HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1960 69' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, January 11,1960, 7: 30 P.M., with the follO\ving members present: Mayor Protem Davis, presiding; Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and Ci ty Attorney \Vere also present. Mayor Broi-Tll was out of the city on company business. Commissioner Halbert pronounced the Invocation. The City Manager reQuested authority to advertise for the purchase of liQuid chlorine which would be reQuired for 1960. t~:l o ~ (",) CC CO Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. February 22,1960, for the purchase of approximately 24,000 Ibs. of chlorine in 1 ton containers and 28,000 Ibs. in 150 Ib" cylinders to meet the city's re _ q,uirements for 1960. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission was advised that Mr. Andre\v Buckner, CO-O\VDer of a tract of land to the east of the city's 75 acre tract of land on Ruffino Road, had called ~t- tention to a discrepancy in the boundary line. By survey, the fact has been established that a previous owner of the city's tract had fenced in 2.106 acres of land which was not apart of the 75 acre tract. Mr. Buckner has requested the city to rebuild the fence to follow the true boundary line and has stated that he and his partner \vill pay 1/2 of the cost. The City Manager and City Engineer were instructed to recheck the survey and obtain an estimate for re- placing the fence and report back to the Commission at the next meeting. In accordance with action taken on December 28, 1959, postcards returned since that date with reference to the survey for proposed off-street garbage collec- tion were tabulated with final results announced as follO\vs: Total number qf, cards mailed 5,120 Total number of 'cards returned - 3,249 or 63.39% Total number voting for proposal- 2,232 or 68.7a{o of cards returned motal number voting against proposal,'017 31.30 I or of cards returned Mrs. Ervie Baker,c3936 ~yron Street, was present at the meeting and expressed her objection to the proposed program stating t~t she lived on a corner and did not feel that. the 75~ per month would be a justifiable expense to her as she has only a few feet to carry her garbage can. She also stated that in other localities where such a program is in effect, the garbage collectors are careless and scatter the garbage \vhen it is emptied from the can into con- tainers to be carried to the truck. The City Commission instructed the City Manager and City Attorney to take steps to prepare an ordinance to effect off-street garbage pickup for con- sideration at the next meeting, of the Commission. The City Manager requested authority to advertise for bids to be received for truck and automotive eq,uipment which will be needed for 1960. He stated that ['..." ...... . ".... , =, -1 70,: the appropriation has been made 'in the 1960 budget for the purchase of 3 cars for the Police Department; I passenger car for the Fire Department; one flatbed truck and 1 pickup truck for the Water Department; 1 two-ton truck for the Street Department and 2 trucks for the Garbage Department. However, if the proposed'garbage plan is put into effect, it will be neces- sary to purchase 2 additional trucks and it was also considered advisable by the Garbage Superintendent to replace a 1958 Chevrolet truck which was in - volved in an accident during 1959. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. February 22,19DO, for the purchase of three passenger cars for the Police Department; one passenger car for the Fire Department; one truck for the Street Department, 1 flat bed truck for the Water Department; 1 pickup truck for the Water Department,' and 5 trucks and 2 bodies for the Garbage Department. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. In accordance with instructions, by the City Commission on December 28, the City Attorney reported that the City Manager had received letters from the cities of Highland Park and University Park and also information from the Texas Muni- cipal League regarding the gross receipts tax paid by the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. The City Attorney was instructed to request another meeting with officials of the telephone company and their attorney for the purpose of further considering a franchise agreement whereby they would pay the City of West University Place in excess of 2% gross receipts tax since it has been re- vealed that the cities of University Park, Highland Park and Dallas are receiving 4%. ,..- '1 \ Resolution 60-1, as follows, was submitted for consideration and read in full: 1~S, the City of West University Place bas cash available in the Water- Sewer Fund, Tax Collector's Fund, Fire Truck Fund and Sanitary Sewer Capital' Improvement Fund which ,.rill not be required for current operating expenses; and WREREAs,it is the objective of the City Co~ission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST U1JIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $10,000 from Water-Seiver Fund, $45.,000 from the Tax Collector's Fun~, $8,000 from the Fire Truck Fund and $7,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 60-1 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of $10,000 from Water- Sewer Fund, $45,000 from Tax Collector's Fund, $8,000 from Fire Truck Fund and $7,000 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. ~ r' ---==:o.r r '-1 LI U" ,1"",. , I I ' ~ 71 Resolution 60-2, as follows, was submitted for consideration and read in full: RESOLVED, that the hereinafter designated officers are hereby authorized to open an investment share aC,countfor the City of West University Place and to invest its funds from time to time with the University Savings & Loan Associa~ tion, Houston, T~xas,and that said association is hereby authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with vlritings bearing the signatures of three of the five such officers, unless and until it has been notified of any change of officers and of further authorization for other individuals to so sign, together with a specimen of the signature of each such individual: E. R. Davis M. C ~ Halbert Whitt Johnson Wm. Di ttert, Jr. G. P. Corry Mayor Pro tem Commissioner City Manager City Treasurer Controller Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 60-2 authorizing the signatures of'Mayor Pro tem E. R. Davis, Commissioner M.C. Halbert, City Manager Whitt Johnson, Cohtroller G. P. Corry and City Treasurer William Dittert, Jr., for share investments Qr withdrawals with the University Savings & Loan Association, be passed and approved as'read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem DaVis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A report of tax collections was made as follows: Total 1959 Assessment Amount collected Percent of Total Assessment collected E~timated Collection per 1960 Budget Per~ent of Estimated Collection Excess of Actual Collections over estimate $447, 571. 99 431,228.46 96.34B4~ 425,280.65 101.3985% 5,947.81 The City ~nager reported that fire losses for the year 1959 were estimated at $41,600.22, making a total for the past five years of $160,387.00. The esti~ mated total premiums paid for the past five years amounted to $574,023.00. Mr. Johnson explained that the 5-year premiums divided by the 5-year losses gives a loss ratio of 27.94% which would result in a 20% fire loss credit, according to the standards of the State Fire Insurance Commission. The Commission was advised that 116 requests from residents to purchase tickets to the si-rimming pool for the 1960 season had been received in response to over 500 letters mailed to families who purchased tickets for the 1959 season. In 1959, 139 purchases were made on the installment plan whereby payments were made in four equal amounts with the water bills paid in February, March, April and May. Minutes of the meeting of December 28, 1959, were read and approved as corrected. 72 With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion dulymade~ seconded andcarried~ the meeting was adjourned. i I , I U ~~.~ Mayor Pro Te, City of West University Place~ Texas ' ATrEST: I I I .~ ~. '':'"'~-Fr.rl~=...==~c-~='!~~ -""'="=.-oc.+':"-=-o=---c=-...=.....-=-.~=.=.""'-,=~ :I --.r-- i \.-. LQ o oz::j"' u c:c ~ 73' REGULAR MEETn~G OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY. JANUARY 25. 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, January 25, 1960, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, ,-lith the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also presen~. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lamkin. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on January 14, 1960, were submitted to the Commission for co~sideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. February 22, 1960, to consider subdivision of Lot 3, Block 24, West University Place First Addition, as requested by the owner, Mr. J. J. Mathis, 6336 Sewanee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. In regard to an inquiry by 1~. Carl Dube as to whether or not a residence could be built on Lot lA, Block 54, West University Place Second Addition, ~he following facts were discussed: In 1954 ,r.Ir. Dube granted an easement to the Harris County Flood Control District of 20 feet along the west side of the lot for improvement to the Poor Farm Ditch. On January 11, 1960, a quit claim deed was submitted to the Harris County Flood Control District which subtracts 12! feet from the easement leaving a .. building frontage of 37! feet. The Commission agreed that Mr. Dube should first obtain a certified copy of both instruments regarding the easement and file them with the city for further consideration. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that action of the Board to table the request of Mt'. H. W. Strickland for permission to subdivide Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition, be upheld. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brm-m, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mrs. O. K. Eden, representing the Garden Club of West University, appeared before the Commission requesting the city's permission to plant flowers on city property for beautification of entrances into the City of West University Place,principally on University and Rice Boulevard at Kirby Drive, and Mercer at Bellaire Boulevard. ~~s. Eden also stated it'was the club's desire to erect welcome signs announcing the entrance into the "City of West University Place" and requested the city's par- ticipation in the expense. Members of the Commission expressed a desire to participate in the program and asked Mrs. Eden to submit something definite on their proposed program in order that the expense involved might be estimated. r~. L. C. McCulley,2615 Tangley,appeared before the Commission, expressing his opposi- tion to the proposed off-street garbage pickup program. Mr. McCulley stated he opposed the program inasmuch as he felt the charge was for a service that could be performed by the residents themselves. r-"'l1===~ I -=-"-"=="'='='--1 74;' A proposed ordinance to regulate collection of garbage was submitted for considera~ tion; however7 no action was taken as the Commission desired more time to study the contents of the Ordinance. The Houston Natural Gas Corporation advised by letter dated December 29,1959, that new rates for gas would be in effect after the next meter reading date in this city. After discussing the contents of the letter and the attached rate schedule 7 it waS the desire of the Commission that a representative of th~ gas company be in- vited to attend the next meeting to discuss the newly established rates and to present a comparison of the rates now in effect. In compliance with action'takem:bythe. Commission at the last meeting, City Engineer H. A. Fonville submitted a survey of the 75 acre tract of land owned by the city on Ruffino Road,together with three proposals for the erection of a fence. Proposals were as follows: Western Fence Company Cyclone Fence Company United Fence Company $ 473.60" 17065.87 17302.40 Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert7 that the City Engineer and City Manager Proceed with preparation of a contract agreement with the Western Fence Company for installing a fence in accordance with their proposal amounting to $473.60, and also an agreement :from Buckner & Morris7 owners of the, adjoining property, to pay one-half of the total cost. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis7 Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. City Engineer Fonville presented plans for eliminating a bad water condition exist- ing in the area from University Blvd. to Bellaire Blvd. between Kirby Drive and Wakeforest street. He explained that a number of complaints had been received re- cently and upon inspecting the area it ..Tas deemed advisable to install a 6" pipe to circuit the water. line in this area. The Engineer estimated that it would cost approximately $2,000 to i~stall 720 feet of 6" pipe7 necessary valves, fire hydrants, etc. Motion by Commissioner Lut~7 seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the water line extension project be approved and the City Manager be instructed to'advertise for bids to be received for approximately 800 feet of C.I. pipe and fittings necessary to construct a 6" "lfater main on Werlein street to alleviate the bad ..Tater condition in <the area from University Blvd. to Bellaire Blvd. bet"lfeen Kirby Drive and vTake - forest street. Voting'Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Resolution 60-3 as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: ~~EAS, the attention of the City Commission of the qity of West University place has been directed to a bill introduced in the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United states; and WHEREAS, such bill is knmm as HR9233 and "lfaS introduced by Mr. Fascell of said House of Representatives; and '1'_0'- i----r"1 r "'.'-."'--",,,,,,,=_'=>...-==.,=_-c=-..c=,- .-1 L;~ o ~~ c,.,) ex: 00 (-', i i 75' WBEREAS, such bill reads as follows: "To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to allow a taxpayer to deduct for income tax purposes certain special assesS- ments and other charges made against him or his property under local law without regard to whether they tend to increase the value of such property. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of 'Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembles, That (a) section 164 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to denial of deduction in case of certain taxes) is amended by striking out paragraph (5) and by redesignating paragraphs (6) and (7) as para- graphs (5) and (6), respectively. (b) Section 164 of such Code (relating to deduction for taxes) is further amended by redesignating subsection (g) as subsection (h) and by inserting after subsection (f) the follovling new. subsection: , (g) SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS A1~ OTHER LOCAL CHARGES.- - For purposes of subsection (a), the term taxes includes any' tax, special assessment, fee, or other charge which is established and imposed by a municipal,county or other local government for the performanceofa service or the provision of a local improvement which the tax- payer has no option to reject, whether or not the perfornance of such service or the provision of such improvement tends to increase the value of the taxpayer's property. Sec. 2. (a) 535 (b) (1) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (relating to ad - justments for taxes under definition of accumulated taxable income) is amended by striking out "section 164(b) (6)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 164 (b) (5)1l. (b) Section 545 "(b) (1) of such Code (relating to adjustments for taxes under definition of undistributed personal holding company income)" is amended by striking out "section 164 (b) (6)" and inserting in lieu thereof "section 164 (b) (5)". Sec. 3. The amendments made by this Act shall apply only with respect to tax - able years ending after the date of the enactment of this Act. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that the present provisions of the Internal Revenue Code are unfair insofar as they prevent'a taxpayer from claiming as deductions payments made to local govern- ments for services or public improvements, ,-Then these payments are made in the form of service charges or assessments; and WB:E:REAS, the, City Commission is of the opinion t:b..a.t the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 should be amended as proposed in said H.R. 9233. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized to address a letter to the Honorable Bob Casey and Honorable Albert Thomas, Representatives of Harris County, Texas in the Congress of the United States, informing said Congressmen of the City Commissionts approval of the proposed amendment. 2. That such letter shall urge adoption of the proposed amendment and request said Congressmen to vote in favor of such amendmen~ and to lend their best efforts for th~ passage of such Bill. ' 3. That a copy of this Resolution be enclosed in each of the aforesaid letters. 7 ,{)": Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Resolution 60-3 with reference to a bill known as HR9233 which would permit a taxpayer to claim as deductions payments made to local governments for services or public im- , provements, Ivhen these payments are made in the form of service 'charges or assessments. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A recommendation from the Chi~fofPolice for stop signs on Rice Blvd. at Acad- emy street and "No Parking at anytimell from Kirby Drive to a point 100 feet west on both sides of Plumb street, vTaS presented for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the recom- mendation of the Chief of Police be accepted and stop signs be installed on Rice Blvd. at Academy Street, making this intersection a four-way stop, further, that IlNo Parking at Anytimell signs be installed on Plumb Street from Kirby Drive to a ' point 100 feet west to prevent a traffic hazard. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners 'Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. It Was reported to the Commission that an electric spot light had been installed on the right-of-way on Buffalo Speedway near University Blvd. adjacent to the West University Realty Company office owned by Mr. Joe Catl1.riner. The Commission instructed the City Manager to notify the miner of West University Realty Company to remove the light from the right-of-vray. ' Minutes of the meeting of January 11, 1960, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A'lTEST: ce, il I' Ii L . r~~:"'--":..'''=---'' - . --. ,- --,,-.< ~ : ._1 .. r-C-= - -." -. --..-- - '-'~_.- -~,,,,.,,,~,.=c-=""r -::r-n t'i:) C:, ~::r C) C"~ CC 71 REGULAR :MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 8, 1960, 7: 30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. Fire Chief C. E. Duffin and First Aid Captain G. T. Hutcherson presented a 30 minute demonstration on the first aid facilities used by the First Aid Corps of the City. Pursuant to action taken on January 25, 1960, Mr. Jackson Hinds, representing the Houston Natural Gas Corporation, was present at the meeting and discussed with the Commission the newly established rates outlined in a letter dated December 29, 1959, from the Houston Natural Gas Corporation and signed by Mr. John Wimberly. Mr. Hinds explained the change in'the rate schedule had been placed in effect in the l4-city Houston district after a hearing before the Houston City Council, and . that it was not designed _to increase revenue for the Company but 'was designed to offer a greater incentive for the use of gas air conditioning in the summer months as well as maintaining a strong incentive for the use of gas for heating in the winter months. After discussing the proposed rate schedule with Mr. Hinds, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that the rate schedule submitted by the Houston Natural Gas Corporation in their letter dated December 29, 1959, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The said gas rate schedule is as follows: RESIDENTIAL RATES Winter Months (Nov. - Apr. ) First 400 cu. ft. or less per month ' $1.60 Next 5,600 cu. ft. per month @ 7.9~ per 100 cu. ft. Next 10,000 cu. ft. per month @ r.3~ per 100 cu. ft. Over 16,000 cu. ft. per month @ 4.5~ per 100 cu. ft. Minimum Monthly Bill $1.60 Summer Months (May Oct. ) First 400 cu. ft. or less per month $1.60 Next 5,600 cu. ft. per month @ 7 .9~ per 100 cu. ft. Over 6,000 cu. ft. per month @ 3.5<fi per 100 cu. ft. , Minimum Momthly Bill $1.60 .. l'"'CO~""C~"~C""~~~''"":I , ,[~:~"""~~~'~",~~~",- _f - 78, COMMERCIAL RATES First 400 cu. ft. or less per month $1.90 Next 8,600 cu. ft. per month @ 9.8~ per 100 cu. ft. Next 11,000 cu. ft. per month @ 8.5cp per 100 cu. ft. Next 10,000 ,cu. ft. per month @ 6.4cp, per 100 cu.' ft. Over 30,000 cu. ft. per month @ 4. 5~ per 100 cu. ft. Minimum Monthly Bill $1.90 Ordinance No. 771, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE PASSED NOVEMBER 9, 1959, RATIFYING CERTAIN ASSESSMENTS THERETOFORE LEVIED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HOUSTON BY CORRECTING A CLERICAL ERROR IN SAID ORDINANCE OF NOVEMBER 9: 1959, IN THE DES - CRIPrION OF CERTAIN PROPERTY BELONGING TO r,.r. H. KRENZLER. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordinance No. 7'71, amending an ordinance passed November 9, 1959, ra.tifyingcertain assess - ments levied by the City Council of the City of Houston by corre,cting a clerical error in the description of property belonging to W. H. Krenzler, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Ordinance No. 772, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE crry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT IN THE MATl'ER OF THE: PERMANENT IJYIPROVEMENT OF BISSONNET AVENUE FROM THE WEST PROPERTY LD1E OF WAKEFOREST STREET TO TEE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF KIRBY DRIVE CERTAIN THINGS HAVE BEEN DONE AND CERTAIN CONDITIONS EXIST; AGREE- ,ING THAT UPON TEE TRANSFER BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE OF .A PAVING CERTIFICATE ISSUED AGAINST A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND ON TEE SOUTH SIDE OF BISSOIilNET AVENUE, IN THE CITY OF r,.JEST lJNIVERSrry PLACE, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE WILL PAY THE CONTRACTOR THE .AMOUNT OF SUCH CERTIFICATE; STATING CERTAIN PROVISIONS TO BE INCLUDED IN THE TRANSFER OF SUCH CERTIFICATE; AND FINDING THAT THERE HAS BEEN :rvIADE AN APPROPRIATION TO COVER' THE AMOUNT OF SAID CERTIFICATE. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordinance No. 772, finding and determing that in the matter of the permanent improvement of Bissonnet Avenue from Wakeforest Street to Kirby Drive certain things have been done and certain conditions exist; agreeing that upon the transfer by the Contractor to the City of West University Place of a paving certificate issued against a certain parcel of land on the south side of Bissonnet Avenue, the City of West University Place will pay the Contractor the amount of such certifi - cate, and finding that there has been made an appropriation to cover the amount of said certificate, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. r='~C~~"~"'cn=F'~,.1 r'""C """""""'~'"'C''''''''''=O- '-r--' L~ ~, -~,., 'Zj~ C~ ~ CC 79" Resolution 60-4, as follows, was presented and read in full: vITffimEAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Water-Sewer Fund, Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Insurance Fund and the Street Improvement Bond Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses; and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMlYITSSION OF THE CITY OF 1-1EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to in- vest funds in the amount of: $65,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund $ 3,908.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund $10,000.00 from the Insuranc~ Reserve Fund $15,000.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 60-4, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of $65,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund; $3,908.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, $10,000 from the Insurance Reserve Fund and $15,000 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, in 182 day Treasury Bills, at the current interest rate available, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Br'own, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, L<1mkin and Lutz. None. A request from Mr. Earl 'to1. Gammage, for extension of note receivable in the amount of $16,666.66 for, an additional 12 months .'laS presented to the Commission. The City Manager advised the Commission that this note in payment for property on Alief Road ,'Tould be due on March 13, 1960. IYIr. Gammage would pay the interest in the amount of $1360.00 at this time if the Commission would agree to extend payment of the principal amount for a period of one year at 4~. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the note re- ceivablein the amount of $16,666.66 due from Mr. Earl W. Gammage be extended for a period of one year @4~,with accrued interest now due in the amount of $1360.00 to be paid on or before l~:r'ch 13, 1960, and credited to the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund tovlard the debt incurred to that fund for the purchase of the 75 acre tract of land on Ruffino Road. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. City Engineer H. A. Fonville presented plans for relocation of 2" .~ter line on the north side of Bissonnet Avenue, explaining that this action would be neces- sary due to the proposed paving and widening of the street. He also explained that this l~ne services eight commercial establishments on the north side of the street,located~n. the City of Houston, and he had contacted officials who were agreeable to continued service by West University Place. '~. T~~'"~"'~~-"'~~i=.r r" " ..'~._.._..", '1 ,r-" 80 Resolution 60-5, as follows, was submitted for consideration and read in full: vlBEREAS, the City of vlest pniversity Place, T~xas, has for more than 15 years been servicing water to' the following commercial addresses which are located within the eity of Houston CM 88 CM 95 eM 9$ CM 97 CM 98 CM 99 CM 100 CM 101 Blair Drive In Vaughn Lumber Company D. J. Dincans Nancy Oil Company R. K. Wark Southwestern Business Ments Club Thornton Tire Company C. E. Stark 2726 Bissonnet 2610 Bissonnet 2614 Bissonnet 2630 Bis'sonnet 2706 Bissonnet 270~ Bissonnet 2720 ~issonnet 2722 Bissonnet ; and WHEREAS, the, City of Houston now contemplates the paving of the 26-2700 block of Bissonnet and the said water line which services these commercial ad- dresses will interfere with the construction of the pavement and will be under the street when the paving is finally laid; and W~S, The Director of the Water Division of the City of Houston, l~. Jimmy Nagle, has been conferred with relative to the advisability of the City of ifest University Place continuing to' service with vTater the aforesaid com- mercial addresses loca~ed in the City of Houston and it was the decision of Mr. Nagle that the City of West Universi~y Place should and could, with his ap- proval, continue to service said commercial addresses; and WHEREAS, it is to the benefit of the City of West University Place to re-lay the present 2ft gal~anized pipe furnishing ,-rater in the said area: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Water Superintendent be authorized to re-lay or re- route the existing 2ft galvanized water line which services commercial addresses on the north side of 26-2700 block of Bissonnet in the corporate limits of the City of Houston. Section 2. That the City 11anager be authorized to expend an amount less than $500 for materials, including pipe, fittings and valves necessary to re-lay or re-locate the necessary water line to service commercial addresses in the 26- 2700 block of Bissonnet. Section 3. The City Commission recognizes that the water line will be laid wholly outside the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, and that in the future the City may be re~uested to abandon said line in favor of the City of Houston at which time there should be a negotiation as to the un- amortized cost of the water line or lines lateral or crossings necessary to service the area in ~uestion and that the City of Houston should reimburse the City of Wes:t University Place for an agreed value of the water lines herein mentioned. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Resolution 60-5, authorizing and directing the City Engineer to proceed with relocation of the 2" ,.Tater line on the north side of Bissonnet Avenue made necessary by the proposed Widening and paving of Bissonnet, be passed and approved as read. ~O'r""r~"'"',r'=~~~~i-' r'" '''"',--- r ' tC) .-'-..... '-~...; ~.. Cd C:J':j C!.d 81' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Connnissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Counnission also discussed advisability of installing an 811 water line on the south side of Bissonnet between Wakeforest and Kirby Drive before work on widening and paving commences. The City Manager explained that the city does not have ample fire protection in this commercial area since t~ existing water line is only 2t in diameter and is not recognized by the state ire Insurance Commission. It "\vas deemed advisable to proceed with construction of an 811 line on Bissonriet between Wakeforest and Kirby Drive before work commences on the widening and paving of Bissonne~ as the cost of such installation will be much greater after the street is paved. Resolution 60-6, as follows, was submitted and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Manager and City Engineer have recommended the in- stallation of an 811 water main and two fire hydrants, with necessary valves and fittings, on the south side of Bissonnet Street between Wake,forest Avenue and Kirby Drive, such recommendation being made for reason that the present 211 water main is riot recognized as sufficient capacity for adequate fire pro _ tection for the commercial establishments in the immediate area; and WHEREAS, the City of Houston is in process of making arrangements to commence work on widening and paving Bissonnet Street between Wakeforest Avenue and Kirby Drive; and WBEREAS, it is deemed to the city's advantage to install the 8" water main and two fire hydrants with necessary valves and fittings, before the City of Houston widens and paves Bissonnet Street; and \mEREAS, mately $3,042.30; the City Engineer estimates the total cost will be approxi - and WHEREAS, the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place ~~s certified that there is. in the treasury bf West University Place to the credit of the Hater Fund of the City of West University Place, the sum of $3,042.30 which has not been appropriated for any other purpose and which is available for appropriation by the City Commission of West University Place, to defray the expense of installing an 8" water main and tyro fire hydrants vlith neces - sary valves and fittings, on south side of Bissonnet Avenue between Wakeforest Avenue and Kirby Drive; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that the installation of the 811 water main and two fire hydrants with necessary valves and fittings can be accomplished most efficiently and eco- nomically on an emergency basis and that all labor, material, services and supplies as are needed to accomplish such work as ~hown by the Epgineer's esti- mate are to be obtained through competitive estimates and quotations; and \mEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that unless the said 811 water main and tvlO fire hydrants vTi th necessary valves and fittings are installed, an adequate supply of water for fire protection for property owners in this area may be jeopardized to the detriment of lives and property in this area: T ..H,'~...~".~,c,.."", ''',' '(' .. ''''~''~'''T 82, NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COM:tvIT'SSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of Hest University place hereby finds and determines that the necessity exists for the instal- lation of an 8" water main and two fire hydrants with necessary valves and fittings, on the south side, of Bissonnet Street in accordance with the re- commendation of the City Engineer and City Manager. S'ectiou.2. That'the sUl'!lo'f $3,o42.30J th~ ~~timate of the City Engineer 'or the City of West Ul:l~vers1;ty,:,Pl,acej' 8;stl1~, cost to be incurred for instal- ling the said 8" water main and two fire hydrants wi;th necessary valves and fittings, on the south side of Bissonnet between Wakeforest Avenue and KirQr Drive, be and the same is he~eby authorized, a,ppropr1ated and set apart out of the Water Fund of the City of West University Place to defray such ex - penses. , Section 3. That the City Manager and City Engineer, be, and they are hereby instructed to obtain informal bids for materials needed and to pro - ceed with the bid deemed most advantageous to the City to accomplish installation of the ,vater main and two fire hydrants with necessary valves and fittings, art an emergency basis and to uS,e in-such work labor of the X'e~- lar employees of the City, additional day labor required and the services of independent contractors, all of whom, other than the regularly employed employees of said City, shall be paid on a unit basis. Section 4. That because of the proposed widening and paving.of Bisson- net Street by the City of Houston, and the impending added expense, to the City of West University Place should the installation of the said 8" water main and two fire hydrants with necessary valves and fittings not be affec- ted before the street is paved, an emergency is now deemed to ,exist. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolu- tion .60-6 authorizing and directing the City Manager to proceed with installation of an 8'i water line on the south side of Bissonnet Avenue at the earliest pcs - sible date in qrder that the City of Houston might proceed with the widening and paving of Bissonnet Avenue between Kirby and Wak~forest. Voting Aye: Voting No: , Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin andL}ltz. None. The City Manager and Water Superintendent informed the Commission of the fact that a number of the sewer lines in the City had been damaged by improper re- pairs to taps and stacks by plumbers engaged to work on private lines. Mr., Henderson explained that sewer saddles and tees had been installed in connect- ing private lines onto the City's main lines and as a result of improper installation, the main line had been damaged and stoppages have resulted in many instances. The City Commission authorized the Water Superintendent and Building Inspector to notify Master Plumbers that they must comply with the PlumbipgCode in installing and repairing private lines and permits must be obtained from the Plumbing Inspector before commencin~ work. The Commission again discussed a proposed offstreet garbage pickup ordinance; however, they desired to study it further before taking final action. ~:J (:) ,<t l,....J ,;'"I.."....... .~.b-.~ ""'r'. j,S-..-.a;r: r-! ; , i L-' 83: The City Manager requested authority to re-roof the house located on the City's 75 acre tract of land on RuffinQ,Road. He explained that the roof has started leaking in several places and it was estimated that a ne,,; roof,~\Vould cost approximately $265.00. The Commission authorized the City Manager to proceed with re-roofing the house after receiving three es'timates in order to obtain the 'most advantageous price to the 'City. (- i Employruent of an auditor for 1960 was discussed; however, a decision was de - layed until the next meeting. The minutes of January 25, 1960, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motin duly made, seconded and carried,. the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: I ..,'""C' .. .. __"0_1 ,...., r"'''~'''~>'' -=-==-.".,--"} ~ Mayor, City Place, Tex -' 84 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 22~ 1960~ 7:30 P.M.~ with the following members present: Mayor Pro-tem E. R. "Davis, presiding; Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager l_ and City Attorney i<]'ere also present. Mayor Brmm "\-TaS out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro-tem Davis. In accordance with action taken by the City Commission on J~nuary 25, 1960~ and Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city on January 27,1960, Mayor Pro~tem Davis announced that a public hearing was in order to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 24~ West University Place First Addition, into two 50x150foot lots as re~uested by the owner, Mr. J. J. Mathis,6336 Se1vanee, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. The Oath was administered by Mayor Pro-tem Davis to City Manager Whitt Johnson and Mr. J. J. Mathis. The City Manager testified, in answer to ~uestions by the City Attorney, that ap plication had been submitted by Mr. J. J. Mathis for subdivision of Lot 3,Block 24, West University Place First Addition, to the Zoning and Planning Board, who recommended to the City COUffi1ission that the re~uest be approved. ,The City Manag~ also testified that a Notice of the Public Hearing was published in the official newspaper of the ~ity and notices mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of the said lot~ and in his. opinion all re~uirements of the city's ordinance. -I for calling a public hearing had been complied vTi tho ' M:i:'. Mathis explained to the Commission tr..at the lot is 100 x 150 feet and he had a residence known as 6336 Sewanee located on the north 50 feet and it was his desire to subdivide the lot into two 50 foot lots in order to make an additional building site on the south 50 feet. He also explained that the present garage building will be only 2~ feet from the property line ifthelo~ is subdivided, however, he was willing for a setback of 3~ feet to be established on the south 50 feet of the lot adjacent to the garage lOcated on the north half of, the lot. There being no further ~uestioning desired and no other citizens present desiring to be heard on the matter, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the public hearing called,to consider amending the city'S zoning ordinance to permit sub - 'division of Lot 3, Block 24, West University Place First Addition, be closed; and that Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit. subdivision of Lot 3, Block 24, West University Place First Addition, as re~uested by Mr. J. J. Mathis, and ~e- commended by the Zoning and Planning Board; subject to a 3~ foot setback re~uirement on the south portion of the lot adjacent to the garage building located on the north half of the lot and which is located only 2! feet from the property line. , Voting Aye: Voting NO: l'l1ayor Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. 1-- 1~-~ , ,.=1 . - [~=.='" " if" t3.5 In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the citY7 bids, received for delivery of 3 passenger cars for the Police'Department I 1 'passenger car for the Fire Department i 2 trucks for the Water Department i l__ 1 truck for the street Department and 5 trucks for the Garbage Department !.ere opened and the results announced. Motion by Comniissioner Lamkiu7 seconded by Commissioner Lutz7 that bids received for 12 vehicles be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommenda- tion. L":} C"' ~ C) CO ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis7 Commissioners Halbert7 Lamkin and Lutz. None. Bids received for furnishing and delivering two garbage truck bodies and one flat bed for the Water Department were opened and results announced. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin 7 seconded by Commissioner Lutz7 that bids re - ceived for furnishing and delivering 2 garbage truck bodies and one flat bed for the Water Department be referred to the City Manager for tabulation apd re- commendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor ,Davis 7 Commissioners Halbert 7 Lamkin and Lutz. None. r Bids received for furnishing and delivering liquid chlorine required for 1960 'L were opened and results announced as follows: Company Item Price Dixie Chemical Company 1 Ton Containers $9.00 mrt 1501/= Cylinders 0.11 per pound Diamond Alkali Company 1 Ton Containers 3.80 cwt 1501/= Cylinders 11.00 cm After hearing an explanation from Mr. I. Tollifson concerning prices and freight rates7it was determined that the bid of Diamond Alkali Company for furnishing chlorine for 1960 was most advantageous. Motion by Commissioner Halbert7 seconded by Commissioner Lutz7 that the bid of Diamond Alkali Company be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: \ ,Mayor Davis7 Commissioners IIalbert7 Lamkin and Lutz. None. Bids received for delivery of 6 & 8 inch cast iron water pipe were opened and results announced. The City Engineer was instructed to make a tabulation of the pipe bids received in order that action might be taken later in the meeting. I i i \._- Minutes of the regular meeting ,of the Zoning and Planning Board held on February 11719607 were presented to the Commission and the following action taken: r'"'~'~=~ ''''-''~~~'''~-''-1 ,---- 86, Motion "by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded "by Commissioner Lutz, that a public hearing be called for March 14, 1960, 7:30 P.M., to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit su"bdivision of Lot 8, Block 20, West Uni - versity place First Addition into two lots, 75 x 100 feet to front on Brompton and 100 x 145 feet to front on University Blvd. as requested by ~~. H. W. Strickland, 2819 University Blvd. and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Hal"bert, Lamkin and Lutz: None. Motion "by Commissioner Lutz, seconded "by Commissioner Lamkin, that a public hearing be called for March 14,1960,8:00 P.M., to consider amending the city's zoning ,ordinance to permit su"bdivision of Lot 12, Block 38, West University Place First Addition, into tifO lots 50 x 147.5 to front on Selmnee Street, as requested "by Mr. M. Hanovice and recommended by the Zoning and P+anning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Com.missioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Consideration was again given to the request of ~k. Carl Dube for permission to construct a house on Lot lA, Block 54, west University Place Second Addition, '-Thich is located adjacent to the, Poor Farm Ditch. Mr. Dube submitted a quit claim deed from the Harris County ~lood Control District which releases all rights, titles, etc., on the east 12-33 feet of the'i-Test 20 feet of the lot, leaving a frontage of 42.33 as building area. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that ~~. Carl Du"be be granted a building permit upon proper application, subject to all building code and applicable ordinance requirements being complied with. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor DaviS, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission further discussed employment of an auditor for the yeEAr ending December 31, 1960. Mr. Everett P. Green, CPA, agreed by letter, dated February 22,1960, to examine the city's accounts for a fee not to exceed $1,700.00 with a fee for conferences and consultations not to exceed $300.00. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that lfrr. Everett P. Green, CPA, be employed to examine the accounts of the city for the year ending December 31, 1960, for a fee not to exceed $1,700 and a fee not to exceed $300.00 for conferences and consultations. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor DaviS, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Resolution 60-7, as follows, was su"bmitted to the Commission for con~ideration and read in full: WHEREAS, on the 13th day of March,1956, the City of West University Place conveyed a tract of land of 19.11 acres out of the Beckman Canfield Survey, Harris County, Texas, to Robert Vernon King and as part of the pur-- chase price of said property Robert Vernon King executed a promissory note i_ B7 ( !' of even date therewith in the principal sum of Fifty Thousand ($50,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, the principal of said note being payable in three equal annual installments of Sixteen Thousand, Six Hundred Sixty.