HomeMy WebLinkAbout07081975 ZPC Minutes9
JULY 8, 1975
The Zoning and Planning Commision of the City of West University Place convened in regular
session, Tuesday, July 8, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman
Bartholomew, presiding; Members Dahlin, LaCook, Norton and Weatherby.
The Chairman ascertained that proper notice of meeting had been posted on the bulletin board
at the City Hall three days prior to the scheduled meeting as required by HB3, Amending 625217
~ Mr. William Perlmutter, Perlmutter Company, Realtors, and Mr. Richard Robinson, Architect,
~ presented architect's drawings and site plan for clusterhouses which he proposes to construct at
t,~ the northeast corner of Bellaire and Buffalo Speedway. The site plan had previously been
presented to the Commission for their consideration.
~ A general discussion of the plans followed. Mr. Perlmutter was questioned as to who was
responsible for the maintenance of .fences separating the development from single family
dwellings and he stated this would be the responsibility of the Home Owner's Association.
The. plans call for the dwelling and garage, including front open space to cover 1,891 square
feet. It was pointed out that the ordinance said that each building site should be 2,000 square
feet. Mr. Perlmutter said their interpretation. was that the building site could include common
areas, in which event each owner would have more than 2,000 sq. ft. It was suggested that the
building site be extended, and such deeded to each individual owner, to the area to the center of
the driveway at the rear of each unit. Messrs. Perlmutter and Robinson stated that this was
acceptable to them.
The matter of sewer lines was discussed and Mr. Perlmutter stated that he understood that he
- may have to install a lift station. Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Manager, arrived at the meeting at
this time and advised that a study had been made by the City Engineer and the Water-Sewer
Superintendent and it was -their opinion that an eight f 8') inch sanitary sewer line would have to
be installed to replace a six (6") inch sewer line for about three (3) blocks east down the center
of Cason St. and that this construction would be the responsibility of the developer. Messrs.
Perlmutter and Robinson said this was agreeable and they were advised to contact the City
Engineer for specifics.
Mr. Johnson stated there was no problem as far as sanitary sewer service being adequate in the
Kirby Drive area.
Motion by Mr. LaCook, seconded by Mr. Dahlin, that the architect's plans and site plan be
approved as submitted with the stipulation that owners' lots be extended to the dedicated
easement at the rear of each unit.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
Messrs. Perlmutter and Johnson left the meeting at this time.
Mr. Richard Robinson of the firm of Merliss, Jones & Robinson, Architects, appeared before the
Commission for further consideration of site plan and architect's drawings previously submitted
for two (2) townhouses on
Lot 10, Block 9, Preston Place Addition.
After a brief discussion, it was agreed the plans met the requirements of the ordinance
pertaining to this property, with the exception of the fence separating the development from
the single family dwelling district which extended only to the front of the dwelling and the
ordinance provides that the fence extend to the front building line.
Motion by Mr. Weatherby, seconded by Mr. Norton, that the plans for two (2) townhouses on
Lot 10, Block 9, Preston Place Addition
be approved as submitted, providing the fence separating the development from the single
family dwelling district be extended to the front building line.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
Mr. Robinson left the meeting at this time.
Mr. James Fletcher, 4019 Browning, appeared before the Zoning and Planning Commission to
present a waiver for approval as required by Ordinance No. 1025, Section 1, Sub-Section F.2,
concerning waiver of side set backs of a joint townhouse development.
Mr. Fletcher was advised that the presentation of the waiver was premature. That the Zoning
and Planning Commission could not waive set back requirements until presented with plans
indicating where such set backs would not conform to the ordinance pertaining to this area.
Mr. Fletcher was advised to confer with the City Attorney for fu rther interpretation of this
section of Ordinance No. 1025.
As requested by the City Manager, the following recommendations were made for the proposed
1976 Budget for the Zoning and Planning Commission:
1975 PROPOSED 1976
7-103 Clerical Supplies 300:.00 300.00
1-201 Office Supplies 150.00. 150.00
7-203 Postage 150.00 2 20.00
7-462 Legal Notices & Recording Fees 300.00 300.00
7-464 Judgements & Court Costs 1,000.00 1,000.00
7-466 Legal Expenses 3,000.00 500.00
7-468 Planning 300.00 500.00
TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 5,200.00 2,970.00
The minutes of the special meeting on May 20, 1975 and the regular meeting on June 17, 1975,
were approved as submitted.
With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made,
seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
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