HomeMy WebLinkAbout11131980 ZPC Minutes Q 1 [1 REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION NOVEMBER 13, 1980 53 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall, Thursday, November 13, 1980, 7:45 p.m., with. the following members present: Chairman Casey, presiding; Members Abell and Norton. The Chairman asked the secretary to read the Notice of Public .Hearing and ascer- tained that meeting had been posted November 7, 1980 and that Notice. of Public Hear- ing was published in The Houston Chronicle on October 27, 1980 and letters to pro- perty owners mailed on October 27, 1980. Mr. Casey introduced himself and gave his address in the city followed by other members. Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Norton, that Public Hearing to consider applica- tion of Donald C. Reese to subdivide Lot 6, Block 4 West University Place 1st Addition 3121 Cason into two lots, each 50 ft. x 200 ft., each facing Cason, be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Chairman Casey administered the oath to those wishing.. to speak and explained proce- dure to be followed during the Public Hearing. Mr. Reese stated the location of the lot is one lot east of Buffalo Speedwy with single family zoning on each side and townhouses to the rear of the property on the south; that the lot, if sudivided, would have a'a fifty foot frontage which is re- quired and would. exceed the requirements for square footage, being 10,000 square feet instead of the required S,OOO square feet; that there are numerous subdivided lots in the area, in the same block and across the street; that he proposed to build a new residence on the east lot which would be created and then remove the existing structure and garage apartment and build another new residence on the west lot; that the porch extending .from the existing building into the east .lot would be removed leaving one and one-half foot setback until the entire structure was removed. Mr. Norton questioned if the Building Inspector would issue a pern-it for construction on the east lot before .the existing structure was removed or dismantled in such a way to meeting the .three foot setback requirement. Mr. Casey state that he felt their consideration should be the effect the subdivision would have on the city as a-whole if it were approved. Mr. Reese pointed out that there were four. lots on the south side of Cason where his lot is located'. which have been previously subdivided into fifty foot lots and four on the north side and that the lot to the west has been subdivided and a key lot formed. Mr. ABell stated that the record will show .that he has traditionally opposed the bulk 54 of `subdivision applications of large lots because he did not want the city to turn into a community of fifty ft, minimum size lots; that he thinks the mix gives the. city its character; that he felt, however, with a lot of 200 ft. depth we still are talking about a large lot; that he has no objection to two lots of this size, that as to the ramifications of tearing down the house, he felt that is the Building Inspector's domain; and that as far as subdividing into two lots of this size he did not initially have any objections to it. The following letter was .read into the minutes: "Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University .Blvd. Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen: I have received notice of an application of the subdivision of the property situ- ated at 3121 Cason being Lot 6,, in Block 4 of West University Place lst Addition. This would subdivide this property into two lots of 50 feet. by 200-feet. I hereby enter my protest to the subdivision of the lot unless it is agreed and stipulated that each lot shall be improved only as a single family detached house having living space of not less than 2,200 square feet and without any garage'" apartment. 1 Sincerely, /s/ Jess E. McDaniel 6707 Buffalo Speedway Houston, Texas 77005" Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Abell, that public hearing be closed.. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Dr. William Attra, President,' St. George Orthodox Church, and Mr. Larry Daily, architect, appeared before the Commission to present an application to rezone Lot 2, Block 92 West University Place 2nd Addition 3505 Bissonnet for church use - church, church buildings and appurtenances. Dr. Attra stated that in 1970, he and other members of the church met with the Zoning and Planning Commission when they proposed to buy the above lot which is adjacent to the lot on which the existing church structure and auditorium is lo- cated. The following is from the minutes of the. Zoning and Planning Commission meeintg on March 12, 1970 and presented at this time: "Mr. Tom Arwady and Dr. Wm. Attra appeared before the Commission and outlined in detail plans for the above property. Mr. Arwady stated that at the present time the existing houses on the property would be repaired and redecorated to be used for a parish home for their pastot. Shrubbery and other foliage which is nor. growing profusely along the west side of this property adjoining property now owned by the church will be removed and the area expanded for parking. This park- ing space, however, is on property already owned by the church.. Plans for an ex- 1 55 pander educational building are eight to ten years in the future and even them ,would be an addition. to existing buildings and not another building. After discussion, the Zoning and Planning Commission advised Mr. Arwady and Dr, Attra that no action was required by the Commission as long as the-use to which the property will be put is an integral part of the church's .operation and that the property cannot be used for any commercial purposes. T'he property will still be subject to the present single-family residential zoning if and when it is not used for church purposes. They were also advised that any remodeling, change of use, or parking must conform with all City ordinances. Motion by Mr. Hines, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that Chairman Hannah be authorized to acknowledge receipt of the letter from St. George's Orthodox Church and. advise them of the above. Motion carried." with Dr. Attra stated that/the foregoing decision they had accomplished their re- modeling plans, step by step, as outlined, first, in the remodeling of the house located on this lot and the addition of parking places to serve the church which ~( are also located on this lot and had now reached the final step of adding class Q rooms, a new kitchen and offices to the existing auditorium. He stated he felt the plan would benefit the entire community as the church had always been active in the West University community life, enjoying their location within the city and serving the city when possible, i.e., the use of their auditorium for a senior citizens lunch program. He said the church had gone forward with their plans in good faith thinking everything was in order woth the city because of the previous decision. He stated. they were perfectly willing to go through the proper procedure to rezone the property, but that their financing time has about run out and if they could not re- ceive a permit to start construction within the next week or ten days, they would lose their financing and it would also stop .their plans for expansion because of the na- tional economic situation, inflation and financing interest. Members studied the plans as presented and it was explained that the addition would wrap around the existing auditorium and extend approximately ten feet into Lot 2 which is the lot in question.. Lot l on which the auditorium and church proper is located was rezoned for church use in 1954. Chairman Casey explained that he had been in contact with City Attorney David Allums and he felt the property should be rezoned through the proper procedure but that every effort should be made to help the church acquire a permit in order not to lose their financing and fel that with a concenus of approval from the Zoning and Planning Commission a conditional permit might be issued. Members discussed the implications of the rezoning vs. construction under the de- cision of the previous Zoning and Planning Commission. Mr. Norton stated he felt the church had the authority to contruct under the previous decision and that he was not sure it had to be rezone-. Mr. Abell stated that he felt this was probably correct, but. he felt the rezoning procedure should be followed in order to clear any questions which might be on the property for now or in the future. A lengthy discussion was held with representatives of the church concerning pros and cons of proper handling of the request and the church representatives reiterated their desire to follow through any procedure, but that relief was needed immediately. Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Abell, that the Zoning and Planning Commission ~~ has no objection to a permit being issued allowing the church to build an addition to its existing auditorium as shown on plans for Additions and Alterations to St. George Orthodox-Church dated 2-15-80 presented at this meeting, provided .that if or when the property is not used for church purposes, it will revert back to a single family residential zone as was discussed in a regular meeting of March 12, 1970 of the Zoning and Planning Commission. However, we recommend that the sub- property be formally rezoned for church purposes. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Motion by Mr. Norton, .seconded by Mr. Abell, that a Public Hearing be called to con- sider an application from Dr. William Attra, President, St. George Orthodox Church, to rezone Lot 2, Block 92 West University Place 2nd Addition 3505 Bissonnet for church use`- church, church buildings and appurtenances. Voting Aye: All. Voting No: None Mr. Ted Anderson appeared before the Commission and presented preliminary plans for the construction of four townhouses on Lot 2, Block 43 West University Place 1st Addition 3413 Bellaire Boulevard for consideration. Members reviewed the plans with Mr. Anderson and briefly discussed acquisition of adjoining property to the east and the tying together of the two lots in developing townhouses. Mr: Anderson noted that he is only proposing to construct four town- houses on the lot which will give more open space .and more attractive appearance although the size of the lot could have accomodated five structures. Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Abell, that preliminary plans. for the con- struction of four townhouses on Lot 2, Block 43 West University Place 1st Addition 3413 Bellaire Boulevard met all requirements of Zoning Ordinance No. 1025 regulating the use of the pro- perty and that they be approved as presented subject to compliance with all building codes, or other governing ordinances, whether or not herein specified for any subse- quent construction. Voting Aye: A11 Voting No: None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on August 14, 1980 were approved as presented. 5'7 After a bried discussion, Chairman Casey suggested hat the subdivision application be tabled until the next regular;'meeting so that the entire membership might parti- cipate in the decision. Messrs. Norton and Abell agreed. A copy of Ordinance No. 879 regulating the construction of townhouses on certain lots in the city was presented to the members for an interpretation of sections con- cerning the construction of one townhouse on a full fifty foot lot with zero side. lot lines and proper required fire walls. It was the consensus of opinion that this could be allowed under Section 24A, PAra- graphs B and C(1) as long as all requirements for fire walls and other townhouse requisites are met. Q Q Wiht no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. y~,~7 ~~ Chairman ....,.,_ /".,~.~