HomeMy WebLinkAbout04181968 ZPC Minutes+~u r ~ 4~~, `~ \,,~ ~~ • '~ ,~~~~ 1 'f~4.. ~ ~ , _ ~ ,~~ .~•~~: '_ ., ;~. ~~~ ~ .~ ~ ~ n~ ~4;. ; p~ : ~ ~~ ~ R~x;tn~ ~~.~r~~s ~ oF zol~u~c ~ ~n~rz.NC a~: Y•~.s~;or~ a~x~. w l~ , ~-~ _r ~- _ ..,~ - - - ~ ~. - Tti~ Zanin~ and Pl~nnin~ C~~a1.n:1~31oi1 0~ the City o~? 5;~at Univer~ai'~y Plac~ convened ~t the Ci~:y ~i:i31 oi- ~.`huz~c.:y; 1~E~rii l~i, lyC~c3 a~t ;;?J E~..ni. ~ith ~h~ fo~llo~ring mem- ber~ pi'eoent: Ct~?gr~~zl ~r~n~h, ~re~idii~; Pdcmb~i ~ BrS.clcNr, Hi~tQn anri I,dott. MX. gin~~ we.s rF:por'ted to bF in ~he hospitrsl ~or :.urb~:~•;; . • S'he meeting t~~s crzlled to oi~e.r by Cheirman Ii~nne3.iz• He s'l:a~ th.~t, i~n ~ceord- ~nce ~i4..h previou~ notiYic~~ion given the member~ oY ~he Zaning ~ni! 1'l~nr~iz~ Ca~m~iaeiori, t}~e mee~ing ~~~ being held at thia tim~ inaamuch ms a~,uoru~n wa~ not Qv~aile~b~e :~n the eecond 2hu:s~d~y of A~ri~.. CYisi~v~n H~nzlah atated ~t~~ $ l~~ter oY appllc+~~Lion h~.fl be~ xpceiv~d (d~ted i~rch 26, 1~£t3) frcw~ Mx'. NLtlton Bchwtart~~ sc~ing caungel Por Mr. D. H. T.~eldr~n, a~mc~r oi L~~s 6~.nd 7, F~irt~ven Addition, r+:que~ing 'th~.t can~idezt~~~l~~n be giv~n to re~o~ning of thi~. proper'ty Par' pro~eaeia~l - o~fiee bui.lc?tng~. '~he p.roperty loeated in 't~.~ 1~100 block oY Be]..3~1r~ Brnt1~'ae-rd, being lOt~' X 120` at the noz'~•r~at~st corn~r c~f PQ1.lF:~.r+~ HouJ.~rqni end i~irh8re~n Str~et. Yt wam ~he generrzl ernacenoua ~P the Commieeion ~~hr~t ta caus5.~~r on7,y the pro- per~y described in tt~ 3.~~t.~r of app].ics~icaz ac~lc7 be "~p~t acmin~`~. Yt ~ae~a de- cidec~ tt~,st co~gYdertvtion a1~rx~ld 'ue given to r~x:-viing of e11 '~~ 1ot~ fh~icing 8vuth an B~llasire Doulevsrfl ~~au the Yi~lCA pro~~erty ~to Aazd~~~Y Str~:et, for proY~eaiomral oP~ice buildSn.ge and ta~rnhcu~aer~~ ins~amu~h es 4.he. rep~a~ pr~'pd~ for tb~e City oY West L3n3v~rAity Pl.~cc~ b;~r ~uclil).; R~~l~tt en,~', ~~-ot~: tw~.~ recommeuded ~his typ~ oY uee for the property wadQ.r cn;lsldera~~ioai. M~tiaa~ by Mx'. HlYton, ~ecen~led by Mz'. 7.o~-c, t.hr~t r~ pub"11.c L~.ring bc~ cttll.~d for .~ 7;3p p,me on Thurgday, t~cy 16, 1968 for the p~~r~ose of h~:~x~in~ arLy inter~eted p~rtie~ in conn~etion ~ri~h .re~oning of th~ .fo:11.r,~:•i.n~ d~~~c~':-bed property fox' Pro- ~~ssica~xal oPflice buildi~e .:ncl tcRrnhoueee: t,ot 2, ~lock 1 an~ Lot 2, Bl xk 35, Colae~i.t~l Terrace Additian; 7.ots I, 2 3, ~+, 5, ~, 7, 8, 9 and 10, P7airhr~ven Arldition in the City oP Weat Univeraity P:.~cc; ~nd that proper ic~gal no~~.fce be Qiven; Blao that Ct~izlaan Nanneh be authori~ed ~o px~p~ce end eubmit ~ Pre]_i:ni:~ary Report to the City Commieeian e~°~tting forth P~~ts r~].a~ive to i'.he ~:,~~r,lic~'tion. ~ , VotS~zg l~ye: all V oL- ing Nn: N~?ne With no further buqineag tc co;~ beforc ~h~ Cornmi~aion at this tim~, upon moticn duly a~ade, secon~lcd ~nc~ c~rried, ~tht meetinR x~a gd,j~lurned. I\ •' ,, :~ ~ , .~: ...._ . ., t. :`,-~ >. ~, ~~J . ~. : PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION OF ~ THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY FI.ACE, TEXAS~ CONCERNING CONSIDERA- TION OF REZONING LOT 2, BLOCK 1 and LOT 2, BLOCK 35, COLONIAL TERR.ACE ADDITION, AND LOTS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 AND 10~ ~ FAIRHAVEN ADDITION, FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICE BUILDINGS OR TOWNHOUSES. • TO THE HONOR.ABLE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: This is 1 pl•eliiiiinai•y report of the Zoning nnd Plaiiilin~ Commis- sion of ihe City of West University Plzce, Texas in connection with the application o~ Mr. D. H. Feldman, owner of Lots 6 and 7, Fairhaven Addition, for rezoning of said property for pro- fessional office buildin~s. This property is located in the 4100 block of Bellaire Boulevlyd 105 X 120 feet at the north- east corner of Bellaire Boulevard and Fairhaven Street in the City of West University Place, Texas. The aforementioned request of NI~•. D. H. Feldman was considered by the Zoning and Plan-iin~ Cormnission in theii~ meetin~ of Thursday, April 18, 19G8. It was the general concensus of the Zoning and Planning Co-T-mission that to consider only the prop- erty heretofore described in the letter of application, would be cl~ssified a5 "sp~t zonin~". It was decided that considera- tion should be ~iveii to rezoning of all the lots facing south • on Bellaire Boulevard, located betwecn the Y.M.C.A. property and the Academy Street, being Lots 2, Block 1 and Lot 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition, and L,~ts l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Fairhaven AC~C.~ltl(~Il, for professio~zal office buildings or townhouses. On the basis of the above action, ai~cl upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, a public hearin~ was called by the Zoning and Planning Coimnission for the date of Thui•sday, May 16, 1968 at 7:30 p.m, at the City Hall. A copy of this preliminary report shall be delivered to and filed with the City Co~nmission, and a copy delivered to and filed with the Office of the City Secrctai•y of the City of West University Place. This concludes our preliminary report. / i Respectfully s bmitted ZONING ~~ L ING CO M SION •, , ~~~ ~,., ;~ / ~/~~~` ~~~. ; ~~C~~2~ '~ ,~--~ ._v.ic~/--W-: °fi'~nnaT, Ch ia rman 1 _• DWH:sf '` Date filed with City Secretary - Ap~•il ~2, 196~;