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MARCH 18, 1975
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place
convened in regular session, Tuesday, March 18, 1975., 7:30 p.m., with the following
members present: Chairman Hines, presiding; Members Bartholomew and
Weatherby. Mr. Dahlin and Mr. Lipscomb were absent.
The meeting was recessed for five minutes. Mr. Dahlin .came to the meeting during
the recess.
The Chairman ascertained that proper notice of meeting had been posted on the
bulletin board at the City Hall three days prior to the scheduled meeting as re-
quired by HB3, Amending 6252-17 V.C.S.
Mr. William Perlmutter, Perlmutter Company, Realtors, presented a site plan for
clusterhouses which he proposes to construct at the northeast corner of Bellaire
and Buffalo Speedway. He was assisted in his presentation by Mr. Alex Wong,. Alex
Wong and Associates, Architects.
The plan is comprised of 14 units of I I /2, 2 and 2 I /2 story dwellings and common
area. The units will be designed to sell for $50,000 to $74,000, and Mr. Perlmutter
stated they planned to start construction approximately 60 days after approval. of
Mr. Perlmutter was advised that the Zoning and Planning Commission would review
and study the site plan presented and would discuss it further with him at their
regularly scheduled meeting on April 8,1975. Mr. Perlmutter thanked the members
and stated he would be happy to furnish any information they required.
Mr. Bartholomew presented a draft of a Final Report to be submitted to the City
Commission recommending that
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and East 10 ft. of 10, Block I
Kent Place Addition
City of West University Place, Texas
3600 Block of Bellaire Boulevard
be rezoned for townhouses and/or clusterhouses, and also recommending regulations
to be incorporated into an ordinance rezoning said property.
Motion by Mr. Dahlin, seconded by Mr. Weatherby, that the draft of the Final
Report recommending that
Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and East 10 ft. of 10, Block I
Kent Place Addition
City of West University Place, Texas
be adopted as submitted. (Copy of the Final Report will be on file in the office of
the City Manager.)
Voting Aye: All Present .Voting No: None
Mr. Weatherby and Mr. Dahlin presented a draft of a Final Report to be submitted
to the City Commission recommending that
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 25,
Collegeview I st Addition
City of West University Place, Texas
4000 Block of Ruskin
be rezoned for parking, and also recommending regulations to be incorporated into
an ordinance rezoning said property.
Motion by Mr. Bartholomew, seconded by Mr. Weatherby, that the draft of the
Final Report recommending that
Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 25
Collegeview I st Addition
City of West University Place, Texas
4000 Block of Ruskin
be rezoned for parking be adopted with the following changes:
a. Page I -The sentence immediately following description of the
read: "The following regulations are recommended:".
b. Page 2 - no. 4 shall read "Entrances or exits shall be allowed
on Ruskin Street and on Weslayan Street".
c. Page 2 -Add "9. Plans for development of parking lots shall be
subject to review and approval of the Zoning and Planning Commis-
sion". (Copy of the Final Report will be on file in the office of the..
City Manager.)
Voting Aye: All Present Voting No::None .
Minutes of the special meeting on February 25, .1975 of the Zoning and Planning
Commission were presented and approved as corrected.
The opinion of Chief Justice Tom F. Coleman affirming the judgment in the case of
Don D. Myers, Appellant vs. Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West
University Place, et al, Appellees, appealed fom District Court of Harris County
was presented to the Commission for their information.
The following letter was presented to the Commission for their information and
made a part of these minutes:
5511 Cheltenham
Housfion, Texas 77035
March 4th, 1975
Mr. E. Gene Hines
3748 Rice Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77005
Dear Mr. Hines:
I had been looking forward to the next .meeting of the West University
Place City Commission, hoping for the end of the discriminatory
zoning of the 4000 block of Ruskin Street.
It seems I have been very naive. Perhaps I should have taken a
hint from the seating at the last Zoning and Planning meeting, with
the S. W. Bell representative seated together with the Z&P members at the
conference table, and the rest of us in the audience. Even
the questions and answers seemed pre-arranged. Although you are
fond of saying I hear only what I want to hear, I think you will concede
that, toward the end of the meeing, when I asked you why the re-
commendations for change of zoning had been separated, with the Bell
lots in one recommendation, and the remaining four lots in another,
you told me it was done "for discussion purposes only". Also you made it
clear that though the Z&P Board .had voted in favor of both re-
commendations, it was up to the City Commission to accept
or reject either or both of the recommendations.
An alarm bell did ring at that time, but I did so want to believe
in the sincerity and straight forwardness of the Z&P Board.
I discussed the last Z&P meetingwith people well versed in
these matters, who: told me had they been present, they would
have anticipated the separafion of recommendations; that this
is a well-known maneuver to assure passage of one recommendation,
and reject or tabling of the other.
Regretfully, the ploy does now seem very obvious. Therefore,
though I am still looking forward to the City Commission meeting,
their action regarding our property, like the action of the Z&P
Board, has the appearance of pre-arrangement.
How nice it would be, for a change, if such were not. the case.
We"II see.
Miriam S. Israel
(Mrs. Julius M. Israel)
A work session was scheduled for Tuesday, March 25, 1975, 7:30 p.m. to study
the site plan presented to the Commission from Mr. William Perlmutter for the
proposed construction of clusterhouses at the northeast corner of Buffalo Speedway
and Bellaire Boulevard, and it was decided to ask the. Chief of Police and Fire Chief
to review the site plan and give the Commission written comments on same and
request that they meet with the Commission on the 25th.
With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion
duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned.