Sickler (voting), Mateo Fisher(voting) and Zack Liu II. MEMBERS Cameron Cuenod, Francois Daube and Michael Tucker ABSENT: III. STAFF PRESENT: Scott Bounds, City Attorney, John McGowan, Building Official, Craig Koehl, City Forester, Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator and Evan DuVall, Zoning Official IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. 1. Call the meeting to Ross Fava called the meeting to Ross Fava administered the oath to all ZBA order.Notices,Rules, order at 6:30 p.m. Ross Fava asked members and witnesses. etc. members to briefly introduce themselves. Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator, stated that all notices were posted in accordance with state and local laws. Ross Fava then described the hearing procedures. Swearing in of witnesses. 2. Swearing in Zoning Josie Hayes administered the Oath of Office Board of Adjustments to all members. Commission Members. 3. Board Member Orientation lead by City Attorney, PowerPoint presentation by City Attorney, Orientation. Scott Bounds. Scott Bounds. 4. Docket No.2023-0012; Applicant's Request After deliberation, Mateo Fisher made a regarding property at The applicant in Docket#2023- motion to approve special exception with 6328 Buffalo Speedway, 0012; 6328 Buffalo Speedway, Notes 5 and 7 of Section 7-101, Table 7-5a West University Place, requests the Board approve two of the Zoning Ordinance to permit a circular Texas 77005(Variance). variances from the city's Zoning driveway with the following special a. Public hearing Ordinance to 1)allow the exceptions: 1)North driveway must be regarding a variance from construction of a circular driveway approved by Urban Forester and comply with 3826 Amherst St. zvzvw.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department the City's Zoning with each driveway approach City's tree ordinance; 2)New driveway shall Ordinance, Appendix A separated by 18 feet where 24 feet is have a maximum of 12 feet and, 3)Applicant of the Code of required, and 2)to allow pervious will provide city an engineered drainage plan Ordinances, Article 7, pavers to be utilized in lieu of natural showing no adverse impact on adjacent Section 7-101, Table 7- landscaped area to satisfy the front property. Second by Shaffer Braun. AYES: 5a,Note 5 to allow a yard 50%pervious area requirement. Ross Fava, Shaffer Braun,Nikhil Nayak, circular driveway to be Jennifer Sicker and Mateo Fisher.NOES: constructed with the Staff did not receive correspondence None. Motion carried (5-0). Mateo Fisher inside edges of each in favor,or against the variance. made a motion to approve the applicant's driveway approach request for a variance to the City's Zoning separated by a distance of Joanne Goof, 6324 Buffalo Ordinance, Appendix A, Article 7, Section 7- 18 feet where 24 feet is Speedway spoke opposing the 101, Table 7-3,Note 7 to allow pervious required and a variance to variance. pavers to utilize in lieu of natural vegetation Appendix A,Article 7, or landscaped area to satisfy the minimum Section 7-101, Table 7-3, Background Information 50%front yard pervious area requirement Note 7 to allow pervious The applicants have proposed a with the conditions 1)a four feet natural pavers to be utilized in project to construct a new circular landscape buffer on the norther property line lieu of natural vegetation driveway for their home. The in the property's front yard must be provided or landscapes area to applicant submitted a site plan to city at time of permitting and 2)the center area satisfy the minimum staff indicating a driveway between driveways on the property line must 50% front yard pervious separation distance of 18 feet and be a natural landscape area. Second Shaffer area requirement. where subsequently informed that a Braun. AYES: Ross Fava, Shaffer Braun, b. Deliberation, minimum separation distance of 24 Nikhil Nayak, Jennifer Sickler and Mateo decisions, other action, feet would be required between each fisher. NOES: None.Motion carried (5-0). etc. regarding the approach of the proposed circular preceding matters. driveway. The applicant stated to city staff that complying with this requirement would be problematic for their project, as this would require them to reduce the width of each driveway approach to 11 feet, which they claim would not be sufficient width to permit vehicle access in and out of the driveway to Buffalo Speedway due to traffic. Additionally, the applicants have proposed a unique driveway design that incorporates the use of pervious pavers in the designated front yard area of their home. However,the Zoning Ordinance requires that the pervious area in a front yard must be either natural vegetation or 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department landscaped area,and,therefore, pervious pavement cannot be utilized to satisfy this requirement without a variance. City Council amended the Zoning Ordinance earlier in the year to amend the regulations for the construction of circular driveways and the permitting of additional curb cuts for a building site. 5. Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes from Jennifer Sicker moved to approve the October 26, 2023. October 26, 2023,minutes. Second by Nikhil Nayak. AYES: Ross Fava, Shaffer Brau, Nikhil Nayak, Jennifer Sickler and Mateo Fisher. Motion carried (5-0). Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 Mateo Fisher moved to adjourn the meeting. p.m. Second by Jennifer Sicker. AYES: Ross Fava, Shaffer Braun,Nikhil Nayak,Jennifer Sickler and Mateo Fisher.Motion carried (5-0). APPROVED THIS aa'�o DAY OF G 2024. Presiding Officer ATTEST: t - IAC Josie M. Hayes, Administrator oordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830