HomeMy WebLinkAbout05121983 ZPC Minutes.1,• b _
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MAY 12, 1983
The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place convened
in regular session on Thursday, May 12, 1983; 7:30 p.m., at the City Hall with
the following members present: Chairman Kendrick, presiding; Members Bettler,
and Norton.
Chairman Kendrick introduced himself and gave his address in the city followed by
other members of the Commission.
HEARING OF RESIDENTS: Joan McKay, 3029 Carnegie~, expressed her concern about the
the widespread concreting of yards; especially~front yards, in-the city and urged ~
the setting of a policy to control such practice. Mr._Kendrick-indicated he too
was concerned in hopes in being able to establish control on the matter.
Mrs. Taitte came to the meeting at this time.
Further consideration of the replatting of:
Lots 7A, 7B, SA, 8B, 9A and 9B
Block 26
West University Place lst Addition
~ was delayed to other agenda items as~applicants were not present with submittals
Annie Thompson, one of the applicants, mentioned the following letter from the
City Attorney to her attorney, Daniel S. Trachtenberg, dated S-OS-83, in which he
recommended the Zoning and Planning Commission hold the application in abeyance
pending proof of title in property.
May 5, 1983
Mr. Daniel S. Trachtenberg
Attorney at Law
320 Executive Plaza West
4635 Southwest Freeway
Houston, TX 77027
Dear Mr. Trachtenberg:
I have reviewed your April 25, 1983, letter to the Zoning and Planning Commission
regarding the King and Thompson claim to title of the abandoned 20 feet to the
west of your client's property. While your letters restates the historical facts,
the title opinion is lacking sufficient committment on your part to assure title
in your clients.
In view of tlie title concerns previously e~ressed by members of the Zoning and
~ Planning Commission and the expression of one of the lawyers on the City Commission
of his concern regarding the lack of title company committment to title, I suggest
that in order to satisfy both authorities that are required to approve the project
and the street proposal, that your clients seek a judicial determination, perhaps
through a declaratory judgment action, to resolve the title problem once and for all.
I will recommend that the Zoning and Planning Commission hold your clients' applica-
tion in abeyance awaiting the submission of a certified copy of the Court's judgement
declaring title to the 20 feet in your client. At which time, the Zoning and
Planning Commission will promptly reopen the aPplication consideration. .
Again, al.l of my research documents on the abandonment are- available to you as the
suit is prepared and please call me if I can be of some assistance.
cc: Mayor
_:Commissioners ~
City Manager
Chairman - Zoning F~ Planning Commission
-r~ ~ _ ~ ~
__ PAGE 2
• MAY 12,.1983 .
Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by P~Ir, Bettler that Public Hearing on application
#83-4 from John M. Long,.M..D, and Philip R. Dreessen, M.D. (Trustee) to subdivide:
East 112 ft. of Lot 1
Block 9
West University Place
lst Addition
6544 Brompton
into two lots, each 50 ft, x 112 ft., each facing Brompton, be opened.
Voting Aye: All
Voting No: None
The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that Notice of Meeting had been posted
in the City Hall on May 6, 1983; Notice of Public Hearing publ'ished in The Houston
Chronicle on April 25, 1983; Notice to Interested Property Owners mailed on April
25, 1983; administered an oath to those in audience desiring to be heard on above
application; and explained procedure to be followed. ~
George Berg, 3316 Tangley; representing applicants and himself as prospective purchaser,
stated he and associate Harold Sellers, also a resident of West University Place,
proposed to demolish existing multi-family dwellings which will bring it into
• conformity with area of single family residences. Mr. Berg stated he plans to build
a home for his family on the proposed corner lot and would setback on side with exist-
ing front setbacks on Carnegie. He stated it would put no additional burden on City
services or the attractiveness of the area.
Philip Dreessen, present owner, stated he and Mr. Long had owned the property for
about four (4) years and largely rented to students and student's families at a
nominal rent and that the garage apartment had been rented by an elderly lady for a
very low rent. He stated be believed it would only upgrade the area with two new
Leonard Townley, realtor, stated proposal to subdivide was.only fair market value
offer in approximately 40 showings. In answer to question from Mrs. Taitte, he stated
house needed foundation work, gutters, and that the kitchen wiring dated circa 1955,
space heaters, and window air conditioners.
Mr. Berg stated sanitary sewer access.would be across property to the west to City
Mr. Ferd Reiger, 6516 Brompton, read the following into the record in opgosition to
the subdivision: '
May 12, 1983
Zoning Commission of West University Place:
~ In connection with the request for permission to further subdivide the 100x112 foot
lot on the northwest corner of-Carnegie and Brompton Road I respectfully ask your
consideration of the following: ~
1) I have prepared and attached a very rough sketch of the lots in Block 9, WUP lst
Addition (and adjacent blocks) and you will note that nine of the twelve lots still
have frontages of at least 100', and one 135'. The original lots were platted
100x200 feet from Brompton west to Vanderbilt, and 300' deep in the blocks east of
Brompton to Wakeforest--Bell.aire to University Blvd, and were intended to front on
Wakeforest, but were subsequently divided so as to face 150 feet in depth each way.
