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MAY 8, 1979
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con-
vened in regular session on Tuesday, May 8, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the fol-
lowing members present: Chairman Norton, presiding; Members Casey and LaCook.
The Chairman ascertained .from the secretary that proper notice of meeting had
been posted at the City Hall three days prior to the scheduled meeting.
Motion by Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing to consider
the redrawing of lot lines on
Lots 1 F, 3, Block 7
Virginia Court Addition
Southeast corner of Rice and Charlotte
to meet setback requirements without removing an existing dwelling or part
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Mr. Norton introduced himself and other members of the Commission explained pro-
cedure to be followed, administered an oath to those in attendance desiring to
be heard during the Public Hearing and ascertained from the secretary that pub-
lication of Public Hearing had been published in The Southwestern Argus on April
18, 1979 and letters to interested property owners mailed on April 18, 1979.
Mr. David Gibbs, 3659 Meadowlake, realtor, and prospective purchaser of the
property (the owenr is Mrs. Nancy Stokes who was present) presented a survey
plot plan showing the proposed redrawing of lot lines to go around the exist-
ing house and establish a three foot side setback as required by the zoning
ordinance and meeting other .requirements such as from setback, fifty foot frontage
and 5,000 sq. ft.
After questioning from Mr. LaCook and discussion with Mr. Gibbs, it was ascer-
tained that the lots were originally dedicated to face Charlotte St., but when the
existing. house was constructed it was oriented on Rice Boulevard. Mr. Gibbs
said that he planned to remodel the house whereby it would be oriented towards
Charlotte St. He submitted a sketch of the house with plans for a fence on Rice
with a walkway from the Charlotte St. side to the Rice Blvd. entrance. Other
information elicited during questioning from the Commission members was that
there is a curb cut on the Rice Blvd. side and a driveway where there was at
one time an existing garage but only a storage building.. at this .time, that his
plans were to remodel the house and add a garage in the original place and con-
struct a single family house on the interior lot (Lot 3), that both the remodel-
ed house and lot and the newly constructed house and lot would be for sale.
The following persons asked questions of the applicant and Commission members:
Tom Beard, 5919 Fordham; Dallas Purdy, 6126 Charlotte, Stewart Purdy, 6126
Charlotte; Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie; which elicaited the following information:
Present owner has owned the property since 1963 and bought it as one piece of
property; that it is not economically feasible to remodel the house and leave
as is for sale as one piece of property on the large lot; that in the opinion
of Mr. Gibbs its highest and best use is to have a single family residence on
each single lot; that in accordance with.. Guy Jackson, 2717 Centenary, architect,
the remodeling of the existing house and construction of new house would be in
keeping with the neighborhood; that Mrs. Stokes has not found a willing buyer
to develop and leave as one entity at a price she will accept; that there is an
increased pressure for higher density in the inner city (according to Mr. Gibbs);
that looking at the properties from Charlotte St. it would appear. that they were
full width fifty ft. lots; effect of approval on future requests; and that the.
smallest distance between property lines of the interior lot would be 46 ft.
~ During the questioning period, at certain points, members of the Commission ad-
~j wised the audience that architectural design could not be controlled; that eco-
~ nomics could not be .considered in making a decision;. that the application was
~'~ not for an actual subdivision as the two lots now exist, but for a redrawing of
the lot lines so that setbacks could be achieved without removal of the exist-
Q ing building or any part thereof; that alternatives are (1) to leave as is (2) re-
move existing house and build on bath lots or (3) approve the application sub-
The following spoke in opposition to the application:
Mr. Tom Beard, 5919 Fordham: Stated that it appeared to him that the applicant
does not have a clear idea of what he wants to do with the property; that one
house would be setting on 46 ft. where others are setting on 50 ft.; that the
existing house was made for that piece. of property; that the owner knew when she
boughty it where the house set: that it seems like it could be fixed up, as
.people have fixed up homes on other. larger lots in the city; that the jogged lines
would mess up the yard and that the existing house would look odd; that the total
consideration here is economic; that the house would be too tight and there is
nothing unusual to warrant the change.
Dallas Purdy, 6126 Charlotte: Stated that she is aesthetically opposed; that it
would be real "squinchy" and that the neighborhood would have to .:bear the brunt
of the change; that there are certain standards you expect in West University
Place and these standards should be maintained.
Bill Davis, 6111 Charlotte; Stated that he lives directly next door and would
be the most effected and that he was not really opposed to the change.:.
Stewart Purdy: Stated that he did not greatly like the drive aspect for the
interior lot; that the whole concept of the new house would be a compromise and
that the city had a tradition of non-compromise and he would like this to be
It was determined after a question from Mr. LaCook that the gables on the exist-
ing house run east and west.
Mrs. Purdy suggested that if not approved and the house was allowed to continue
to deteriorate, the house could be condemned and owners forced to bring it into
Mr. Norton advised that the Commission has no power of condemnation-and could
not consider that as an alternative.
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Mr. LaCook stated that he wanted to emphasize that even if this application
is approved, .there is no assurance that the house would be remodeled, that
it might set like that for years..
Motion by Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
The meeting recessed for ten minutes.
The Commission was advised that agenda item #2 had been withdrawn.
Mr. Jerry Parish, architect, spoke in behalf of his client, Jim Harris, pro-
spective purchaser and developer of Lot 1, Block 1, Collegeview 3rd Addition,
that the Commission consider in their recommendations not restricting entranceway
only to Bissonnet and to consider some parking on the 172 ft. fronting Sunset.
The Commission members agreed to defer any further consideration: of recommen-
dations to the City Commission concerning rezoning of Lot i, Block 1, College-
fiew 3rd Addition until Organizational meeting on Monday, May 14,-1979, at
which time a Special Meeting would be called to proceed with the report and
Mr. Casey stated that in the plans submitted, the front of the existing house
would still be on-the side and to consider otherwise would be violating .the
spirit of the ordinance; that he could not see this proposal as a viable
alternative; that other alternatives are available; and that he cannot see
where it can help the situation or the city as a whole to change it.
Mr. Norton stated that this is an awfully tight situation on the side; that there
are six large. lots within two blocks which are developed with only one structure
and this would remove what in effect is one of the large lots; that he is
really opposed to gerrymandering a 46 ft. lot on the side; that even if two
houses are built there it would comprise a problem to decrease lot to 46 ft.;
that he does not feel this is the sort of tract that was intended by the plat-
ting of the city and the zoning ordinance; that the condition of the existing
structure is not germaine; and that the house was designed to occupy the two
large lots and it cannot be used as two lots at this time.
Mr. LaCook stated that he is not really opposed to it; that if they rejected
this type of platting they could still take off the three or four feet on the
side of the house and this may look worse; that he wondered if you are better
remodeling the house or are you really going to solve the problem by doing
Mr. Norton stated that he thought the basic design direction can be achieved
by remodeling the house and removing part of it to meet the setback require-
ments; that he thought it will best benefit the city to maintain the standard
lot and it can stand on its merit; that he would not want to encourage odd
shaped lots just to achieve .5,000 sq. ft.; and that he can see no benefit to
the city and. actually can see a slight detriment.
The Commission. discussed the determination of average width of 50 ft. lots.
Motion by Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that application to redraw lot
lines on
Lots 1 and 3, Block 7
Virginia Court Addition
2715 Rice Boulevard
be denied for reasons as stated in discussion and shown in minutes.
.Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Minutes of the special meeting of the .Zoning and Planning Commission on
~ April 24, 1979 were approved as corrected.
~~ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon
"'a motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
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