HomeMy WebLinkAbout06271972 ZPC Minutes REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 27, 1972 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con- vened in regular session at the City Hall, Tuesday, June 27,-1972 with the following members present: Chairman E. Gene Hines, presiding; Members M. C. Caldwell and Roland Dahlin. The Chairman opened the meeting and stated this meeting constituted the reg- ~.,, ulcer meeting for the month of July inasmuch as the regular meeting date of ~ the first Tuesday of each month falls on July 4th, which is a national holiday. ''J Citizens of West University appeared at the meeting to discuss means of closing U streets to restrict through-traffic on residential streets on ;completion of the V ttmini-freeway" which will bring traffic onto BissQnnet at Edloe Street.- Mr. Hines opened the discussion by introducing ,the members of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion and making an opening statement advising those present that the Commission is in the process of studying all peripheral property in the city using the re- cent Caudilh Rowlett. and Scott, report recently co~pleted for the city. He .said traffic is a consideration in the report, but that Caudill, Rowlett and Scott made no attempt to give a solution. He stated this problem is similiar to the Brompton area where traffic from the recently developed apartment complex feeds into Bellaire Boulevard and into the city and also related to problems on Weslay- '' an which resulted in the closing of Academy Street by the City Commmission. He advised that the Commission started their review and study in the southwest corner of the city and was working around the outside areas. He told the group the Commission would take no official action at this meeting and that when action was taken a recommendation would be made to the City Commission who in turn would take proper action for remedies, as the Zoning and Planning Commission had no power to enact legislation. He also stated that tre Zoning and Planning Commission is not the-only agency involved in a problem of this nature - it would include the Fire Department, Police Department, Street Department, utilities, etc. The following are statements from residents:. Mr. Floyd Murphy, 3515 Albans: In this area we are talking about, we have about ~ peop a reenway aza. The nmini-freewayn is nearly completed. Their interest is to get as many people into.. the area as possible. People are going to find the shortest way home. These streets (Mercer, Sewanee, Rutgers) do not have sidewalks and the streets cannot take this type of traffic. There are "No Trucks Allowed" signs (Mercer), but Bekins trucks use these streets all the time. All of a sudden we are ,going to be flooded with cars. Our situation is a matter of concern prior to the time it becomes a holocaust. Once people become accustomed to a route they will travel the same track. The traffic will empty to Poor Farm. Ditch and the people will have to go east or west, or north or south onto our streets. We have lots of children in the area which we already have to,protect from Bekins'~.rucks turning around and fast traffic and we cannot tolerate 1/8 of 76~000~ We would like to petition relief for a situation that has become very detrimental to our area. (During discussion, Mr. Murphy also stated that the churches in the area use resident's driveways and everywhere else on Sundays for parking and if they called-the Police Department everytime they blocked,a drive- way that it would be done constantly.) .1 , Dr. Rufus Stanley 3606 Albans: I live on the northwest corner of Albans and ercer. I_agree with Mr. Murphy and although I would not like to speak for Mr. Trautwein, we have discussed the advisability of suggesting to you gentlemen to consider a barrier on or about our back property lines across Mercer. We are not fully committed to a cul-de-sac, but if a barrier could be erected in the mid part of the block behind Albans on Bissonnet on Mercer and "dead endM signs we felt this might be the best solution to control any traffic problem. I would be most willing to do anything within reason to help with maintenance of such a barrier. We do feel there is a real problem and feel there is going to be a sev- ere traffic problem. (Later conversation - Dr. Stanley said they were selfish because of the children and he would like to reiterate the barrier at mid-block rather than the Bissonnet intersection.) Mrs Thomas E. Trautwein 3520 Albansr In conversation with Mr. Whitt Johnson, he said the prob em co d probably be controlled with One Way streets. I think in doing so we would be providing them a thoroughfare and a handier route to drive through. Mr. Johnson mentioned that it would be unfair to the students going to Lamar High School to cut off their streets. Wesleyan and Buffalo go through and they would have no problem. Believe me, I know when its 3:15 because of the High School students speeding down m3' street and running stop signs. They need to be on other streets. Mr. Bob R. Johnson 35~t,. Albans Road: I want to emphasize we are looking at this who a area. These streets were primarily designed for access to through streets and not to take care of through traffic. These are secondary streets. I do not know what Caudill, Rowlett and Scott has submitted in regard to these streets, but I would like to petition you to close or deny access from Greenway Plaza through these secondary streets. Mrs. Bab R. Johnson 3514 Albans Road: We lived on Seminole before moving to ~~Test University P ace. he raf is was umnense,._ We dared not let our children out to play - one child was hit on a bicycle, alw~.ys having minor automobile accidents. 47e thought when we moved to West University Place we were getting away from it. I would appreciate any consideration for mothers and their concern for their children. Z^ta are talking about a good community over all - this is the reason we do not want it to run down because of traffic, etc. A'Txs. Harve L. Britton 3609 Albans Road: I think we should retain the flavor of es niversity ace - ain t is attractive relatively highly controlled area. I think we have to look for what the ultimate situation is going to be. They do not obey the stop signs now. The traffic has increased so much in the last 2 or 3 years. We would like to maintain the environment. Mrs. Rufus Stanle 3606 Albans Roads The property behind us is for sale. So obvious y he expects to get a great deal of money for it. With the barricade at our alley, so to speak, it will help our problem but give access to this property on Bissonnet so that whatever goes in there we can live with it comfortably. Mrs. Trautwein:: I know nothing of street planning, but in the newer subdivisions like Maplewood and Meyerland, there is a maze of cul-de-sacs. I am sure the garbage men, firemen, policemen, etc. get into these areas.. These newer areas took steps to stop through traffic from going through the residential areas. Mrs. W. Harold weller~,3420 Albans Road: we. have an awful lot of dead-end streets and the Fire Department and Police Department and garbage men deal with these. I think we can work it out with these .departments. Please donut think of it as a problem ust for Albans. They are going to be going all through the city. And I am petitioning you as a mother of children to help by any means ~~ stop the through traffic . J~. % 0'' Mr. Caldwell:. Our position in regard to Caudill, Rowlett and Scott (held by this Commission and the City officials) is that their report was intended as a tool for the Zoning and Planning Commission and Caudill, Rowlett and Scott has no jurisdiction over what we would do. We are under no obligation to take-Caudill, Rowlett and Scotts'advice. I think those who know me probably know my personal feelings. I cannot say anything other than we recognize there is a problem. I live on Belmont and we are beginning to get the same thing from the other side. I think there is no question you have a problem. The question is how to correct it. Mr. 'Hines: Mr. Trautwein rnenticned one-way streets and barriers. There are other control devices - no turns, right hand turns, terminating south bound traffic and C+ vice versa. Wesleyan is the first through north-south street east of Loop 610, ~ next is Buffalo Speedway, then Kirby. We are a fu*inel for traffic off the ~outh- ~ west Freeway. We are also wing to have to face up to something along Bellaire ~ Boulevard. There are single-family residences which face on Bissonnet. We have _"~ to be cognizant of these people - the rights of the Fire Department and Police ~ Department need t~ be studied. We have to find a solution that has balance. Park- ing for churches and places on Bissonnet is another situation. We have to offer these people service as well as the rest of the city. Mr. Bob Johnson: The problem is a fundamental one - whether we are going to allow the secondary streets to carry the traffic or direct them,to the one to carry the traffic on the main arteries using mayor avenues of moving traffic through. Tr~Ihitt Johnsonz City Mana er: As I see it our primary responsibility is two-fold. 1 to you people, and 2 to expeditiously move the traffic out of the city. I do not think there will ever be that much traffic generated. Our principal pur- pose is to look out for your needs and secondly to move traffic. I personally favor cul-de-sacs. I donut like barricades or barriers. There are many solutions besides just blocking streets - in all fairness to all other people - Police Department, Fire Department, garbage people, etc. We do have a personal interest in your problems and will do everything possible to solve°it. Cost is another consideration. It takes $2,000 to°$1,300 to put in barriers and/or cul-de-sacs and then there is the maintenance of them. We