HomeMy WebLinkAbout06171975 ZPC Minutes4~ REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 17, 1975 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session, Tuesday, June 17, 1975, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Bartholomew, presiding; Members Dahlin, LaCook, Norton and Weatherby. The Chairman ascertained that proper notice of meeting had been posted on the bulletin board at the City Hall three days prior to the scheduled meeting as required by HB3, Amending 6252-17 V.C.C. '~'~ 1;~ Mr. William Perlmutter, Perlmutter Company, Realtors, presented a new site plan for Q clusterhouses which he proposed to construct at the northeast corner of Bellaire and Buffalo Speedway. He was assisted in his presentation by Mr. Alex Wong, Alex Wong and Associates, Q Architects. The plan is comprised of 14 - 2 story dwelling units and common area. The units will. contain approximately 1,794 to 1,891 sq. ft. and designed to sell for approximately $50,000.00 to $60,000.00. Messrs. Perlmutter and Wong, stated that in their opinion the clusterhouse design tracked the ordinance pertaining to this area and met all .specifications of the ordinance. Mr. Perlmutter was advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission would study the site plan presented and would give him their final decision on same at their regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 1975. Messrs. Perlmutter and Wong left the meeting at this time. (Copy of site plan is attached and made a part of these minutes.) Mr. Richard Robinson of the firm of Merliss, Jones & Robinson, Architects, presented a site plan, including elevation and floor plans, for two (2) townhouses which Messrs. John Jonnan and Carl Ince propose to construct on Lot 10, Block 9 Preston Place Addition. Each unit will contain 1,426 sq. ft. and is designed to -sell for approximately $40,000.00 to $45,000.00. Mr. Robinson stated that he felt the plan followed the requirements of the ordinance pertaining to this area. Mr. Robinson was advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission would study the plans presented and given him their final decision on same at their regular scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 8, 1975. Mr. Robinson left the meeting at this time. (Copy of plans on file in the office of the City Manager.) The following letter from the City Manager was presented to the Commission... for their. consideration: "May 27, 1975 Zoning and Planning Commission City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: In regular session on Monday, May 26, 1975, the City Commission was presented a petition and request for the construction of cul-de-sacs at the following locations: Brompton Road at its intersection with Holcombe Vanderbilt at its intersection with Holcombe. The City Commission has instructed that the Zoning and Planning Commission be advised of these requests and to furnish the City Commission with its recommendation as soon as practical. Recommendations are also being requested from the Fire Chief and Police Chief with regard to how such cul-de-sacs, if constructed, may affect the orderly performance of their duties. Yours very truly, /s/ Whitt Johnson City Manager" Letters from Carmen Rulf, 6538 Brompton, Mrs. Edward K. Graham, Jr., 6414 Brompton, E. J. Brann, 6520 Brompton and William Fleming, 2903 Cason, all asking that the Commission approve the request for cul-de-sac on Brompton, were presented to the Commission for their information. The following letter from Ben F. Wilcher, Fire Chief, concerning the cul-de-sacs was presented to the Commission for their informationL "May 28, 1975 Whitt Johnson City Manager Dear Mr. Johnson: As per your letter May 27, .1975 concerning a cul-de-sae at the following locations: Brompton Road at Holcombe and Vanderbilt at Holcombe. The City of West University has only one fire hydrant on Holcombe. This hydrant is located on Vanderbilt between Kirby and Edloe. I feel that should Brompton be blocked, the City should install a hydrant at Holcombe and Brompton. It is a distance of nine hundred and twenty-five (925') feet from the closest hydrants; Annapolis at Werlein or Belmont at Cason to reach the home in the 2700, 2800 and 2900 blocks of Holcombe. A cul-de-sac at Vanderbilt would not hinder the Fire Department in their job of suppression. However, it would take a width of forty-two (42') feet to turn one of our pumpers around at one of the cul-de-sacs. should we have to make a turn around. Respectfully, /s/ Ben F. Wilcher Fire Chief" After discussion, the following letter was drafted to the City Manager concerning a recommendation for cui=de-sacs at Brompton. and Vanderbilt at their intersection with Holcombe: "June 27, 1975 Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Manager City of West University Place, Texas r- 4 ~~ .- r Dear Mr. Johnson: Your letter requesting a recommendation to the City Commission concerning construction of cul-de-sacs at Brompton and Vanderbilt at their intersection with Holcombe was. presented and discussed, at the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on June 17, 1975. Before we can make a judgement concerning these two cul-de-sacs, we would like to see the results of a traffic study encompassing the following: 1. A current traffic count of these two intersections and adjacent streets over a period of a few weeks. 2. A traffic count of the same streets after a temporary experimental closing of one or both of the intersections. These requests should be carefully considered, ..since any action taken could encourage a great number of additional requests for cul-de-sacs and could divert traffic from closed off streets onto other streets, relocating, but not solving the problem. In requesting the above study, we feel that an over-all plan for the entire City of West University should be formulated for the betterment of all its citizens to avoid "spot" remedies for the benefit of a few. Respectfully submitted, /s/ O. C. Bartholomew, Chairman ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION CC: Mayor Paul W. Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Wallin, Jr. Mary Ann Binig Rufus F. Stanley Philip A. Dunn J. B. Thompson" A letter from the City Manager requesting an estimated budget for the fiscal year 1976 was presented to the Commission for their consideration. In order to make a recommendation concerning the Budget for the Zoning and Planning Commission, the members requested a copy of the budget for the past three (3) years showing expenditures of the Commission, so as to have a basis for estimating said Budget. Letters from Jeffrey Corbin, Chairman of the Independence Park Committee dated June 2, 1975 and Clifford W. Potter, .3622 Duke Street, dated June 2, 1975, concerning proposed. development of Independence Park, were submitted to the Commission for their information. (Letters on file in the office of the City Manager.) Copies of Ordinance Number 1038 rezoning Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, and East 10' of Block 1 Kent Place Addition for townhouses and/or clusterhouses, was rresented to the Commission for their information. o Copies of Ordinance Number 1039 rezoning Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10, Block 25 Collegeview lst Addition for parking, was presented to the Commission for` their information. Mr. Bartholomew read a letter from H-GAC concerning possible seminars on various aspects of planning and planning management. No member indicated a desire to participate in such seminars and Mr. Bartholomew advised he would so inform H-GAC. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on May 13, 1975 were approved as submitted. Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Chairman r