HomeMy WebLinkAbout01131983 ZPC Minutes (2)i2o REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING CO*,^~IISSION January 13,.1983 The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of Nest University Place. convened in regular session, Thursday, January 13, 1983, 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Chairman Casey, presiding: Members Abell, Bettler and Norton present. Allen absent. The secretary read the published notice of Public Hearing. Motion by Mr. Abell, seconded by Mr. Norton that Public Hearing to consider application number #82-10, submitted by Lois Ann Flynn to subdivide: Lot 4, Block 14 6Uest University Place 1st. 6422 Brompton into two (2) lots, eacr~ 50' X 200' each facing Brompton, be opened. Voting Aye: Casey Voting No: 0 Bettler Norton Abell The Chairman introduced himself and gave his address in the City followed by other members who gave same. Mr. Casey ascertained from .the secretary that Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Houston Chronicle on December 28, 1982. Notice to property owners mailed December 17, 1982, explained the procedure to be followed and administered the oath to those present and desiring to speak o;~ the application #82-10, The Chairman pointed out this is a re-hearing on the subject subdivision and invited the applicant to make his presentation. Dick Flynn, 3306 Georgetown, stated he represented his mother who is the applicant Lois A. Flynn, and would at this time turn the presentation over to N1r. 'vVade Kilpatrick, the attorney for Mrs. Flynn. Mr. Kilpatrick of 1433 iNest Loop South, Suite 110, Houston, Texas, first inquired if all technical aspects of application, specs and plat submitted were in order. Mr. Casey replied affirmatively. Mr, Kilpatrick continued, stating State Statutes set forth criteria as to when an application should be approved, i.e, meeting general requirements of city streets, access, utilities, etc.... and conforming with street frontage and lot size. He stated this application met all these requirements and submitted plat showing other lots on the block smaller than 100 feet frontage insanitional or otherwise, and this subdivision would create two (2) lots, 10,000 sq. ft. each, 50' frontage. He also spoke of added tax base of two (2) residences where one (1) now exists and unless there is a moratorium on construction because of utilities, Mr. Flynn would be penalized by denial of application #82-10. 0 0 121 Mr. Kilpatrick summed up his presentation by stating that in his opinion the Statues is very clear, it is statutory mandatory, and no latitude once the .City has established a plan, adopted ordinances, made decisions in past and once it has allowed replating, it cannot. arbitrarily select one and say we want to stop today unless there is a compelling reason. Rick Steward, 6432 Brompton, spoke in favor of the application and stated he and his wife had moved here because of the character and desirability of the City and he felt what Mr. .Flynn wanted to do would continue to revitalize the City and bring in younger people. He also submitted a letter from Samuel Sikes, 6436 Brompton, which he stated was in favor of the application #82-10, but he could not attend the meeting. He also stated Mr. Sikes and he were interested because Mr. Sikes desires a similar sub- division of property he owned in the future and he, Mr. Stewart, desired to purchase part of said property. The following correspondence was read into the minutes. Q City of West University Place (for presentation by h1r. Steward) January 13, 1983 I have no objection to the division of Lot 4, Block 14, into two (2) lots, each 50' frontage and 200 ft, depth. In fact, I desire such division. Mr: Samuel J. Sikes, Jr. 6436 Brompton In answer to a question from Mr. Norton concerning the reason for the request to subdivide, Mr. Flynn stated it was purely economical; that the price paid for the property would in no way justify remodeling the existing house or build another as the lot now stands; that the property was bought in July, 1982 for the express purpose of development. Members and applicants held. a general discussion on requirements of sub- divisions, cognizance of applicant of procedures, earlier division of lots, responsibility of Commission in regard to best interests of the City, health, welfare and safety of citizens, physical make-up of block, i.e, one other 100 ft, lot, most others .have frontage of 60 ft, to 80 ft. Mr. Casey requested Mr. Perry, Building Inspector, to check records on dates of .construction of houses in the 6400 block of Brompton. In checking these records it was indicated that except for 6432 Brompton which was constructed in .1946, other properties mentioned were constructed during a period of 1936 to April 1937 before adoption of Zoning Ordinance, July, 1937. That some divisions as they now appear are not as originally platted and appears to have been divided before Zoning