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MARCH 31, 1869
The City Commission of the City of West University Place and the Zoning and Planning
Commission of the City of West University Place convened at 7:00 p.m., March 31, lg6g
at the City Hall for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing called for this date,
with the following members prsent: Mayor Homer Ramsey, presiding; Commissioners
Neighbors, Proctor, Scott and Wallin, Zoning and Planning Commission members, David
Hannah, Chairman, presiding; Members Hilton, Hines and Lott. The City Attorney and
City Manager were also present.
Mayor Ramsey stated that this Public Hearing was being held jointly and simultaneously
by the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Commission for the purpose of giving
consideration to rezoning the following property:
Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition.
Motion by Commissioner Wallin,. seconded by Commissioner Scott, that the Public Hear-
ing called by the City Commission be opened.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Motion by Mr. Lott, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the Public Hearing called by the
Zoning and Planning Commission be opened.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Mr. Ramsey requested that Zoning and Planning Chairman David Hannah explain the
action taken by that Commission on the original application.
.Chairman. Hannah sated that on January g, lg6g an application for rezoning Lot 5,
Block S,Preston Place Addition, was received by the Zoning and Planning Commission
from Robert H. Ray and Jack C. Pollard.
On January 10, lg6g the Zoning and Planning Commission filed its preliminary report
with the City Commission; notice of the Public Hearing called for 7:30 p.m., Thursday,
February 13, lg6g, was mailed to all property owners with a 200' radius of the
property on January 14, lg6g; proper legal notice was published in the Newslife
Section of the. Houston Chroncile on January 22, lg6g; and final report was submitted
to the City Commission on February 20, lg6g.
Mayor Ramsey requested that City Attorney Charles F. Cockrell determine that all
legal requirements in connection with the Public Hearing had been fulfilled.
Mr. Cockrell was advised by Assistant City Secretary, Mrs. Lee Lockard, that proper
legal notice had been published in the Houston Post on March 13, 1968, and that
notices of the public hearing had been:rnailed to all property owners, as determined
by the current tax records of the city, within a 200' radius of the property in
question, on March 11, ig6g.
Mr. Cockrell advised those in attendance that if they wished to be heard, either
for or against the proposed rezoning, they should come forward and take the Oath
as administered by Mayor Ramsey.
Mayor Ramsey then administered the Oath to the following persons:
David Dubose
W. G. Pollard
Whitt Johnson
Mr. DuBose, attorney representing the applicants, Jack C. Pollard and Robert H. Ray,
owners of Lot 5, Block 5, Preston Place Addition; spoke on behalf of the application
for rezoning. Mr. Dubose stated that this lot is located on the north end of Block
5, fronting on Kirby Drive, and siding on Plumb Street. The entire block with the
exception of this lot, was zoned for retail business at the time the Zoning Ordinance
for the City of West University Place was adopted in 1937. This lot was not included
in the retain business district at that time inasmuch as it had a residence located
on it. Mr. DuBose stated that Plumb Street would form a natural boundary for this
block, and therefore, the applicants request that the retail business district be
extended to include Lot 5. Mr. Dubose presented a sketch of the block and an archi-
tect's sketch showing the proposed building his clients plan to erect on this lot if °...
the area is rezoned.
Mx. Bricker, member of the Zoning and Planning Co~rnnission, arrived at the Public
Hearing at this time.
Mr. W. G. Pollard, agent for the owners, stated that the proposed building would
have 2,700 square feet. Mr. Pollard advised that including parking area in the, rear
of the building, there would be seventeen parking spaces available.
Mr. Johnson, Cit Manage, stated that Ordinance Number 897 regulating the parking
area within the City required one parking space for each 200' of building space,
which in this instance would be a minimum of fourteen parking spaces.
Mrs. Alex Sachs, 5902 Lake, who had not been administered the Oath, stated her main
concern was parking on Plumb Street. Mr. Pollard advised Mrs. Sachs that the off-
street parking spaces on the Plumb Street side of the planned construction would be
used primarily for employee parking with a minimum of daily in-and-out parking.
Two ladies arrived late at the meeting, gave no names or addresses, but stated that
Plumb Street was quite narrow and they were concerned only with parking problems
that might develop as a result of the proposed rezoning. (These ladies were later
identified as Mrs. Richard McCann, 6004 Lake and Mrs. S. J. Davis, 5907 Lake).
Mrs. Sachs stated that no one in their neighborhood was opposed to either the pro-
posed rezoning or construction; they would much prefer a nice building to the old
ramshackled house now located on the property.
Mr. Cockrell stated that inasmuch as there were no further questions or statements
the Public Hearing could be closed and that the City Commission and Zoning and Plan-
ning Commission, if they felt they had sufficient information, could take necessary
action at this time, or postpone action for further study.
Motion by Commissioner Neighbors, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the Public
Hearing called by the City Commission be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No; None
Motion by Mr. Hines, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the Public Hearing called by the
Zoning and Planning Commission be closed..
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Motion by Mr. Hines, seconded by Mr. Lott, that the Zoning and Planning Commission
reaffirm the recommendation contained in their report filed with the City Commission
on February 20, 1969, that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of West University Place
be amended to extend the retail business district to embrace Lot 5, Block 5, Preston
Place Addition.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Motion by Commissioner Wallin, seconded by Commissioner Proctor, that the recommenda-
tion of the Zoning and Planning Commission be accepted and the City Attorney be in-
structed to prepare an ordinance to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the City of West
University Place to extend the retail business district to embrace-Lot 5, Block 5,
Preston Place Addition.
Voting Aye: All
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, by the City Commis
and Planning Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m~
Voting No: None
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