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04091974 ZPC Minutes
RED ;1~'~iP ZON~iG ArID ~'LANN~iG CClI~SIUN A~'RTL 9, T974 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con- vened in regular szssion, Tuesday, April 9, 1974, at the City Hall, 7:30 p.m. The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that propex notice of meeting had been posted on the bulletin board at the City Ha11 three days prior to the scheduled meeting as rec{uired by HB3, ~nnend.ing 6252-17 V.C.S. Mr. George Cos appeared before the Ccmrmission and presented a plat to complete his application to subdivide Lot 2, Block 68 Wesf Unssuer~ty Place 2nd Addition 3220 Plumb, into two lots, one 100 ft x 100 ft, fronting on P1wnb, and one 50 ft. x 100 ft. fronting on Rutgers. He introduced Mr. Richard Everett and Mr. William Link who accompanied him.. The Chairman ascertained dram the secretary that the plat completed the applica.a tion of Mr. Cox and stated for the record the application to subdivide the above property was recei~red by the Zoning and P1aYming Corruaission on April 9, 1974 and that date constituted the date filed. Mr. Cox stated that he intended to remodel the existing house which is located on the 100 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Plumb, .for a residence for he and his family and that he had no use for the 50 ft. x 100 ft. on the rear of the lot. He said he did not know at this time whether or not he would sell the vacant lot so created, if the subdivision was granted, or whether he would build a house on it and sell the house and lot together. Fie said the remodleing of the existing house would improve the appearance of the neighborhood and he felt that a new house constructed on the rear of the lot would be within the $50,000 class and would update and improve the neighborhood. Megnbers of the Con~n.issi:on noted that in their inspection they had seen several garage apartments facing on Rutgers but that noe appeared to be living c{uarters, and that along Rutgers and Mercer out of approximately eighty lots only in two instances was there a key lot situation. It was also pointed out that the plat presented by Mr. Cox showed the lot to be divided into two lots each 50 ft x 150 ft., each fronting on Plumb Street, and noted as Lot 2A, Block 68, and Lot 2B, Block 68, West University Place 2nd Addition. The secretary was instructed to see how the tax records of the City of West University Place carried this property and. get an opinion frwn the City Attor- ney on procedure, in the event of the calling of a Public Hearing, as there are no records of the city which indicate that the lot was ever officially subdivided by the City of West University Place. Motion by Mr. Lipscomb, seconded by Mr. Bartholomew, that the application of Mr. George Cox to subdivide Lot 2, Blochc 68 West Tniversty Place 2nd Addition 3220 Pl~unb into two lots, one 100 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Plumb, and one 50 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Rutgers, be accepted for consideration.. Voting Aye: A11 Voting No: None Motion by Mr. Bertholomew, seconded by Mr. Dahlias, that a Public Hearing be called for 7:30 p.m., at the City Ha11, 1~1ay 7, 1974, to consider the application of Mr. George Cox to subdivide t'!'' ~ ~ Lot 2, Block 68 ~ West University Place 2nd Addition C~ 3220 h'1umb, Q into two lots, one 100 ft, x 100 ft., fronting on Plumb, and one 50 ft. x 100 ft., fronting on Rutgers. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Mr Bartholomew, seconded by Mr. Da.hlin, that the May 7th meeting be designated as-the regular monthly meeting of tfie Z©ning and Planning Commission, instead of ~.y 14tfi. Voting Aye: A11 "Voting No: None The following letter from Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Manager, was presented to the Commission: Aptl 2, 1974 Mr. E. Gene .Hines, and Members Zoning and Planning Commission City of"West University Place, Texas Dear Mr. Hines: The City Commission desires to meet with the members of the Zoning and Planning Commission on Thursday, April 18, 1974, 7:00 p,m., in the Council Chamber of the Clty Ha11. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the contents of your Final Re- port relating your findings and recommendation for rezoning certain .lots specified in Notice of Public Hearings held February 6, 13, 20, May 29, and ,Tune 5 and. 12, 1973. Please advise Mr.s Opal McKelvey, 668 4441, at your earliest convenience if you will be able to attend this meeting. Sincerely yours, /s/ Whit Johnson City Manager BCC: Mayor Don E. Harris L9 All members, except ~1r. Li~scc~mb, s~.a`.d they would attend the meeting with the City Co~rnaission on April 18, 1974, The following letter from 1~r, Stubbs, Brown, Realtor, was presented to the Commission: April 3, 1974 Mr. E. Gene Hines Chairman Zoning and Planning Commission of West University-Place 3800 Unviersty Blvd:. Houston, Texas 77005 Dear Mr. Hines: Let me congratulate you and the other members of the Zoning and Planning Commission on a job well done in the report you have prey pared for the City Commission. The owner of lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 4, Collegeview Addition, Section 3, has asked that 1 write you regarding the use of these -lots. He and 1 would like to see these lots zoned for townhouses. For your convenience, enclosed is a copy of a recent survey of the pro perty. There is enough depth to these lots for necessary set back for off street parking. Also, there could be an entrance off Northwestern Street to the alley in the rear and the owners would have ample space for parking two cars at each residence, and exit on the west side of Bis~ sonnet. This would eliminate having to cross the line of heavy traffic on Bissonnet. We Wi11 appreciate it if you five this careful consideration. Yours very truly, /s/ Stubbs Brown SB:cm cc: The Honorable Mayor Don Harris Mr. Whitt Johnson The attached plat with the above letter is put on file and made apart of these minutes. Motion by Mr. Bartholomew, seconded by Mr. WEatherby, that an answer to Mr. Browns letter be drafted and made apart of these minutes. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None The letter to Mr. Brown follows: Mr. Stubbs Brown Stubbs Brown and Associates 2329 WEst Holcomb Houston, Texas 77025 Dear Mr, Bxown; Thank you for your complimentary remarks contained in your letter of .April 3, 1974 and your cont>xnzed interest in the City of West University Place. Your request .for consideration of zoning Lats 2, ~ and 4, Block 4, College view 3rd Addition, City of West University Place, for townheuses,~is hereby acknowledged and made apart of our official minutes. Please be advised that our recommendations for land use on this property ~, and other properties in the city were reached after many months of study ~ and we feel they should stand as presented in our report to the City O CoYrunission dated March 11, 1974. ~ Yours very truly, Q /s/ E. Gene Hines, Chairman Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas CC: Mayor Don E. Harris City Manager Whitt ,7ohnson The following letter from Mr. Whitt-Johnson, City Manager, was presented to the Zoning and Planning Commission for their information. April 9, 1974 Mr. E. Gene Hines, Chairman Zoning and Planning Commission 3748 Rice Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Dear Gene: Mr. Fred Tooley, 6031 Lake street, requested permission to appear before the City Commission at its regular meeting on Monday, April 8th, with other citizens from the area to submit a report regarding their attitude concerning the proposed rezoning of property between Kirby and Lake Street. A copy of the report is attached for the review and information of members of the Zoning and Planning Crnnmission. This will also serve as a reminder of the joint study meeting of the City Commission and Zoning and Planning Conunission on Thuxsday, April 18th, 7:30 p.m. Yours very truly, /s/ Whitt Johnson City Manager Attachment A copy of the attached report w~;th signatures was ,~xrnished. each member of the Commission and a copy put on file and made a part of these minutes. Mr. Weatherby and Mr. Hines briefly sninmarized Mr. Kenneth Schnitzer's presentaF tion at the Civic Club meeting on MArcfi l9, 1974. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on March 12, 1974 were approved as corrected with the additi©n of the date of February 12, 1974 inserted in the paragraph approved said mima.tes. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on March 19, 1974 Caere appxoved as corrected concerning motion to subdivide Lot 5, BLock 2, West ~Jnivers-ity° Place 1st Addaaion. With no further business to came before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:~0 p.m. ~~ , ATTEST: ..~ -;~ Secretary 1