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DECEMBER 14, 1976
The Zoning. .and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened
in regular session at the City Hall at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 1976,
with the foil-owing .members present: Chairman Bartholomew, presiding; Members
Norton, LaCook and Weatherby..
The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that proper notice of the meeting
had been posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall three (3) days prior to
the scheduled meeting.
~ The Chairman .advised that a Public Hearing had been called .for this time and ex-
Q plained the procedure. to be followed.
Q Motion by Mr. Weatherby, :seconded by Mr. Norton, that Public Hearing called for
Q consideration of application to subdivide
Lot 3, Block 90
West University Place 2nd Addition
3322 Albans
by Mr. Michael Casey, owner, .into two lots, one lot facing Albans to be 100 ft.
a 102 ft., and one lot facing Westchester to be 65 ft. x 100 ft., be opened.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Notice of Public Hearing was published in The Southwestern Argus on Wednesday,
November 17, 1976 and letters to property owners within 200 ft. of the property
were mailed November 18, 1976.
Mr. Casey presented pictures of the existing improvements, including a garage and.
greenhouse which would be removed in the event the subdivision is granted, and
stated that he planned to remodel the existing house which faces Albans. He stated
his. plans for the lot facing Westchester, if the subdivision is approved, were in-
decisive at this time. He also submitted a plat of .adjacent. blocks .and pointed
out previous subdivision of lots and stated that if the application was approved,
the two lots would be larger than the minimum lot requirement of the Zoning Ordi-
nance making them also the second and third largest lots on that block, and that
it was his desire to put use of the land in a more feasible economic environment.
Mr. H. F. Gillard, 3314 Albans, stated he had lived adjacent to this property for
more than 25 years and would like to see it left as it is because of the openness
of the area.
Mr. Paul W. Wallin, Jr., 3311 Albans, asked if the existing house was so located
that possibly in the future a request might be made to subdivide the proposed lot
facing Albans into two lots.
He was advised that in order to be subdivided in this manner the existing house
would have to be town down or relocated.
Mr. Dahlin came to the meeting at this time.
_ _ _____ _
Mr. Wallin also stated he would like to see the larger lots kept intact and could
see. no hardship involved in this application.
Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Dahlin, that application by Mr. Michael
E. Casey, owner, to subdivide
Lot 3, Block 90
West University Place 2nd Addition
3322 Albans
into two lots, one lot facing Albans to be 100 ft. x102 ft. and one lot facing
Westchester to be 65 ft. x 100 ft., be .denied.
The secretary reviewed statements already given before his arrival at the meeting
for Mr. Dahlin.
Discussion of the. application concerned aesthetics of area, previous subdivision
in this bloack and adjacent blocks, oversize of lots in proposed subdivision in com-
parison with Zoning requirements and size. of lots on this block and adjacent blocks,
density factor and the fact that this is not a true key lot situation as adjacent
property. to the north faces Westchester also.
Votin Aye:. Norton Voting. No: Barthlomew
Weatherby Dahlin
Motion failed. Subdivision approved as presented.
Mr. W. B. Lee, owner, presented an application for the following:
Combining two tracts of land described as follows into one tract of land:
TRACT l: East 20 ft. of Lot 8, Block 22, West University Place 1st
Addition, 20 ft. x 120 ft., facing University Boulevard and
adjacent to North 100 ft. of Lot 7, Block 22, West University
Place 1st Addition, 3301 University Boulevard.
TRACT 2: West 50 ft. of Lot 6, Block 22, West University Place 1st
Addition, 50 ft. x 100 ft.
And further requesting that TRACT l be designated for ingress and egress to
TRACT 2 and that TRACT 2 be designated as a building site where a permit for
the construction of a single family dwelling might be issued by the City of
West University Place.
h1r. Lee explained that he purchased these tracts of land along with North 100 ft.
of Lot '7, Block 22, West University Place 1st Addition, in 1952, but was not ne-
gotiating to sell the property and move from the city. He stated that the pros-
pective owner desired to have the above described action taken in order to get
financing for the property for reason that as it exists it is not a buildable
site. Mr. George Saxon, prospective buyer, stated that he did not intend to
construct a residence on the lot but planned to use it for family recreation and/or
an extra garage.
Members of the Commission discussed the various facets of this request including.
whether or not the Commission had the authority to combine properties and create
a site which would not meet the Zoning requirements as a building site, street
frontage, setback requirements, availability of utilites and undesirable location
as a building site.
~+ The Chairman was instructed to write the City. Attorney for a written opinion on
Lf~ this request.
~ Mr. Lee agreed to bear. with the Commission until the City Attorney responded and
~ the Commission could meet again in January and re-consider the application.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on November 9,
1976, were approved as submitted.
4Jith no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:.30 p.m.