-Six & 66/100 ($16,666.66) Dollars, the first such installment being due and payable on or before the 13th day of March 1957 and the last in- stallment being due and payable on or before the 13th day of March 1959: and WHEREAS, on the 13th day of June, 1957, said Robert Ve:r-non King did convey the above described property to Earl W. Gammage and said EarlW. Ga~mage assumed payment of the aforesaid note and said Earl W. Gammage is now the owner of said property; and L':) C) ~:r 'C) WHER&AS, Earl W. Gammage requested that said note plus accrued ~nterest be extended so tnat the final payment thereon 1--lOuld become due and payable on the 13th day of March, 1960 and the said request of said Earl W. Gammage was considered 'and approved by the City Commission; , and ;'k:~ ,WHEREAS, said Earl W. Gammage now again requests that said note in the balance of $16,666.66, plus accrued interest in the amount of $1360.00, be extended so that the final payment thereon shall become due and payable on the 13th day of March, 1961, and the request of said Earl W. Gammage has I been considered by the said City Commission: cc NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the request of Earl \-1. Gammage to renew the third and f---' final payment of a note in'the principal amount of $16,666.66, and accrued !I interest in the amount of $1360.0Q,making total amount of $18,026.66, be ex- ii tended so that the final payment thereupon shall become due and payable on the 13th day of March, 1961, at an interest rate of 4~ per annum. Section 2. That the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into an agree- ment with Earl W. Gammage in behalf of the City of West University Place extending the time of payment of the tqird and final installment in the pr'incipal amount of $16,666.66 and accrued interest amounting to $1360.00 at an intere'st rate of 4t% per annum of the aforesaid note until the 13th day of March, 1961. Section 3. An exact copy of the contract to be signed by both parties is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution and such agreement is hereby referred to for a more detailed description of said extension agree- ment. Motion by Commission Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Resolution 60-7, authorizing renewal of a note due the city by Earl W. Gammage in the amount of $16,666.66 plus accrued interest in the amount of $1360.00 until March 13, 1961, at an interest rate of 4~ per annum, be passed and approved as read~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. ~ 't---'"~~'::"","'~~_~=:"'::::1 ___~_F,.-=----cc,:~.~-C'-------:--'O:--"''-9 --' 88 Resolution 60-8, as follm'ls, ylaS presented for consideration and read in full: V~S, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Charter Amendment Reserve-Sewer Fund, Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Water-Sewer Fund and the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, which will not be reQuired for current operating expenses, and _i WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional, income and it is necessary and pru- dent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: N01{J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: ' $12,000.00 from the Charter Amendment Reserve-Sewer Fund $13,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital ~mprovement Fund $ 7,500.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund $15,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. Motion by CommissionerLaml~in, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 60-8, directing investment of funds in 182 day Treasury Bills, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A statement in the amount of $200.00 from the Harris County Mayors' and Councilman's Association for the city's dues for 1960 was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that dues'in the amount of $200.00 for membership in the Harris County Mayors' and Council- man's Association for 1960 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission discussed employment of a draftsman to assist the CitY'Engineer in preparing plans and specifications for construction of a ne1f building for the Water Department. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that 1'4r. Keith Denny be employed as draftsman to assist the City Engineer in preparing plans amI specifications for construction of a nevi building for the Water Depart - ment, for a fee of $50.00 per sheet, not to exceed the sum of $400.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Cownissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. .. The City 1~nager reported to the CommisSion that according to their instruc- tions, the City was in the process of repossessing the premises at 4213 Bellaire Blvd., which had been occupied by the Sparkle Car Wash. 89 The City Engineer advised that he had tabulated the bids submitted for de- livery of 6 and 8 inch pipe and fittings with the following results: LOW BIDDERS Lone Star ~ Company 720 L.F. 6" pipe 126 L.F. 6" ,pipe 738 L.F. 8" ,pipe 18 L.F. 8" M.J. pipe $1.81 per ft. 1.89 II " 2.58 " II 2.69 " " utility Suppl;y Company L") C) ~A C,) 3 each 3 each 2 each 2 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each 1 each ;Ny'" ),;.;-';'" &;:1:) 6" valves, bolts, gaskets 6" C.I. tees, bolts, gaskets 6" c.!. ells, bolts, gaskets 6x1211 spools, bolts, gaskets 6" fire hydrant 6" f1. gate valve 8" IvI.J. c.!. tee 12x8" reducer 8x611 :M.J. reducer M.J. 'blind flange :M.J. 6x1211 spool 59.25 26.80 18.10 15.75 142.70 55 '.15 40.25 29.50 16.90 7.85 15.75 Motion by Commissioner Halbert; seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the low bid submitted by the Lone Star Steel Company, for furnishing 846 feet of 611 pipe and 756 feet of 811 pipe; and the bid of Utility Supply Company for fur nishing valves, tees, ells, fire hydrant, reducers, and other fittings listed in the Bidder's Proposal, be accepted. , r Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the meeting of February 8,1960, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting WaS recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall at 7:30 P.M. ,Monday-, March 7, 1960, with the following members present: Mayor Brmm, presiding; Co~missioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were not present. Mayor Bro~m pronounced the Invocation. Mayor Brown announced that in order to expedite the nmtter of purchasing needed automotive and truck e~uipment, it was considered advisable to recess the meeting of February 22nd to review the bids received on that date. A \lritten recommendation waS presented by the City Manager based upon his and de- partment heads investigation. It WaS recommended that an award be made to Davis Motor Company for a 1960 Dodge Dart and to Wendell Hawkins Motor Company ~O~=L'~~"[O="_--'-~"~,~~ ~, .. --1 r- 90' for two 1960 Plymouth vB Patrollers and~f6r Units 5 through 12 as follows: .., . Unit COill1;lany Make Net Delivered Price, 5 Ivy Russell Ford $2268.85 6 Jimmie Green Chevrolet 2426.21 7 Albert Berry ,Dodge '2680.00 B Davis Motors Dodge 2667.00 9 Davis Motors Dodge 3120.41 10 Davis Motors Dodge 3120.41 11 Jack Roach Ford 1173.33 12 Ivy Russell Ford 2465.13 After reviewing the recommendation and discussing the advisability of ac cepting low bids on'the passenger cars, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that bids re- ceived on the 12 units be awarded to the lowest bidders meeting the re~uired specifications. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A 1ITitten recommendation was submitted as follows relative to bids received for two garbage truck beds and a stake body type ,bed for a Water Department truck, all with hydraulic hoist: '~~fter taking all factors in consideration, it is our recommendation that the proposal submitted by the Carroll Service Company, 4816 North Shepherd for construction of the two garbage bodies for the total sum of $4,077.80 and for one hydraulic dump flat bed for the Water Depart~ went for the sum of $986.17 be accepted. II -1 I ~ (s) Whitt Johnson, City Manager Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commission~rLarl~in~ that the Carroll Service Company be awarded a contract for construction, fabrication and mounting of two garbage truck beds and one stake body type bed for a Water De- partment truck, all with hydraulic hoists, as recommended by the City Manager and the Garbage and Street Superintendents. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: University 91: REGULAR ~~TING OF CITY cO~~rrSSION MARCH 14, 1960 ( ... I i i t__ The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 14, 1960, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Halbert. In compliance with previous action taken by the City Commission and Notices duJy published in the official newspaper of the City, Mayor Brmm announced that a Hearing was in order to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to per - mit subdivision of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition into two lots as reQuested by Mr. H. W. Strickland; one lot to be 100 x 145 feet to front University Blvd. and the other to front on Brompton 75 x 100 feet. The Oath was administered to Mr. H. W. Strickland, City Manager Whitt Johnson, Mr. George Dickinson and Mrs. C. W. Taylor. The'Hearing was then turned over to the City Attorney for Questioning. City Manager Whitt Johnson, having been duly sworn by Mayor Brown, stated in answ'er to Questions by the City Attorney, that proper application had been made by ~~. H. W. Strickland and after the City Commission's action calling a public hearing, proper notice was inserted in the official newspaper of the city and notices were mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition. He stated that in his opinion all re - Quirements for calling a public hearing had been met. ,. i ~~. Strickland stated that he wished the lot subdivided in order that he might I L_ sell a 75 x 100 foot building site. He explained that his home is presently located on the 100 foot portion fronting on University Blvd. t. ~tt. George Dickinson~ 6331 Brompton, spoke in opposition to the proposed sub- division relating that he and other property owners in the block had purchased their lots because of the size and they felt any su~division would decrease the value of the immediate area. l~. Dickinson presented a letter from Mr. S. H. Wheeler of 6314 Brompton Road who also opposed subdivision for the same reason. Mrs. C. W. Taylor, 6320 Wakeforest, spoke in opposition to the reQuest, saying that she lived adjacent to Mr. Strickland's property and that her lot was 90 x 300 feet. She was of the opinion that the lots in this area should be left as they were when purchased. Mr. Strickland remarked that he had no objection to his lot being subdivided in order to make the south portion 85 - 90 feet in width in order that it would be comparable to the remainder of the lots in the block, if this would be more suitable to adjacent property owners. A postcard from Mr. C. H. Waldman of 6330 Wakeforest related that he had no objections to subdivision of the lot. With no other property owners desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: !~~=,~'=~~r'= _l___..C". ". ..-;."'===c"'-_"'c-==_===c=_~"-_~ '92 ! I I I !, II Ii II II II I I I I I I [I ! I I I Ii !i I !) L Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert"that the hearing to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit sub - division of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmro; COlmnissioners DaviS, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mayor Broiro stated that the Commission would take a short recess for the purpose of discussing the matter before taking action. Upon reconvening the meeting, Mayor Brown asked Mr. Strickland if he desired to amend his re~uest according to an earlier statement made that he would be willing to subdivide the lot in order to make the south portion 90 feet in width. Mr. Strickland stated that he would like to amend his re~uest for the lot to be subdivided into two lots; one to be 100 x 130 feet to front on Univ- ersity Blvd., and the other to be 90 x 100 feet to front on Brompton; and then asked if the Commission would consider reopening the Hearing. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the hearing be reopened for the purpose of further considering the re~uest for sub- division of Lot 8, Block 20, into two lots with one to be 100 x 130' to front on University Blvd. and the other'to be 90 x 100' to front on Brompton. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners DaVis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz~ None. Mayor Brown declared the hearing reopened and told the group that in checking the plat it vlaS indicated that the average lot frontage in the 6300 block of Brompton Road was 90 feet. ~~. Strickland related, in answer to ~uestions; that his present improvements would be within the required setback lines if the lot was subdivided into lots 100 x 130 and 90 x 100'. ~ Mr. Dickinson remarked that he still objected to any lot in this block'being subdivided. ~~s. Taylor agreed that she objected to lots being made smaller, however, she preferred a frontage of 90 feet rather than 75 feet if a division was to be made. Mr. Strickland related the fact that at one time this lot had been divided by deed and was owned by two separate owners. \:Ii th no other property owners desiring to be heard, the follmving action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the hearing called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 8, Block 20,West University Place First Addition be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Cormnissioner Davis, that Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition, into two lots of 100 x 130 feet and 90 x 100 feet as re - quested by Mr. H. W. Str~ckland in his amended application; this action taken since the ordinance re~uires only 5,000 square feet for a buildlng site and a lot 90 x 100 feet will not materially decrease values in this area. ~-I~~-~CO~O=I .._-.JI (' -r- 11 i i ! I '--~. r~l L: i; ! ' i ' ."-----.' ~5 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None~ Mayor Brown announced that the second hearing of the evening called for 8:00 P.M. was now in order. The Oath ';'laS administered by Mayor BrOlm to Mr. M. Hanovj.ce , City Manager Whitt Johnson and :t-1r.E;t'nest Luce, 6635 SevTanee. In answer to questions propounded by the City Attorney, the City Manager re - lated that proper application had been w~de to the Zoning Board by Mr. M. Eanovice and after the Commission's action calling a public hearing, proper notice was inserted in the official newspaper of the city and notices were mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of Lot 12, Block 38, West Uni - versity Place First Addition. Mr. Hanovice stated that he desired the said lot subdivided into two 50 x 147.5 foot lots in order that he would have an additional building site. He explained that there is an existing residence on the south portion of the lot which he is in the process of remodeling and which he proposes to offer for sale. He also stated that the present building would conform vith set- back requirements if the lot was subdivided. When asked, about a small building on the rear of the said Lot 12, Block 38, West University Place First Addition, Mr. Hanovice assured the Commission that it would be removed before the property is offered for sale. Mr. Ernest Luce, 6635 Sel-ranee, remarked that he was a resident adjacent to Mr. Hanovice's property and had no objections to the subdivision of the lot, however, he was interested in knowing the disposition to be made of the little building on the rear of the property and was very pleased to learn that Mr. Hanovice planned to remove the building and that he was ,reJ,Ilodelirig the ex'" iating dvTelling. A postcard from Mr. C. E. Gammill of 6646 Westchester, relating that he had no objections to the proposed subdivision, was submitted to the Commission. With no other property owners desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the hear- ing called to, consider subdivision of Lot 12, Block 38, West University Place First Addition, into two 50 x 147.5 foot lots be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Larlcin, that Zoning Ordi- nance No. III be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 12, Block 38, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 147.5 foot lots as requested by Mr. M. Hanovice and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor BrO\m, Cominissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mr. M. X. Hobbs, 3812 Rice Blvd. , appeared before the Commission protesting dis- tribution of handbills in West University Place. He stated that the many r"~~=~or~~"'" ,- I ["",_C, r '1 94 circulars cluttered up the front porches and doors and homes presenting an unsightly appearance and further that the delivery people have an undesirable appearance. The Commission agreed to check various ordinances on the subject and make a further investigation of the matter. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the regular meeting or the Zoning and Planning Board on March loth were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that there - quest of ~~. A. G. Savage,300l Amherst, for permission to install 220, volt electric service in the living quarters above the garage on the rear of his propertY' arid the re'luest of Mr. Ralph T. Fleming, owner of the East half of Lot 5, Block 18, West University Place First Addition, to improve living quarters above the garage on the rear of the property, be denied as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Resolution 60-9, as follows, was presented to the Commission'and read in full: vnmREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available ,in the Tax Revenue ,Sinking Fund, Insurance Reserve Fund and Water-Sewer Fund which will' not be required for current operating expenses; and W-rlEREAS, it is the obj~ctive of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and l~ is necessary and pru- dent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: ,', r I I I ,-.1 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM1lISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of : " $ 6,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund 10,000.00 from the Insurance Reserve Fund 4,000.00 from the Water--Sewer Fund in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Conmlissioner Lamkin, that Resolution 60-9 directing the investment of $6,000 from the'Tax Revenue Sinking Fund;$lO,OOO from the Insurance Reserve Fund and $4,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund in 182 day Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available, be passed and ap - proved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A list of various intersections where shrubbery has caused a traffic hazard was submitted to apprise the Cormnission of proposed action to eliminate said hazards. The Commission discussed two locations "\oThere hazards "Tere very preva:- -r lent and vn1ere the owners had been notified on several occasions to cooperate =~'t"'''!~~ ! ___=.L _______ . _ __ ro-r:-="",=-"_-_"..,",..,_",_.c:",,., i' t~:) o ~ >J t.) CO CtJ r'~ (-- "1 9,5 with the city and eliminate this condition,however, they had not taken any action to relieve the situation. The, tyro locations under discussion were the northeast corner of Plumb' and Wakeforest and northwest corner of Tangley and Edloe. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that the matter of eliminating the hazards caused by shrubbery at the northeast corner of Plumb and Wakeforest and the northwest corner of Tangley and Edloe be turned over to the City Attorney for handling. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Ordinance No ~ 773, captioned as follmvs, was presented and read in full: 'ANORDDTANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH A])ID ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BE.ARn~G TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE' NO. III OF THE CITY OF vJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF Lor 3, BLOCK 24, WEST UIilTVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPI'ING THE REPORTED RE- COMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III , OF THE CI'I'Y OFloJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; AMENDING ORpINANCE NO. III PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING' AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordinance 773, amendingOrdlnance No. III to permit subdivision of Lot 3, Block 24, West University Place First Addition into two 50 x 150 foot lots, as reQuested by ~~. J. J. ])~this, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the ,meetings of February 22 and March 7,1960, were read and ap - proved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded artd carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATl'EST: 1"':,.... J.---.----------- : ._-_:::[ _ [-..-="'='=----=c..""~===.