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The Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West University Place con-
vened in regular session in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 3800 University
Boulevard, City of West University Place, Thursday, February 13, 1986 with
the following members present:
Reid Wilson, Chair.person
Buddy Bell
Susan Rachlin
George Ruhlen
Charles Lusk
Robert Lindsey
Notice of Meeting was posted in the City Hall on Monday, February 10, 1986 in
accordance with State Statutes.
Chairperson Wilson informed the Commission that he had met with the City Council
at a workshop session regarding the status of commercial rezoning that the Zoning
~ and Planning Commission had proposed to the City Council. Chairperson Wilson
stated that they had talked about a few technical problems with the ordinance,
and on second reading the ordinance was modified to deal with two particular items;
one was on fencing, where we required buffering between commercial and residential
zoned classifications. We also dealt with having a fence up the side streets. °-The
language as we recommended it had some peculiar application and we probably had re-
quired having a 8 ft. fence run 20 ft. up the boundary line between two commercial
classifications. Also, it would have required a property to have an 8 ft. fence
all around it, because it would ~technically be within 20 ft. of a residential
district. Therefore, this provision was deleted due to inconsistancies. The
second modification dealt with was the phase-in of certain pre-existing noncon-
forming matters. The two issues deait with were lighting and storage, and the
City Council is requiring that within six months after passage of the zoning
commercial classification ordinance that the lighting and storage requirements
proposed would be required for those existing uses:^ I would also like to discuss
the second reading of the ordinance. The City Council has taken the position
that they will apply our commercial classification only to what is existing•;
now as retail business as opposed to retail business and the professional and
busi:ness office. I think that this is inconsistant with our recommendations to
~ City Council and-•-~-would like to ask that this Commission be availabte to attend
the next workshop session of the City Council to discuss the basis for our recom-
mendation;.tha~t the professional and business office, as well as the retail business
district, be consolidated under the new commercial classification.
Chairperson Wilson also discussed the Commission's relationship with the Long
Range Planning Committee. Chairperson Wilson spoke with Louis Sklar and dis-
cussed the various issues to be dealt with`.. The first is the need to update
the comprehensive plan for the City to make it more forward looking and to deal
with future development of the City. Secondly, the perceived need to go"ahead
and revise the remainder of the zoning ordinance to bring it current with the
kind of issues and factors that we have dealt with in the commercial zoning
ordinance we recommended. Also discussed was the "clean up" of the zoning
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Mr. Dan Talia, City Forester for the City of Houston, provided the Commission
with information on what kind of trees, sizes, etc. would best be suited for
commercial areas in the City. Mr. Talia handed out a~list to the Commission
catagorizing different types of trees and indicating whether they would be
good, average, or poor relating to their ability to be planted close to a
right-of-way and be~ •alile to survive. ~
Hearing of Residents: The meeting was opened for discussion to the general
public concerning the request for rezoning of the following lots:
• Application ~~86-1
Lot 2
Block 1
West University Place lst Addition
2820 Bellaire Blvd.
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FEBRUARY 13_, 1986
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Zoning and Planning Commission
~ Page -2-
February 13, 1986
Application ~~86-2
Lot 3
Block 1
West University Place lst Addition
Application ~~86-3
Lot 9
Block 2
Belle Court
Mr. Ron Taliaferro, 2736 West Holcombe, a developer for a proposed retirement
facility complex, and Mr. Kyle Pentecost, the potential contractor for the afore-
mentioned project, made "tfieir-opening~-statements regarding the proposed request~
for rezoning. Mr. Taliaferro gave liis background in the development business
and further stated his reasons for wanting to build a cooperative retirement fac-
ility in the City of West University Place. Mr. Pentecost further explained the
building configurations for the proposed project with illustrations of the retire-
ment facility.
~ The Commission questioned Mr. Taliaferro and Mr. Pentecost on parking, impact on
traffic, fire safety, water and sewerage and the cost to the potential residents.
Chairperson Wilson informed Mr. Taliaferro that currently this project is not
allowed on this site with the current zoning classification, nor in any residen-
tial zoning classification, but this project could be approved in a commercial
zoning classification.
The Commission then discussed the need to update the zoning ordinance and whether
or not this is the type of development we would like to allow in residential dis-
tricts, not in single family districts but in multi-family districts, such as
townhouse or cluster homes. If so, we should suggest some modifications to all
the townhouse and cluster homes districts in the City and recommend this to the
City Council. If approved by the City Council, then the next questioned would
be whether or not the-applicants would like to come back in that new classifi-
Chairperson Wilson then announced the opportunity for residents wishing to speak
may do so at this time. Those speaking against the request for rezoning were:
Tish Taitte, 6336 Buffalo Speedway, stated that there is a value in the
community, which comes from the fact that it has zo~ing. This value is
constantly being '_'run at" by developers that want to take advantage of
it. I think this is just another attempt to introduce multi-family
dwellings into an area that is presently zoned for single-family. I am
appalled that this kind of thing is here and has to be addressed again,
and that our citizens have to come out and say no we don't want it.
Gene Hines, 3748 Rice Blvd., stated that he thought there was some con-
fusion in the statement single-family residential zoning and townhouse
zoning, because townhouses are for a single family. A townhouse would
be less ob~ectionable than a retirement facility.
Mrs. Lyla Smith, 2736 Talbot, was the only resident present that spoke in
favor of the application, stating that she would love to stay in West Univer-
sity when she ret3res and thinks it's a good idea.
Chairperson Wilson asked if anyone else wanted to speak. After he had ascer-
tained that there wer-.e no other speakers, the hearing was then closed to the
A general discussion was held by the Commission regarding the zoning for this
• project.
Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting ad~journed at 9:30 p.m.