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July 6,1976
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in
regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 6, 1976, with the following
members present: Chairman Barthlomew, presiding; Members Dahlin, LaCook and
Proper notice of the meeting had been posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall
~ three days prior to the scheduled meeting.
~ Motion by Mr. Dahlin, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing scheduled for this
~ time to consider application of Mr. Joseph S. Bracewell to re-draw lot lines according to
~j survey and description submitted with application, in order to make existing garage
Q conform to zoning ordinance with separate ownerships on the property described as:
East 10' of Lot 1, All of Lots 2 & 3
Block 16
Monticello Addition
3123 Tangley Road
be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None.
Notice of Public Hearing was published in The Southwestern Argus, June 16, 1976 and
all property owners within 200 ft. of the above described property were notified of the
Public Hearing by letter dated and mailed June 16, 1976.
Mr. Bracewell advised he had recently purchased the above described property on which
a house and garage are located. The existing garage is constructed into the property
line of Lot 3, and it is the desire of Mr. Bracewell to re-draw the property lines so that
setback requirements of the Zoning Ordinance will be met in the event of separate
ownership of the two lots. Mr. Bracewell presented a survey of the lots on which was
indicated the lot line he desires established with one lot containing 5,192.5 square feet
with a front property line of 52.5 feet and a rear property line of 42.5 feet; and one lot
containing 6,357.5 square feet with a front property line of 57.5 feet and a rear
property line of 67.5 feet. He also stated that the structure alongside the garage was
divided into two rooms, with plumbing in each, facilities for a darkroom, a barbeque pit
and a water well and that removal of the construction would be expensive inasmuch as
it is on the same concrete slab as the garage and because of the improvements. He
advised that a carport over the driveway and columns supporting same which encroach
into the proposed new lot line would be removed.
Motion by Mr. Dahlin, seconded by Mr. Norton, that Public Hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Motion by Mr. Dahlin that the request of Mr. Bracewell to re-draw the property lines of
East 10' of Lot 1, All of Lots 2 & 3
Block 16
Monticello Addition
3123 Tangley Road
in accordance with survey and description presented be approved.
Mr. LaCook asked that Mr. Dahlia withdraw his motion for a discussion of the position
of the Zoning and Planning Commission in respect to this application.
Mr. Dahlin withdrew his motion.
Members of the Commission discussed the legality of the position of the Zoning and
Planning Commission approving this type replatting, whether or not an approval of this
replat with the uneven property lines would constitute a precedent wherein other
applications would be approved, desirability of uneven lot lines for the overall good of
the city, and the responsibility of the Commission to consider each application on its
own merits.
The Chairman. advised that he had discussed this application with the City Attorney and
he advised that this did fall. within the jurisdiction of the Zoning and Planning
Commission contingent on the owner submitting a plat of the new property lines, if
approved, by a licensed surveyor.
Motion by Mr. Dahlin, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that application from Mr. Joseph C.
Bracewell to re-draw the lot lines of
East 10' of Lot 1, All of Lots 2 & 3
Block 16
Monticello Addition
3123 Tangley Road
in accordance with submitted drawings and descriptions, be approved, contingent upon
plat by a licensed surveyor being submitted to the .Zoning and Planning Commission for
certification and approval of the new lot lines, and subject to compliance with all
building setback requirements, building code, or other governing ordinances, whether or
nat herein specified, for. any subsequent construction.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Mr. M. T. Crump, prospective purchaser, and representing Mr. Doy D. Myers, joint
owner of
Lot 2, Block 40
West University Place 1st Addition
660.0 Block Buffalo Speedway
presented an application for consideration for subdivision of the property into two lots,
each 50' x 150', each .fronting on Buffalo Speedway.
It was determined that the above .described lot is owned jointly by Mr. Myers and
another person. Only Mr. Myers signed the application for subdivision.
Mr. Crump was advised that before the application could be considered, an application
signed by all owners of the property should be presented to the Commission.. Mr. Crump
left the meeting at this time.
Copies of a letter from Mitchell Carlson and Associates, Inc. acting in behalf of Bravo
Company, Inc., owners of
West 45' of Lot 7, Lots 8 & 9,
10' of Lot 10, Kent Place Addition
3600 Block Bellaire Boulevard
to Mayor Paul Wallin requesting certain variances from Ordinance No. 1025 was
presented to the Commission for their information.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on June 8, 1976
~ were approved as corrected.
~ The Commission continued its discussion and study of Circular Driveways with the
~ following conclusions and recommendations:
~ Conclusions and Recommendations Concerning
Circular Driveways and Related Problems
The Zoning and Planning Commission believes that the paving of front yards, the
installation of circular driveways, and the parking of vehicles in front yards, except on
garage driveways, should not be permitted. These conclusions were reached after
comprehensive, intense discussion of these practices and alternatives and their various
It is our belief that permitting these practices and installations in front yards is
contrary to the residential goals and purposes stated in our city zoning and related
If these practices were permitted, the appearance of residences from the street, which
is the natural public face of our city, would be transformed into a series of
mechanically functional paved parking areas thereby discouraging concern for the
appearance of the front of properties. The loss of oxygen-producing plant life and the
furthering of front yard open space would result in an appearance of congestion and
would effectively de-humanize our neighborhoods.
We believe that sufficient alternative design solutions to the vehicle parking problem
are available within the present building area and open space provisions of city
ordinances to allow individual development and use of property.
RECOMMENDATIONS: City ordinances should:
1. Encourage residents to park their vehicles behind the front building line of their
2. Prohibit circular driveways except on property fronting a street on which
parking is prohibited or which is subject to excessively heavy traffic.
3. Prohibit paving of front yards except on property fronting a street on which
parking is prohibited or which is subject to excessively heavy traffic.
4. Prohibit the parking of vehicles in front yards except in designated driveways.
5. Define driveways as follows:
With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly
made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned.