HomeMy WebLinkAbout07111963 ZPC Minutes (2)v - ~ .~ ~ _ ~ / .' • . ~ ~ ~ . `~ l , ~ FiSaJIJlR ~ffi4G OF ?~O1~II1T(3 80 ~t~ ~OARD ' . n /~' s~rY ~.a ~6~ f~ , ~l f ~ • ' ~~ The Zoning & Pl~raning 8aarcl eaav~ned ii~ x~agui~r ses~ion mic ~he Ci~y $811 on ~ursd~Y3 J~,Y u, 1963s ?~~ P•m., wit.h the f8Y3.s~wiaa~ me~ers preeent: C~aiz~sn aiLt' pre- '~idiag; Pd,c~rmbers 1~arals~n, JQae~, Iott, Sny~ter en~ ~iltcn. f~r~ E. F. 7~me~ 651A Wske~oz~es~, ao~pea.''ed before the Bcard end aeked permissiaoa ~o have a_ v e~t.rica]. meter ins~~a'0.~.ed on his exis~ing garage eparEmienti at ~his address. I~r. Tha~s stated that the resi8snea~ snd a7..eo the garage apart~nt ere constructed~~ia 1$28 snd thst ~e ~.~ ke~pin~ the impxovemsnts 3n ggod r~pair ~nd screening his te~naat~ very carefu.L'iry. (2do buildin~ pezwi~ recorda were locste~ in the ~3ty ~ilei~; ho~~ev+~r, ~ax re~ords indiv~ted fi,~aL• the improvemente were first ~Iaced on ~~the ro].~. in 1929. Ac~ion was t~ken by ~e Cil~y C~mise3an on 2-26-62 to add this ~ rre ~nt ~o trhe t~sc s~3.~. as a non~nform3.ng structur~ ~d ~o re- qu~st Nlr. ~s ~to in~tv.l1 a aegar~.tQ water ~ter, ) P~ion ~bjr A4r. I~tt, sec~nd~:d by Mr. Janes, ~ha~: 1-4r. ~omas be permitted to inete~2~. a separate ~3:ectrl.ca~ m~ter flor th~ exis~c~.ng ~ra~~ apax-twent at 653,o t~akeforest, i.nna~auch ~s it ia a ae~ ru-n-con~~rming ~~a~cture. ~ Vo~ing l~ye: A1.L~ Yoting ~: None ~~. H. R. Dav3la, o~n~r ~ o~ ~he~ra~er~y at b3~~. ~caanan~, ~.dvic~ed ~hat h~ he;d, re+~ent3,y ~urrehe,sed this ps~erty and ps~pc-ses ~a ~a.ir the hstise sad ~xistin~ garage a~ar~- men~. H~ at~~ed ~ Y~a~ h3s ~u~~uer ~ b~r ~'~ily v~s~e ~l~en~ing '~o o~e~agy the house ~~ and B~er ~fi.E~er ~n8 ~ether-in-~ua ~o a~c~ay ~he exi~~ing ~rage ~~rtmen~. P~lrr. -- av31a reque~~ed ~ermi.ss2on ~o inst~ 2~?(3 v e3.e~c~ri~~. wirin~ ':i~t t~ie .~~~age ap~a~~ent. (City reco~d.,s inc3f.cste ~a.~~ Buia.ding P4a~i.~ l~o. 617 trae issue8~ 9»~-35, ~ fo~ cwnstruction of 8 oa~-a~osy9 ~ive~room 'or~c:k r~s3denc~ and sn 18Z 27' g~r~ge. Permi~ T~c~. ~t335 s~as issued on 7-2g~46 ~er s 7~./2 t X 17' addit~an f.c~ se~~rsat qu~ricer9. ) I~Iso~ion b3r ~7r. ~arals~na ~e~oad~d by Y~dr. I~ott, ~ha~: ~tr. R. R. ~Dav~.Z.a be permitted to ins~s~ ~ v~iring in ~he ga~'z~ge ac~~n~ at 6g~~, Be]~t a~ reauested; sub3e~~ fi.Q an ap~pr~rf.~~e aa~~id,~vit ~eirag ~~a~uted by Zdr. ~v±3.a ~hat the gar~e ~9.ving quetr~ers ~ii].l not be uee~ as a se~pa*ate xcn~a~ ~ni~, but on34y b~i~ the ~Len~nts or occupan~s oS the z~in ~dwell~u~. Vot3.n~ Ay~e: A].~. ••~. Vatin~ No: l~ane P~rs. R. B, Sanders, 27 tha~.versit.y Bouievs,~.