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APRIL 10, 1979
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University. Place con-
vened in regular session on Tuesday, April 10, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the fol-
lowing members present: Chairman Norton, presiding: Members Casey and La-
The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that proper notice of meeting had
been posted at the City Hall three days prior to the scheduled meeting.
~ Motion by Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing to consider
~ rezoning
~ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, $ 6, Block 2
Collegeview 3rd Addition
as originally platted
(South side of 3800 block of Sunset)
for townhouses, be opened.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Chairman Norton ascertained from the secretary that Notice of Public Hearing was
published in The Southwestern Argus on March 21, 1979 and letters to Interested
Property Owners mailed March 22, 1979.
Mr. Norton introduced himself and other members of .the Commission, outlined the
procedure to be followed during the Hearing and administered an oath to all those
wanting to be heard during the Hearing.
Mr. Casey explained that on March 13, 1979, a Public Hearing was held by the
Zoning and Planning Commission on application of Leo J. Rubenstein to consider
rezoning for townhouses
Lot 1, Block 1
Collegeview 3rd Addition
(Triangular property at Sunset and Bissonnet)
and that after hearing citizens, especially those living on the south side of the
3800 block of .Sunset, it was the decision. of the Zoning and Planning Commission to
delay a decision on this tract of land until a Public Hearing could be called and
held on
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ~ 6, Block 2
Collegeview 3rd Addition
as originally platted
(South side of 3800 block of Sunset)
and the Public Hearing at this time was for that purpose.
Mr. Berg arrived at the meeting at this time.
Those speaking for rezoning following by questions:
Mr. Jerry Parish, 4007 Browning, of the McGinty Partnerships, Architects, rep-
presenting owner of Lot 1, Block 1 Collegeview 3rd Addition (who made application
for rezoning) stated that it was their feeling that this particular area
meets all the original criteria used earlier for townhouses, in that it is a
peripheral area, heavy traffic on Bissonnet and lends itself to townhouse
development because of the heavy walls required for townhouses which create not
only fire safety but soundproofing and that is why in general they are in favor
of the rezoning under consideration and think it would be an asset to West Univer-
sity Place.
Mrs. Judy Bowlin, 3806 Northwestern: Would it be rented or purchased?
Mr. Parish: (Mr. Rubensteins property?)......would be for sale.
Mr. Tom Browder, 6553 Buffalo Speedway: Has triangle been rezoned?
Mr. LaCook: It is before the Zoning and Planning Commission at this time, but
no decision has as yet been made.
Mr. Casey: Some were in favor and some were not. There were questions on
garbage pickup and storage, traffice and parking.
Mr. Henry A. Schumacher; 3780 Tangley: Where is Block 1, Lot 1 and Block 2?
The areas were pointed .out on a map to Mr. Schumacher.
Mrs. Mary MEtz, 3817 Sunset: Stated that if decision is contingent on feeling
of this group - her feelings would be contingent on what is put on other area
(triangle) and that there id not seem to be many in attendance inf favor of
developing for rezoning.
Mrs. Judy Bowlin, 3806 Northwestern: Will you consider adequacy of city services
in that area?
Mr. Norton explained that the Commission had a letter from the Public Works
Director which after the technicalities said there would be no burden on the
Mr. LaCook inquired of Mrs. Metz if she had not said at the Hearing the pre-
vious monthat that she favored rezoning.
Mrs. Metz said she would favor rezoning of the triangle if properties on the
south side of Sunset were also rezoned; that she did not want to look out at
the back of townhouses; and that she felt rezoning only the triangle would
devalue thier property.
Mrs. Eubanks: 3815 Sunset: Stated she was still concerned about the garbage and
This speaking in opposition and questions:
Mrs. Odin Thomas, 3812 Northwester: Stated she is against rezoning as it
would spoil the whole character of West University Place which is supposed to
be single-family houses.
a_ .
Mr. Schumacher: Stated that he understood that these plans are only eye-dressing
(suggested plans on display by Jerry Parish) and have no real signficance as to
what the zoning ordinance might be and asked if the Commission is going to con-
sider triangle and .south side of Sunset.
