HomeMy WebLinkAbout02201979 ZPC Minutes~6 SPECIAL MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 20, 1979 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session on Tuesday, February 20, 1979, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Norton, presiding; Members Casey and LaCook. Mr. Berg was absent. The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that proper notice of meeting had been posted at the City Hall three days prior to the scheduled meeting. The Chairman advised that special meeting was called for further consideration of plans and specifications for the construction of townhouses from Myra Powell, owner, on Lots 10 and ll, Block 18 Colonial Terrace Addition 4100 Block of Bissonnet. Chairman Norton further advised that during previous meeting serious questions concerning the sewer and funcstion of the pump stations serving these areas had arisen, therefore, the Commission had elected. to seek information from the City Engineer before making a decision on the above plans for townhouses. The following letters from the Zoning and Planning Commission to-the City Engi- neer and his reply were read into the record: "February 15, 1979 Mr. David Steitle, P. E. Director of Public Works 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Texas 77005 Re: Construction of Four Townhouses Lots 10 and 11, Block 18 Colonial Terrace Addition 4100 Block Bissonnet Dear Mr. Steitle: The Zoning and Planning Commission held a hearling last Tuesday concerning a townhouse project of four units for the above referenced property. Testimony was given by some neighboring property owners expressing con- cern of the sanitary sewer capacity.. Specifically, one citizen is claim- ing that raw sewage is backing up in her backyard, especially during the rainy season. It would help the Zoning and Planning Commission in rendering a decision. if you would please answer the following questions.: ~.~ . ~~ 1) Is raw sewage backing up in yards in the 3900-4100 Tennyson area and specifically at 4102 Tennyson? If so, why? 2) Is the above referenced property on the same sewer line? 3) Will the addition of four families at the above referenced property further compound the sanitary sewer back up? We will meet again on the project Tuesday, Feburary 20th. A prompt reply will be appreciated. ,~, Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Q Sincerely, `"J /s/ Michael E. Casey, Secretary ~ Zoning and Planning Commission Ca cc: Members of the City Commission City Manager" "February 16, 1979 Mr. Michael E. Casey, Secretary Zoning a nd Planning Commission City of West University Place Dear Mr. Casey: I am in receipt of your letter dated February 15, 1979, concerning the sewer service to proposed townhouses in the 4100 block of Bissonnet. The following reply is offered in response to the three specific questions asked: 1) Is raw sewage backing up in yards in the 3900-4100 Tennyson. area and specifically at 4102 Tennyson? If so, why? Please refer to my letter of October 3, 1978 (attached to Mr. C. A. GilTan, Chairman of the Tax Baord of Equalization which documents recent history of reported sewer problems at 4102 Tennyson. Preventive measures have been taken to seal the line and chemically deroot it, but additional stoppages were reported on November 17, 1978, December 31, 1978 and January 15, 1979 at 4102 Tennyson. In adjacent 3900 and 4000 blocks and .the remainder of the 4100 block, the following com- plainst were received: 3910 Tennyson - - stopped sewer January 5, 1979 3934 Tennyson - - stopped sewer January 5, 1979 3934 Tennyson - - repair sewer line February 10, 1979 4038 Tennyson - - stopped sewer November 30, 1979 The problems in the 3900. block of Tennyson were associated with a section of collapsed sewer pipe that is .now being replaced. 2) Is the above referenced property on the. same sewer line? _. b 1 1 1 ~R ~. The residence at 4102 Tennyson is connected. to a six-inch line at the rear of the property which runs westward to West Point, and eventually into the lift station at University and Weslayan, entering from the south. The subject townhouse property is in a different sewer basin system and is adjacent at the south side of the lots to a six-inch line which runs eastward totWeslayan and southward down Weslayan to the same lift station.. Therefore, the townhouse property is not on the same ewer line. 3) Will the addition of four families at the above referenced,pro- perty further compound the sanitary sewer back up? d'~ ~ The addition of four families in the 4100 block of Bissonnet {~ would not relate to the root problem at 4102 Tennyson or the "'~ broken line in the 3900 block of Tennyson, and, therefore, ~ would not compound this sanitary sewer back up. Q I hope that this information will help the Commission, and if I can provide addi- tional information please let me know. Sincerely, /s/ David C. Steitle, P. E. Director of Public Works cc: Jim T. Brown" (Attachment) "October 3, 1978. - Mr. C. A. Gillan, Chairman Tax Board of Equalization City of West University Place Houston, Texas 77005 Dear Mr. Gillan: This is in response to your request to investigate the sanitary sewer problem at 4102 Tennyson involving the city sewer .line in the rear easement of the property. I visited the location with Phil BRiscoe, Water/Sewer Superintendent, on September 29th. No visivle evidence of sewage overflow or sewage odor was encountered. Records show that during the past twelve months stoppage of the city sewer line occurred on November 28, 1977, March 10, 1978 and September 3, 1978. Each stoppage was determined to be from roots in the city line. The line was rodded by city workment and chemicals to stop root growth were added. The problem is by no means unique to this .city line. Most city lines are in the same condition and experience similar problems. This city-wide problem was addressed by an engineering firm employed in 1975 who reported that it is not cost effective to pursue sewer line rehabilitation program. ~.~` If their recommendation is to be accepted, then the task for the city will be to keep these lines clean and free of obstructions so backups are prevented. As a preventive means to eliminate future sewage problems a-fecting 4102 Tenny- son, the city plans to replace the existing cleanout on the city line with a water tight unit that will prevent overflows. Also, a program will be Novem- ber 1, 1978, to periodically and systematically clean an de-root the line. Re- cords will be kept of these efforts in addition to any future problems. The alternative to this program is to replace the line from the cleanout to West Point Street.. The cost of this effort would be approximately $30,000. I hope this information will be of value to you be of further help. Sincerely, /s/ David C. Steitle, P. E. City Engineer cc: W. J. Beirne Peter Taafe Jim BRown Robbie Barnett Phil Briscoe" The following letter was read into the record: "February 20,.1979 Member, Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place Gentlemen: Please let m.e know if I can As specified in your last public hearing, I respectfully request that when any plans are approved by your commission, that they be approved with. a proviso that permits for construction not be granted until the various pump lift and sewer problems in the areas of construction be completely corrected. My property at 4102 Tennyson is handled by pump station no. 2. The problems of the dead-end sewer, particularly in rainy weather create a health hazard, cause environmental polution, and are detrimental to the well-being of citizens in the immediate vicinity. Attached herewith is a short summary of some of the sewer problems which occur- red prior to September 1978. Additional events of sewer blockage occured on Thursday, Nov. 23, 1978 (this complaint was not handled until Sunday, Nov. 26th at 4:40 p.m.); another blockage took place at 11 am Sunday, December 31, 1978 (this complaint and problem did not get resolved until 4:30 on Tuesday, January 2, 1979); and again yesterday February 19, 1979 (the complaint was handled on the same day). Also as mentioned in your last public hearing is a list of events involving the sewer problems at the home of Mrs. Ruth Brien, 3934 Tennyson. As of today, be- 1 1 1 cause of lack of help (city employees), there remains an repaired sewer on her property. Her problem begain on January 4, 1979 and as of today, February 20, 1979 remain unresolved. Her sewer line is handled by pump station No. 3 Pump station o. 3 apparently is inadequate for its present connections. Addi- tional tie-ins for Pump Lift No. 1 which feeds into Pump Lift No. 2 will-con- tinue to cause problems or at the very least add to the .already existing raw sewage at both locations. Since the sewers aren't coping with the present connections, since there are not sufficient numbers of employees to cope rapidly with stoppages, it is re- quested that any of your approvals point out the problems to both the Permit ~ Department and to the Public Works Department. ~j Sincerely, Ca /s/ (Miss) Joan E. McKay Q Attachments 1. August 1978 Sewer Blockage at 4102 Tennyson 2. Mrs. Ruth Brien's list of sewer items on 3934 Tennyson cc: Permit Department, Public Works Dept., Mayor $ Commissioners." Attachment: Village 1-4 My line and city broken. Called city 1-15 Dup up 1-19 Village to see what had been done 1-29 Mr. Martin. City had informed him when he called Mr. Newhouse they would finish repair work by 1-30 J City 1-5 Called in early. Informed me Village had called. CAme out. Raining. Next week early. 1-8 or 9 My line only. 1-18 Over to City Hall 1-19 Came over would have to wait. Not enough help. 1-22 Phoned again 1-23 2 men after 10 left before 12. Returned 1 p.m. Pulled off for emergency. 1-25 Pumped 1-30 Pumped 2-8 Phoned )To have water pumped 2-10 Saturday) 2-12 Pumped 1-13 Not again.--Pump broken. 2-14 Worked. Was told would com- plete job tomorrow 2-15 Fumped water only 7. 2-19 Mr. Martin called to see if city had made their repairs so he could complete their part and collect. /s/ Ruth Brien Attachment: August, 1978 1. SEWER BLOCKAGE (7 times in 3 years) Last January, the worst .blockage occurred. Due to heavy rainfall at that time, it was not realized at first that the line had backed up. After about 1 week, tenant noticed aroma and slower than usual rainfall run-off. The Sewer Department was notified, and the Superintendent stated tha, un- fortunately, this was probably going to be a frequent occurance. He was very accommodating, said they would be ready to come out any time and un- block the line, but that since the pipes-were so old., the only remedy was replacement of a great deal of lines, all the way down to Community. This was too expensive to do, so the line would caus problems frequently. This sewer block and back-up also causes the backyard to remain soggy as well as sanitarily unsafe. The seepage into the garage is causing some detrioration of the wood frame above the foundation. 