-'=~_.r-l 9,6' I I I I I I I i L REGULAR MEETING OF CITY Cm,[vIISSION MONDAY, MARCH 28, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, March 28, 1960,7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Brown. Mr. John Lee, 4225 University Blvd., appeared before the Commission; request- ing permission to increase the height of a recently constructed concrete block wall or fence to 8 feet. He explained that he was making this re - quest to try to eliminate the noise of an air conditioner in the window of an adjacent house, which had agitated his mother's heart condition. Mayor Brown stated that the City could not issue permission for a fence of this height, but that he and the City Manager would like to contact the party living next door to him to See if some other means of eliminat~ngthe noise could be worked out. Ordinance 774, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: .MT ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, SANITATION AND SAFETY OF ITS INF.ABITANTS; DEFINING TERMS; PROVIDING FOR, A SYSTEM OF OFFSTREET HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE AND REFUSE COLLECTION; DESIGNATING POINT OF COLLECTION FOR HOUSEHOlD GARBAGE AND REFUSE; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTION OF TRASH AND RUBBISH; PROVIDING THE FREQUENCY OF COLLECTION AND HOURS; SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRASH AND ,RUBBISH COLLECTIONS AND TYPE OF CONTAI:NERS; PROHIBITING ----' THE PLACING OF TRASH AND RUBBISH ON THE STREET PRIOR TO CERTAP'l HOURS AND THE LEAVING OF CONTAINERS ON THE STREET OR CURB LINE FOR A CERTAIN DURATION; PRESCRIBING THE TYPE .MID ,LOCATION OF CO:NTAINERS; PROHIBITING OVERLOADING OF CONTAII\1ERS AIID CO-MINGLING OF HOUS;EHOID GARBAGE AND REFUSE, TRASH .MID RUBBISH; PROHIBITING mlLA~-lFUL ACCUMULA- TION OR SCATTERING AI-ID THROVlING OF HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE AND REFUSE, TRASH AND RUBBISH; ASSESSING A MONTHLY FEE OR CHARGE FOR THE OFF STREET COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE AJ\TD REFUSE; PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECT- ION THEREOF, PLACING THE FEE ON THE WATER BILL; FUNDS TO BE RETAINED IN THE GEI'lERAL FUND TO DEFRAY EXPENSES THEREOF; RJj:QUIRING PERMITS FOR PRIVATE HAULERS'; PERMI'lTING RESIDE:r.rrS TO REMO'i/E AND HAUL THEIR OliN HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE AND REFUSE, TRASH AND RUBBISH; LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION TO EFFECT PURPOSE; APPLICATION OF ORDINANCE TO ALL TERRITORY WITHIN , CORPORATE LIMITS; FIXING PENALTY FOR, ANY VIOLATION THEREO~; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLA.USE IN EVENT ANY PART OF THE ORDINANCE SHALL BE DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL; REPEALING, ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Mayor Brown explained to the citizens present that the only changes in the gar~ bage system proposed and the present method was that it would be picked up from a point behind the building setback lines instead of at the curb.He also ex - plainect that the garbage department had made hro lItrial runsll to determine the time and expense that would be involved for offstreet service, and a large majority of the residents in these hro areas expressed their approval of the --r=~CC",-"",~c'.,'><::r [~'~:'~'O"'~~":~'~"'C"1 J !' L':l (;) ~'F '" (",) ,~ ....... C:C lu u 97' way service was rendered and their desire to have the service put into practice on a permanent basis. Mayor Brown related the fact that 5,120 post cards were mailed out for householders to return with their vote marked as to whether they were in favor of the offstreet pickup or not; 3,249 cards were re- turned with a vote of 2,232 FOR and 1,017 AGAINST. ' A group of approximately 25 persons were present who wished to express their views for or against the proposal, or to ask clarification on various parts of the ordinance. Among the citizens present who spoke in favor of the proposed service were: 11r. S.K.' La'w:hon,3730 Sunset; W. W. Bowman, 3715 sunset; Mrs. Alfred Beerman, 4002 Milton; Mr. George Dickinson,6331 Brompton; Mr. S. C. Ratliff, 3925 Case; 'Dr. C. A. Peabody,3028 University; Mrs. Rolland Gray,3605 Georgetown; f.1r. J. A. Cosgrove, 3905 Marlowe; Mr. Cullen Noble,3511 Albans; f.1r. Eb Luckelj4125 Tennyson; Mr. Willis Gresham,3132 Rice Blvd.; Mr. Wm. C. Buschardt, 3781 Georgetmm. ' Among citizens speaking against the proposed service were: rvI:rs. Ervie Baker, 3936 Byron; M;rs. -C. P. Lanmon,2630 Werlein; Mr. Roy Galloway, 2632 Bellaire; f.rr. Roy Letbetter,2622 Werlein; and Mr. and Mrs. O. C. King, 3717 Robinhood. A petition signed by 17 residents stating they were against the proposed system because "according to the article in 'Southwest Neighborhood News,' ,,,e house- wives vTOuld be . expected to separate garbage and paper, and still have to put these cans out in front for once a vleek pick-up. "Mayor Brmm explained to the group present that this:vas not the intent of the ordinance and there i-TaS no contemplated change in the present procedure of placing garbage and paper in cans. After all citizens present were given an opportunity to speak for or against the proposed pic~up service, the following action vas taken: ' Motion by Commissloner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Ordinance 774,providing for off-street garbage pickup within the City of West Univer - sity Place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Preliminary plans for the new building to be used by the Water and Garbage De- partments i-Tere presented to the Commission for consideration. Members of the Commission agreed that the preliminary plans were progressing satisfactorily and instructed Mr. Keith Denny,vho has been employed as a draftsman to assist the City Engineer vith the project, to proceed with plans on the main building for storage of vehicles and other heavy equipment, and for the building to house the Water Department facilities, including meter shop and storage room. The City Manager requested authority to advertise forbids to be received on street n~terial re~uired for 1960, and submitted a list of the re~uirements as follows: 100 Tons Stabilized Shell, 100 Tons Shell,65,000 Gallons Colas,300 Tons Gravel-Grade 10, 100 Tons Rock Asphalt-Grade 3, 500 Tons Rock Asphalt- Grade 8, 500 Tons Rock Asphalt-Grade l,l,OOO Ft. l2~,)Reinforced Concrete Pipe and TOO"" .J - ,---,----- .,'L_:::::J. , __n__r~~" ""-"~1 98' and 400 feet 15" Reinforced Concrete Pipe. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin,seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the City Manager be instructed,to advertise for bids to be received on April 25, 1960, for street material required for 1960. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Manager reported to the Commission that installation of a 6 inch water line on Werlein, from Anrtapolis to Wakeforest; an 8 inch line on tre south side of Bissonnet between Wakeforest and Kirby and relocation of a 2 inch line on the north side of Bissonnet between Wakeforest and Kirby was now complete and the State Board of Insurance had been advised of the new lines and fire hydrants. Ordinance No. 775, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF TEE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THElIOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER TEE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT TEE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 12, BLOCK 38, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FmST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC ' BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDI- NANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BEA1!ffi:NDED SO AS, TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO A1!ffi:NDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 JR'ERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordi- nance ~o. 775, amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 10 Block 38, West University Place First Addition, into tvTO 50 x 147.5 foot lots, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Ordinance No. 176, captioned as, follows, was submitted and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF \>lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 24 AND 25, BLOCK 7, RICE COURT; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING Arm ADOPrING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUB- DIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. , \~- 9:9 Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Ordi- nance No. 776, amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lots 24 and 25 , Block 7, Rice Court, into two lots 52~ feet each, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Attorney presented an ordinance amending Ordinance No. III to per- mit subdivision of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Additionj however, it was the opinion of the Commission the ordinance should not be passed until Mr. H. Vl. Strickland subIhtts an instrument dedicating an ease- L~ ment on the southeast property line in order to service the existing C) residence on the north part of the lot. (f.::1~ C) P:""~ ~~ C:C: The City Attorney presented an ordinance pertaining to regulation of dis- tribution of handbills within the City or West University Place which was considered by the Commission. They were of the opinion that the majority of residents were in favor of eliminating distribution of handbills with- in the City, therefore they were desirous of acquiring further information in this respect before taking final action. Aletter of resignation from Mr. O. C. King as a member of tlte Zoning and Planning Board was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that the resignation of Mr. O. C. King as a member of the Zoning and Planning Board be accepted wi~h regrets, and a letter of commendation be written to l~. King. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis; Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the meeting of March 14, 1960, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission:-at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried; the mee "ng was adjourned. ATTEST: ~ ,I::-O!~~' - _.~::--~ ,- __ '~:,:-:_:__,--l . . __ r . ,~",-",:,-,.,~c,_o>,,-co,_~_=,-"_'-""'-'_'r _1------- lOO REGULAR ME:ETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 11, 1960, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Davis, presiding; Cmumissioners Lamkin and Lutz. Also present were the City Manager and City Attorney. Mayor Brown and Commissioner Halbert were out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lamkin. Mr. John Lee, 4225 University Blvd., again appeared before the Commission discussing his problem caused by noiseenianating from the air conditioning unit installed in the residence to the east of him. He requestep the Commis- sion to consider passing an ordinance which would regula~e future installation of air conditioning units within the city. The Commission agreed that this was something that needed to be considered and assured Mr. Lee that action would be taken in this respect. The City Manager brought to the attention of the Commission that Section 15, Article 26 of the City Charter required an official newspaper to be selected annually. After considering the various eligible newspapers, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Com..missioner Lamkin, that the Houston Chronicle and/or the Southwest Neighborhood News section of the Houston Cb~onicle be designated the official newspaper for the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Davis; Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission discussed date of opening the swimming pool and advisability of continuing the swimming instruction program at the city's pool for the 1960 season even though the Y.M.C.A. now has a pool at their Southwest Branch location in the 4200 block of Bellaire Blvd. and will have swimming instruct- ions for children who are members of that organization. The Commission was of the opinion that the new ,YMCA pool would have no effect on the attendance of the city's swimming, instruction program as conducted over the past number of years through the YMCA. Motion by Commissioner Lautirin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the West University swimming pool be officially opened ~~y 28th for the 1960 season; the pool to be closed each week day from 12 noon to 1 P.M. for swim team activities. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Davis; Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the swim- ming instruction program for children be continued along the same lines as conducted previously but without sponsorship of the YMCA and that the fee be set at $2.00 per child for each 3 weeks session. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~~yor Pro tem Davis; Commissioners Lan~in and Lutz. None. tQ (*"I - '''T r ., """" co cc 1"0' l' ~:.. ~ '. 0" i .' The City Manager related to the Commission that it had been the practice for many years for the city to mm'l grass, and "reeds on vacant lots as the owners could not be depended upon to mow their lots regularly, but that the amount collected did not necessarily offset th~ expenses inVolved. The Commissions' instructions were requested as to whether or not lots should he mowed with city equipment and labor and the owner charged an increased fee for the service. It was the opinion of the City Commission that the city should continue mowing vacant lots to eliminate unsanitary and unsightly con- ditions and that the OrTner should be charged for the service involved. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that vacant lots designated as such be mowed with city equipment and labor and that the owners be billed $7.50 per lot for each mowing to defray the city's expenses. \ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Davis; Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz. None. It was also broUght to the attention of the City Commission that in numerous cases cooperation could not be obtained in cleaning up their premises, cutting weeds and draining their property of standing water, removing rubbish, and other unsanitary matter, and that a policy should be established to handle this situation. A copy of HE 35, passed by the last legislature, and three copies of model ordinances were presented and discussed. The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance declaring overgrowth of weeds and grass a nuisance and also stagnant water, conditions liable to produce disease, filth, impure matter, rubbish, and unsightly and unsanitary matter, and permitting the city, by regulations, to abate such nuisance. The City Commission was advised that repair parts to restore the mechanical equipment at the Sewage Disposal Plant had been purchased last year and held in readiness until an appropriate time to repair the equipment and that a qualified firm or mechanic should now be employed to install the repair parts for reconditioning mechanical equipment. The following four proposals, which had been obtained by C. E. Posey, Sani- tarian, were presented for consideration: Gary R. Nichols Cost plus 15% basis or $15 per hour Will give firm'bid after completion of first unit Equipment Maintenance Company, Inc. A B A Septic Tank Service $3,926.50 Alpha Machine Company $2,304.00 After reviewing the proposals and agreeing it would be difficult to employ some firm on a fixed amount or firm bid, the following action was taken~ Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Nichols and Greene, Utility Service Contractors, be engaged on a personal services basis to !"',...., ,....:,..~n'..'~~=; .. ~l J---........u..'.. .. c..~..~~=u....i '.. "1 102 install t:le repair parts necessary for reconcUtioning the mechanical equipment at the DispOSll Plant at a fee of $15.00 per hOlIT as quoted in their letter dated April 5, 1960. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Davis; Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz. None. A brief discussion was held concerning the status of the Community House pro - ject and it was determined advisable for the Commission to meet on another date for a full discussion of the project. The City Attorney presented further informat~onconcerning a handbill ordi nance but asked that additional time be permitted to submit a proposed ordinance. The two aggravated cases of traffic hazards caused by excessive grQwth of shrubs, trees and flowers at the intersections of Tangley at Edloe~ and Plumb at Wakeforest, were discussed and it was the attorney's opinion that a second notice should be written to the respective property owners giving final notice to correct the traffic hazards within 10 days' time. A letter from Mr. Sam D. Thornberry, 3603 Sunset, relative to rental of a garage apartment on the rear of his premises was read. The City Attorne;y was instructed to grant Mr. Thornberry by letter, an extension until June t, to cease renting the garage apartment on the rear of his premises. A letter from the State Department of Health, dated April 4, 1960, compli- menting the City on the condition of the water plant and its facilities was read. Mayor Pro tem Davis suggested that consideration be given i n selecting a qualified person to fill the unexpired term of Mr. O. C. King who resigned as a member of the Zoning and Planning Board, and that he would, advise with Mayor Brown concerning Mr. Ray Fitzgerald as a qualified person. The question of appointment of a Tax Equalization Board was discussed but action postponed until the names of several persons co~ld be'presented for consideration. The Commission discussed the type of uniforms to be plITchased for the Gar- bage collectors and agreed that a one-piece coverall with short sleeves for summer use, and the letters WUP printed on the back~ would ,be appropriate and either a cap or helmet for head wear. The contents of a letter to be sent to the citizens regarding the rules and regulations and the starting date of the offstreet garbage pickup service program was agreed upon by the City Commission. The minutes of the meeting of M~rcn 28, 1960, were read and approved as correctal, With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting \{as adjourned. ATTEST: ~~4~ City "re' , ~.:r':~<=c:"::"~'~"'~~-=~-- .___~r-:~ - -----.--.-.'o:::r- _r f~O,3' ~- ...... ~." REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COJYIMISSION MONTIAY, APRIL 25, 1960 The City Commission convene~ in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 25, 1960, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney 1"ere also present. Commissioner Lutz pronounced the Invocation. In complianc~ with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City, bids received for delivery of material re~uired by the street Department for the current year were opened and results announced. L":} c..? ~ ~) t'v". ....... ,- ,"".oi Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that bids re- ceived for 65,000 gallon colas, 300 Tons of Gravel, 2100 Tons of Rock Asphalt and 1400 feet of Reinforced Concrete Pipe, which will be re~uired for the current year, be referred to the City 1~nager and Department Heads for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown; Commissioners Davi~, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission discussed the advisability of using crushed limestone base material and ag~egate for street resurfaCing, and saving the city some $800 to $900 per year in freight costs, as the source of supply is closer than the Uvalde Rock Asphalt Company location. It was recommended that specifi- cations be rewritten to cover this type of material and another notice be , published for additional bids to be received. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be instructed to have specifications prepared to cover Grade '1, 3, 8, 9 and 10 of Crushed Limestone, and Notice to Bidders be published in the official ne1fspaper of the City for bids to be received until 7: 30 P.M., May 23, 1960. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on April 19, 1960, were submitted for consideration. r-'-- ~. and Mrs. Marcellus A. Bettler, 4223 Lehigh, appeared before the Commis- sion in connection with their request to add a porte cocher~ to the east side of their existing home at 4223 Lehigh street. btt. Wilkins, Architect, presented a sketch showing the proposed improvements to the front of the house and the proposed porte cochere, and explained that the supporting posts would be approximately on the property line. Mayor Brown stated that the Co~mission had not approved construction of any structure that near a side property line and they did not like to set a precedent. He related,however, that the Commission was highly in accord with their desire to up~ade the property and would like to see them work out some other arrangement that would comply with ordinance re~uirements. No action was taken at this time as it was felt that more time was needed to study the problem before giving a definite answer. .~.,,, -, ~"~~~~""I r '~~~'~~~, ,," "', J 1"04 ttrs. M. P. Reichardt, 4203 Ruskin, appeared before the Commission, re questing that a stop sign be erected at the corner of Ruskin and West Point as there had been several minor accidents at this intersection. Mrs. Reichardt was told that further consideration v.Tould be given her re- quest and definite action would be taken at a later date. The City Commission was presented with certificates of acceptance from City Engineer H. A. FonVille, that improvements on the 6700 block of ' Rutgers, 6700 block of Westchester and 6600 block of Vanderbilt Streets, had been completed in full accordance with plans and specifications previously ap- proved, and it was his recommendation that the improvements be accepted as constructed. The certificates of acceptance are as foliows: II I hereby certify that the improvements as constructed by th~ Street Department of the City of West University Place, Texas on the 6700 block of Rutgers Street(Between Bellaire Blvd. and Cason st.) in the City of West University Place, Texas, have been completed in full accordanc~ with the plans and specifications pertaining thereto. These same were previously approved for construction by the City , Commission of this citY.Therefore, I, H.A. FonVille, City Engineer of the City of West University Place, Texas, recommend the acceptance of those improvements as constructed. " II I 'hereby certify that the improvements as constructed by the Street Department of the City of West University Place, Texas on the 6700 block of Westchester street,(between Bellaire Blvd. and Cason st.) in the City of West University Place, Texas, have been completed in full accordance ivi th the plans and specifications pertaining thereto. These same were previously approved for construction by the City Commission of this City. Therefore, I, H. A. Fonville, City Engineer of the City of West University Place, Texas, reconr.m.end the acceptance of those improvements as constructed. " " I hereby certify tl'..at the improvements as constructed by the Street Department of the City of West University Place, Texas on the 6600 block of Vanderbilt $treet, (between Cason and Carnegie Streets) in the City of West University Place, Texas, have been completed in full accordance with the plans and specifications pertaining thereto. These plans andspecifi- cations were previously approved by the City Commission of this city. Therefore, I, H.A. FonVille, City Engineer of the City of West University Place, Texas, recommend the acceptance of those improvements as constructed. II Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Cownissioner Davis, that improvements constructed on the 6700 blocks of Rutgers and Westchester, and the 6600 block of Vanderbilt Street, be accepted as recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis,Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. r'""~~~~ r ' ,r 105 r~, L The City Manager requested authority to advertise for 300 water meters which would be needed for installation during 1960 in order to continue the replacement program which bas been carried out by the city for several years. He stated that funds for this purpose bad been' authorizeo_ in the 1960 budget. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. May 23, 1960, for 300 water meters. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor BrO\-rn, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The advisability'of purchasing 1960 req~irements of fire hose was discussed. The City Manager stated that an appropriation amounting to $1000.00 had been made in the 1960 budget for purchase of fire hose and requested authority to advertise for bids. 'Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that the city Manager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. May 23,1960, for 400 feet 2~" fire hose and 200 feet l~"fire hose. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor BrO\-m, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, L8.mkin and Lutz. None. i j ~ In response to a letter from Mrs. James H. Keeley,3907 Riley, requesting in.;.. stallation of a STOP sign at Riley on College, Chief Shipp submitted a recommendation that such a sign be installed IiLnd also a double arro'YTtype sign across the street from the intersection On Riley Street in order that accidents caused by drivers not knowing that College is a dead end street might be avoided in the future. Mrs. Keeley also called attention to the lack of courtesy shown by drivers who enter Weslayan off Stella Link at the Ruskin and Riley intersection, and asked that some consideration be given this intersection. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that a STOP' sign be installed on College at Riley and a double arrmy type sign be installed across the street from the intersection on Riley Street, as re- commended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma:,ror Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. It was suggested that the Chief of Police also investigate the situation at the Stella Link and Weslayan intersection and submit a recommendation. Minutes of the meeting of April 11, 1960, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly ,made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. I . U I~~~"'- .._, 'r-r~--------r~'~~~O:~'''~'~l ,(- 106 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 9, 196o., r~ ~~~ f~~. .'".... -.".~ \. ""-- ) The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall Monday May 9, 1960, 7: 30 p ~ M., vIi th the f'ollowing member S present: lI"$:l.yor Pro-tem E. R. Davis, presiding; Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Mayor Brown vIas out of the city on company business. 1 ! --=--1 Comm.issioner Halbert, pronounced the Invocation. ~~. Pat Kleemeier, 3763 Rice Blvd., appeared before the Commission, ad- vising that the Building Inspector had stopped work on constr~ction of n carport for reason that it did not comply with the 3 foot side setback line requirement and that a permit had not been obtained. Mr. Horace Rice, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Board, vTaS also present at the meeting and stated that Mr. K1;eemeier had presented his problem to him; however, the Board would not meet until May 12th. The Commission discussed this problem ;;-rith Mr. Kleemeier and also discussed the comparable situation of Mr. :M. A. Bettler of' 4223 Lehigh, who had requested permission to construct a carport at the side of his residence which would also be closer than 3 feet to the side property line. It was the decision of the Commission that both parties should submit their request in writing to the Zoning Board and further consideration vTould be given at that time by both the Zoning Board and City Commission. Discussion also followed relating to a letter dated November 10, 1953, submitted by a committee appointed to make a study of the City's Zoning Ordinance for the purpose of making recommendations for re - visions to eliminate ambiguities and conflicts and adjust the Ordinance to current construction methods. The City Manager was instructed to mail copies of the 1953 letter , containing recommendations from the Committee appointed for that purpose, to all members of the present Zoning Board for their study and recommendation, to be submitted back to the Commis- sion at the earliest possible date. I ; '",,-J A tabulation of bids received on April 25, 1960, for delivery of street materials vTaS submitted by the City 14anager with the following recommendation: 11 Pursuant to your instructions, bids received on April 25, 1960, for street Department materials, have been tabulated and reviewed in order to prepare a recommendation for award of contract. At - tached hereto is a copy of the tabulation of the bids received. It is my recommendation that the follmTing awards' be made : Item Company Bid Price 1. 65,000 gal. Colas Wright Asphalt Prod.Co. $ .1091 per gal f .o.b. job site 2. 1,000 Tons Stabilized Houston Shell & Concrete Shell Company 4.04 per ton f .o.b. job site 3. 100 Tons Shell Parker Bros. & Company, Inc. 1.70 per ton f.o.b. job site D '--~~ r m~~'~-"h~~1 '1 -:r 1'07 Item Company 'Rid Price 4. 1000 feet 12" Reinforced South Houston Concrete $1.19 per foot Concrete Pipe Pipe Products fob job site 5. 400 feet 1,5" Reinforced Johnsen Concrete 1.40 per foot Concrete Pipe Pipe Company, Inc. fob job site In all instances, it is recommended that award be made to the lowest bidder. L,"-, Inasmuch as the City Commission is considering the advisability of using crushed limestone rock for street resurfacing instead of rock asphalt, it is recommended that no award be made at this time and that all bids on asphalt rock be held in abeyance until bids for crushed limestone rock have been received on May 23, 1960. (s) Whitt Johnson City Manager " o <:.:"..r {..) CO ~,,~ ~~"'~.01 Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that con - tracts be awarded to ,fright Asphalt Products Company, Houston Shell and Concrete Company, Parke~ Bros. and Company, South Houston Concrete Pipe Products and Johnsen Concrete Pipe Company, Inc., as recommended by the City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro-tem Davis; Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission again discussed the appointment of a member to the Zoning and Planning Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. O. C. King, and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Mr. Ray Fitzgerald, Jr., 3700 Rice Blvd., be appointed as a member of' the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~Iayor Pro-tem Davis, Commissioners Halbert 1 Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Manager advised that he had again received complaints with refer - ence to the drainage of storm water from the Southern Pacific right-of'vlay onto Community Drive and abutting property, and that he had not received any co-operation from the Southern Pacific Company after talking to them on the telephone. It was the opinion of the Commission that an appointment should be made for the City Manager and a member of the Commission to see the proper parties at the Southern Pacific Engineering Department and ask for relief from this condition. Mayor Pro-tem Davis volunteered to ac - company the City }/.Lanager. The Commission again considered the appointment of a Board of Tax Equaliza- tion for the 1960 term and agreed that appointments would be made at the next regular meeting which would be May 23rd. Mr. Hugh Strickland,2819 University BlVd., presented an instrument dedicating a 5 foot easement adjacent to the east property line of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition; extending 90 feet north from the south r ,.. ...., ,..'..~'c~T"""'1--'----r'~''''~"''~i..''... ,[--'---'" lOB boundary line. The Commission had i.dthheld passage of an ordinance sub- dividing the property pending presentation of this instrument, and after the Attorney approved the instrument, he then submitted Ordinance No. 777, captioned as follovls, for consideration:, AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERlv1ININGTHAT EACH AIID ALL OF THE PROCEEDll'ifGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOmING OF A . PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF Lor 8, BLOCK 20, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERnq-G AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HEm; APPROVING AND ADOPrING TEE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF TEE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINAJiJ"cE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACESHOI.JIID BE SO AMENDED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION:; MID PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordi- nance No. 777, amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of Lot 8, Block 20, West University Place First Addition, into two lots, be passed, and approved as read. voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro-tem Davis, Commissioners Halbert ,Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Manager reported there were 14 of the residents who had been asked to eliminate traffic hazards caused by overgrowth of shrubbery vlho had not complied. Among these 14 were the two which had been turned over to the City Attorney for handling;however, l'<t!:'. Schofield had been in the office and has agreed to remove the shrubbery at the corner of Wakeforest and Plumb. Mr. Shmon, who owns the property at 3704 Tangley, at Edloe, had not contacted the city offices after receiving a letter from the City Attorney,referring to a traffic hazard on this corner caused by shrubbery located on his property but within a radius of 20 feet from the intersecting curb.The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Shmon advising him that he is in violation of ordinance No. 741 which prohibits the planting of shrubbery or trees within 20 feet of the intersecting curb line in a manner to create a traffic hazard, and that positive action would be taken at the next meeting. Mr. Shmon is to be notified that he may appear before the Commission at that time and express his views on the subject. The CommiSSion i.JaS apprised of the fact that a few residents had called and requested they not be charged for garbage service for the summer months while they were out of the city and no pickup service \o1ould be required. After discussing the subject, it '.JaS the opinion of the Com- mission that the City Manager should handle the situation for the present on the basis of no charge-being made dur~ng the time a resident is out of the city if he has properly notified the city offices he is to be avlay 30 days or longer. r'~~-~'"~~""~~~~,' r 'C'~'T '~~1 f' ' 109 Ordinance No. 778, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commis- sion for consideration and read in full: " AN ORDINANCE MAKINQ IT THE DurYOF EACH ',OWNEROFPROPEETY- WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO REEP THE SAME FREE FROM' tJ1M!OLESOME M4.TTER, STAGNANr WATER, ANY CO:NDITION LIABLE TO PRODUCE DISEASE, FILTH,CARRION, IMPURE MATTER, WEEDS, RUBBISH, BRUSH, TRASH,OBJECTION - ABLE MATTER, UNSIGHrLY MATTER AND UNSANITARY MATTER; AUTHORIZING TEE CITY BEALTH OFFICER OR HIS REPRESENTATIVE TO INSPECT ANY SUCH PROPERTY; MAKING THE FAILURE OF ANY SUCH OWNER TO REMEDY ANY SUCH CONDITION AFTER TEN(lO) DAYS NOTICE m WRITING, OR BY PUBLICATION OF NOTICE:1 IF PERSONAL NOTICE CANNOT BE-RAD:1 A lvIISDEMEANOR PUN-ISHA.BLE BY FINE OF UP TO $200.00 FOR EACH DAY'S VIOlATION; AUTHORIZmG THE CITY TO CAUSE THE CONDITION TO BE CORRECTED, TO PAY THEREFOR:1 TO CHARGE THE EXPENSE THEREOF TO THE OWNER OF SUCH PROPERTY AND TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST THE SAME, BY FILING WITH TEE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY A STATEMENT BY THE MAYOR OR CITY HEALTH OFFICER OF SUCH EXPENSES" WHICH ENTITLES THE CITY TO A PRIVI- LEGEDLIEN UPON SUCH PROPERTY SECOND ONLY TO TAX LIENS AND LIENS FOR 'STREET IMPROVEMENTS TO SECURE THE EXPENDI- TUBE SO MADE AND 10lb INTEREST ON THE AMOUNT FROM THE DATE THE CITY PAYS SUCH EXPENSES; AUTHORIZING THE INSTITUTION OF SUIT AND THE RECOVERY OF SUCH CHARGES AND THE FORE - CLOSURE OF SUCH LIEN IN ANY COMPETENT JURISDICTION; AND PROVIDING THAT THE STATE:ME:Nr' SO FILED' WITH THE COUNTY CLERK SHALL BE PRIMA FACIE PROOF OF THE AMOUNT EXPENDED IN ANY SUCH WORK. L"7) o ~ C) C:Q ~ Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Ordinance No. 778, making it the duty of each owner of property to keep same from unwholesome matter, stagnant i-later, weeds, rubbish or any ob - jectionable matter or unsanitary matter, and authorizing the city to correct such condition if owner rails to do so and to charge the owner the expense thereof, be passed and approved as read~ Voting Aye: Voting No: lv~yor Pro-tem Davis, Commiss~oners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Attorney advised that he had been contacted by Mr. Sam Thornberry who was requesting an extension of time to cease the renting of living quarters above his garage at 3603 Sunset, until July 1, at which time he has agreed to cease the violation. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Ivfr. Sam Thornberry be granted until July 1, 1960, to abate the violation of the zoning ordinance brought about by his renting the living quarters above his garage at 3603 Sunset, and the City Attorney instructed to vITite a letter to ~u. Thornberry advising him of this action. Voting Aye: Voting No: l~yor Pro-tem Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Attorney stated he had received an inst:c~.Hnent from Mr. L. D. Crossman, dedicating a 5 foot easement from'the.Southeast corner of the '-.r~'. "., "-~.~~'I'"~'-----'---r=-~~-i.'.~..'.l 110, lot west for a distance of 60 feet and it was now in order to consider passage of an ordinance sUbdividing the lot into two lots as requested by Mr. Crossman, and approved by the City Commission after a public hearing on July 13, 1959. Ordinance No. 779, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUI- SITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC, BEARnfG TO CONSIDER THE .' AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE C:rrY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF wr 7 ,BLOCK 10, WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE FIRST ADD:rrION INTO T\V'O LarS'; (1) 100 x 140 FEET TO FRONT ON VANDERBILT AND (2) 60 x 100 FEET TO FRO~lT ON PITTSBURG; FINDn{G THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMEND - NENl' TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AIID LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPl'ING THE REPORTED RECOMIvlENDATION OF ,THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AlYJENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SAID SUBDIVISION; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF ~1EST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III PERMITTING SUCH SUBDIVISION;' ~-n PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordi _ nance No. 779, amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 7, Block 10, West University Place First Addition, into two lots; one being 60 x 100 feet to front on Pittsburg and one IDo x 140 feet to front on Vanderbilt, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Fro-tem Davis, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A proposed handbill ordinance was again discussed by the Commission, however, no action was taken pending further study. Resolution 60-10, as follovTs, was presented for consideration and. read in full: ~~S, the City of West University Place has cash aVailable in the Tax Revenue, Sinking Fund, Sanitary Sei....er Improvement Fund, Fire Truck Fund and Insurance Reserve Fund which will not Qe required for current operating 'expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is neces- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: -,- =cy---..----------:-:r-.------- i "I I i ' l_1 LI"J o ~ u CO 0:: -"I' I I Ii I ;! " i I. 111 Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Sani tary Sew. Impr. Fund Fire Truck Fund Insurance Reserve Fund $7,000.00 17,400.00 5,300.00 ~,ooo.oo $3<+,700.00 in 365-day U. S. Treasury Bills at the prevailing interest rate. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolution 60-10, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of $7,000 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, $17,400 from the Sanitary Sewer Improvement Fund, $5,300 from the Fire Truck Fund and $5,000 from the Insurance Reserve Fund, in 365 day U. S. Treasury Bills at the prevailing interest rate, be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro-tem Davis, Commissioners Ha.,lbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Manager apprised the Commission of the fact that he had been ap- proached by prospective developers of Lots 3,4,5 & 6, Cunningham Terrace Addition, which IvaS the only remaining undeveloped section of' the old 12-acre Cunningham tract of land" vThich was subdivided by Mr. H. R. Houck, President of Houck Realty Company, in 1947, after agreeing to install the necessary storm sewers, sanitary sewers and water lines in the subdivision. 'The agreement, dated November 17, 1947, and signed by Mr. H. R.. Houck, has not been fulfilled and accord:ing to the City Engineer and City Manager, the follolfing would have to be accomplished to fulfill the agreement: 1., Install more or less 600 feet 8 lie sanitary sewer main, runn~ng from a point at the rear of st. Mark's Episcopal Church west toWeslayan, amounting to $1,525.00. 2. Install two water connections under Stella Link Road to serve Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 3, Cunningham Terrace, amounting to $633.00. 3. , Reimburse ,the City its prorata cost of installing an 81t water Hline on the west side of Stella Link from Bellaire Blvd. to Ruskin street, amounting to $2,494.00 The sum of Items 1, 2 and 3 amounts to $4,6:;2.00 Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the'City Manager be authorized to negotiate '\fith Mr. H. R. Houck or the prospective purchaser of Lots 3,4, 5 & 6, Block 7, Cunningham Terrace Addition, for the installation of the necessary water and sewer lines in order to fulfill the agreement Signed by Mr. H. R. Houck on November 17, 1947, at the time sub- division of the tract of land was approved by the Zoning Board and City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro-tem Davis, Commissioners. Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. f-~'" ,; .'-:::C-c~"""'"'O_"",~>"O." -"~.==~~"i--<=- I f" '~.--- ::r ll~, Ninutes of' the meeting of April 25, 1960, vTere read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting vTaS adjourned. --.-J niversity Place '6 ATrEST : -1 I r' -, " r r""c'c"'e"~",'".c ~"~I----~--r-- 113 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 23, 1960 (-' ; i i L The City Commission conyened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 23, 1960., 7: 30 P.M., with the folloi-Ting members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager was also present. The City Attorney ..TaS absent due to business reasons. Commissioner Davis pronounced the Invocation. ....-'::......... ~ '" r'J. ',~,-- . In compliance with previous"action by the City Commission and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City, bids received for delivery of vater meters, street material and fire hose, ..Tere opened and results announced. Bids received for delivery of 300 - 5/8 X 3/411 water meters were as follows: Neptune Meter Co. Standard Register Oil enclosed Register $30.09 each $26.60 each $26.80 each $29.48 each Rockwell Mfg. Co. Oil filled Register Sealed Register Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by CommiSSioner Lutz, that bids re- ceived for delivery of 300 - 5/8 X 3/411 vTater meters be referred to the City 14anager and Water Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Bids received for delivery of 200 Ft. of 1~1I fire hose and 400 Ft. of 2~1t fire hose were opened and results announced as follows: American LaFrance l.hlt hose, Crusader Dacron Filler 96~ per Ft. 2<{a net 21.11 hose, " It, II 1.45 II II 60 2 Alt. (same) days Eureka Fire Hose 1.11t hose, Uncle Sam Doub Ie Jacket 2 cotton, or cotton with 2!{0 net Dacron filler cord 94q! per Ft. 30 2.111 hose, (same) 1.25 II II clays 2 Bi-Lateral Fire Hose 00. l.1ll 21.." 2 Alt. l~ll hose, Durolite (Ootton) hose, It 97q! per Ft. 1.45 11 fI 2% net 1.00 " It 30-60 1.49 days " " hose, "Defiance It D.J. (Dacron & Cotton) 2~" hose, II II ~I L Motion by CommiSSioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that bi~s received for delivery of fire hose be referred to the Cityi1anager and Fire Chief for study and recommendation. ~, Voting Aye: Mayor Brmm~ Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. Voting No: None. 114 Bids received for delivery of Crushed Limestone were opened and results announced as follows: Lewis Duncan FOB vnJP per ton Discount Net per ton cost per C. t. @220Off FOB WUP per ton Discount Net per ton Cost per C.Y. @2200# FOB \llUP per ton Discount Net per ton Cost per C.Y. , @2300# 3.25 .20 3.05 $3.355 3.35 .80 3.15 $3.465 3.45 .20 3.25 $3.738 GRADE 1 Servtex ~~terials Co. FOB Plant F,reight Less F:r-eight rebate Net per ton Cost ger g.y. @c:..300# GRADE 3 FOB Plant Freight Less Freight rebate Net per ton Cost per C.Y. @2300# ,GRADE 8 FOB Plant ,Freight Less Freight rebate Net per ton Cost per C. Y . @2400# 1.20 1.92 3.12 .15 2.97 $3.415 1.30 1.92 3.22 .15 3.07 $3.521 1.60 1.92 3.52 .15 3.37 $4.044 Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that bids be referred to the 'City Manager and street Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brovm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board meeting on May 12, 1960, ifere sub- mitted for consideration. It was noted that both ~~. M. A. Bettler and r~. ' J. F. Kleemeier had submitted i~itten requests for permission to construct a carport nearer than three feet to the side property line. No recommendation was made on these requests pending further study by members of the Board. co-:..:-:_ _ .:-"_"'~""~':::~':'-~1:""",,,,,,,=:~~ _ _____" r'~"-c=;,,'.;o~.~"L,",~'==~.o.,,~~- '_:-"l. 115, (' The Board did recommend, however, that the City Commission amend Ordinance No. III to "permit supports for carports to be footed v7ith- / in side setback lines with roof line or ,any other structure member parallel to, roof line not to extend into side setback line; the supports are to be limited to a maximum of three of fireproof mater- ial; carport is not to be enclosed except against house or garage. 11 No action was taken on this recommendation as the Commission desired to first consult with the City Attorney. i l_ Resolution No. 60-11, as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: L"? o <:::t' r...,) CO be WHEREAS, the City of Hest Univers~ty Place 1.1as cash available in the Charter Amendment Reserve - Water Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is neces- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF lVEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $17,600 from the Charter Amendment Reserve - Water Fund, in 365 days Treasury Bills at the current interest rate available. r- Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Resolution No. 60-11, directing the City ~~easurer to reinvest $17,600 in the Charter Amendment Reserve- Water Fund in 365 day Treasury Bills, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. Voting No: None. tease of the concession at the swimming pool ~or the 1960 season was dis- cussed. It was recommended by the City Manager that the concession be leased to Mr. J. R. Howa:l'd for this season inasmuch as he has fulfilled the lease agreement without exception for the past 4 years. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that !-:rr., J. R ~ Hov7ard be given the lease for the swimming pool concession for the 1960 season. Voting Aye: Mayor Br01m, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. Voting No: None. Preliminary plans for the "Vlater and Garbage Department Building and storage facilities lv-ere presented and studies by the Commission. No action was taken pending further consideration. , ! A completed audit report of the City's records for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1959, vlaS submitted to the Commission, and it was agreed that they would meet vlith the Auditor, Mr. Everett P', Green, on Tuesday, May 31st, for discussion. (-'I .T'''......~~~.~~~~'~..i'''::,..,-------r.."....~~~...."..,~~~....~''..l :::r..--,-...