HomeMy WebLinkAbout02121981 ZPC MinutesREGULAR MEETING
February 12. 1981
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of tiVest University Place convened
in regular session at the City Hall, Thursday, February 12, 1.981, 7;30 p.m., with
the following members present: Chairman Casey, presiding; Members Abell, LaCook
and Norton.
Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Tir. LaCook, that Public Hearing to consider appli-
cation docketed #81-1 from Mrs. P. Bongio to subdivide
S'-2 of E 2 of Lot 7 ~ S? of Lot 8, Block 4
ti9est University Place 1st Addition
6712 Vanderbilt
into two lots, each 50 ft. x 1'50 ft., each facing Vanderbilt, be opened.
Q Voting Aye: All. Voting No: None
Q The Chairman. ascertained from the secretary that notice of meeting had been posted
in the City Hall on February 6, 1981, notice of public hearing.-published in The
Houston Chronicle on February 5, 1981; and notices to property owners mailed on
February 4, 1981.
The Chairman introduced himself followed by other members of the Commission, ex-
plained the procedure to be followed and administered the oath to those desiring
to speak.
Mr. Marvin Bongio, representing his mother, Mrs. P. Bongio, the owner of the pro-
perty, presented surveys of the property and sketches showing the property in
question. He stated that there now exists a structure on the north section of
the lot in which his mother .lives and another structure on the south section; that
he proposed to demolish the existing building on the sough section and build a
new residence in which he would live. Members reviewed the survey and sketches
and it was pointed out that originally there were two lots facing Cason which
had been subdivided into four lots and this parcel of land is included in that
subdivision. They also asked questions to try to determine easements. It was
ascertained that. the proposed subdivision would bisect the existing driveway
and Mr. Bongio said he planned to construct a new driveway and build a garage
for the house on the north section.
Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Abell, that public hearing be closed.
Voting Ayer All Voting No: None
The meeting recessed for ten minutes.
Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Norton, that public hearing to consider appli-
cation docketed #81-2 from J. B. Thompson and Peter Serebrenik to replat two pro0
perties as follows:
One Lot: North 100 ft, x 130 ft. of Lot 8
facing University Boulevard
(2819 University Boulevard)
One Lot: South 90 ft. x 100 ft. of Lot 8
' facing Brompton
(6311 Brompton)
Block 20
West University Place 1st Addition
One Lot: North 100 ft x 140 ft, of Lot 8
facing University Boulevard
(2819 University .Boulevard)
One Lot:. South 80 ft. x 100 ft. of Lot 8
facing Brompton
(6311 Brompton)
Block 20, West University Place 1st Addition
ne opened.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that publication had been made in
The Houston Chronicle on February 5, 1981, notice to property owners mailed on
February 4, 1981, introduced himself followed by other members of the Commission,
explained procedure to be followed and adminsitered an oath to those desiring to
Mr. Thompson and Mr. Serebrenik explained that this lot was subdivided some years
ago with a 90 ft, lot facing Brompton and that in contracting to sell the Brompton
lot to Mr. Serebrenik, Mr. Thompson desired to retain ten feet from the Brompton
frontage and incorporate it into the rear of his property facing University Boule-
vard. It was pointed out that the Thompson's desired to retain two trees in this
section as part of their rear yard.
Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Norton, that public hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Motion by Mr. LaCook, seconded by Mr. Abell, that consideration be given to
application docketed #81-1 as time allowed before next public hearing scheduled.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Members reviewed survey and sketches presented by Mr. Bongio and bor. Casey expressed
concern that the sirvey did not show existing structures in relation to the pro-
posed subdivision and did not indicate easements.
Mr. Abell stated that in looking back - there were two lots originally which subse-
c{uently had been subdivided into-four lots of which this is part, amd if subdi-
vision granted it would create five lots where two originally existed and that he
would be hesitant to subdivide this property again thereby creating even more
density in the area..
Mr. Norton stated that he though this was.. a great example of parcelling up of
land which has been his concern for quite some time and .that he would be opposed
to it with or without a more detailed survey;. that it is indirectly detrimental
to the city by a constant reduction of land although on the face it may not appear
so, however, subtly, it is changing the face and character of the city.
P.~r. Norton also said that the situation bothered him in that being next door to a
townhouse district to continue cutting up lots would cause a deteriorous effect
by starting to creep inward.
Motion by Mr. LaCook, seconded by Mr. Norton, that application docketed #81-1
from 1`~Irs. P. Bongio to subdivide
(~ S 2 of E a of Lot 7& S z of Lot 8, Block 4
West University Place 1st Addition
Q 6712 Vanderbilt
Q into two lots, each 50 ft. x 150 ft., each facing Vanderbilt, be denied.
Mr. CAsey asked the opinion of the members as to whether or not they would rehear
an application for subdivision on this same property.
Mr. Norton stated that he would not; that he
its own merits and that he was ready to case
Voting Aye: All
In discussing application docketed #81-2 for
agreed that the ten ft involved in the total
infinitesimal and that the preservation of tl
mental considerations.
felt a fair hearing. had been held on
a vote. Other members agreed.
