HomeMy WebLinkAbout01121984 ZPC Minutes- ~' - .-
JANUARY 12, 1984 . .
Meeting was cal~led to order by the Chairman at 7:35 p.m..
Each of those members of the Commission present introduced
themselves. Those in attendence were Robert M. Kendrick~
Chairman; Marcellus Bettler, Vice Chairman; and Michael
0'Leary; absent were Jim Norton, Secretary, and Tish Taitte,
Parliamentarian. . ~~ `
It was mentioned by Mr. Kendrick that"there appeared to
~ not be a quorum available for Item 3 on the agenda, the proposed
subdivision of 6512 Sewanee. Mr. Kendrick stated that he would
have to excuse himself from that portion of the meeting as he
~ was one of the citizens receiving notice of the hearing and
therefore could not participate in the action of the P& Z
Commission on that item. He advised those in attend~nce that
they could wait to see if Mr. Nortori appeared before that item
ca.me up on the agenda. - ~
Item 1- Hearing of Residents - Mr. AvShalon Sulani, of
Albans Street, inquired about the building requirements on the
adjacent seven feet east of his property he was~planning to
purchase. After reviewing the question and the plat of the
property,•the Commission advised Mr. Sulani that the question
was one of building requirements and fire zone requirements
and not within the authority of the P& Z Commission.
Secondly, Mr. McNeese, of Sewanee Street, asked abe~xt the
possibility of subdividing his 100' X 150' corner lot into three
50' X 100' lots. It was pointed out by the P& Z CoBUn~ssion that
according to the current subdivision ord'iance (No.1212) Section 8,
Paragr~ph F, that what he proposed was not possible. A discussion
followed concerning the need for possible modification af the
abovereferenced requirements as it would mald~ t~ownhouse developrnent
on lor.s of above average depths infeasible. ~~
' Iteni 2=~Prelimiriary Submitted For ToTanhouse ~Development
4~25-4041 Bro•~aning, Dock~t No.84.2 The Commission reviewed the
proposal and cauunented that the submittal appeared in conformance
~ : . ~.-:
Page 2 ~
P & Z C~mmis~~on Meeting ~ .
Januai-y 12 , 1484 ~
with a:~l r~quire~ents as outlined in the policy of the Comm~ssion.
It was noted that the brick wall indicated in the f.ront of the
units was not in conformance wi.tn the Zoning Urdinance and
wnuld need a variance from the Z~cning Board of Adjustment .if
the De~.~eloper wished to build the fr.ont brick walls. The
DEVeloper indicated he would not ask for a variance but instead
remove the brick wa11s . Mr, 0~' Leary made the aiotion to gi.ve .
preliminary approva:, to rhe submission with. the, deletion of the
front brick wal~s and Mr. Bettler seconded the motion. The
motion carried.
.Item 3- Subdivision of b512 ~ewan~e - Docket 84.1.
:~ir, Kendrick noted that Mr. Norton had no~ made an appearance ar.d
therefore a quox•um was unavailab~e to conduc~'a hearing. After ~
a brief adjournment to~confer with David Allums, the City Attorney,
the Commission agreed to ca L1-`a special meeting as quickly as it
could be scheduled and a~quorum was assured. .Since all notices
as required by law were made, it was determined, after counsel ~
with the City Attorney, to allow all citizens;~in attendence to
leave their names and addresses with the Secretary and that written
notice wouTd be made to ~.11~indicating they wanted to attend the
Special Meeting, At the time of the scheduled meeting only one ~
letter was received by the~citizens receiving notice and this
letter was favorable.
'IteIIt 4~= Cotnprehenside ~and ~Future Land Use Plan - No further
reports or information were.presented. Mr., Kendrick with the
consent of the Commission asked Mr. Bettler~to write a request to
the City Council for $7,000.00 to retain eonsultants for the
Comprehensive and Future Land Use P1an.
Item 5- No Other Business - No other business was brought
up by the members of the Commission. .
A motion to adjorn was made by Mr. 0'Leary and seconded by
Mr.'Bettler. The motion carried. ~ '