-....... r- t't'6: The City Manager asked that the policy established for mowing vacant lots be reconsidered as property owners were very resentful of being charged $7.50 per lot per mowing, and a charge of $45.00 or more per year for mowing one lot. The Commission instructed the Ci t;y-Manager to obtain a more exact cost to the City for mowing the vacant lots and to report back, at which time a definite policy will be established. It viaS reported that .Mr. Jimmy Shmon of 3704 Tangley had trimmed' shrub- bery on his property which has been causing a traffic hazard. The City Engineer presented a sketch of a proposal to widen Plumb street near the intersection of Wakeforest, for the purpose of elimi~ nating a hazardous condition caused by a protruding curb line on the narrovr street as cars turn to the east on Plumb from Wakeforest. The Commission authorized the City Engineer to proceed with plans to widen Plumb street on the north side immediately east of Wakeforest street as proposed on the sketch submitted. In compliance with action taken at the meeting on r~y 9, 1960, ap - pointment of a Board of Equalization was discussed. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz" that Messrs. Richard Ayres, 2821 Tangley, David Wynne, 3115 Wroxton and Charles L. Wall, 4210 Oberlin, be appointed as members of the Board of Equalization for the year 1960. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin andr-Lutz. None. -1 Hinutes of the meeting of May 9, 1960, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion dtuy made, seconded and carried, ATTEST: City S y/ Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the <: request of Mr. W. H. Farrington on behalf of Mrs. W. E. Arnold, 6404 Buffalo Speedway for permission to erect a 10 x 20 Ft. one-story utility room onto the side of the existing garage building for storage purposes, without plumbing or wiring, be approved subject to execution of affidavit as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown; Commissioners Davis, Halbert Lamkin and Lutz. None r' ,.., "'-"-T~~~~i~~r- r .. 'C~''''"~'''~'''''i'''''''"'"'"'r- .. -:rnu 11~r' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY. JU~ li. 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall .iY1onda~,r, June 13, 1960, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. :b1ayor Brown pronounced the Invocation. L") o ~ u CQ CO A group of citizens composed of Messrs. L. S. Vallely, 26ol~ Quenby; Frank M. r.fcGarr,2608 Quenby; David Railsback,2612 Quenby; Don G. HOfflJl.an,2607 Robinhood; appeared before the Co~mission seeking information regarding the announcement in newspapers of a proposed 15 story office 1uilding and 13 story building for automobile parking on Kirby Drive between Robinhocd and Nottingham Streets, as an addition to the present building occupied by the Interstate Life Insurance Company. After being told by the Comr~ission that the City bad received no application for such a building permit, the spokes- man, Mr.. Vallely, asked that this group be notified by letter when application is submitted for a building permit in order that they might have an opportu - nity to discuss the matter with the Commission before a permit is granted. r'- 1~'. & ph~s. Presley Skiles, 3312Tangley, asked information regarding rental of garage apartments in West University Place. They stated they had purchased a home with the understanding from the realtor that the existing living quar- ters over the garage could be rented, but after they moved in they received a letter from City Officials stating that a second living unit was in yiolation of the Zoning Ordinance. Mayor Brown explained the provision of the ordi- nance ..Thereby the area is zoned f'or single family residential use and a second liYing unit would be in violation and especially where the structure vffiS erected after passage of the zoning ordinance, The Zoning Minutes of a meeting on June 9, 1960, were presented for considera- tion and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, tbat the request of 1~. Van Hetherly,4039 Villanova, for permission to install electrical wiring in the 8 x 12 Ft. storage room presently located in bis backyard and to add sheetrock to the walls and ceiling, to make the structure suitable for use as a study, be appro\1-ed as recOTmnended. "by the Zoning & Planning Board, provided that an affidavit is executed that the structure will not be used as living qu.arters or for business pu:rposes;fu.rther p::covided that the dimensions of the structure are not increased and no plumbing or water faci- lities added; and that 1~. Hetherly sign an agreement to the fact that the wiring installation will be removed at the time he moves from the property. voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioner Lamkin and Lutz. Commissioner Davis and Halbert. . ...-. ~' 'Commissioners Davis and Halbert explained they were mot in favor as such improvements would rrake the accessory building a livable potential violation of the zoning ordinance. of the req.v.est area and a No action was taken on the request of ~~. Junius O. Seashore,303l Amherst,who had requested permission to enlarge a present servant quarters from 8 x 12 Ft. '---' 118 to measure 12 x 14 Ft. to be used asa den and hobby room. The Zoning Board had requested ~w. Seashore to present a sketch and/or drawing of the proposed alterations and meet with the Board for fuxther considera- tion. " I I , , --1 Tabulations and recommendations on bids received May 23, 1960, for de.. livery of water meters, fire hose and street materials were submitted by the City Manager and action taken as follows: Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that 300 - ~;J8 X 3/4" sealed register, magnetic type;;'jater meters, be purchased from Rockwell r1anufacturing Company on their low bid of $26.60 as recommended by the Water Superintendent apd City Manager. Voting Ay.e: Voting No: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz . None. .' Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that 200 Ft. of It" and 400 Ft. of 2t" fire hose be purchased from Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Company on their bid of, $1.00 per ft. for 200 Ft. of I!" hose with Dacron filler, anct $1.49 per ft. for 400 Ft. of 2~" hose with Dacron Fi11er,in- asmuch as this bid is deemed to be the most advantageous to the City even though it is not the lowest bid submitted, according to the tabulation and recommendation from the City Manager and Fire Chief. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma;:ror Broi-m, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded b;:l Cotnmissioner Lamkin, that Lei-Tis Duncan Construction Materials Company be awarded a contract for delivery of crushed limestone rock on their bid of $3.25 per ton for Grade 1, $3.35 per ton for Grade 3 and $3.45 per ton for Grade 8, less a discount of twenty cents per ton, as recommended by the City Manager and Street Superintendent. --.! Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Bro1fm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Resolution 60-12, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: \{HEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement, Health, Water-Sewer, Garbage and Refuse, Trust Agency and General Operating FundS which 'iri11 not be required for current op- eratingexpenaes, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money, invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF "TEST U1JIVERSITY P4~CE, ~~S, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to Ii I' L~,__ ~'-~-T"~""'''''=---=-"""':'=';."'~~==''';:.:.--=;--'~r-~---o=':,''~--'-''-'~"-_-'''7..".c,'---...o~c=""" -S---------- 119, invest funds in the amount of $6,000.00 from the Sanitary Sew. Cap. Impr. Fund, $2,000.00 from Health Fund,$20,OOO from Water-Sewer Fund,$l,OOO.OO f.rom Trust Agency Fund, $500.00 from Garbage & Refuse Fund, $12,500.00 (or more ) from General Operating Fund in Savj.ngs and Loan Association at 4% subject to i.Jitb.drai,;al. Motion b~r Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Resolu- tion 60--l2,directing that City Treasurer invest funds, be passed and approved as read, subject to investments being made in FSLIC protected Sa\rings & Loan Associations locally, with a limit of $10,000.00 per tv_Ud, and that a letter be requested from the Savings and Lean Association gu~ranteeing a $10,000 protection of each fund. L"':l o ~ c..) et.::I CO Voting Aye: Mayo!' Bro"im, Commissioners Davis, Haloert, Lamkin and Lutz. Voting No: None. Consideration was giyen taa letter from the Houston Transit Company,signed by Mr. L. T. Walker, Superintendent of Transportation, requesting permission to use Vanderbilt, Cason an~ Buffalo Speeo~ay as a turn-around for a north and south shuttle bus route on Buffalo Speedway, south of Bellaire Blvd. In discussion of this, the members of the Commission were of the opinion that use of the narrow streets involved would cause a traffic hazard,and would also bring about adverse criticism from the citizens as they have just participated in the cost of resurfacing the streets and they are not designed for heavy bus or truck traffic. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Comraissioner Laml~in, that the City Manager be instructed to inform the Houston Transit Company that Vanderbilt and Cason Streets are narrow and bus travel on these streets would cause a traffic hazard; and in addition, the streets have recently been resurfaced and are not designed to carry bus and heavy truck traffic. Voting Aye: Mayor Brmm, Comr:.'llssioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. Voting no: None. A certification from the City Engineer that improvements as constructed by the street Department in the 6300 block of Westchester have been completed in accordance with plans and specifications, and a recommendation that the improvements be accepted was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that im- pr.ovements on the 6300 block of Westchester Street be accepted as recoTIKaended by the City Engineer. Vot:i.ng Aye: Mayor BrOlm, C01:nmissioners Davis, HaTbert; Lamkin and Lutz. Voting No: None. A letter from Mr ~ Ra-Y"1Uonrl D. Hyngarden ,'TaS read to the Commission. Mr. WY11garden advised that he was moving from the City of West University Place in July, and asked that his resignation from the Zoning & Planning Board be accepted. Motion by COTIlli1issioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the reSignation of Mr. Raymond D. \.Jyngarclen. as a mem.ber of the ~oning and Ii Ii il II L_____ r ._~~,,-""i-:==J. , "r~-c~"":c""'~-""~=-io~o"", 1 , :--::::::rr---'------' 1.20 Planning Board, be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Mayor Brown, ConKilissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. Voting No: None. Mayor BrOim presented a letter from Lewis Cutrer, Mayor of the City of Houston, advising of a transportation and transit study being made through the co-operation of the City of Houston, and County of Harris, the Texas Highway Department and Bureau of Public Roads, for the Houston Metropolitan Area. The objective and scope of the study are to establish needs and set a pattern for the development of future trans- portation facilities in the entire Metropolitan Area. The City of West University Place was invited to join in the transportation study to project essential facts for its own streets and needs. The suggested share was set on the basis of 5i per capita. After considering the value and future effects of the study, the following action was takeq: Motion by Co,mnissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City participate in the transportation and transit study for the Met-, r.opolitan Area on the basis of 5~ per capita in an amount not to exceed $731.55, based on the 1960 census; and this amount to be paid out of the 'i>later Fund. Voting Aye: Mayor Brown, Comm.issioners Davis, Halbert, Lam_kin & Lutz. Voting No: None. The City N:anager advised that the Chief of Police had determined there vms a need to increase the arsenal of the Police Department and that 12 gauge, Winchester l40del 1897 shotguns and Thompson sub-machine guns, caliber )~5, vlere available to municipalities from the U. S. Army Red Riv-er Arsenal, Texarkana, Texas, at a cost of $15.00 each for the shot guns and $20.00 each for the submachine guns; plus $h.50 each for packing and handling. I'lotion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Cow.missioner, Lutz, that the purchase of 12 Winchester Model 1897, 12 gauge shotguns and 6 Thompson submachine guns, caliber .45, for the sum of $15.00 each for the shot- ~lns and $20.00 each for the subw~chine guns, plus handling charges, be authorized. Voting Aye: Hayor BrO\m, Commissioners Davis , Halbert, Lam.kin & Lutz. Voting No: None. Minutes of the 1J1Eeting of May 23, 1960, were read and approved. l-Tith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly w~de, seconded and carried, meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: "T.='.~.O~'=~'~T'7r ["~o,~c~ .... I ,I 1211 HEGULAR MEETING OF CITY COfilMISSIOH MO}IDAY, JU}~ 27, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall,Monday, June 27, 1960,7:30 P.M.,with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioner Davis; Halbert, Laraldn and Lutz. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Cormnissioner Lauurin pronounced the Invocation. L"" o ~ u ~ ~ Mrs. A. L. Bell, 3818 Villanova, appeared before the Commission and pre- sented a signed petition from residents in the 3800 block of Villanova street asking the City to install proper storm sewage. The petition stated the facilities wereinade~uate and r~# sewage was backing up on premises creating a very serious health hazard. Mayor Brown asked Mr. W. T. Hendersop, Water Superintendent, who was present at the meeting, to reveal his findings at the t{me he called on V~s. Bell in response to her call to the City Hall, complaining of the condition existing in her backyard and garage Monday morning June 27th. btr. Henderson explained that he found a bad condition in ~tts. Bell's garage vnlere there was a floor drain connected into the sanitary sewer instead of to the storm se"\{er, ahd excess water from the heavy rains had caused sewage to bad;: up into the gal'age. Mr8. Bell ,.;ras draining the storm water from her backyard tb..rough the garage through the garage drain. Mr. Henderson \.;ras of the opinion that if the garage drain was cemented so it could not drain into the sanitary sewer the problem of sewage backing into the garage \{Quld be eliminated. He w'RS also of the opinion that some steps should be taken by the residents to see that excess water was drained into the storm sewer from their yards instead of the sanitary sewer. The Commission in - structed the Water-Sewer Superintendent and City Engineer to co-operate , with the residents in the 3800 block of Villanova and try to work out a drainage solution. Mayor Brmm a,.rarded service pins to Captain R. J. Bugg, -vTho vTill have been ,-lith the City ten years on July 1; Building Inspector B. F. Kingman, .Tho will have been with the City ten years on June 29; and A. L. Bearden,Street Superintendent, 'T.vho begra;n,~ working wit.h the City on June 30, five yea:.cs ago. Chi.ef H. E. Shipp and l';!rs. B.. F. Kingman 'were present for the m.;rards. Minutes of a meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on June 23, were pre- sented to the Commission for consideration and the following action was talr.en: Motion by Commiss:i,oner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the re- quest of b~. Geo. J. Bauhens for permission to erect a 22 x 20 Ft. room in addition to a proposed 22 x 20 Ft. garage, to be used as a storage and utility room, be approved as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board, subject to execution of affidavit stating that the addition would not be used for rental purposes or for any business or commercial ptrrpose. Voting Aye: Hayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. Voting No: None. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by C0!l11nissioner Halbert, that ,the request of ~tt. Junius O. Seashore,3031 Aw~erst, for permission to make 122' changes in an existing combination double garage, 1-Tash room. ana, servant quarters, by extending the walls of the present quarters from 8 x 12 Ft. to m.easure 12 ~ li.). Ft., ,-lith the additional area extending into the present two car garage, be approved as recormnended by the Zoning and Planning Board, subject to execution of an affidavit by ]IIr. Sea'shore that the structure will be used for personal use and not as living quarters or business or commercial purposes. Voting A);'e: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. Voting lITo: Hone. In response to the Zoning Board's recommendation made oh May 12,1960, that supports for carports be permitted l-Tithin the side setback lines but roof line or any other structure member parallel to roof line not to extend into side setback line; and the City Co~mission's desire to first consult "lith City Attorney ,Charles Cocr-..rellbefore acting on the recom-- mendation, a letter from Attorney Cocr-..rell was read in full. Mr. Cockrell stated that he' believed it would be 11inadvisable to make the proposed amendment which would in effect allow the construction of carports 'iTi thout restriction except as specified. II It was suggested by' Attorney' Cockrell that Section 26, Sub-Section 3 of Ordinance No. 111 be amended to omit the word porte cochere in order to relieve this section of the ordinance of any ambiguity as to the meaning of the word porte cochere. Members of the Commission agreed that it did not seem desirable to permit carport posts to be erected indiscriminantly in the 3 Ft. setback area and also that a clarification should be made of sub,-sect:i.on 3, Section 26, of Ordinance No. 111,; hOVTever, it 'iTaS suggested that no action be taken on this subject ,dthout first further considering other changes and clarifi- cations as recommended in the 1953 report submitted by a Zoning Committee. It was decided t~~t the Cow~ission should meet in a special meeting with the Zoning Board on July 5th to consider' the recommendations made in the Committee's report. --., Mr. MarcellUS A. Bettler,l~223 Lehigh,again appeared before the Commission requesting permission to construct a porte cochere on the east side of l1is existing residence with supporting pillars to be placed one foot inside the property line. After discussing the request, the Conunission advised 1&'. Bettler that the only way the request could be considered would be on the basis of a public hearing. l~. Bettler asked that proper action be taken to call a public hearing. Motion by Cournissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that a public hearivg be called for July 25, 1960, to consider amending the City's zoning ordip~nce to permit erection of a carport by ~Ir. Marcellus A. Bettler,4223 Lehigh, with the supporting pillars to be placed one foot inside the 3 ft. setback requirement. Voting Aye: Mayor BrOlm, COl1Jraissionex's Dav'is, Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. Voting No: None. A letter from the Flood Control District of Harris County reques~~ng an easement along Kegans Bayou located along the northerly boundary' of the City's sanitary fill area on Ruffino Road was presented for consideration. r -. _w..,,-=--=,,.-,,==,~~ ._1 _ _" r ._..___w."",C':>C=-';'O=~O'_=~-'=O=.'f " 12.3, T.'l1er.e, 11a::; ~()m.e question as to the, ad'.,-isability of' permitting material ~hich would:be excavated in the process of enlarging the channel, to be cast oU.tside of and ad,joining the easement area and also the right to cut and dispose of all trees, 1Jrush or other nat,u..ral growth "rithin the ease- ment and casting area. No action was taken at this time pending additional info!'lnation as to the proposed project. The Southwestern Bell Telephone Company asked for an easement 10 Ft., in vTidth over, v.nder and across the eastern most ten feet of the 1. 307 acre of land owned by the city and located on Alief Road'at Edloe and south of the Southi'lest Freeway, for the pv..rpose of constructing telephone cables, conduits, etc. 1..;.J C) ~ 1:.) CO CO Mo~ion by Commissioner Davis,seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Mayor Brown be authorized to execute an instrument ,6~anting the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company an easement 10 Ft. in width across the eastern most ten feet of the 1.307 acre tract of land owned by the city at Alief Road and Edloe Street and south of the Southwest Freeway for the pv..rpose of cons- tructing and maintaining telephone cables and conduits as outlined in the instrument. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. None. Ordinance No. 780, captioned as folloVls, vas submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE A1<1E:NDn~G ORDlliJAHCE NO. 535 BY REPE..-'\.LING SECTION 31j. OF SAID ORDINANCE; MID TIifSERTING A NEW SECTION; ADOPTllm :NATIOIiJAL ELECTRICAL ST.l\liJDARDS; PROVIDDIG FOR CONFLICTS OF THIS SECTION iiI'J;H ANY OTBER ORDTIil\:NCE OR PROVISIONS OF M1Y ORDD\fANCE; CONTAINING A REPEALn~G CLAUSE; PROVIDING AH EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Cor~~issioner Lutz, that Ordinance No. 780 amendi11g Ordinance No. 535 adopting National Electrical Standards, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lara.1):in & Lutz. Hone. The City ~1anager advised that nothing had been done by American Legion Post No .77 tmlarcl their proposed project of tearing cloun the abandoned Scout House located on the s',rimming pool property between Case and Byron Streets and installing picnic tables and a barbecue pit. The project was approved b;:r the City Commission on June 2,1959, but haG. not been carried out . A letter ~rom the American Legion Post No. 77,signed by ttr. Fred Miller, President, Building Trustees, advised that they would be grateful to the City Commission if they Vlould take charge of the disposal of the old scout house. Mot;ion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the abandoned Scout House at Colonial Park'be rem~vecl with city forces. Voting Aye: Mayor BroHn, Cormnissioners Davis, Halbel't, Lam...~in & Lutz. Voting No: None. r""'~o~~..''".c~":" ,[,=:1 , ..T" "'~-,-,-,-"o= -T""=C-- _"'} .1 124 Vi)." "L.utps of "1:;1.12 meet -; nC" o-P J-1ltl'''' l? lq(,,, \"e"Y'e, j"'cad and app' 1~o"\Te,d 1 __ _ ~.-" ""'w D. ...J.. ............J, ,/ ...... V , ''f ~_ .... _ ... .... as correcteCl." With no further business to come before the Commisstion at this time, upon motion duly ma,de, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad,journed. ATTEST: ~', , , T~~~~~'O"'~1 r' '~~~~~,~"~"-'1 " L"':l o ~ C,) CO ~ J; _-on: ,- c:::::===--'. 