HomeMy WebLinkAbout04121984 ZPC Minutesr' '•
~C~?~~N~ b Pi..~.''. !`~'G i;~P7I?~'~~ ~~zM'. ES
Apri] ]2, 1984
The reguJar meeting of the 2oning and Plannin~ Commission was held with
all members present.
The first item on the agenda was hearing of residents. There being no
cou~ents frou the residents, there was a motion to open the Public
Heering on the subdivision request application No. 84-5, 3506 Sunset
The motion to open the Hearin£ ka~ made b~° Mike 0'Leer~~ and seconded
by Jim Norton. The Chaira;an aske~ w~}ether proper notice had been given
and it was stated that it had. The hcaring then proceeded with the
subdivision hearing nrocedur.es bein€ followed. The speakers for those
opposed to the subdi~~ision made their statements, which are su~narized
as follows.
Nir. Richard Mithoff of 3423 Sunset pointed out the original plat and
established that the subdivision of ~arge lots into smaller ones
de~-alues the ad~acent pronerties. He said that subdividing invites
"tract" tyFe homes and that these change the character and appearance
of the Cit~•. He preseated a letter previousl}~ sent to the Cit}~
• s~rongl~- object~ng to City staff calling and poll.ing those signing
the petition opposed to the subdivision during the signature verifi-
cation grocess. He felt that this was "tampering" with the voting
N,r. ?;ark Spradling of 3315 Sunset remarked that the State Starute priar
to the ]stest revisions required 100°' approval of residents withir.
the noticed a~zea. He advised ehec~:ing ta see that the numher of
~ots in the noti:cd area matches the number of ]ot= renresented
in the pet;ti~ns for an~ against the subdivision. Some people with-
in the noticed area did not rr:eive notices. He ouestioned the
'-~ vate per lot . ?"ne Cl-,air~r:an then reaci the State Statute pertaining
i.c v~:_e~ b~ ~ot.
!~`.r. t'rc«srdt oi 3302 C.eorgEt~~~.-r cucstioned whether there were anv
conflicts oi i,,t~r~s* in~~ol~~in€, Couua:ssi~n memhers and this
subdivision case. 7*_ ~as s~aced b~~ all ~~~mbers that there were none.
ti:rs. fio'r,ar,~~vn of 3318 h.~ttin~.`,a~: said that she ~as asl:ed bti• L~Iephone
if shr h~a changed }.er ~ind on heing oppesed to the subdiv5sion.
*;r. fiicl;ard T:;tY~off :,.aoe for-r.:al z-rouest that t}iis ~u~di.~>>sion reauest
'r ~
tabled until. the telephane c~~ni]sct involving individuals signing
• petitions could be resolv~d. The Cnairman explained the, events in-
volved in the City trt~ing ta make proper veri~ication of signatures
in situat.ions involvi.ng duplication of names.
Mr. Charles Shaver of 3506 Sunset stated that one person thought that
he was signing "only to have a hearing," and that another person __
didn't "understand the issues and might want to change his vote."
He pointed out that there were 66 2/3 of the lot owners' signatures
on the "for" pe.tition and that this fulfilled requirements.
Mr. Grimes of 3201 University stated that he was not for any
intimidation but that he was also against delays in processing
of subdivision cases.
Mr. Charles Shaver of 3506 Sunset stated that the subdivision was not
harmful to the City and that the resulting lots would be larger than
the minimum lot size. He added that this "development" should be
encouraged to keep the City available to people who are not immensely
wealthy. He mentioned that this new development would increase the tax
rolls. ~
Mr. Steve Toomey of 6344 Rutgers expressed concern with the direction
of the City, with the notice question and with the setting of neighbor
against neighbor. He also exvressed concern about who was responsible for
voting for lots owned by churches and urged that the subdivision be
• tabled until questions on notices and signatures could be resolved.
Committee member Tish Taitte moved to close the Hearing. The motion
was seconded by Mike 0`Leary. The vote carried with only Committee
member Jim Norton opposing. He wanted to make sure everyone present
had anple opportunity to be heard.
Member Mike 0'Leary then made the motion that in view of questions
raised about notification of all parties concerned, the decision
on whether or not the Shaver application should be accepted for con-
sideration be tabled until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the
Zoning and Planning Co~ission. Gommittee member Tish Taitte
seconded the motion. Al1 Committee m~mbers voted in favor of the
motion. A brief recess was declared.
The second item on the agenda was the req_uest for subdivision
application of Judith A. Briggs and Reva Jean Rohe, 3302 University
Boulevard, Docket ~184-6. Committee member Jim Norton withdrew from
discussion since he lives in the noticed area.
A petition bearing the signatures of approximately 70% of the in-
dividuals in the noticed 'are.a who were opposed to•the subdivision
was presented. The subdivision was denied pending verifi.cation of
the signatur~s.
• Tish Taitte moved to close the meeting and the motion was seconded by
,~ .