•d requested by let~er, pex9ai.ss3on to ingt.a~.l ~ v ele~tr~.~a~. ca3.r3ng in an exis~~rag B~raBe r~par~m:ent ~h3.ch ~he h~as been renting ~ae~r 2~ ye~cs. (Aecor~ i.nd~.cate ~:hat Bui.ldin~ Permi~ 1~~. 2681 was issued 1'-10-40 for a]. ~,/2-s~ory br3ck venee~ hou~e ead a 2-story garage 18 ~ 26' ) Nlra. Sanders atated 3n her le'~~er the~t the ~enant in the ~par~m~nt ~ receat2y given en air condi~•l~ng umi~ whSch requ~ree 220 v~1~ctri~a.'! w~.ring and far this reeson she was regueo~3~ag permissio~i to make ~hie xnst;a33a~iora. ~ ~ . . ~iotion by ~lr. Jenes~ second~d by Mr. ~nyd~r, that i~e reguest o8 Mrs. R. H. Sanders, . 273~- University Bt~ul.ev~xd~ fc~r permise~in to ina~~.~ :220 v~~tricsl w3r~uag in th~ gsrag~ e~P~nt ~or ~n eir con+~i.tis~n3.ng unit be aen~.e~d a~ i~his struc:ture i~ bein~ u~ed in vio~~ion of ~.he city's zon~ ordira~aa~ inacrauch as 9.t r~as ct~a$txucted ~1.n ~ 19~a0 sft~r t]~e ps~sege a~' ~t~ xora~.ng ordin~asaE. ~'otin~ Aye: ~tll ~TOting 910: Nane .` ~ .! /. l -e .. c ~ Mr. ~m~ G. PoZlard~~s~n~ting Robert H. A~.~r and ~. C. ~1a't~u~d, o~c~aera o~ Lo~ 5, '' B1oct~ 5, ~restoa ~aacep req,uested t~e ~onil~,g ~asrcl to rec~an~nd tha~t the ei~y's zoning ordinance be amenc'Le~ tfl poranii~ aa3.d 14t ~h,c~ be used a~ parl~ing ~res in can- . 'neetion with t,he ~e~en~ commer~ia~ pa~~perLy a~.so o~d by D~esBrs. Rey and Pollard.. Action tase d~~erred on ~his request ine,smuch a~s the A~erd desireA ~ m~lce ~~iicthe~r etudy of ~he o~her prop~rty ~.o f.he sou~h f~anting on Kirby Dnriv~e. Messrs W. ~. Weekley e~ad aa~l~ V~nti,_ ~ners caf ~h~ advertising ~i.rm Week3ey a~nd Y~lenti.~~' In~. ~d l~r S''~~ay~n Nunn, Jr. oS ~e architecLursl Yirm, t3a3~n 8e Ro18' ~ requesfied the Boaral ~o recem~end ~ch~at fi,Y-e Le~ts l, ~, 3& 4, B3sek 2~ E~ntice]3+o A~.iti~n, be re-zoaec~'~o permit eree~3oa o~ an o~tice building. A pe~~peCtZv~e of ~j e pac~vposed~ bui~rding ~ms gresen~ed tm 4che Bc~ard far coaaiderati.t~n. :After s~u~ylag ng A ~i e~. -requeet submstted by We~ktey ana ifal~rati Snd slsa ~cansideriag ~he o~her prop- ~ ~~ erty ~nting oa Biss~annEt ~Se~~en Bu~fa~.s~ Spe~dway 8nd tdatceYarest, _v/ ~ . . ~~ D~ ~ation by ASs. ~onea~ se~onded by Nlr. Ha~3.eon, 4hatc the Board reco~x~:d ~t 'the Cc~mm3ss3on consider su~nai.r~g ~he ci4:y's $c~ning ordin~nce i:o permit ccmatru~etion of oflice bui]~lin~s cm ~isaorina~ beicwe~n Buu~"fal.c~ ~peed~~y aud tdak~8orest. Vo~ing ~ye: A~ Vot~ng No: pieAe Hi~e no ~arth~s busi~ne~t~ t~ e~ma 't~~~x~ fi~e Bos~rd at tlais ti~, u~n mo~;ion du3~r m~de, sec~nc'~d ~a e$garie~, ~h~ m~etin~ was ac'i~ourned. • ' ~~ ~