Mr. Berg: Both
Mr. Schumacher: Stated there is less than 100 ft Bissonnet at Sunset on east
end of triangle and it is proposed to put three townhouses in less than i00 ft.,
that Sunset St. is very narrow and this would make bad and crowded conditions;
that he sees no reason for the city to .allow an eye sore, add changes and cars
to this small dead-end street, and that he sees no benefit West University Place
would receive from this rezoning.
Mrs. Val Rosenbaum, 4028 Marlowe; Asked the date of the letter received from
Public Works Director.
Mr. Norton, April 3, 1979.
Mrs. Rosenbaum: Stated that the Public Works Director resigned March 22nd, that
she had lived in .West University Place for 24 years. and remembered the hearings
for previous rezoning for townhouses and that a gentlemen from Chicago had
just moved here and he said he had been forced from two neighborhoods because
of rezoning which started on the periphery and that it would be just like a
rat with a hunk. of chees if it (rezoning) was allowed.
Mr. C. H. Hotalen, Jr., 3809 Sunset: Stated that townhouses are not a benefit to
this community; that they only benefit the developer because h can sell and make
a multiple profit off a single piece of property; that he (prospective purchaser
of triangle) said he intended to reside in one and sell the. others as an invest-
ment; that many areas have been utilized for townhouse the past dew years and
.before long we will have a wall around the city: which was objected to by the
Commission. when this rezoning first started and if constructed this is what we
will havei
Mr. Casey: Do you reside. on the south side of Sunset?
Mr. Hotalen: Said that he did and that he can't see how the Commission can do
one without doing the whole street; that he doesn't honestly thin it would re-
zone one without the other.
Mr. Tom Browder; 6352 Buffalo; (To Mr. Jim Harris) Do you own the.. property?
Mr. Jim Harris, 6505 Westheimer: Stated that it is owned at this time by Mr. Leo
Rubenstein and that he has an option to huy and that the property (triangle). as
it now stands is not. feasible to build a singe family house, but that townhouses
would be feasible.
Mr. Browder: Stated he is oppoed to spot zoning; that it is like a cancer and
that speculators might even build a high rise if this allowed; that three town-
houses is uneconomical for Lot l; that water lines and sewer lines would have to
be constructed and West University expenses for these would come from his taxes
to benefit someone else and it would come up again and again..
Ms. Joan McCay, 3029 Carnegie: Stated she is oppoed to townhouses in spite
of what the City Engineer said; that there is sewer stoppage all over the
west side of town; that you could count on each townhouse having at least
two bathrooms; that she oppoes to the addition of any townhouse untill all
sewer lines in the. city are repaired and pump stations are adequate to deal
with existing houses; that all residences must have two off-street parking
spaces on the confines of the territory which means six spaces. on Lot 1 and
fifteen or so across the street which would mean thirty or more parking spaces
which will be concreted over; that we now get the Greenway run off and cannot
keep. West University green; that she believed the 1974 ordinance confined town~_
houses to the periphery and city cannot afford to put up any more townhouses.
Ms. Lela-.Land, 3820 Northwester: Stated with the expense involved she did not
want it; htat it is a no-no and should remain.
The following letter from Jane Johnson, 3828 Northwester, was read into the
"Zoning and Planning Commission
City of West University Place, Texas
As a resident living at 3828 Northwester, on the south half of the block that
is being considered for rezoning, I wish to present my objections.
The fact that our homes are located only one block from the perimeter of this
city should not jeopardize our rights of living in an area of single-family
dwellings.. We should enjoy the same privileges as those living in the very
center of the city.
After eighteen years of up-keep and remodeling the idea of crowding two or
three story multiple houseings directly in back of my home is heart-breaking.
The money hungry people owning this land knew they were on a major thorough-
fare when they bought their properties many years ago.
Replacing a brick wall at the back of my house with glass, overlooking a patio
and a landscaped back yard was a complete waste of money and hard work for me
now that the six-foot cedar fence could no longer offer privacy.