Ordinance was enforced and "grandfathered". into existence. Mr. Abell stated that whatever took place in previous divisions happened 30-40 years ago and he was not prepared to accept that as an indicator which should be applied in 1983. He stated that time, attitudes and moods have changed and that it did not really concern him tonight and what happened in the 1930's and 1940's. 122 Mr. Abell and Mr. Casey answered questions from Mr. Bettler concerning utilities by stating it is a general concern. of the age all over the City instead of specifically in this area. _' Mr. Kilpatrick requested that Mr. Casey explain in the denial to his client, <`~- Mrs. Flynn, the reason for Statue 974-A relating to the denial, and Mr. Casey '; replied that would take more time because the information would come from the City of West University Place Attorney, Mr. David Allums. Therefore: - Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Bettler, that Public Hearing be closed Voting Aye: Casey Voting No: 0 Bettler Abell Norton The meeting was recessed for ten minutes. Meeting reconvened into regular session. General Discussion Mr. Casey stated that ,~e could see no new evidence presented at this hearing which was not presented at the previous hearing; that the emphasis of applicant was on the State Statute which he felt was open to interpretation which is the purpose and responsibility of this Commission. Mr. Casey reviewed reasons for previous denial of application for subdivision as set forth in a letter dated December 1, 1982 to Mr. Wade Kilpatrick, and stated further that 1) this criteria has been applied previously and unless application is really a replotting, the Commission has not granted subdivisions. Mr. Bettler stated he could. see the problem with the old laws, that it looks in good shape but that he can see the only thing to improve it would be to tear it down and rebuild. That if is is not feasible to rebuild, the quality of the neighborhood might go do:~n. That two new houses might imporve the qualiiy of the neighborhood. bor. Casey stated that based on his knowledge of values, he felt that a 4,000 sq, ft. house could be build and be ecomonically feasible. Mr, Abell noted a recent example at Buffalo and Pittsburg. bor. Casey stated general plan of the Community has to be considered, i.e., health, safety, morals and general welfare of tree community in a safe and orderly and healthful development. Mr. Abell concurred and stated that in his mind, the general plan of the City is not automatically 50 ft. and 100 ft. lots throughout the City, and that the general plan of the City as it has existed for sometime is a mixture, that there are a number of large lots left and it is important to preserve those as it is essential to the overall character of the City and certainly viable as far as being able to sell, buy, build on them, or whatever. 123 Mr. Norton stated .the presentation was good but he felt that in the province of the Commissions responsibilities, as he understands them., that decisions have to be made on these requests --- subdividing large lots and make the best decisions for the total benefit of the City and that he really feels the loss os spaceousness that comes about by subdividing large lots does have an undesireable effect on the overall City and the immediate area. He further stated that it is a proper plan as it is and unless there is a compelling reason other than pure economic gain, then it is to be the best interest of the City not to subdivide and that he had really not heard anything which warranted granting the subdivision. Mr. Bet tier pointed out no opposition at this hearing although some was presented at the previous hearing. (~ Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Abell that application number #82-10 to subdivide: Lot 4, Block 14 Q West University Place 1st. .6422 Brompton into two (2) lots, each 50' X 200', facing Brompton, be DENIED. Voting Aye: Abell Voting No: Bettler Casey ~, Norton Mr. Casey attempted to end the Public Hearing by ascertaining from Mr. Kilpatrick if he agreed all legal requirements had been met in conjunction with this application filed December 14, 1982. Mr. Kilpatrick would not so .stipulate and advised a suit would be filed in District Court on application made .October 21, 1982, as being approved because no action was taken on said application within 30 days of receipt. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission on December 2, 1982 were approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Casey Voting No: 0 Bettler Norto:. Abell Because of the length of the Public Hearing it was decided that the other agenda items concerning recommendations to rezone certain properties in the 2600 - 2700 block of Wroxton be tabled and considered at a Special Meeting on Thursday, January 20, 1983 at 7:30 p.m. Upon ~,.otion being made and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: Chairman cretaxy