HomeMy WebLinkAboutParks Board Minutes Dec_6_2023_revised 1
LocaDon: Recrea(on Center
Chair: Stephanie Magers
Secretary: Richard Cunningham
Board members present: Samantha (Sami) Morrison, Stephanie Magers, Richard Cunningham,
Sarah Barre;, Rebecca Brownlie, Ryan Firth, Stephen Damiani, Laura (Lulu) Lopez, Maryann
Grahmann, Ariene Wells, Lauren Griffith.
Staff: Susan White
Council members: (none)
Visitors: (none)
Call to Order: Stephanie Magers called the mee(ng to order at 6:37 p.m. Welcome and
introduc(ons. Each board member received a WUP centennial Christmas ornament.
Approval of the minutes from November 7 meeDng: Unanimous approval.
Council Update: (Council member Shannon Carroll unable to a;end due to last-minute conflict.)
Friends Update: The 2024 Park Lovers’ Ball, scheduled for February 10, is already 70 percent
sold out. Anyone interested in going is urged to get their (ckets soon. Susan White and Sami
Morrison noted that the net income for the 2023 Park Lover’s Ball was around $300,000.
Fathers and Flashlights raised another $120,000. These are the Friends of the West University
Parks Fund’s two largest fundraiser events of the year. About 525 kids a;ended Fathers and
Flashlights in 2023, a record high. General conversa(on followed considering ways to spread the
word that at least 90 percent of all park improvements are funded by private dona(ons and
fundraising events, not tax dollars.
Parks & RecreaDon Update: Susan White noted that the annual tree ligh(ng ceremony was
Monday, December 4. The mayor and city council unveiled the city’s centennial logo. There was
a live ice sculpture carving as well as an ice
sculpture that was carved in advance. The
weather was nice and a;endance was up. Susan
es(mated between 1,200 and 1,400 people.
The Founder’s Day event will be May 4, 2024.
The Colonial Park deck along Byron Street is under
construc(on and will be completed by the end of
the year. Par(es and rentals can begin in January.
(Photo of completed deck from December 29.)
The Wier Park upgrade is out for bids, which are due before Christmas. The bids will be
presented to City Council at the January 22 mee(ng. They will also be shown to Friends ahead
of (me to keep them informed.
The Chevron Houston Marathon will be Sunday, January 14, 2024. As usual, a por(on of the
race will pass through West U. Board members and their family members will be receiving
invita(ons to the Mayor’s Breakfast. Susan encouraged everyone to a;end the breakfast and to
watch the marathon. About 33,000 runners, from elite and special needs to amateurs will
There is s(ll one u(lity pole remaining in the
middle of the Edloe Street Pathway because we
need to coordinate with AT&T to remove their
equipment. Freeze-resistant Tangerine Beauty
vines are being planted along the pathway this
West U has a new park. A small triangle of
land—2,140 sq. c.—off Bissonnet at
Academy was deeded to the City of West
University Place in 1999. The land had
formerly been set aside as common space for the adjacent townhouses. Apparently the
ques(on of who pays for maintenance and water service for this area was not resolved acer the
transfer, and now owners of the townhouses would like for the city to begin maintaining the
property. The net result is that we have a new park that is about half the size of a small West U
homesite. The Parks Board and City Council will consider op(ons for using the property. One
possibility is to install an addi(onal well to supplement the city’s water supply. The space will
not become tradi(onal park space with playground equipment, but it could include unique
ligh(ng or an art installa(on of some kind.
Recrea(on Center improvements to the playing field and jogging track are on hold for now,
pending decisions about how the land might be used for underground water reten(on. Susan
noted that installing a rubberized track will cost more than $120,000, based on an earlier bid.
She added that we will probably know before 2027 about water reten(on plans on the Rec
Center property.
Steve Damiani asked if there were plans to expand the cardio and weight room area of the Rec
Center. Susan said that various op(ons have been suggested, but that current u(liza(on
numbers do not warrant the cost of remodeling the area.
Park Ambassador assignments:
Huffington Park – Ryan Firth
Judson Park – Stephanie Magers. Ariene Wells asked about a green box she had seen.
Edloe Street Pathway – Richard Cunningham
Recrea(on Center – Rebecca Brownlie
Colonial Park East – Maryann Grahmann
Colonial Park Pool – Stephen Damiani
Colonial Park West playground and decks – Lauren Griffith asked about possibility of invi(ng
food trucks on Saturday mornings to draw visitors to the deck areas.
Wier Park – Lulu Lopez
Jennie Hughes Park – Sarah Barre;
Whi; Johnson Park – Ariene Wells
Friends Park – Sami Morrison
Old Business: Susan noted that we have not yet had a park facili(es tour for new members. She
shared a presenta(on that she and Bri;any did for the Ci(zens’ Academy in October. It included
an overview and organiza(on chart. Senior Services is an important area that many Parks Board
members may not know enough about. There is a need to spread the word to Seniors that they
can get help for rou(ne and essen(al trips, such as the grocery store or doctor’s appointments.
New Business: Next mee(ng, Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
Adjourned: 8:00 p.m. Unanimous.