HomeMy WebLinkAbout10131966 ZPC Minutes (2)_ ..~y~- ~- • • • ~~ I, ~ 1. _~ REGULAR MEETING OF ZONIlVG AND PLANNING CONIl~IISSION , ocTOBnt ~3, 19E6 ~~ ~ The Zoning and Pl.annimg Commission of the City of West Uaiversity Place convened in regular session a~ the City Hall at '~:30 p,mo aaz Thursday, October ]3~ 1gE6~ with the fo1.lo~win~ members present: Hann.ah~ presiding; Members Bricker, Hilton and Hines. Mr, Lays Eo Vest~ Cheirman of the Committee for Rezoning for the West University Baptist Church, to~ether with his other commit~ee members, e ~ e o ug.ens and Architect Ke7.],y Gaf~uey~ appeared before ~he Canmissi~~ re~ueating rezoning of Lot ~, ~iock i9 Collegeview lst Addition fo~ church use, ey s s e ha t eir c urch desired to erect a new e ucat ona ui ing on Lvts E and 7'~ Block 19t CV lst Addition ~Lot '~ is already zoned for church use)~ and that Lots 11~, ]3, 14 and 15, of Block 1~~ Collegeview Thirc~ Addition were to be used ~or parking pu~- poses. They presented plans ~nd a drawing by the architect~ on which a number of the residents in Black 19 fra~tin~ on Aml~e rst S~reet had s3gned. their names~ evidenci.r~g their approval of the proposed construction. Mr. Gaffney explaiaed that additivnal parking facilities would be gained, as the house across the street on church-awned property wauld be torn dawn and the area used for parking' if their re,~uest were approved, It was stated that they p],an to begin construction during the next year, if the property is rezoned for this puxposeo ~ ~ There was dfscusaion concerning ~he use of the lots across the street in the 3800 block of Milton Street~ to be used f or church parking areao The Church Committee decided that this property should be inclu8ed in their applicatio~ ~or rezariix~ for .church use. Motion by Mro Hinee~ seconded by Mr. Bricker, that a public hearfng be called for 7:30 p,m. on November 10, 196E~ for the purpoae of hearing all iaterested parties in coinnectian with the application of the West University Baptist Church ffled o~ September 29, 19G^~, and that proper legal notice be ~iven, Vating l~ye: Messrs. Haan,ah~ Bricker and Hines Voting No: None Mr. Hilton abstained from voting as he is a member of the West Univeraity Baptiat Churche With no further business to come beYore the Commiasion at this time, upon motion duly made, secon~ed and carried, the meeting was ad3ouraed, DH: sf ~. \ ~ . ~~.~ : .. :i • ~ ~ • PR~LIMIPIARY REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMIS3ION OF ~.CHE CITY OF W~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, CONC~RNING PROPUSED REZONING FOR CHURCH USE OF LOTS 11, 13, 14 AND 15, BLOCK 15, COLT~GEV]~W TIiIRD ADDITION, A1VD IAT C, BIACK 19, .CpLLTGEVIE6~1 F'IRST 1~DDITION. ~ TO THE HONORABLE MAYOt~ AND CITY COMMISSIOiV: CITY OF W.EST UNNERSITY PLACE, TEXAS Consideration•has been given to ~he application of the West University Baptist Church on September 29, 196E for rezoning o~ Lots 11, 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Collegeview Third~Addition and Lot 6, B1ock 19, Collegeview First Addition ~or church use. . Plans and architectural drawings have been submitted to the Zoning and Planning Commiss~.on, showing a~roposed Educationnl Building to be erected on Lot 6 and 7, Block 19, Collegeview First Addition. Lo~i 7 has already been rezoned for church use and is present]tiy used as such. The other lots involved are across the stxeet from the church building~ bu~t are used Porchurch parking, being Lots 13, i~• ana i5, Block 15, Collegeview Third Addition. Lot 11, Block 15 is also owned by the church and there i~ an ex3sting residence an this lot. After consideration of this application submitted by the church, the Zoning and Planning Commission ~eels ttaat the rey,uest of the church has merit, ;..nd warrants further conaideration. The Zoning and P].annin~ Commission has therefore called a public hearing for the date of November 10, 1966. l~,fter such hearing is held, the Final Repo~t of the Zoning and Planning Commission will be submitted to the City Commisaion. This concludea our Preliminary Report DH: sf ~o/~~./EE ~