HomeMy WebLinkAbout06171982 ZPC Minutes_~ i ~ ~= ~ REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COi~A9ISSI0N i ~ ~ JUNE 17, 1982 ~ ~~ / The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened in regular session at the City Hall, Thursday, June 17,"1982, 7:30 P.M., with. the following members present: Chairman Casey, presicling; Members Abell, Allen. Chairman Casey introduced himself and gave his address in the city followed by other members of the Commission; ascertained that notice of ineeting had been posted three days prior to the meeting; and that notice of public hearing had been published June 1, 1982 and letters to property owners mailed on May 31, 1982. Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Allen that public hearing to consider application from James 0. Choate and Evin Thayer to subdivide. Lot 12, Block 12, West University Place lst. 6445 Buffalo Speedway into two lots, each 50' x 140', each facing Buffalo Speedway, be opened. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Mr. Casey explained the procedure to be followed and administered oath to those in the audience desiring to be heard on the application. • I am Evin Thayer, and I own the property at 6445 Buffalo Speedway. My office is located on 2313 Kirby Drive. The property at 6445 Buffalo Speedway is 100' x 140'. We wish to subdivide this lot into two lots 50' x 100' and build two houses an them. The houses will be in keeping with the rest of the homes. The houses will be Georgian Style, red brick approximately 3,000 sq, ft, each. Their value will be approximately $400,000 to $500,000 each. He stated that he had made a canvas of the neighborhood and 7 out 10 people that he had talked to said that they would have no objection to the subdivision. Tlie main objection they would have would be the 2nd house on the outside would not be in line with the houses facing Pittsburg. Mr. Thayer said he had lived in Houston ten years. Five years he had lived in West Univsity Place. He w.as very interested in keeping the property values up. He is familiar with the area. He built a house on North Braeswood which was featured in a trade magazine. In the last two years a home built on 2628 University was featured by Houston Real Estate Association magazine for an excellent job of remodeling. The following correspondence was read to the audinence by Mr. Casey concerning the subdivision: 3118 Pittsburg St. Houston, Texas 77005 June 10, 1982 • Dear Members of the Zoning and Planning Commission: I regret the application of Evin J. Thayer and James 0. Choate to subdivide the property on the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Pittsburg Street. I fear this action will adversely affect the value, monetary and aesthetic, of my property. ~ As a nine year resident of West University at 3118 Pittsburg, I have appreciated the the discretionary zoning laws that have guaranteed the quality of our community. While growth is, indeed,. desirable - a sign of progress- unrestricted development seems contradictory to the essence of our neighborhood of single dwellings built with an eye for aesthetics. Clearly, crowding two houses onto one piece of property will not improve our neighborhood, especially since the setback lines for houses like mine fronting Pittsburg Street will most likely not be observed in constructing a house on the south half of the existing 100 foot lot. While I do not bear any ill will toward Mr. Thayer or Mr. Choate, I do wish to maintain the unique personality of our neighborhood of well-spaced single family dwellings. ~ T`hank you for your considerat.ion. Sincerely, ~ 1 E. Claudette Stewart ~ • • ~ • A.L. Morgan 6523 Buffalo Speedway Houst~on, Texas 77005 June 7, 1982 Gentlemen: I am the owner of 6523 Buffalo Speedway which is the south 50 feet of lot nine, block eleven in West University Place and of course an interested party to nearby zoning variation requests. It appears to me that the entire reason for the high value of all of our properties in West University as compared to other similar areas nearby in the City of Houston is the protection afforded to those values by the zoning which we are all subject to, here in West University. Because of that protection urilike most other areas for example, a high office building on the lot next door with attendant loss of residential potential. I further believe that most of the people I know in this area bought because it is an excellant residential area fully knowing that they were precluded from reasonably expecting that they could when their own need for the property diminished sell it for uses in violation of the protective zoning in order to enhance their profit. If this is what•is intended or expected by the owners of Lot 12, Block 12 in their request for zoning variance scheduled for • 7:30 P.M, on June 10, 1982 then I must respectfully oppose this request and ask that you members of the zoning board to also oppose the request. Unfortunately it is necessary for me to be out of the city on June 10, 1982 so I ask that this letter of protest be accepted by the board as my substitute. Sincerely and respectfully yours, A.L. Morgan. Orien W. Van Dyke 6438 Buffalo Speedway Houston, Texas June 3, 1982 Gentlemen: 'I`hank you for yourfletter of May 31, 1982 about the application you have received for division of Lot 12 in Block 12. This property is directly across Buffalo Speedway from my home at 6438 Buffalo Speedway. Mr. Jim Choate told us of their ,plan-sto request this division so that a two story house containing • in excess of 3000 sq. feet could be built on each of the resulting two lots facing Buffalo Speedway. We plan to be out of the c'ity on June 10, 1982. We will not be able to attend the hearing but if Mrs. Thayer and Choate will do what they have stated they plan to do, we see no reason why their request to demolish the house at 6445 Buffalo Speedway and then divide the property into two 50' x 140' lots should not be granted, lVe will expect that they will be a credit to our fine 'neighbor,hoad. Yours very truly, Mr. and Mrs. Orien Van Dyke ~ ,._ :.