HomeMy WebLinkAbout04051977 ZPC Minutes`1 REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL 5, 1977 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at .the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 5, 1977, with the following members present: Chairman Bartholomew, presiding; Members LaCook, Norton and Weatherby. Proper notice of the meeting had been posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Norton, that Public Hearing to consider application of Mrs.. Pauline Waters, owner, to subdivide Lot 14, Block 16 West University Place 1st Addition Northeast corner of Vanderbilt & Duke into two lots, one lot 100 ft. x 115 ft. facing Vanderbilt and one lot 85 ft. x 100 ft. facing Duke, be opened. Voting Aye: Yes Voting No: None During discussion of the application, it was pointed out that technically this pro- posed subdivision creating a lot facing Duke dod not constitute a key lot because the lot adjacent faces Duke .and also other lots across the street in the block faces Duke, as well as lots in other blocks in the immediate area. Mrs. Waters advised that if she planned to sell the lot facing Duke, if the sub- division was approved, there could be a problem with utility easements, especially sanitary sewer easement and that she should be aware of this and be sure that her legal advisor and any new owner was advised so that proper easements could be execu- ted for her protection. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing be closed. Voting Ayer Yes Voting No: None. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that application to subdivide Lot 14, Block 16 West University Place 1st Addition Northeast corner of Vanderbilt & Duke into two lots, one lot 100 ft. x 115 ft. facing Vanderbilt and one lot 85 ft. x 100 ft. facing Duke,. be approved, subject to compliance with all building setback require- ments, building code, or other governing ordinnaces, whether or not herein specified, for any subsequent construction. Voting Aye: Barthlomew Voting No: Norton LaCook Weatherby Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on March. 8, 1977 were approved as presented. 1 1 1 F;?? . a brief recess was called awaiting opening of Public Hearing called for 8:00 p.m. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing to consider the application of Mr. Stewart Smith, owner, to subdivide Lot 5, Block. 50 West University Place 2nd Addition 3310 Amherst into two lots, each 50 ft. z 150 ft., each facing Amherst, be opened. d" Mr. Smith stated his plans. were to remodel the existing house on .the west side of the lot and later build a new resident on the east lot if the subdivision is granted. ,,~ He also advied that he had contacted adjacent property owners and that no one was Q opposed to the subdivision. Q Mr. Dahlin came to the meeting at this time. Motion by Mr. LaCook, seconded by Mr. Dahlin, that application to subdivide Lot 5, Block 50 West University Place 2nd Addition 3310 Amherst into two lots,. each 50 ft. x 150 ft., each facing Amherst, be approved, subject to compliance with all building setback requirements, building code, or other governing ordinances, whether or not herein specified, for any subsequent construction. During discussion, it was noted that this request would create two lots which were over the minimum requirement for lots and that it was in an area where all the other lots contained fifty foot frontages. An opinion was expressed that when the original platting of West University occurred, it appeared that the founders wanted a certain number of large, medium and minimum lots and that through the years of processing subdivision, eventually it could be that all lots in the city would be of minimum size and that unless there was an overriding reason for approval all subdivisions should be rejected. Other opinions pointed out that this particular request would not create two mini- mum lots and that consideration should be given to location in the city and that the Zoning and Planning Commission had in the past denied subdivisions of minimum size lots in certain areas even though some minimum subdivisions had been allowed pre- viously. Further, it was stated that the appearance of the lot seemed to be that of vacatn property on the east side because of the situation of the existing building and al- thoug agreeing in princiap with the above opinion, it was conjectured that maybe now was a time for change. That in the rezoning for townhouses, indication was that for all. practical purposes an increase in density for the city was appropriate considering the changing times, including energy needs, traffic and population moves back to the city. Voting Aye: Bartholomew Voting No: Norton Dahlin LaCook Weatherby Final plans were presented by Kevin Stuckey and Perry Whitacre for the construction of townhouses on Lot 4, Block 2 West University Place 1st Addition Northeast corner of Belmont and Bellaire Boulevard After a study of the plans, it was determined they met all the requirements of the Zoning and Planning Commission GUIDELINES and the ordinance governing same. ..Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the final plans for the con- struction of townhouses on Lot 4, Block 2 West University Place lst Addition Northeast corner of Belmont anx Bellaire Boulevard be approved as presented subject to compliance with all building setback requirements, building code, or other governing ordinances, whether or not herein specified, for any subsequent construction. Voting Aye: A11 Voting No: None Preliminary and Final plans were presented by Kenneth W. Webb and Richard A. Hosley for the construction of townhouses on W. 45 ft. of Lot 7, All of Lots 8 & 9, East 10 ft. of Lot 10, Block 1 Kent Place Addition 3600 Block of Bellaire Boulevard. Messrs. Webb and Holley have an earnest money contract for purchase and development of this property contingent on approval of the plans presented. The angle parking of guest parking spaces on the west side of the development, in particular the last space adjacent to Bellaire Boulevard, was considered unwie-idly in that it encourages backing toward or into Bellaire Boulevard. It was suggested that 90o parking be required here. This was agreeable with the developers. It was determined that the Preliminary plot plan and the Final plans met all the GUIDELINES 00 of the Zoning and Planning Commission and the ordinances governing same. Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Preliminary and Final plans for the construction of townhouses on W. 45 ft. of Lot 7, A11 of Lots 8 & 9, East 10 ft. of Lot 10, Block_1 Kent Place Addition 3600 Block of Bellaire Boulevard be approved as presented, with the exception of requiring 90° parking for guest parking on the west side of the development and .subject to compliance with all building setback requirements, building code, or other governing ordinances, whether or not herein specified, for any subsequent construction. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Lf~ An application. from Mr. Arnold L. Shields, owner, to subdivide O ''~ East 114 ft. of Lot 6, Block 13 '~ Q West University Place 1st Addition 6402 Belmont into two lots, each 50 ft. z 114 ft., each fronting on Belmont, was presented for consideration. Mr. Shields stated that he planned to tear down the existing dwelling .and garage which is very old and in poor condition and sell .the two lots, if dub- divided. Two couple who plan to buy the lots, if subdivided, attended the meet- ing. It was reported by those members having investigated the property that the condi- tion of the dwelling and garage was in very. bad condition. Motion by Mr. Weatherby., seconded by Mr. Dahlin, that application to subdivide East 114 ft. of Lot 6, Block 13 West University Place lst Addition 6402 Belmont into two lots, each 50 ft. x 114 ft., each fronting on Belmont, be accepted and Public Hearing called for May 3, 1977. Mr. Shields was advised that the calling of a Public Hearing did not constitute either approval or denial of his application. Voting Aye: All Voting No: NOne Mr. Steve Mercadel appeared before the Commission to discuss plans for the con- struction of townhouses on Lots 3, Block 2A and 2B West University Place 1st .Addition North east corner of Rutgers and Bellaire Boulevard. He presented a proposed plat plan with specific questions concerning Section 1, Sub-Section K, Distance Between Dwelling Units, Ordinance No. 1025: 1. Would a proposed fence on the east side of the development between a townhouse development now being constructed con- ' stitute a wall re: Section 1, Sub-Section K (2)? 2. With consent of both developers could this fence be ommitted? 3. Could variance for the distance between units under this section be granted? There was .some disagreement between members as to interpretation of this section. Mr. Mercadel was also advised that the adjoining development contained two swim- ming pools which under ordinance had to be fenced, so that this might be a con- sideration he needed to be aware of. He was advised that the Commission would study the ordinance end seek other opinions as to interpretation and hopefully have some answers for him at their next regular meeting on May 3, 1977. Mr. Mercadel presented another plan which he explained he did not like as well as the other, but that would meet all the requirements of the ordinance. Mr. Mercadel was advised that unfortunately the mechanics of Ordinance no. 1025 did not permit the Zoning and Planning Commission to bargain with a developer if he wanted to provide a slight variance although both the Commission and the deve- loper might agree that it would be an advantage for both the city and the deve- loper. With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the .meeting adjounred at 9:45 p.m. Irl /~ :~'(/ ~ s~~ `'' - - Chairman ATIIEST: ~~ r~-5 G ecretary 1