~~r ,
~ Mike 0'Lear~•. ~ -
The meet.ing then turned to review of the proposed Zoning Ordinance
Amendments under consideration. The Amendments were reviewed and
it was decided that the Secretarv would transmit them to City Council
with a letter covering the items.on which concensus had been reached. -
The meeting was then adjourned.
" • •
April 12, 1984
The regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Commission was
held with all members present.
The first item on the agenda was hearing of residents. There
being no comments from the residents, there was a motion to open
the Public Hearing on the subdivision request application No. 84-
5, 3506 Sunset Boulevard.
The motion to open the Hearing was made by Mike O'Leary and
seconded by Jim Norton. The Chairman asked whether proper notice
had been given and it was stated that it had. The hearing then
proceeded with the subdivision hearing procedures being followed.
The speakers for those opposed to the subdivision made their
statements, which are summarized as follows.
Mr. Richard Mithoff of 3423 Sunset pointed out the original plat
and established that the subdivision of large lots into smaller
~ ones devalues the adjacent properties. He said that subdividing
invites "tract" type homes and that these change the character
and appearance of the City. He presented a letter previously
sent to the City strongly objecting to City staff calling and
polling those signing the petition opposed to the subdivision
during the signature verification process. He felt that this was
"tampering" with the voting process. ~
Mr. Mark Spradling of 3315 Sunset remarked that the State Statute
prior to the lastest revisions required 100$ approval of
residents within the noticed area. He advised checking to see
that the number of lots in the noticed area matches the number of
lots represented in the petitions for and against the
subdivision., So,~ne people within the noticed area did not receive
notices. He`~ue~~ioned the 1/2 vote per lot. The Chairman then
read the State~~.Sta~ute pertaining to votes by lot.
Mr. Urquardt of 3302 Georgetown questioned whether there were any
conflicts of interest involving Commission members and this
subdivision case. It was stated by all members that there were
Mrs. Bohannon of 3318 Nottingham said that she was asked by
telephone if she had changed her mind on being opposed to the
• •
Mr. Richard Mithoff made formal request that this subdivision
request be tabled until the telephone conflict involving
individuals signing petitions could be resolved. The Chairman
explained the events involved in the City trying to make proper
verificaation of signatures in situations involving duplication
of names.
Mr. Charles Shaver of 3506 Sunset stated that one person thought
that he was signing "only to have a hearing," and that another
person didn't "understand the issues and might want to change his
vote." He pointed out that there were 66-2/3 of the lot owners'
signatures on the "for" petition and that this fulfilled
Mr. Grimes of 3201 University stated that he was not for any
intimidation but that he was also against delays in processing of
subdivision cases.
Mr. Charles Shaver of 3506 Sunset stated that the subdivision was
not harmful to the City and that the resulting lots would be
larger than the minimum lot size. He added that this
"development" should be encouraged to keep the City available to
people who are not immensely wealthy. He mentioned that this new
• development would increase the tax rolls.
Mr. Steve Toomey of 6344 Rutgers expressed concerns with the
direction of the City, with the notice question and with the
setting of neighbor against neighbor. He also expressed concern
about who was responsible for voting for lots owned by churches
and urges that the subdivision be tabled until questions on
notices and signatures could be resolved.
Committee member Tish Taitte moved to close the Public Hearing.
The motion was seconded by Mike O'Leary. The vote carried with
only Committee member ,7im Norton opposing.
Member Mike O'Leary then made the motion that in view of
questions raised about notification or, the apparent lack of
notice to all parties concerned as required by Article 974(a),
the decision on whether or not the Shaver application should be
accepted for consideration pursuant to Ordinance 1212 provisions
be tabled .until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the
Zoning and Planning Commission. Committee member Tish Taitte
seconded the motion. All Committee members voted in favor of the
motion. A brief recess was declared.
The second item on the agenda was the request for subdivision
application of Judith A. Briggs and Reva Jean Rohe, 3302
i' "
~^ . • •
University Boulevard, Docket #84-6. Committee member Jim Norton
withdrew from discussion since he lives in the noticed area.
A petition bearing the signatures of approximately 70$ of the
individuals in the noticed area was presented. This petition was
against the proposed subdivision. Tish Taitte moved to close the
hearing and to begin consideration of Application ~84-6. Mike
0'Leary seconded the motion. Al1 voting yes.
After consideration and discussion, Committee member Tish Taitte
moved to deny the application due to the adverse impact on the
orderly development and general welfare of the City. Mike
O'Leary seconded the motion.
A vote was taken and all members voted to deny the Application
The meeting then turned to review of the proposed Zoning
Ordinance Amendments under consideration. The Amendments were
reviewed and it was decided that the Secretary would transmit
them to City Council with a letter covering the items on which
concensus had been reached.
• The meeting was then adjourned.
Minutes reviewed and adopted July 12, 1984.