~ • . • ~ ~ ~ Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Dennis 3110 Pittsburg Houston, Texas June 8, 1982 Dear Sirs, LVe want to submit our view in writing to you on an application for subdivision of property situated at 6445 Buffalo Speedway in the 1 Zone District, being Lot 12, Block 12, West University lst Addition in the City of West University Place, Texas. We are against any subdivision of said property. Sincerely yours Mr, and Mrs. A. G. Dennis Mr. Casey asked all those in favor of the subdivision to speak. Don Hopkins 2830 Nottingham Stated that he thought the subdivision would be an asset to the community. Joan Hopkins 2830 Nottinghsm 'I`he value improvement would increase the value of the surrounding homes. Mr. Casey asked all those not in favor of the subdivision to speak. Robert D. Turner 3119 Pittsburg Stated that he thought the subdivision would adversely affect the value, monetary and aesthetic of his property. Wished to maintain the unique personality of the neighborhood of well spaced single fami~y dwellings. Michael Parks 6427 Buffalo Speedway Stated that if the property was subdivided it will not be in keeping with lots and character of the property. All three corners having 100' x 200'. Jackie Kirby 6435 Buffalo Speedway Stated that her lot had been rezoned once. It was originally 100' x 200'. The back end of the lot was bought by Mrs. May. Section of Lot 12. That their sewer line goes under Mrs. Stewart's garage and that there is not proper sewer drainage below and above us. Not. adequate sewage to take care of this. We do not want to feel like we are hemmed in. Mr. Casey asked the members of the Zoning ~, Planning Commission if they had anymore questions. Mr. Abell and Mr. Allen answered "No, not at this time." Mr. Casey entertained a motion to close this hearing. Mr. Abell -"I make a motion to close. Seconded by Mr. Allen. • ~ ti ~' • T he next item on the Agenda was the request to rezone the area of College Court Place. Casey asked if either applicant for the request was present, They were not present. There was some discussion with the board members on whether or not the applicant~:had ;.to be present. Casey: We are discussing whether or not we wish to accept this application and to call a public hearing on the matter of rezoning of Section C. Casey announced that the Commissioners considered the application complete without the applicants' personal appearance. The application forms themself are in fact the request for rezoning. He has defined the boundaries of it. Casey: I have asked Mr. Abell whether or not he wished to make a motion in that regard on whether or not we wish to accept this application and call a public hearing. Casey answered questions and procedures for the audience of the public meeting. Casey announced to the audience that the Board would go back to their • discussion. Abell: My feelings on this are somewhat mixed at this time, A9r. Chairman. My first inclination is if it can be done is to reject this application outright . ; - ~ : ~ - _ . _ ~~ '~ r I believe that this would not set well with the bulk of the citizen within College Court. I lean very heavily toward and if it could be done and that is to not accept this application. Allen: ~ I can appreciate the attit~ude of the citizens trying to resolve this issue once and for all. There are certain legalities used that are not clear as to whether or not he is in fact ;in a position to do what he is attempting to do. There are two approaches that we can take and that is ~Ghat we could outright deny the application:~ and he could seek some sort of mandamous and that could be resolved by lawyers and judges and then we could be in a position if they ruled favorably and say he has no standing and is not in a position to raise this type of question, then we could resolve the issue. Then if they say he has the fortitude to appeal it and seek~mandamous and they say he is in a position to ask us these type of c~uestions then it is remanded to us and we thereafter are able to resolve on this based on its merits and based on what the citizens think and what you would be able to state • in a public hearing. ~-.; ~-_', : -. : :. _ ~. . ~. ~ , ~~; I make a motion to reject the application. Abell: Seconded. Casey: My attitude is since the applicant is not present to go ahead and reject the application but if he came back and resubmitted the application and I have always felt that we have the obligation to honor everyone's right to be heard. Voting Aye: All Voting No. None . Three members present and three members uoting in favor of rejection. Casey asked the members if they wanted to go ahead and votE on the subdivision. Casey stated that he was not in favor of the subdivision for several reasons. One, this property has been divided before. If you look at the application fhe survey describes the property that fronts on Pittsburg as the easterly 60' ~ of Lot 12. The neighborhood is predominately large lots and to change and particular on a corner lot, I think is not in the best interest of the city. My recommendation to this body is to reject this subdivision. ; ,:. • ~ i' •. Abell: I am also opposed for the same reasons that Casey indicated. Allen: Stated that he was also opposed to the subdivision. Abell: Moved that the application to subdivide the property known as Lot 12, Block 12, WUP lst., 6445 Buffalo Speedway be denied. Seconded by Allen. Voting: " Aye, all Voting No. none Casey: Motion to close , seconded by Al1en Meeting adjourned 10:30 P.M. ~ ~ • ~