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03131980 ZPC Minutes
} 38 REGULAR MEETTNG ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION MARCH 13, 1980 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of 2 est University Place convened in regular session at the City Ha11, Thursday, March 13, 1980, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Caseu, presiding' Members Abell, Farrell and LaCook. Chairman Casey intr©duced self and gave his address in the city followed by other members of the Commission; ascertained that.. .notice of meeting had been posted three days prior to the meeting; and that notice of public hearing had been pub- lished March 5, 1980- and. letters to property owners mailed on March 5, 1980. Motion by Mr. Farrell, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that public hearing to consider application from Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Lee, Jr., to subdivide. East 114 ft, x 100 ft. of Lot 6, Block 13 West University Place 1st Addition into two lots, each 50 ft. x lI4 ft., each facing Belmont, be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Norton. came to the meeting at this time and introduced himself and gave address in city... Mr. Casey explained the procedure to be followed and administered oath to those in the audience desiring to be heard on the application. Mr. and Mrs. Lee presented the following written statement: "We would like very much to divide the lot at 6402 Belmont so that we can build a house there as we would like very much to live there. Since land is so expensive, we feel that we cann~~t afford to use the whole lot. Also, with building costs so high, we feel that we need the money out of half of the .lot to help-with the build- ing costs of the house. Also, we know some people have expressed a desire to build a house for themselves on the other half of the lot. We would appreciate any help you call can-give us on dividing this lot. Thank you. Jesse and Eloise Lee Mrs. B. B. Carrie said that she was in favor of the lot being divided that it is a draw back to the neighborhood and that the neighbors in the area have to clean it every day as it has become a dumping place, a gathering for children and this would eliminate the dangers of a vacant lot. :`.r. Mason. Dear, 3132 Jarrard, and owns property at 6,352 Belmont, said he was in favor of dividing the lot and putting two pieces of property on the tax rolls. Mrs. Bruce Baresm 6420 Belmont said he was opposed to the subdivisio.l of making two small lots which would not be in harmony with tfie rest of the neighborhood. 39 Mr. Carl Warner, 6345 Belmont stated he was against the subdivision in that parking is already a problem on the street and adding two houses would only increase this :problem and ::hat it did not seem that the lot was large enough to divide as-lots which had been divided in the past were much larger. He also said that two or three years ago a request to subdivide this same lot was denied and he did not see how it could be granted and turn that decision around. Mr. Donald Donaldson, 6417 Belmont, stat that West University is a nice place to live because of citizens like this Board serving; that he had not seen any kids hanging around the .vacant lot or seem anyone cleaning the lot and. that if this was needed the owners should have that responsibility. He said to cut. lots smaller. than 10,000 square feet would detract from the neighborhood and Iower the value of his property; th~.t there were areas in West University where there are 5,000. square foot lots. and if this is what they wanted they should buy one of those; that the present owners bought from an owner who had ref~uested subdivision which was (~ ~ denied and were aware of that decision; and that this is a marketable lot as it is. Mrs. Bruce Barnes, 6420 Belmont, stated they had attended the hearing two or three years ago on the request to subdivide and were against it then and are still Q against dividing it. Mr. Leroy Rheinhardt, 2915 Duke, .stated that he had. had dealings with the Zoning Commission: and other city departments and always worked within the requirements and he thought .that everyone should do so. Other comments and questions elicited the .information that the Lee's .do not reside in West University at this time, most in favor of the subdivision objected to unsightliness or proizlems with 'vacant property. The following letters were read into the minutes: "March 12, 1980 3017 Duke Houston, Texas To Whom it May Concern: I have no objection to the lot on the corner of Duke and Belmont, facing Belmont, being subdivided into .two lots. .Sincerely, Mrs. Irene Russels". "1Ve support the proposed subdivision.. Apparently, the present owners are unable or unwilling to make any use of the lot:. Tn our opinion, any change would be an improvement over its present unsightly and unhealth condition. Winston F. Gardner, Jr.A (owners of 3015 Duke, immediately adjacent to subject property on the west)". "We, the undersigned, approve the division of Lot 6 Block 13, 6402 Belmont. It would be a great assest to all properties near there to have homes there. The lot is a disgrace. Mr.-and Mrs. Walter W. Batterton, Sr., 6346 Belmont." "6434 Belmont Houston, Texas 77005 March 13, 19:80 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 40 Re: .East 114' of Lot 6, Block 13 West University Place 1st Addn. (corner of Belmont ~ Duke} Gentlemen: We oppose the proposed replatting of the above captioned lot. The resulting small lots would not be .harmonious with the character of this block, and we feel such.a replatting would be detrimental to neighboring properties. Very truly yours, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Caldwell." "March 13, 1980. Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas Sirs: As a resident and property owner at 6421 Belmont, I wish to express my views on the proposed subdivision of the lot on the corner of Belmont and Duke, being 6402 Belmont.. I view such a subdivision as being contrary to the best interest of the neigh- borhood and the City of West University Place. The standard size lot in this part of West University Place is 10,000 sq. ft. If the proposed subdivision is accomplished each new lot will be about. 