The sanitary sewer serving our block is inadequate for the houses now located
here. A hard rain of less than one inch will cause water to back up into my
lines. I have paid enormous amounts trying to correct this but the plumbers.
have advised me it is useless - the trouble lies in the city's poor sewer
If you decide to permit this cahnge, I would like to suggest youconsider
including my property in the rezoning. I might as well take advantage of the
inflated, outrageous offers they are making for land on which to erect these
monstrosities in a previously quiet, lovely neighborhood..
They could cram a lot of people in a lot of units on my beautiful, eversize,
corner lot facing Liberty Hill. And I could move to River Oaks:
/s/ Jane Johnson"
Mr. Odin Thomas, 3812 Northwestern: Stated that ~:e prefers the one-story
single family residences to the "brick fortresses on Kirby; that he would
rather look at trees than a concrete wall; that if the. buildings along
Bissonnet on periphery is what we are going to have, he wondered if this is
progress and what have "we gotten into':'; that he had lived twenty-five years
here and was opposed to the rezoning..
Mr. LaCooK; Stated that he wanted to give his feelings and opinions of
West University .Place; that anything he does is for the betterment of West
University Place and that he had never tried to demote West University or
please any commercial interest; that he had lived here 25 years and moved here
.because it is zoned and that he would like to keep it that way; that he is
,dy not in favor of townhouses or any of those that were built; that he was
~ here during the Bissonnet rezoning and there was a great deal of protest; that
~ the purpose of this Commission is to always consider rezoning and it should
"~ be for. the betterment of West University; that that if we are. not careful to
~'°a. protect, aware of changing times and influences, and be flexible to protect
~ the zoning and not keep our heads in the sand, that will be when someone
comes along and breaks the zoning and builds anything they like; that he did
not believe that would be the will of the .people; that whatever he does will
be in the best'.interest of all of the people; that he could not tell now what
he will do but will keep an open mind into what we do; and that no one on this
Board has any special interest in this rezoning.
Ruby Eubanks, 3815 Sunset: Stated that in discussion of townhouses (previous
meeting ) if triangle was rezoned they ..wanted theirs rezoned so we could sell.
Mary Metz: Stated they had lived there twenty years and were not anxious to
leave but we would not want to see triangel rezoned and not be able to sell;
that a real estate gentleman told he the same ,thing this gentleman (Mr. LaCook)
had said.
The following is report from Public Works Director:
"April 3, 1979
Mr. James E. Norton, Chairman
Zoning and Planning Commission
City of West University Place
Dear Mr. Norton:
This is in response to your letter of request dated March 17, 1979, concerning
utilities that would serve and be affected by development in Lot 1, Block 1
and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6, Block 2, Collegeview Third Addition.
As general information, the subject cots are directly or indirectly served by
sewer lines within Basin Number 3 as defined in Infiltration/Inflow Analysis
of the Wasteater Collection System, 1975, as prepared by Ginn and Stacy, Inc.,
under contract with Bayshore Engineers, Inc.. (hereafter called-Analysis). Flow
from Basin Number 3 goes to Lift Station Number 2 (Weslayan Lift Station) as
foes flow from Basins Number 2 and 4 and Lift Station Number l discharge. The
Analysis states that Lift Station Number 2 is in "excellent condition throughout."
In fact, Lift Station Number 2 has reserve capacity.
dd (~
The Analysis recommended certain improvements relating to all lift stations to
accommodate both dry and wet weather flow. These improvements are scheduled
for completion under the City's Step III system modification.
The Anlysis calculated the capacity of Basin Number 3 outfall line to be o.650
million gallons per dau (MGD) while the maximum wet weather flow is 0.6925 MGD.
Maximum wet weather flow is 375% of the average flow of 0.182 MGD. Therefore
the basin is overcharged during certain wet weather with manholes being sur-
charged and system back ups. Howver, general system overflow do not occur,
although localized services may experience problems.
The Analysis determined. that maximum dry weather flow to the sewage treatment
plant is 1.85 MGD, while the maximum wet weather flow is 6.40 MGD. The capacity
of the sewage treatment plant is approximately 2.0 MGD,. and the average domestic
sewage demand per capita: is 0.0001 MGD (100 gallons per day).
The Analysis recommends that wholesale rehabilitation of the collection system
is cost prohibitive and that anew sewage treatment plant be sized to treat
wet weather flow. The City has plans to construct such a plant also under
Step III.
The Analysis showed that flows a the sewage treatment plant increased more than
300 percent after a rainfall of 1.2 inches. West University Place receives
approximately 43 inches of rainfall per year.
Relative to service in the subject area, all lots in Block 2 are serviced by
a six inch line in the rear easement of the lots .that flows westerly to a man-
hole at College Street where the line increases to eight inches. Lot 1 would
probably most feasibly be served by anew line extended southerly from Lot 1
down College to the same manhole. The eight inch line from this manhole has
dry flow and wet-flow capacity well in excess of any probable development.
If the north one-half of Block 2 is redeveloped, the opportunity should be
used to replace the six inch line serving all of Block 2. Then the service to
Block 1 would have essentially no additional wer weather flow because of the
new line, and Block 2 would have an actual reduction in flow because of elimi-
nation of infiltration of ground water by the replacement of the line. Current
dry weather flow to the manhole from Block 2 is approximately l3 units x 2.3
persons unit x 100 ~~~sl8~sday = 2,990 gallons per day. The weather flow would
would be at a rate of approximately 3750 of 2,990 or 11,213 gallons per day. If
the subject lots are developed into, say 20 units, these units plus the estimate
seven units in the south one-half of Block 2 would have a dry weather and a
wer weather flow of approximately 27 x 2.3 x 100 - 6,210 or approximately 55
percent of existing wet weather flow.
Therefore, .development of the subject lots in the manner described would have
an expected improvement in sewer loading conditions.
If the sewer line in Block 2 were not replace, then the development would have
additional dry weather and wet weather loading propositional to the increase in
numbers of units occupying the property.
The overall effect of the addition of residences in West University Place on
the sewage treatment plant is approximately 0.0120 (230/1,850) per residence.
This appears negligible when compared town increase of more than 300% from
a rainfall of 1.2 inches.
Problems with sewer line in the area within the past year are reported
Water service to Block would be available from a two inch line in the
rear easement of Block 2 and along_College south from the easement.
/s/ David C. Steitle, P. E.
Director of Public tNorks
cc: Jim T. Brown
City Manager'.'
Attachment to above:
"April 4, 1979
To: Mr. James E. Norton, Chairman
Zoning and Planning Commission
From: David C. Steitle
Director of Public Works
Subject: Sewage Problems in Last Twelve Months on Even Side of Northwestern
Listed below by address is a list of complaints and problems reported to the
City of West University Place concerning sewer problems.
3828 Northwestern
3806 Northwestern
3806 Northwestern
3802 Northwestern
3828 Northwestern
3828 Northwestern.
3828 Northwestern
3800 Northwestern
3828 Northwestern
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
stopped sewer
not stated
not stated
not stated
The following is a report from Chief Ben F. Wilcher, Fire Department:
"March 21, 1979
Janes E. Norton, Chairman
Zoning and Planning-Commission
West University Place
Dear Mr. Norton:
To .rezone Lot. 1, Block 1, Collegeview Third ADdition and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6,
Block 2, Collegeview .Third Addition, there should be some consideration
given to placing a fire hydrant in the near vicinity of this project. The
`V !~
closest fire hydrant belonging to the City of 6Vest University is located at
Northwestern and College and is tied to a six inch main.
As long as the fire department has ingress and egress for fire apparatus,
and water to extinguish fires, we would have no objections at all.
/s/ Ben F. Wilcher
Fire Chief"
Motion by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Public Hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None.
The me-ting recessed for ten minutes.
Motion by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that Workshop meeting to consider
Lot 1, BLock 1
Collegeview 3rd Addition
Lots 1,2,3,4,5, ~ 6, Block 2
Collegeview 3rd Addition
as originally platted
for townhouses be scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 1979 and that-Special
Meeting to consider plans for the construction of townhouses on
Lots 1 and 2, Block 93
West University Place 2nd Addition
(Southwest corner of Bissonnet and Mercer)
and consider action on rezoning as described above be scheduled for Tuesday,
April 24, 1970.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on
March 13, 1979 were. approved as submitted..
With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
~ ~~
Secretary ~,~