HomeMy WebLinkAbout11121974 ZPC Minutes REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1974 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con- vened in regular session on Tuesday, November 12, 1974,.7;00 p. m., with the following members present; Chairman Hines, presiding; Members Bartholomew, Dahlin, Lipscomb and Weatherby. ~ An application from Ira Jack Castles, for the Elders of the West University ~ Church of Christ, owner, to subdivide ~ Lots 4 and 5, Block 91. (~ West University Place 2nd Addition Q 3406 and 3408 Albans into three lots, one 75' x 167',- one 67.5' x 16~' and one 55' x 167', all fronting on Albnas, was presented to the Commission for their consideration. Mr. Castles stated the church plan to retain the two. lots created from thee. corner of Westchesterc°west 142.5 ' (two lots one 75' wide and one 67.5' wide, and sell the remaining 55' lot for a single family residence. He also stated that the garage on the now existing Lot 4 would be moved to the other side of the house and a driveway constructed to it. The garage as it now exists would be bisected by the new line created if the subdivision is granted. It was ascertained from questioning from the members that the house located on the existing Lot 4 is now being used as a parsonage for the associate minister and that the house located on the existing Lot 5 is-used for bib le classes and was unused during the week; there are no living quarters in either garage; that they did not plan to use any part of the lots for parking; that their growth is stable if not slightly declining and that the TV station across the street allows them and St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church to use their parking lot; and that the structures now located on'_; the two lots would be used for the same purpose they are now. . Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Dahlin, that the .application signed by Ira Jack Castles, for the Elders of the West University Church of Christ, owner, to subdivide Lots 4 and 5, Block 91 West University Place 2nd Addition 3406 and 3408 Albans into three lots, one 75' x..167', one 67.5' x 167', and one 55' x 167', all fronting on Albans, be accepted and a Public Hearing called. Voting Aye: All Voting No~ None The following letters were presented to the Commission for their information and made a part of these minutes: b "October 21, 197+ Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chairman Mr.-H. Allen Weatherby Mr. Roland E. Dahlin:: Mr. 0. C. Bartholomew Mr. W. Peter Lipscomb Gentlemen; This is to advise that the City Commission has approved the pur- chase of Lots 7 and 8, B3:ock 27, Colonial Terrace Addition from Mr. Chelsey McLarty, ~+12~+ Byron. This is a tract of land 100' x 100' fronting Byron Street and is contiguous to the present Colonial Park or swimming pool complex. The property is to be used in<~the dev4lc~Bment_efthe play ground facilities in this area. The city was fortunate in buying this property for a cost of $30,000.00. r City officials sincerely appreciate your endorsement and encouragement to acquire additional property in this area for development of its parks ~a,cilities. Yours very truly, ~s~ Whitt Johnson City Manager" "November 8, 197+ Mr. Charles H. Atkins 3617 Bissonnet Houston, Texas 77005 Dear Dick; The present City Commission has ddtermined that it would be more appropriate if those who have recently been elected to the City Commission would call a Pub lic Hearing to consider the rezori:i;ng of your property. You. ,can appreciate the time involved in the calling of a Public Hearing; the publishing of notices, preparation of an ordinance', and the various details-involved in the rezoning of property. I have been instructed that this matter will not appear on the agenda of the last regular meeting of the present City Commission. At this time, Mayor-elect Paul Wallin and Mayor Don Harris propose to have a change of elected administrators on the evening. of November 18. Normally there is no business transacted at this meeting. This then presents some delay, as the next regular scheduled meeting of the City Commission will be on the 25th. I will discuss your situation with the newly elected administration and will advise you when it will be placed on the agenda. Should you desire to discuss this matter in further detail, please call me. Yours very truly, /s/ Whitt Johnson City Manager CC Mayor Don Harris Mayor-elect Paul W. Wallin E. Gene Hines, Chairman, Zoning and Planning Commission" With no further business`to come-before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. f '. ATTEST: ll ~--~ ~ ~' .,.- Secretary ~-~,~~ Chairman .~