2) The lot sought to be subdivided has already been divided from 100x200 feet to
100x112 feet; therefore this is a reques.t for a second subdivision--very much like
the lot at the northeast corner of Buffalo Speedway and Pittsburg considered by your
Commission a few months ago. That request was denied and the lot is now occupied
by an extremely nice one family dwelling. I might mention also that a request two
• or three months ago to subdivide a 100x200 foot lot in the 6400 block of Brompton
was twice denied. Further division of the Brompton-Carnegie lot should in consistency
likewise be denied.
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. PAGE 3
MAY 12, 1983
3) If further subdivided, due to the value of the lot un-usually large structure
should be expected, and by reason of this coverage of the land, an additional
burden will be imposed on the drainage of all of us in this vicinity, and due to sub-
sidence and prior construction we have a drainage problem, with poor water runoff.
4) If this lot is further subdivided the structure on the south 50 feet should be
expected to be.large, and to be built within three feet of the south property line
and further that an 8' fence will be requested along the so.utherly line as well as the
full westerly Tine, thereby depriving particularly the home on the adjoining west
side of light and air, and having a fence,up to his front property line. Since all
homes, except perhaps one, on Carnegie between Brompton and Belmont face Carnegie, the
erection of a fence (as well as construction 3' from the south line) along most of the
sou~th line and west line will reduce values generally, but particularly on Carnegie.
Of course property values in the total vicinity, including the value of my home, will
I think be adversely af_fected.,~
5) Many of the homes situated on the divided lots were built before passage of the
zoning law; therefore all instances of divided lots does not establish totally a
precedent~ favorable to the applicant.
• 6) The home abutting on the west the. lot you are considering tonight as ~aell as the
home immediately across the street on Carnegie are in the process of being sold, and
extensive improvements are under way. These individuals no doubt bought the propert
on the assumption that the neighborhood would remain in status quo. For your infor-
mation a Mrs. Miller on Carnegie within 200' states she did not receive a notice
of this meeting. ,
. I sincerely rec{uest that you deny the requested permit.
Ferd Rieger
6516 Brompton Rd.
Those speaking in opposition to the subdivision included: Richard Black, 6540
Brompton; Chris Calender, 6545 Brompton; , 6538 Brompton; Lindsey
Kroll, 6611 Brompton; Patty Kroll, 6611 Brompton; Joan McKay, 3029 Carnegie;
Paul Truitt, 2928 Carnegie.
Their opposition to the subdivison included water run-off causing more water on
streets and properties; aesthetics of space and less green space; large houses on
tiny lots; the lot has been subdivided enough; cutting of large trees to make room
for structures; ruining character and beauty of West University Place pastoral
Motion by Mr. Norton, seconded by Mr. Bettler, that Public Hearing be closed.
Voting Aye: All Voting No: None
~ The meeting recessed for 10 minutes to allow time for Mrs. Thompson to contact other
applicants and for the chairman to telephone the City Attorney concerning a legal
question on application #83-2.
At the convening of the meeting it was reported that neither Mrs. Thompson nor Mr.
Kendrick had reached their respective parties.
Board members reviewed application #83-4 for subdivision and having ascertained that
all requirements had been submitted in accordance to guidelines set forth in letter
from City Attorney dated 5-05-83.
Motion by Mrs. Taitte, seconded b~y.Mr. Bettler, that application #83-4 from Philip
R. Dreessen, M.D, and John M. Long, M.D. (Trustees), for subdivision of:
East 112 ft, of Lot 1
• Block 9 ~ ~
West University Place
1st Addition
= 6544 Brompton
be approved; subject to compliance with all building setback requirements, easements
as recommended by the City, building code, or other governing ordinances, whether
or not herein specified, for any subsec{uent.construction.
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• PAGE 4.
MAY 12, 1983
Voting Aye: Bettler Voting No: None
In answer to several questions from those in attendance, Chairman Kendrick explained
that it was their understanding from City Attorney that any application for subdivision,
properly submitted and meeting all requirements as specified by State Statutes must be
The meeting again recessed for a few minutes to try to contact persons previously spoken
to. No response.
Members continued a discussion concerning a report and recommendation to the City
Commission for the rezoning of certain properties in the 2600 and 2700 blocks of
A special meeting was called for Monday, May 16, 1983, 7:30 p.m., for further consi-
deration on Virginia St. replatting, Wroxton Road rezoning and Rules of Procedure.
• Upon motion duly made, carried and seconded, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.