Voting No: None
the replatting of two lots, members
.context of the two properties is
le trees certainly adds to the environ-
Motion by Mr. LaCook, seconded by Mr. Abell, that application docketed #81-2 from
J. B. Thompson and Peter Serebrenik to replat two lots as follows:
One Lot: No. 100 ft. c 140 ft. of Lot 8
facing University Boulevard
(2819 University Boulevard)
One Lot: So. 80 ft, x 100 ft, of Lot 8
facing Brompton
(6311 Brompton)
Block 20,
West University Place 1st Addition
be approved.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 8,
1981 were approved as submitted.
Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that public hearing to consider
application docketed #81-3 from Fred J. Pearson, Executor of Ottilie C. Dost
Estate to subdivide
Lot 2, Block 34
West University Place 1st Addition
6540 Sewanee
into two lots, each 50 ft. x 150 ft., each facing Sewanee, be opened.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Chairman Casey ascertained from the secretary that notice of public hearing had
been published in The Houston Chronicle on February 6, 1981 and notice to property
owners mailed on February 6, 1981. He introduced himself followed by other mem-
bers of the Commission, explained the procedure to be followed and aministered
the oath to those desiring to speak on this application.
Mr. Pearson stated that as executor of the estate it was his duty to sell the
house and that a contract had been made with Mr. Patrick Carmichael to purchase
the property contingent on subdivision of the lot. He said their request was
to divide the lot in half leaving the existing house and a garage apartment on
one side and vacant property on the other.
Mr. Carmichael stated that he was a builder who had previously living in West
University Place but now lived at 2327 Addison .and that they desired to move back
o West University. He proposed to live in the existing structure while building
on the vacant part for he and his family and then to sell the existing house and
garage apartment.
Questions concerning the. occupancy of the garage apartment and the continued occu-
pancy of it ascertained that it is now occupied and Mr. Carmichael said he had
given no thought to it as he was unaware it was illegally occupied. T`he house
is unoccupied at this time.
Oath was administered to Mr. Charles Knight.
Mr. Charles Knight, 3510 Carnegie, stated that he lives directly behind this pro-
perty and that he is concerned with the garage apartment and another garage apart-
ment to the north of his property in that since these are already there by sub-
dividing this lot it keeps adding to the density in the neighborhood and he would
be against the subdivision.
Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that public hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Mr. Patrick Carmichael appeared before the Commission to discuss construction of
two townhouses on
Lot 10, Block 2
Belle Court Addition
2700 Block of Bellaire Boulevard
He presented plans for the construction of two townhouses approved in 1977 for Mr.
Pino Farinola, the owner of the property. P~~r. Carmichael proposed to purchase the
property if it is possible to build two townhouses on it. Mr. Ed Long, architect,
stated that he had worked with the ordinance and could come up with no plan other
that one as shown on the previously approved plan whereby .guest parking spaces were
located directly behind garages and thereby also necessitated the backing out onto
Bellaire Boulevard.
A1rs. Bea Wright, realtor, stated that the owner, Mr. Farinola, intended to
build on the property using the 1977 approved plans if Mr. Carmichael could not
purchase the property using basically the same plan.
She was advised that Mr. Farinola would have to abide by present ordinances in
construction of townhouses- and that he would have to return to the Zoning and
Planning Commission for approval to build. After study and approval of townhouse
construction some things had changed as the ordinance was interpreted for the
Q food of the development and the city as a whole.
It was the concensus of opinion that the proposed plan for the construction of
two townhouses on the subject lot, being 50 ft, x 128 ft., would. not be approved
under interpretations, criteris and .policies now being used.
r4otion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that public hearing on application
docketed #81-3 to subdivide
Lot 2, Block 34
tiniest University Place 1st Addition
6540 Sewanee
be reopened to receive additional information.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: :None
The following letter was read into the minutres:
"Mr. Fred Pearson:
I cannot attend meeting, but am sure if you take my note of approval it will
suffice. Rosalie Burr. 6526 Sewanee."
The oath was given to Bea Wright as she indicated she wanted to speak on the
application. However, it was determined she was concerned with another subject..
Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Norton, that public hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Mr. Casey stated that he at this time did not have a major objection to the
subdivision, but that he would feel more comfortable with it if the person who
would ultimately occupy the the house could apply; that there may be a person
out there would would prefer it like it is.
Mr. Norton stated that in his opinion the bottom line is the legal spokesman
and the main question is if the subdivision of the property would do no harm to
West University environment as a whole; that there are not many large lots
left; that the continual division of lots is causing a'loss of .spaciousness.
Mr. Casey stated that he was uncomfortable in approving an action to facilitate
a sale.
Mr. Abell stated that he agreed with h1r. Casey under those conditions, but that
he is not sure if it was under different circumstances he would be 100% for it;
that his past opposition would still be his general feeling to oppose subdivi-
sions especially since it involves speculative reasons.
Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Abell,. that application docketed #81-3 for
the sub division of
Lot 2, Block 34
West University Place 1st Addition
6540 Sewanee
into two lots, each 50 ft, x 150 ft., each facing Sewanee, be .denied.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.