5,700 sq, ft. Thus the new lot will be 43o s,aller than the standard lot. This would lower the quality of the neighbor- hood. The region of West University Plac near the proposed lot. subdivision is charac- terized by large trees. If one looks at an air phot of this region, there is a 15 sq. block region that stands out .because it has an abundance of trees. I fear that if the proposed subdiviion takes place several trees will be-cut down.. This will have an immediate effect on the general quality of this tree-lines re- gion. This also argues for not allowing the proposed subdivision to take place. I thank you for your attention. Sincerely Jeffrey Warner" "March 13, 1980 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place 3800. University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Gentlemen: We are opposed to the subdivision into two (2) lots, each 50 feet x 114 feet, of the property situated at 6402 Belmont (Lot 6, Block 13). We would also appreciate something being done about the rats on that property. A. Tom Peery, Jr. Mance Peery 6411 Belmont Houston, Texas 77005" 41 Motion by Mr. Farrell,. .seconded by Mr. Abell, that the public hearing be closed. Voting Aye: .All Voting No: None Mr. and Mrs. Roger Poser presented a schematic plan to develop North i of Lot 3, and North i of Lot 10, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition, in the fol- lowing manner: Demolish the existing house and garage located on North a of Lot 3, Block, 35, and construct a garage and storage facing Mercer Stxeet and con- struct a residence at the five ft. easement .line on the rear of lot described as north 2 of Lot 10, Block. 35. They were advised. that in order to do this the two lots should be combined into a single lot to meet zoning requirements. .They requested that the Zoning and Planning Commission call a Public Hearing to .con- sider a request to so combine the said lots. During discussion of the request consideration was given to the fact that this might possibly be the creation of a new zoning district instead of replatting E( and adviseof City Attorney 'should be sought. Q Motion by Mr. Farrell, seconded by h9r. Abell, that application to replat or rezone North2 of Lot 3 and North,Z of Lot 10, Block 35, West University Place Addiion, into one lot, from Mr. and Mrs. Roger Poser, be accepted and public hearing called-for next regular meeting on April 10, 1980. Discussion of motion concerned time element involved and difference in a replatting and a rezoning. With permission of Mr. Abell, Mr. Farrell withdrew his motion. Motion by Mr. Farrell, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that application to replat-North i of Lot 3 and North ? of Lot 10, Block 35, West University Place. lst Addition, into one lot, from Mr. and Mrs. Roger Poser, be accepted and public hearing be called for the next regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on April 10, 1980. Voting Aye: All Voting No: - None- Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on January 10, 1980 were approved as corrected. During a discussion of procedure and technicalities, it was decided that in the future a surveyor's plot plan should accompany all applications. Mr. Abell stated that the record would show that he had been opposed to subdivision of .larger lots; that his feeling is the same on this. one; that the main objection from the residents was the unsightliness of the vacant lot and in his opinion this is not a valid reason for subdividing property; that the large lots are a real asset to the city and enhance the character of the city; that he feels there are people who will build'on these larger lots and make nice places of them. Mr. Casey stated that from looking at a man, the four corners of that particular bloock seemed to be -100 ft. and that the interior lots are mostly 75 ft. to 50 ft. wide and 200 ft. deep. 42 Mr. Farrell stated that it appeared that a majority of the lots were 50 ft. x 200 ft. in the area but that he did not think cutting up the larger lots is criminal and that he feels the city is going to have to move in this direction and not remain static or die; that most of the lots hhere had been subdivided on the Duke side and that along the Belmont street the lot of the 50 ft. lot (although deep- er) would be an influence; that you cannot perceive the depth from the street; and he sess no valid reason not to subdivide. Mr. Norton stated that in his opinion the Commission's responsibility is to the city and he quoted from the Zoning Ordinance which says".....it is the desire of the residents of the City of West University Place and the. Council thereof, to preserve the present residential character of the city....". that the charac- ter is what has made the-place so desirable and holding to the rules and ordinances is what has done this; that economics should not-enter into it - neighter as a tax base or property owners economics;) that throughout the. city there is a mixture of minimum size lots, middle Lots and large lots; that the middle lots have been created by subdivision which is a matural force which is betting more intense; that the spaciousness and less. density is what makes the place what it'is; that cutting up the smaller lots and getting the architectural concept so many are doing to day, bu covering absolutely every portion of a lot, we will be getting the townhouse concept and look; that he believes the burden of proof as to the benefit to the city is on the applicant and they have not shown this. Following a question from Mr. Casey as to what he believes would be of benefit to the city or a valid reason for subdivision, Mr. Norton said he thought if the lot. was of an unusual. nature and not marketable as it stands. Mr. LaCook stated that he is in between the two opinions presented; that he under- stands what Mr. Farrell is saying and that he bleves certain areas of the city need to be looked at for changes in a long range frame; that keeping the same density is being passive and that he believes the Zoning and Planning Commission should start a study for some changes ven for commercial or high rise areas; that he is not in favor of subdividing all Large lots and he feels that in this neighborhood the lot as it is was a marketable lot at the time of the previous request for subdivision which was indicated by the sale to the Lees, and that he feels. it is still a marketable lot. D4otion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Norton, that application from Mr. and Mrs. Jesse J. Lee, Jr., to subdivide East 114 ft. of Lot 6, Block 13 West University Place 1st Addition (corner of Belmont ~ Duke) into two lots, each 50 ft. x 114 ft., each facing Belmont, be denied. Mr. Casey said he would abstain from voting. Members discussed various opinions of subdivision, the neighborhood in which this lot is .located, increasing density, and that fact that this lot had at some pre- vious time already been subdivided whereby a key lot 86 ft. x 100 ft. was taken from the rear of the lot facing Duke. 43 Voting Aye: .Abell Voting No: None Farrell. LaCook Norton With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Q r, L ~~... . ,i Chairman