125 REGULAR ri[EETING OF CITY COIvlllfiSSION MO}J""DAY, JULY n, 196~ The City Commisl;lion convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 11,196G, T:30 P.H., 'i'lith the follO'i-ling meuibers present: Mayor Brmm , presiding; Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager was also present. Cownissioner Halbert and the City Attorney were. absent as they were out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Co~missioner Lutz. City Manager I-Thitt Johnson announced that Mr. M. C. Bettler,h223 Lehigh, who rnade a reqllest at the last meeting for the City Commission to call a public hearing to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance permitting him to erect a carport closer than 3 ft. to the side property line, had contacted him on June 28th and 'ivithdrew' his request. Mr. Bettler stated that his architect would use another plan which would comply with the ordinance. Mr. J. F. Kleemeier, 3T63 Rice BlVd., appeared before the Commission 't-lith reference to his previous request for permission to construct a carport in front of his existing garage located on the rear portion of his lot, to extend closer t~Bn 3 ft. to the side property line, and asked that a public hearing be called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance. Motion by Commission Davis, seconded by COTIIDlissioner Lamkin, that a public hearing be called for T:30 P.M. August 8, 1960, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit construction of a carport ~loser than 3 ft. to the side property line, at 3763 Rice Blvd. as requested by Mr. J. F. Kleemeier. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Comraissioners Davis, LaITkin and Lutz. None. Plans and specifications prepared by the County Engineer, Hugo Zapp, for construction of an esplanade crossover and left turn lanes on Bellaire Blvd. between Weslayan and Acaderny streets, were presented to the Commis- sion for approval. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that plans and specifications prepared by County Engineer Hugo Zapp, known as Bellaire Blvd. Project No. 111;'0-1 and 7, for an esplanade crossover and left turn lanes, to be constructed by Harris County on Bellaire Blvd. between Weslayan and AcadeulY streets, be approved as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. M:e. George Harbeson, representing the Parents' Club of the \fest Univel'si ty SWiUl Team, appeared before the Commission, expressing appreciation for use of the Colonial Park facilities for the ver;r successful project con- ducted by the Group on Saturday, July 2nd, to raise funds to defray expenses of the s1.-lim team to ,nake trips by chartered 'bus to the various mvim meets. , L~~~~~~::oC:""""":~;C::::1 ~ ,~,__,__'__L" ' ,,~-'~-~--~-='- -1 -:-:=r-- --,--, 126 MT. Harbeson stated that, the group uould like to plan the same type of pI'o,ject for next year. Resolutioq No. 60-13, as follows, ~ffiS submitted for consideration as fb11owsand:thef6110,\iing:'action, taken: r VlBEREA.S, the GHy of West DniversityP1ace has cash available in the Water-Sewer Fund and the Trust Agency Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Comr,1ission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additiona~ income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: rmi'l, THEHEFOFE, BE IT HESOLVED BY THE CITY COMHISSION OF TfIE CITY OF vJEST U1:n:VE.~SITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the CHy Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $65,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund and $15,000 from the Tr'ust Agency Fund, \,rith Savings and Loan Associations at the prevailing l'ate of 4% interest. Motion by Commissioner ,Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Resolution No. 60-13: authorizing investment of $65,COC from Hater-Sewer Fund and $15,GCO from Trust Agency Fund, be passed and approved as read.. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, tl1at Mayor Pro-tem E. R., Davis be appointed Trustee representing the City and authorized to sign Trust Fund accounts in connection ~ith investment of funds in Savings and Loan Associations, with a maximum of $10,000 in each trust account. , . Voting A~re: Voting Nc: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis) Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Manager reported that the City Engineer and 14ater Superintendent had uEde investigations or the conditions existing in the 3800 block of Villanova, Southi>restern and Marquette J and a meeting had been set for Thursday, July Ih) ,.ri th the residents and Department Heads to deter- mine necessary steps to be taken in order to drain the excessive storm water in the area and eliminate the sanitary sewage problem which exists during heavy rains. A statement from the Te:x:as Municipal League in the amount of $336 for services to be received from the period June 30, 1960, to"June 3D, 1961, TtTaS submitted. Notion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconcted by Commissioner Davis, that dues for the period June 5U, 1960, to June 30, 1961, to the Texas Municipal League, be approved for paj\aent. Voting Aye: Mayor Brown, COillnlissioners Davis, Laml~in and Lutz. Voting No: None. r""=~'~~~'F'~-r 'r' "~~''''''''''~'''''''~"'r --r f:~1i ~. --... <" . The CO~~lission considered a request from btr. Gus C. Cox, ~~in- cipal of the l\iest University Elementary School, foY.' the c:ity to remove the garl)age from the school. ~1.I,f'ter discussing this request, it was decided that ~~. Cox should be notified that removal of garbage from the school by the city could not be accomplished since it would not be fair to citizens of the city as this would be considered double taxation. t;::> o ~ u CO 0;:) The City Manager advised the Commission that a survey had been completed determing the number of non-combustible roofs on struc- tures -vdthin the city and submitted a report showing key rate analysis which had been forwarded to the state Board of Insurance requesting re-evaluation. It was the City Manager's opinion that the city .TOuld be entitled to additional credit d~' to recent, changes L~de by the state Board of Insurance. The Commission was reminded of the fact that a proposed budget for the fiscal year of 1961 was being prepared and it 1;<TOuld be necessaJ,'Y for a public hearing to be held prior to its final adoption. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissio~er Lutz, that a hearing be called for the 29th of August, 7:30 P.M.) to consider adoption of a budget for the year beginning January 1, 1961, and ending December 31, 1961. ' Voting Aye: Voting Ho: Mayor Brmm, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. Hone. The minutes of the meeting of the Commission of June 27, 1960, were read and approved as ~orrected. With no f~rrther busihess to come before the Cormnission at this time, upon motion duly !IJade, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjournect. ATTEST: 12,8, REGuh!.\R MEETING OF CITY COtItviISSION MONDAY, JULY 25, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, July 25, 1960, 7: 30 P.M., "\:lith the f'ollovTing members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Cmmnissioners Davis and Halbert. Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz, the City Attorney and the City Manager were absent due to being out of the city on vacation. The Invocation -~;ras pronounced by Commissioner Halbert. Mr. and }u's. George C. Nockolds, 3819 Riley, appeared before the Commis- sion advising of the high water on Riley street during the recent rainstorm and stating that the house they owned at 3812 Riley was flooded for about 15 rrdnutes with approxirnately 1 inch of water over the entire floor. The Commission vTaS advised that at least one othe:r.' house in the same block was flooded and that they had also been ftooded on previous occasions. ~~. and ~~s. Nockolds requestedthat the Commission take action to provide ade- quate drainage to prevent the flooding of residences on Riley street in the future. l~yor Brown advised that the City Engineer and the proper Department Heads vrould be instructed to make a survey of' this area and to submit a recomrrlCndation for alleviating the flooding situation. Minutes of a meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on July 14, 1960, were presented for consideration. No action \'78.S necessary at this time inasmuch as no forw~l application was submitted to the Board. A certification from the City Engineer tlmt improvements constructed by ~e street Department in the 6700 block of Vanderbilt have been completed in a:;cordanc:e \.rj.th plans and specj.fications, and a recommendation 'that the improvements be accepted was' presented to the Commission. Motion by COTI1~issioner Davis, seconded by Coymnissioner Halbert, that im - provements in 6700 block of' Vanderbilt be accepted as recoIT@ended by City Engineer H. A. Fonville. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis and Halbert. :None. Resolution 60,.14, as follows, was submitted for the Commission's consideration: \fHEREAS, the City of \'iest University Place has cash availai)le in the Garbage & Refuse Sites Fund, Fire Truck Fund, vlate:r'..Sever Furta. and Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund ,{hieh ,vill not .be requir'ed for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn a&litional incqm~ and it is necessary and prudent to authori;~e investment of these ceTtain SurlS of money: Hm{, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T:8:::E CITY COr<llYIISSION OF THE CITY )F WEST Ui~IVERSITY PLACE, ~BX~S, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to L,., o ~ u c::r::l CO I I L 129 invest funds in the amount of $2,100 from Garbage & Refuse Sites :F'und, $8,190 from Fire Truck Fund, $55,000 from water=Sewer Fund and $11,500 from Sanitary Se;;{cr Capital Improvement J?und Vlith Savings ana, Loan Associations at the prevailing rate of 4jb interest. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissionel' Davis, that Resolution 60,-11}, authorizinG.Cinvestment of :J;2,lCC> from Garbage &. Refuse Sites Fund, $8,190 frout Fire Truck Fund, $55,000 from Water-Sewer Fund and $11,500 from Sanitary Seyler Capital Improvement Fund "ith Savings and, Loan Associations at the prevailing rate of4~ interest, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis and Halbert. None. In accordance with action taken by the City Comnussion on May 23,1960, an estimate of the cost of mouing vacant lots in the city 1'1as submitted by' C. E. Posey; Sanitarian, with a recommendation that the city establish a charge of $10.00 per year for mowing a lot containing less than 6000 sq. feet an~_ $16. co . pe: . year ,for lots over 6000 sq. feet in area. Lots are mewed flve or SlX blmes a year. Motion by COu1ffiissioner Davis, seconded by COUIDlissioner Halbert, t~Bt figures submitted by Sanitarian Posey as an estiu~ted C~Gt of mowing vacant lots within the city be accepted for study and referred to the City Manager for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Bl'mm, Commissioners Davis and Halbert. None. A letter f:com 'VHlliam Dittert, Jr., Tax Collector-Assessor, 11equested. the Conrrnissionto authorize an adjustment on a~ tax staten~nt for 2609 Sunset Bl-..rd. \<lhere thE: valuation ',TaS assessed extremely high. Mr. Dittert stated he had n~de a personal inspection of the property at this address and in ., .. ...- -. ....'O"'! ~l 1..3" ;'~'''r-.^ r:.r,~r-. 'I" J.." ".J..' ::1 I:lS OPllll?D a'1 ~u Jova lIe ~~01.J.:- be'~)~!'~..~~..or ;i>O().~j.: }I~.. a-SKeel aU_bLl0rltJ"':" ~o au.... ,Just the bax 01.11 to a valuatlon OT q)~)uO and "that "tl1e tax of $8.9C thereon be 'permitted to be paid, \'lithout penalty and 'interest. The Commission desired additional info:nnation on the taxation procedures for c:ommercial property- and. deferred action until }ill'. Dittert could meet with the Commission. Mavor Brmm reportect results of a meeting held on Thursdav, Jul'T 11+, "\.Jith p11~perty mmer~ in the 3800 bloek of Villanova street) regarding their sanitary se;;.rage problem "Thich exists dUl':Lng heavy rains. He stated that the bngineer and Sewer Superintendent were to make a survey of the con - d;Ltions in the area and they ;;wuld report to the residents and reeommencl steps tl1e~l xntg;llt tal\.e to elirn.ina-te the p:rol)lern. Minutes of the meeting of July 11th we~e read and approved. _______.........-,- - :',..~~==="~ _,::1 -, "..",-[ ~~~-~~=-'=,- , --------==r- 130 I Ii I I L_ lI:~t11 DO fUl't.11eJ." bU.siness to conle before tIle Corm.nissioll at t11is tj.rn.e} tipOD .~l1otioll dtll~{ Iftade J seconder} anet carried, the "tneeting 1'las a(lr~jol.lrned. ATTEST: I~'~"~-~~'-'--~"-'-,c::",:r~----:'..==T'~---"'''~'''--''''-'~---~_c_~-r-:- ~=r 131 REGuiJ'ill IvlEETING OF CI'l'Y COMMISSION fvlOND6 Y P. UGusrr ,q lc,Sn _...---.~_~~":"J-....,...:"~ ..~~:..l.--L~____ T}12 Cit~r CormllissioD con~le-nefl in I"egular seSSlcn at tl1G Ci t~r Hall rv'londa,~r, i\.llgU.St 8, 1)60;7:3.:) poUl~J \'lttl1 the ~follo"tl!ing tlc"tn1)~~1"S preserlt: Iv1a:yc~c Brovlu, presiding; CmmnissionoTs Davis, Halbe:ct; LW]lkin and, Lu,tz. The City Attm.'ney and City Manager were also p~esent* ",""' The InvoGation uas pr'onounc:ed by Commissionel' Davj.s. .".J.'" I,..fa:ror Bl'JQ1'lU arlnounced t.l'lat tILe p1.JJJlic hearing ::;allec1 .L.1 .~ ""0 ~ ,.....:- r\..{"'J 11.''I'.,A J 1;1 '(l""e. m.-;::'; !:)"... ';:7r:...'":"~ ~'1 ':~ B- 1 'tr~ LJnc ~,..qlJ,euv ,~,C l~J..',. ..1:. L ~--._~.,~~, J:"__' .r:,~c~ ,-,-.u.., trllc;t a ~::;2...1~pc.rt j~n front of his existin€!> garu-ge, "\>la-s for 7:30 p-.m. to cons~der for permission to cons ~ rlGiI tn order. L":) o ~ (..) ~ CC The Oath 1>ia.S ad.ministered by t::lE: Mayor to Ivlr. lCleemeier and Whitt Johnson, City f"lanager. The City AttQrney proceeded to ques~lon the City Manager relative ~o the re - quirements or the Zoning Ordinance pertaining to the calling or a public hearing for the purpose in question. The City Manage:::- replied that in his opinion all necessary requirements had 1)(~en complied, 11ith. 1>1rs. D. Merrell, 3772 Rice Blvd., arrived at the r.nee"Glng and upon indicating she wished to testify in the hearing, the Oath was administered to hel' by the lvia.yor . r-1::'s. Merrell stated she did. not approve of 'breaking the zoningJ as an ex .. eept.ion for one part:/'. 1-lould. set a preced.ent. ,After further discussion, Ma;:{or Brmm then called a short receSS fer the Commission to confel'. The Commission rettrrned after a brief interval and the Mayor announced that the heaTing was again in session, and requested a motion to close the hearing. Motion by ComrCLissioner Davis, seconded by Commission Halbert, that the hearing 'be closed.. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Mayor B:co"\:m, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the TO - quest of i-'1c. J. F,. Kleemeier, 3763 Rice Blvd., for pCTmission tcconstruct a carport in front of his existing gaT age which is located on the rear portion of his lot, be denied, for l'eason that it would be an exception to the Zoning prdinanee J~egar(lin.g side set-oac}:;: lines.. V oti ng l\~le: Voting No: f-rayor Bl"O\fn, Ccnn:missioners Dav:Ls, Halbert, Lamkin and. Lutz. None. Consideration "\las "chen given to action taken by the Zon:Lng Board in its special rnee-ting o:e I\.i.1guSt l~, 1960. Hotion "by Cmrnnissioner Halbert, seconcled b;,/ Commissiol1e:c Davis, tha.t the re- quest of l{Ys. L. A. Ivlol'gan, 4145 Swarthmore, for permission to install 220 ~ 1 :32 '\,JlrJ_ng in 1181" garag(:: a.par'"Gf'llelTt. on l1er pre:llises, that EtUJr e:{tens:Lon ......-:~ non.~confor~ning v.se "\.JolJ.ld. Zoning Ordinance. Y).-::-, ~J"-.. cte nied, for in v:i,olation reason of tl'le De. Vat i ng 11-~;Ie: Voting No: Hayor Br01m, Cowmissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The CorQ.1nj~ssj.on cLisc1..1SSecl tIle request of ~1r * Ric.11ard ..l\.J7T'es, 2821 Tangley" for permission to erect a :residence on a tract of lano. lC:::) x lee feet out of Lots 2 and 3, Block l-A, Pembe:rton Addition, fronting on the 2700 block of University Blvd., with a setback of 20 feet, and took the following action: Motj.on by Comr.nissioner Halbert, seconded by Cormllissioner Davis, that the re- Quest of 1~1?_'t. Richard l\::rres) 28c:l Tang"ley -' for perrrlission to erect 8.. l".esidence in the 2700 block of University Blvd. on a 100 X 100' tract of land, out of Lots? and 3, Block lA, Pemberton Addition, with a setback of 20', be approved, as the ::ule pertaining to 25% of the property being built up '\-las not applicable in this case. Vqting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Co!mnissioners Davis, Halbert, Lexnkin and Lutz. None. lvI:rs. Men-ell, 3772 Rice Blvd. ~ questioned the Commission regarding a neighbor1s mete:r which is on her premises. The Co~nission advised ~~s. Merrell to have her property surveyed bjr a x'cgiste:redprofessional sur- Yeyor. The COffi':nission 'd"aS then asked by :MY's. Merrell i'ihat ,jurisdiction they had ove:r existing bus l~nes and if it were possible for the 'University bus totlrrn 8.:round on Rice Blvd. The City Manager answe:red ~~s. Merrell,stating that ~; years ago the Houston Transit Company contemplated such a change but investigation indicated that the concrete st:reets could not withstand bus traffic and the idea. was abandoned. The City IvIanager reported to the Comrnission on the city's request for re - d,uction in its fire irlSurance key rate and stated that the city should :recei ve a . 02f;.~ :rceJ.uction for reason that eztension ladders had been pro ,- cured and. placed into service before July 31st and official notification S211t to the State InS1.1ran.ce Comrflission. T11e In.~esent }~eJ:~ rate of \~lest Uni~.. / versity Place is .30~ prior to the .02~ reduction. Correspondence :relative to the J1>IH robbery of several months ago Vias re - c:eivecl frOUl the Cllief of Police and [-::ive11 to t11E: C~Lt~r fflanage:r ct110_ pas sed_ to the Commission for their information. Cons:L(lel'ation 119.S given by the COl1ltuission to charges fo:r mcn-rinl;; o'P vacant lots in Hest Universit"',r Place, i1:1th a :310.CO charge fal' lots up to 6coo square :feet ?nQ $16 ~-QP~ charge :eor' lots' e:;cceedillg 6:) () () S(llIare feet. Motion by Cctmnissioner lIalbert, seconded by Corrrrnissione:r LaYcl~in, that the :'ecomm~ndation of t.he S8~it::-rian and Cit~ ~la~~a~er~. for charges o!,,?lO .OC I'cr 10T-s up to sq. I eeT- o:r les s, ana. ;:j51u. (..'0 lor lots aveT 6uuu squa:re feet, be accepted~ Voting'A:ye: Mayo!' B:rm,m" Commissioners Davis; Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. Voting No: None. r..<"'c~..~~,~"~'!cm" I r'"'~~~'''"'''~''' -, "'I--'---~~-r-- .133 fj1np au{.~stion of 111ak.ing iJct"ITllent to tb.e G<:..l.JTlord. Constl'l-lc::tion. Coulpf.tn:,r for -D~-~:; n'-'-u -'On ':"0"+ ''''CAC,t7''''iZ''' - o~ -ell'" ?r-;(v''.() -010,,1, of' B-1 ssonnet i'Ther'" tn' e O~'lnp-(' i.."-;,:\t_.--o /,.... - ......'..... .,/..... __...Ui;,A;';".j....~ l,. ,.....~ <----' '-- .......1._._ -"- J 09. ..... _ . _"-,,,. or administrator of the F.il. Kl'enzler Estate property had failed to sign a- 1J1..ecb.anj.C': t s lien C011tract, llEtS d.~~scusse(l. ...tl~n assignment as evidenced- 1)~,/ Cit~r of HO'L1.ston Pa,,-ing Certif.icattC)D if;~, flAOln" Ga~rlol"cl Const:c1J.ction Compa11~:r to tb.c Cit~r of '\fest Universit~y Pla.ce, \<Jas prese11ted as e~l]"iclence of t11e \-Tor}~ 1)eing cotnpleteclarld_ accepted faT final pa:)nnent" }/Iction by Cor.nmissioner Davis, seconded by CO'1.l1missioner Halbert, that the assignment from the Gaylord Construction Company, as evidenced bv City of Houston Pa.ving Certifi~ation 11=2, be accepted- a.nd that the GaylOl'd Cons tr"L1.ctionCompall:)! be pa:Lcl $810.5C) fItanl Cit:;r of ~ve.st Uni"versityPlace street Improverilent Fund 191~8 in ac;co:eda-Dce \'i:i.t!.l an o!'cli11ance and pr:Lo2.~ agreement ~'7i tl1 tIle .Ci t~T of HOllston. L':') o ~ C) CCl CO Voting Aye: Mayor Brmin" Commissioners Davis, Halbert i La1Jlkj,n and Lutz. Voting No: None. Regarding flrrther paving of Kirby Drive, between Bissonnet and Rice Blvd., the Cit~r Manager reported he had ehecked ,Tith the Legal Department oj:' the Ctt;lof Heru.stan, reporting his disagreetnent "\{itb. tlleir figure of $8 per front foot Etsses-sed -aga.inst residerlts in that area: and. ht:td- .requestedit be redu_ce(I to $l~ per front foot. As of this date J Assistant City Attorney La-vrrence Cook of the Clt~l of HoUStO-tl, 11ad deterluinecl tl'lat tl.le$l+. per fI'ont foot rate vIas all that could be rtghtfull~r assessed against ~{est University Pla(;e property Oim8J:'s. The Kirby Drive paving protiect between Bissonnet and Rice Blvd. is not listed tn City of Houston 1960 project log but efforts iTOuld be made by the City of H01.ist-bn Legal Department to obtain a priOl~ity and an early assign- ment to the project if possible. The City Manager reported the following to the City Commission: A preliminary c1iscuss:Lon on the 1961 budget is necessary, and the Commission agreed to meet August 11th and 16th for this pUl'pose. The 1959 Annual repo:r.''Cs l-lere Trailed out to 'fJest University Place citizens on August 8, 1960. The Scout House on Colonial Park has been l~em.oved. by city forces as reCluested by the City CO~llission. 'rhe 'Learn to Sivim Program' under the auspices of I/Jest University Place for 196C, ha.d. ~).::ceedecl tIle y t S prograrn for t}J.1:~ ye a 1"1 1959' J anet conlpa-r~tons 'Here shOim. Attention i,ras called to the Adult Learn to S"\;)'im P:i:'ogram i<i'hich has stimulated ,interest~ 529 persons enrolled for swimming lessons in 1960. T11e Ta->~ ECll18-1iz.u.tion Boal~d llas completed its \.;rorlt for the ;[ear' ancl the total tax: Vall.lation amou_nted to -$25',268~585.0D~ 1.rhich is 8..11 111crease of $121~~091.00 nio-'~e than 19!:)Q, thoU9:h there was a los s of 3110.000. GO :from T:cu.nkli ne Gas - _. ....- r./ .,.,... . " Company movj,ng out of v-Jest University- Place. The City Attorney reported a telephone conve!:'sa"Clon ':Tith C. A. Sch'oede:c, 261V; Talbor) regm'ding boisterous activities and v11e langu.age of ,juveniles in tn.at "\,r:1.cinit:r ~ !vir" Scl1I'oeder \'TclS ad,,;/isecl ,,;hen l.':.e observed this t:)rpe of be- T'''~~~'"'~=''=i~~n , r'~~'"'~"'~~"~"'~"""""'l "---r ,1.34 ha\r:Lor to file 8~ cOIllplaint, 1)11t l1e cxpressecL fea}:' of .reprisal if 11(-; diel so. It 1'7as s1J.ggested tl1.at a patrol c:ar l:-e locatecl in tJ:1is area and_ rn.al{e B~ regulaT practtce of passtng 1)Jr tllis .add:r.ess f:'ter:/ 3C' ulinl.ltes to see if this "\,rill discou~ca[~e 110.odluTfl activities. Hr. Cockrell rD.entioned that the City of South H01),ston I"'.J?s passed an ordinace inc~rcasi11g j.t;:~; gross -:rleceipts tax: :froTfl south't;lesterll Bell rrelephone Compan\..t, to 21.ot.. ftj. Ba~;-lor U11iversit"';! professor liad llrittCi1 a l)rief for v I v ~ South Houston on tl-:,is, and. suggestion vas unCLe that 1!lest Uni vel'si ty Place share in the $66.00 cost of the brief. It was decided that Mayor BrO\m "lOulCt contact the Mayor of South Houston to see if t:,lis ,item could be l)laced on the agenda for Harris County Mayors &; Councilmen's Associa- tion meeting in September. The City Attorney was asked ~ne status of the Bellaire Blvd. zonir~ suit and r.nade the following report. Tl1ere have been t"\vo rllore 15-da~r extensions as .crlt;= plaintiffs CH.n not get the official court re,pcrter' stransc:L'ipt:Lon of the r10tes to gj.ve the facts. 