HomeMy WebLinkAbout10131966 ZPC Minutesa~" ~'GV, ' ~ • I ~ REGULAR A~~ING OF ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION ~ ocTOBgt i39 19E6 The Zoning and Plannixsg Commission of the City of Wes~t University Place convened in re~ulax° session a~ the City Hall at 7:30 p,mo ari.Thursday, October ]3, 19b6, with the follawing members present: Hann.ah, pres3ding; Members Bricker, Hil~ton and Hines, Mr, Loys E, Ves~, Chairman of the Commi~~ee for Rezon3.ng for the West University Baptist Ghurch, together with his other co~mittee member$, o ng~ o ohn ug ens and Architect Ke1,l~r Gaffneyy appeared befoxe ~he Commissi ari, re~ueating rezoning o~ Lot ~, Block 19 CoLlegeview lst Addition for church useo ey s a e ha~ t eix° church desired to erect a new e uca ozaa ui ding on Late 6 and 79 Bl~clc 19~ CV ls~t Addition (Lot 7 is already zoraed ~or church use)~ and thst Lots 11, 13- 14 and 159 of Block 15~ Collegeview Third Addition were to be used ~or parking pu.~~^- poseso They presen~ed plaras and a drawirbg by the archi~ec~~ on which a number of the residents in Block 19 ~ronting on AmYre rst Street had signed ~their names, evidencing their approval of the proposed cons~Cruction, Mro GaPfney explained ~ha~t additional parking facili~ies would be gained, as the house across the s~treet on church-owned nroperty would be torn down and the area used for parkingg if their re,~uest were approved, It was ~tated tha~ they plan ~o begin construction during the next year~ if the property is rezoned for ~this purposeo • There was discuesiox~ concerning the use of' the lots acroas the s~reet in iche 3800 block of Mil~on S~reet~ to be used for church parking area, Ttie Church Committee decided ~hat this property should be included in their applica~tion ~or rezoning for .church useo Motion by Mr, HinesD seconded by Mro Bricker9 that a public hearing be called ~or 7030 p,mp on November 10, 19EE, for ~he purpose of hearing all isaterested parties in coranectiom with the application of the West University Baptist Church ~'iled on September 299 19~, and that proper legal notice be giveno Votir~ ~yee Messrso Harnnah~ Bricker and Hines Voting No: None Mr. Hilton abstained from voting as he is a member of the West University Baptist Churcho With no Purther busineas to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly ~ade9 seconded and carried~ the mee~ing was ad3ouraed, DH: sP ~ \ r ~ ~' ~ • ^ ~ • ~i ~ PRII~IMINARY REPaRT OF THE ZOi~IIJG AND PLANIVING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF W~ST UNIVERSITX PLACE, CONC~RNING PROPOSED REZONING FOR CHURCH USE OF LOTS 11, 13, 1~+ AND 15, BLOCK 15, COLLEGEVI'~FT 2't~Il~D ADDTTION, AND IAT 6, BIAG`K 19,,COLL~GEVIEW FIRST ADDITIONe TO THE HONORABLE MAXOR AND CITY COMMISSION: CITY ~F WEST UNNERSITY PLACE, TI~XAS Considera-tion has been given to ~he application oP the West University Bap'tist Church on Sep-tem~er 29, 19E6 for rezoning of Lo~;s 11, ].3, l~+ and 15, Block 15, Collegeview Third Addition and t,ot E, B1ock 19, Collegeview First Addition for church use. Plans and architectural drawings have been submitted -to the Zoning and Planning Commission, showing a proposed Edacationnl Building to be erected on Lot 6 and 7, Block 19, Collegeviez~~ First Additione Lot 7 hns already been rezoned for church use and is presently used as such. • The other lots involved are across the street from the church building, but are used forchurch parlcing, being Lots 13, 1~• and 1,5~ Block 15, Colle~eview Third Addition. Lot 11, Bloclc 15 is a].so ozmed by the church and there is an existing residence on this lot. At'ter consideration o~ this application submitted by the church, the Zonir~ and Planning Commission feels ~tr.at the rey,uest of the church has merit, ~::nd warrants further consideration. The Zoning and Plann~.n~ Commission has therefore called a public hearing for the date of November 10, 19EE. l~,fter such hearing is held, the Final Report of the Zonin~ and Plannin~ Commission will be submitted to the City Commisaion. This concludes our Preliminary Report. Respecftful]y sub~itted, ING CONI~IIS~ION ~ Hanti~h, Chairman DH:s~ ~ 10/1~+/E~ ~