have had a request for attention at Bissonnet and Wroxton. We are not going to drive them into your homes. I donut think you are going to see this type of traffic for the next two years. Mr. ~~ines: From newspaper accounts, mid 1973 is the projected date for the completion of the "mini-freeway". Mr. Dahlias: I live on Sunset and am your neighbor and have a 3 ~ year old daughter. We cannot operate in a vacuum and appreciate your coming and ex- plaining your views - and appreciate hearing from you either by letter or by personal appearance. We appreciate hearing your views. We cannot legislate, but are coming to a point where we can make recommendations to city officials. Mr. Bo ce A. Foreman 3503 Albans Road: It seems there is a tremendous amount of prob ems to the so ving o problems. ?rlhat is the normal sequence? Mr. Hines explained that the Zoning and Planning Commission recommends to the City Commission where action is taken by that body. Mr. Johnson explained that the next normal step would be the passinS of an ordinance and trat +this could usually be accomplished in about 60 Says after first receiving recommendations. The question was asked row citizens would know when ordinances on subjects were being discussed and the disposition of same. Mr, Johnson advised that the Southwest Argus was the official paper of the city, and that all Commission meetings were covered by the Houston Chronicle and usually the Houston Post, and that an Agenda was posted on the bulletin board in the City Hall each Thursday preceding Commission meetings which were eac1~ 2nd and ltth Mondays of each month. Mr. Hines: We are doing our best to arrive at the best solution and make the ems -recommendation to the City Commission. We appreciate your coming. All the visitors left the meeting at this time. City Attorney Charles Cockrell and City Manager Whitt Johnson appeared before the Zoning and Planning Commission at the request of the City Commission to request"recommendations for regulations covering the following: 1. Circular driveways. 2. Paving or hard surfacing front yards for purpose of ; storing or parking of automobiles, trailers, boats,.. etc . 3. Definition concerning what constitutes an enclosed front .porch. After a discussion with the City Attorney and City Manager, they left the meeting and the Commission continued the discussion of the above items. The following are recommendations to the City Commission, at their request from the Zoning and Planning Commission for amending certain aspects of Zoning Ordinance No. 111 1. CIRCULAR D?~IVEf^TAYS: It is recommended that circular vewayss e a owed. 2. HARD..-SURFACED MATERIAL USED FOR COV~'RING FRONT YARDS: The on ng an arming.: omrruss on oes not ee a restric- tions should be placed on the surfacing of yards. The Commission recommends that an ordinance be drafted to ex- clude the parking of trucks, buses, boats, trailers, motor homes, mobile homes, or campers, except behind the front building line. Automobiles .should be allowed to park at any time in the paved area or on a circular driveway. At this time the Zoning and Planning Commission is not ready to make a recom- mendation concerning a definition of an enclosed front porch. In discussion, we have made the following observationsr We define an open porch as a roofed area open on at leapt two or more sides, with little or no structure between supporting members and basically open from floor to ceiling. A screened porch which meets the above criteria would be considered an open porch. ~~ie addition of lattice work, baffles or louvered blinds would not remove the porch from the "open" category. However, when the porch is enclosed with per- manent walls, windows, or glass jalousies to the extent that it can be used as a year-round habitable space, it ceases to be a g~r;;h and becomes part of the residence. 1 1 ~~~ Upon motion duly mode, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned. Chairman Attest: ~ Secre ary C,C9 V REGULAR P•~TING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 1, 1972 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con- vened in regular session at the City Hall, Tuesday, August 1, 1972, with the following members present: Chairman E. Gene Hines, presiding; Members L. B. Bricker, M. C. Caldwell, Roland Dahliny and H. Allen Weatherby. The following two letters were presented to the Commission for their informa- tion. The Chairman was authorized at a called meeting on July 18, 1972 to submit the information contained in the letters to the City Commission: July 20, 1972 Mr. Whitt F. Johnson, City Manager City of Jest University Place, Texas 3800 University Boulevard ~Iou_ston, Texas 77005 Dear Sir:- In response ~o your letter of June 15, 1972 containing a recommendation from the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University. Place, Texas for proposed estimates for .the 1973 Budget, the following is submitted: 1