HomeMy WebLinkAbout04191983 ZPC Minutes (2)141
APRIL 19, 1983
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Wes t. University Place convened
in recessed meeting on Tuesday,. April 19, 1983, 7:45 P.M., with the following
members present: Chairman Kendrick presiding; Members Bettler, Norton,
O'Leary and Taitte.
Chairman Kendrick introduced himself-and gave his address in the city followed.
by other members of the Commission.
The following letter from the City Attorney was submitted stating criteria
for "subdivision" and/on "replatting or property":
Q April 19, 1983
Q Mr. Robert Kendrick
Chairman -Zoning and Planning Commission
City of West University Place
3800 University Boulevard
Houston, TX 77005
Dear Mr. Kendrick:
Pursuant to your request, I hereby issue my opinion regarding the criteria to
be considered by your commission regarding the subdivision of lots in our city
"Subdivision" means the division of a lot, tract or parcel of land into two or
more lot sites or divisions of land for the purpose, whether immediate or
future, for sale or building development. (Article XXV, Section 8, City Charter).
All subdivision request must be reviewed and approved by your commission.
The subdivision request shall be submitted in the form of a plat to locate the
property in relationship to other property in the area together with other
documents your Commission requires.
When a subdivision request is submitted, your Commission should consider the
.following prior to approval or disapproval:
a) Title to said property is established by-Title Policy Committment in the
b) The survey submitted by the owner is prepared by a certified registered
engineer or surveyor and such is adequate to locate the subdivision property
and the relationship to continguous property by metes and bounds.
c) That all city services, (water, sewer, garbage, etc.) can be provided from
existing lines or new lines proposed to be installed by the applicant.
d) That all lots. so subdivided meet the minimum lot size requirements, street
frontage and related building site requirements, such as front setback lines.
e) That the general plan of the City, (i.e, single family residential units in
a single family residential zone), is met.
f) Also, the Commission should consider the impact of .the proposed subdivision
on the traffic flow and. traffic pattern on the main frontstreet and ancillary
Assuming a submission for subdivision receives the approval of your Commission
then the submission plat and related documents shall be approged.
It is my opinion that said subdivision plat need not be recorded in the map
or plat records of Harris County since said subdivision is to be made by
metes and bounds of existing platted lots which can readily be identified by
Any approval should be conditioned on obtaining building permits and compliance
with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Codes of the City.
No street or other ground shall be accepted by the City as a public street or
ground, unless the location thereof is ... approved by your Commission
(Article XXV, Section 10, City Charter).
Regarding the approval of a submission for a street on private property, as
you now have pending, your Commission's consideration should address the follow-
a) Relationship to and ability to "tie into" existing public streets.
b) The location. and .width of the proposed street easement to the proposed
lots, (i.e. adequate easement for expansion of the street, maintenance thereof
and utility easements).
c) The potential extension of such streets to and across property that would
face the proposed street if extended to a logical terminus. If adjacent
property owners made similar request for a private street, can the extension
reasonably be accomplished?
Should your .Commission approve the proposed street location on private property,
you should address a letter to the City Commission, the completion by the owner.
If the Commission does not approve a proposed street or a subdivision request,
please .forward your letter to the City .Commission and the applicant setting
forth, specifically, the reason or reasons for such denial.
This opinion specifically addresses the King and Thompson applications now
pending, however, until revised or modified, you may consider the criteria
set forth to apply to all subdivision and street construction request properly
before your Commission.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
David. G. Allums
cc: Mayor
City Commission
City Manager
City Secxetaxy
Members reviewed .the requirements as outlined in above letter as they
apply to application #33-2 from Mr. F, Mrs, Alfred King and Annie Thompson on:
Lots 7A, 7B, 8A, 8B, 9A, and 9B
Block 26
West University Place 1st Addition
6400 Block Virginia Street
Motion by NIr. Bettler, seconded by Mr. Norton, that further consideration of
application #83-2 be postponed to a future date sa that_docunientation as
set down in the City Attorney's letter dated April l9, 1983 can be furnished
and that minutes reflect such requirements which are missing at this time.
Mrs. Taitte furnished the following list of requirements as discussed previously:
1. Title description by deed and/or metes and bounds. .This to include entire
parcel of property, inclusive of 20 ft, right-of-way on drawings and an attach-
= ed legal description of all properties.
2. Drawings to include signature of surveyor, date of .drawings, building set
Q backs, specifically also to show rear setback of main building.
3. After receipt of corrected develops plan, letters from Director of Public
Safety, Director of Operations and Building Inspector stating plans of a
certain date have been reviewed and meet city requirements in their respec-
tive fields, or that they do not meet some.
4. The Director of Public Safety to furnish comments on impact of proposed
replatting.on traffic flow and traffic pattern on main front street and
ancillary streets.
5. Clear title policy commitment to property including 20 ft. right-of-way.
Mr. Bettler and Mr. Norton accepted the above requirement to be incorporated
into their motion.
Voting Aye: Bettler Voting No: None
A special meeting was scheduled for Monday, April 25, 1983, 5:30 p.m., at
which time applicants may furnish all requirements. It was further stipula-
ted that documentation must be submitted at the City Hall by noon Friday,
April 22, 1983, so that members may have opportunity to review said submittals.
Members discussed proposed rezoning of certain areas in the 2600 and 2700
blocks of.4Vroxton as it pertained to their participation in Joint Public
Hearing of the City Commission and the Zoning and Planning Commission on said
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 P,M,