2. RAINFALL RUNOFF at Corner of Property and STREET SLOPE As you can see from the attached sketch, water runs down in 4 directions (from Bissonnet down .Academy; from Academy south; from Tennyson east and west). This slope drains water all TOWARD the corner at "4-Corners Laek" at the intersection of Academy and Tennyson. .Traffic throws water on the yard and. sidewalks, badly eroding the lawn and causing sidewalk slope and cracking.... After a mederate or heavy rainfall, the side and front of the property are flooded. Water reach within 1 foot of the side of the house and 3 feet from the front corner last January. I would be difficult to imagine not suffering considerable damage from hurrican rain. 3. BACKYARD DRAINAGE: is so slow because of the hearly basin-like slope of the land that, combined with occasional sewer back-up, that the yeard takes weeks to dryout after a moderate rainfall. SEE PICTURES attached. The cost of building the backyard up is, at this time, just too pro- hibitive. The garage is also suffering rot from seepage. The lawn is too wet for such long periods that the grass just. doesn't grow. 4. HOUSE: Uninsulated, except 6-inches foam in attic. Air conditioning: 3 window units. Wallboarding needs replacement in entire house. 1 r.~ SUMMARY Because of the water and sewage problem, it would be most difficult to keep a quality tenant for any length of time, and it can not be rented to a family with children for fear of the backyard sanitation problem. (It is presently being rented ley a relative who has lots of patience with these problems.)" Ms. McCay reiterated the point in her letter that she was requesting that the Zoning and Planning nly:approve townhouse plans with the proviso that sewage problems in area be taken care of before permits issued and that the lift station could not cope with the existing flow; that althoug her property and the townhouses may not use the same lines they both eventually flowed into the same pump station on Weslayan and that during heavy rainfall she understood ~, that pumps from this station were taken to other lift stations leaving this ~ one to fill up and overflow. O ''~ Mr. Tom Browder, 6352 Buffalo Speedway, inquired as to the capacity of the C sewage treatment plant and suggested that the lift station problems might be Q corrected simply by doubling the capacity of the pumps. He was advised that the Commission did not have the information on the capacity of the sewage treatment .plant and that it was not within the capacity of the Commission's responsibility as far as pumps for the lift stations are concerned. Mr. Morris Bellew, Architects Plus, representing Ms. Powell sated he had not seen the letter from the Director of Public Works but that as he understood it from hearing it read it seemed the lift station was adequate and the problem was arising from collapsed lines and roots in the system. A general discussion ensued between Commission members, representatives of the owner and citizens in attendance concerning general sewer line problems and lift station problems in this area and over the entire city. Mr. LaCook stated that he thought the Commission should recognize the problem in this area and bring it to the attention of the City Commission but that he did feel that had the information needed from the City Engineer and .should move on to approve or disapprove the application of the plans presented and that the responsibility to improve the sewer system is the City Commission's. Mr. Casey stated that he agreed with Mr. LaCook on what is on the Agenda was not townhouse projects vs. entire sewer system of the city and that from the information they have the sewer from the townhouses will not be going up Tenny- son and that the problems are unrelated. He further .stated that in his opinion the Commission is not there at this time to defend..or condemn the city sewer system unless the project. is direcly effected and mat he fel they had seen no evidence from thos people who are expected to know this; that the project will not make it any worse or any better; that he would like to think that. the City Commission would take this information and take some action .which is its proper place. Mr. Norton stated that the Commission has regulations and specific guidelines under which to work and the Department of Public Works have their own regulations and that the Commission cannot supervise or issue permits or operate the Public Works, sanitation or any other department, its only authority is within the townhouse development;. we have to act under Ordinance 1025 within the scope of our authority. :7 Further discussion included various responsibilities and authorities of Boards and departments and the members of the Commission expressing appreciation to those citizens bringing the problems to their attention and stating that these problems and feelings would be communicated to the City Commission through minutes of the meetings. Mrs. McCay asked that the record show that she wanted to emphasize that she is not asking for disapproval of the plans, but that the proviso for the repair of sewer lines in the area be made before permits are issued. The Commission reviewed the plans with .some discussion concerning turn in offf Bissonnet and driveway clearance on the west end of the property. Motion. by Mr. Casey, seconded by Mr. LaCook, that preliminary and final plans for the construction of townhouses presented by Ms. Myra Powell, owner, on Lot 10 and 11, BLock 18 Colonial Terrace Addition be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8: 45 p.m. ATTEST: Secretary '` `X ~ / ~~~~ Chairman