1~. Cockrell said judgment was rendered about a year ago) in April or May) 1959. Minutes of the meeting of ;ruly25, 1960, ;;.rere readi and. approved. With no further business to come before the Conmlis~ion at this time, upon motion duly ~~de) seconded and carried, the meetin~ was adjol~ned. Place) Texas A'lll'.t;ST : r"~"~C"C'G~~"Cc'~l~~7T r"'- ~ "~'~, n ,~, " -', L".:) o ~, (~ c::c c:r::l ' '1' ,f) il! ,.qrJ HEGUL!lli HEETIHG OF CITY COlvlNISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 196c 'The City Commission convened in regular session at the City' Hall Monday, ALlgUSt. 22, 1960, i:3C' P.M., 1,dth the follo1<r;i.ng members present: Acting Mayor M. C. Halbert, Commissioners S. L. Lau~in and. w. T. Lutz, Jr. The City ~~nager and City Attorney were also present. Fayor Brown and Commissioner Davis were out of tmm on, vacation. The Invo~ation was pronounced by CO~JnissionerLan~in. HiuU.tes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and. Planning Board on August 11, 1960, ",ere presented. for consideratj.on and the following action 1-TaS taken: Motion t,y Commissioner Lamkin.. seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the request of ~~. G. W. Weinle, 3618 Duke, for permission to enclose an existing front porch, ljC approved. Voting Aye: Voting !'fo: Acting Mayor Halbert, Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission 1'laS advised by tJ1.e City IvIanager that the ,cit;)T had received a '2; reduction in the fire insQ~ance key'rate, effective September 1, 1960. This reduction lIas obtained b:v the puxchase of two 35 foot extension ladders and put in service in the Fire Departn~nt. Resolution 60,15, as follows, \'Ta.5 submitted for the Commission's consideration: ~mE~~S, the City of, West University Place has cash available in the Uni - varsity Savings & Loan Association and the American Savings & Loan Association.. both of Houston, Texas, to draw interest rate of 4% quarterly, which will not oe requ,ired for current operating expenses, and WllliREAS, it is the objective of the City CO~1mission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of Tlloney: NO'Vl, TBE.,.-qE;FOP.E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF "JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA.S, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to in"vest funds in the amount of: $ 26;500.00 30, noD ~ O() . 1 "') Total Ser1es 194b ;~o;o?~"C:;(',"("\ (\ ) T _, ,./ ',' V .,-, Street Improvement Bond Fund Water,.Sewer Fund in the Universit~! Savings and Loan Association, and to invest funds in the 3}.i101.....:n"G o'p. ~) 17, 5C)O .. 00 15 , ()O() . e(l 12,250.qo 13,12U.OQ Tax Revenue Sinking Fund ) ~ Insurance Reserve Fund ) Charter Amendment Fund )$57,Bio.oe, Sanitary SeHer Capital Improvement Fund") in the American Savings ana, Loan Association. ---,------T"".~~',-', 'E -'-""'~'T".. ---, .__';__~_'m'_"_~ -'~~~'1 136' 1,In+ion 1)v Com"1; ss; Ol'ey' Lutz, secOrlded '0'-' Cmnmissioner Lamkin, that Resoh1-- ~ ...... v .. 1.' _ ~~,,""~-~ ..... . "'. ~. , . - _ J_ .:. ~ rtt II I" r- ("'>. ...:::tw . .:.... _ ...L. ~ - .- .1'" t tioD. 60 -1::', <3.D:CD.OrlZlng J..n~/eSl;rnen0 O.L <j)2o,:;uO .Lrom St,reet, Improvell,e,) Bond F1.md, Series 1948 and $30,000 :f.'roUl Hater-Se"imr Fund, 1)e invested in '. S' & Ll . -'-'.0' ,..' '''17-,-,r- ""'AO'" Tov Reve-Te Si'1'r UD.iVersl~~::r a"iT.,l11gs V" oa11 -i.SSOClatJl 1.1, 8~~.-'(t ~?""'I ,7-,/...-' .L.:~ d,,," ~)...,...... u ~ - _1.-l~"" 1.. "~t~ Fu' "'d ;t'L') nn0 f'CAo'-,', TnS1)Y'ancE' Reserve EUBel. ~,12, 2S0 from ClLa, rter Amendment J..1S L..!.~T'/"--"'-"'''''''''''~-- ~~-' ",y ,..- Fund and $13, l2'from Sanitary Sel-Ter Capital Improvement Fund, be invested in American Savings & Loan i\ssociation, at the prevailing interest of )+10, be passed and approved as read. Actinrr Voting Aye: Mayor Halbert, Commissioners Lamkin and Lrrcz. Voting No: None. The Commission discussed a proposal for renting the 5 acre tract of land owned by the City on Alief Road, formerly Garbage Disposal Grounds, and authorized the City Manager to procure a written commitment from the interested parties and re~submit the proposal to the City Commission. Consideration was given by the Commission to a request of an easement from Harris County Flood Control District, for widening of Kegan's Bayou through Ruffino Road Garbage Disposal, tract of land, and the following action was taken. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Acting M~yor M. C. Halbert be authorized to execute the instrument to the Harris County Flood Control District, with certain conditions which the Commission desired inserted in the instrument) namely) restoration of any roads damaged ./ by equipment noc,addi tional land to be granted for casting area; no trees and shrubs are to be cut or burned which are not wi thin the :gight of way limits granted under i;;he easement, and reimbursement for the amount per acre paid by the City for the land when originally purchased, which amounts to $1,688.87 per acre. Voting Aye: Voting No: Acting Mayor Halbert) Commissioners Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mr. E. F. Gay, 3832 .Amherst, appeared at this time, protesting the roof being put on the next door residence at 3836 .Amherst. The City Manager explained that the city was aware of the substandard quality of this work and had issued a Cease Work Order on Saturday morning, August 20th. After considerable dis- cussion, the following action was taken: The City Manager was instructed to write a letter to Lennie Turner; advising that materials were of inferior quality and did not meet the city's building requirements and that composition shingles would have to 'be placed on the roof of the house, in accordance with the building permit No. 10297, dated August 16, 1960, granted for this purpose. The Commission was advised that J. F. Kleemeier, 3763 Rice Blvd., had ob- tained a building permit today for construction of a carport which meets the city's Zoning Ordinance with reference to side line setback requirements. The City Manager reported that the swimming p'!?ol will close on Labor D.ay, September 5, 1960. A questionaire from the Texas Commission on City & County Governments was pre- sented for the Commission's consideration, concerning relationship between r'~~~" ".."J~-'""l r' ,.."o~~'~"~~ ..,"' 1 I~--J' i i I ! , , L-' I I ~ i I I L,. 1; 3)7 city and county agencies. After discussion, it was decided that the City Manager would advise the Commission further concerning this matter after the questionaire was completed. Consideration was given to the appointment of an Assistan~ City Attorney, but no action was taken, pending further discussion after the August 29th Budget Hearing. The City Attorney presented an instrument he had prepared which could be filed for record, permitting the city to place a lien against vacant lots where it was necessary to enter on the property and mow grass, weeds, remove debris, etc., as a result of the violation of Ordinance No. 778. The in - strument was adopted by the Commission for record purposes. In accordance with previously adopted plans, the City Commission entered into a discussion of the proposed 1961 budget. A study was made of the de- tailed schedules of anticipated income and proposed expenditures. The Commission instructed the City Manager to meet with the Finance Committee and explain the proposed budget for their consideration. With no further business to come be,fore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly, made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed until August 29th. ***************************** * RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY,' AUGUST 29, 1960 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City nall, Monday, August 29, 1960, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Davis was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation ..Tas pronounced by Commissioner Halbert. Mayor Brown announced that a public hearing would be held at this time in com- pliance with City Charter requirements and previously published legal notice, to consider adoption of a budget for the fiscal year January 1, 1961, to December 31, 1961. The M~yor stated that the City Commission had considered the proposed budget and after final revision, it had been referred to the Finance Committee for their study and recommendation. Mayor Brown stated the Finance Committee had reviewed the proposed budget on August 24th and unanimously agreed to endorse the budget as submitted in final form and recommend its adoption. After careful consideration arid discussion, and with no one present desiring to be heard in connection with the budget, it was determined that the budget was in final form and ready for adoption. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissi 0 ner Halbert, that the hearing to consider adoption of the 1961 bud~et be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. r::~':'c:-=:, -[ --- -- ~ __1__=.=1 .. ___.______......__..__~ [~._.. "-"-=.-:~===r==::-c-=~=='-z.."o~.: 1 138 Ordirlahce No. 781, captioned as follows, was submitted for consideration and I' e ad in full: AN ORDINANCE, LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 19W, AND PRO- VIDINGFOR THE COLLECTIONTEEREOF. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: --' Section 1.That there is hereby levied and assessed against all taxable prop- erty, both personal and real, within the corporate litnits of the City of' West, University Place, Texas, and there shall be collected by such City a tax of one and seventy-eight one hundredths per cent (1.78~) of the assessed valu _ ation of such property, or at the rate of one and seventy-eight one hundredths dollars ($1. 78) on the one hundred dollar ($100.00) assessea:~l valuation for the year 19W. . Section 2. Such tax is hereby levied and assessed in accordance with the terms and provisions of Section 1 of Article XXI of the City Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, and such levy and assessment is made: (A) For the upkeep and maintenance of the Department of Health and Sanitation :$B) For current expense and operation of the General Fund and its various departments (C) For Tax Revenue Sinking Fund to pay the principal and interest on the bonded in-' debtedness of the City as follows: Amount Due Percent 1936 Refunding Bonds $ 28,922.16 21.099396 1936 Refunding Warrants 2,240.00 01. 634132 1945 Refunding Bonds 21, 771. 25 15.882636 1946 Fire Fight. Equipment Bonds 215.00 00.156847 1946 St. Paving & Bridge Bonds 18,880.00 13.773402 1946 Storm Sewer Bonds 942.50 00.687576 1946 Public Park Bonds 847. 50 00.618271 1948 Street Improvement Bonds 2,822.54 02.059109 1948 Storm Sewer Bonds 3,355.00 02.447551 1948 Garbage Disposal Bonds 1,472.50 01.074223 1951 Refunding Bonds 12,103.75 08.829969 1952 Refunding Bonds 20,,447.28 14.916772 1954 City Hall Bonds 18,928.81 13.809010 1955 City Hall Bonds 4,127.50 03.011107 $ 137,075.79 100 ~ I r=~~~~'""~!ir --r- _Ui r~~-"--~" ,., ':-""_0_-"'--"-'1 $ .05 1.15 .58 Dollars .1223766 .0094779 .0921193 .0009097 .0798858 .0039879 .0035859 .Oll9428 .0141958 .0062305 .0512138 .0865174 .0800922 .0174644 I j I t~ . 58 of $1. 78 " ! tax i ~ :).. 3 9 r I I L- Section 3. The Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby directed to collect taxes on all of' the property, both personal and real, within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, for the year 198), at the rate herein provided. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordinance NO.781, levying and assessing an ad valorem tax on property within the city for the year 198), be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Ordinance No. 782, captioned as follows, was submitted for consideration and read. in full: AN ORDINANCE .APPROVING A BUDGET FOR TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE MONTH PERIOD, BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1961, AND ENDING DECEMBER IlL, 1961, PROVIDING FOR TEE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF TEE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES. ,I u Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Ordinance NO.782, approving a budget for West University Place for the year 1961, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Erown, Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. None. In compliance with instructions from the City Commission, City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a written outline of the services and scope of duties which, in his opinion, a City Attorney should perform for monthly compensation and also an outline of other legal services which should be handled on a fee basis. It was the decision of the City Commission to consider the matter further before rendering a decision. With no further business to come before the Commissio n at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: est University Place, Texas 140 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, September 12, 1960, 7:30 P.M., at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Brown,presiding;Commissioners Lamkin, Davis, Halbert and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. i I --' The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Brown. Minutes of a meeting by the Zoning & Planning Board on September 8, 1960, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the request of Mr. A. E. Kaeppel, 3911 S-w.arthmore, to' enclose his existimg garage and attached shelter for use as storage, utility and hobby space, be approved, subject to compliance with all setback re- quirements and execution of an affidavit that the improvements will not be used for living quarters or business purposes, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. None. Resolution No.60-16, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Water-Sewer Fund, Insurance Re:s.erve Fund, Tax Revenue Sinking Fund and Health Fund which will not be required for current operating expense, and [ I , , ----- WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is neces- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby direc- tedto invest funds in the amount of: $10,000.00 Water-Sewer Fund 7:79000.00 Insurance Reserve Fund 4,500.00 Tax Revenue Sinking Fund 1,000.00 Health Fund in:$avings & Loans Associations at the prevailing interest rate of 4%. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Re- solution No.60-l6, directing the City Treasurer to invest $10,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund, $4,500 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, $7,000 from the Insurance Reserve Fund and $1,000 from the Health Fund, in a Savings & Loan Association at the prevailing interest rate of 4%, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. None. I I i ~I f=-~ro--~----=':=_":'O:=:~:="'~~:~'",-,~~-~=:=1 ____________._I::~_=-~=.-:-- -~~,.--~=-=-,,--=,. ----~.""r-~~I- =r- ------r----- 141' Ordinance No. 783, captioned as follows, was submitteu to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACj:, TEXAS, ON THE 8TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1960, FOR THE ELmCTION OF A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS ,FOR EACH POLLING PLACE. L":l o ~ u ~ CC Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordinance No. 783, calling for an election on the 8th day of November, 1960, for the election of a Mayor and four Commis- sioners, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, None. Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. Resolution No. 60-17, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: (~ I ' WHEREAS, it has been recommended by the independent auditor of the Ci,ty of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, that funds held as Bail Bond should be accounted for through appropriate records and has recommended a system for the handling of same with a minimum of duplication, effort and pro- cedure, and WHEREAS, The Court Clerk, City Treasurer or Chief of Police hav~ not been properly advised of nor provided with an adequate system to account for such monies deposited by persons placing money as bond bail with the City in order to obtain release from custody, and WHEREAS, ' the creation of another bank account to receive and deposit bail money would expedite auditing the transactions relating to posting of cash bonds and give a proper accounting of all money received related thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That from and after the 12th day of September, 1960, there shall be and is hereby created in the University State Bank, Houston, Texas, a depository bank of the City of West University Place, a separate fund knovm as " City of West Uni versi ty Place Bail Bond Fundll. That from and after September 12, 1960, all sums deposited as penal bail to the City of West University Place shall be placed in said Bail Bond Fund and a proper accounting procedure followed as outlined by the City I S ind~.,.." pendent auditor, with respect to the handling of such transaction~/in the said Fund. . Section 2. Authority for deposit and withdrawal of "BAIL BOND FUND" shall be vested in the City Treasurer, City Controller and City Manager. .,_ rm~=-==~c~~"~~"[::=r _'---.' [ ~c,' ,~,~ -T-'--'c~'~:1 =r-'- 142.~ Checks for withdrawal of funds in this account may be signed by any two of the three persons serving in the respective official capacity, of City Treasurer, City Controller and City Manager. Said signatures of all three shall be signed to signature cards as prescribed by the University State Bank. ~ , Motion by Connnissioner Halbert, seconded by Connnissioner Lamkin, that Resolution No. 60-17, creating "City of West University Place Bail Bond Fundi be passed rold approved as amended. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. None. A recommendation from the Chief of Police for certain parking regula- tions, adjacent to the West University Elementary School, were submitted as follows: "NO PARKING - 8.AM to 4 PM, Monday thru Friday"on both the north and south side of Rice Blvd. from Edloe Street west for a distance of lOO feet. "NO PARKING - 7: 30 .AM to 4: 30 PM, Monday thru Friday" on the westt:, side of Edloe Street from the intersection of Uni- versity Blvd. north for a distance of approximately 314 feet. "ONE HOUR PARKINGtI on the west side of Edloe Street from the inter- section of Rice Blvd. south a distance of approximately 3l7feet. _i The Commission unanimously agreed to accept the recormnendation of the Chief of Police and instructed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to include the parking regulations adjacent to the West University Ele- mentary School, as recormnended. Chief Shipp also recormnended that tlSTOP" signs be installed at the following intersections, due to the number of accidents which have oc- curred: On Ruskin at West Point;on West Point at Riley; on Charlotte, Annapolis, Fordham and Lake at Plumb, Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that "STOP" signs be installed on Ruskin at West ~oint;on West Point at Riley; on Charlotte, Annapolis, Fordham and Lake at Plumb, as recom- mended by the Chief of police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown,Cormnissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. None. Plans fQr construction of two buildings to house equipment, trucks and materials for the Water and Garbage Depar:bments i-J'ere presented for con- sideration. After studying the p.lans and suggesting that changes be , \ rO"~:C ,~,:...'~O~~''':""T::::::I _[ - -",- "~""-'-~"--T--- ~~ -=r- 1"43, made in two ,instances, the :following action was taken: r..- Motion by Commissioner DaviS, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that plans and speci:fications for construction of two buildings to house equipment, trucks and materials for the Water and Garbage Departments, be approved, with the two corrections as noted. Voting .Aye: Voting No: Mayor Bro'~, Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. None. L"':l o ~ u ~ CO Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7: 30 P. M., October 10, 1960, for construction of two buildings for the Water and Garbage Departments, inaaccordance with plans and specifications heretofore approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Bro~m, Commissioners Davis,Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. None. City Attorney Charles Cockrell submitted a letter to the City Commission, nominating Mr. J:oseph Damiani as Assistant City Attorney. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Mr. Joseph Damiani be appointed as Assistant City Attorney, effective Sept- ember 15, 1960, at a salary of $50.00 per month. (.._.~- " I I ' ! ! Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Bro~, Commissioners Davis,Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. None. A letter from Mrs. C. L. Farquharson, representing Daughters of the Amer- ican Revolution, requesting that Mayor Brown proclaUn the week of September 17 - 23, 1960, as Constitution Week in the City of West Univer- sity Place, was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Mayor Brown be authorized to execute a Proclamation proclaiming September 17-23,1960, as Constitution Week in the City of West University Place, as requested in the letter from Mrs. C. L. Farquharson. Voting Aye: voting No : Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin & Lutz. None. City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a letter addressed to the City Attorney and signed by the President of the National Institute of Muni- cipal Law Officers, with reference to proposed regulations of the Treasury Department, which would have the effect of precluding insurance companies from holding municipal bonds on which the interest is tax free. A request was made of the Commission to write letters expressing opposi- tion to the proposed action. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Mayor Bro,~ be authorized to write letters to Congressman Bob Casey and Albert i '-- 144 Thomas, expressing the city's opposition to the proposed regulation of' the Treasury Department, which would have the effect ,of preclud- ing Insurance COMPflllies from holding municipal bonds on which the interest is tax free. ~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Minutes of the meetings of August 22 and 29, 1960, were read and ap- proved as corrected. Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin & Lutz. None. With no further business to come before the Commission at this upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. time, ATTEST: '\ i I ! __I I',:"~'~~=:'O"~"~:C'=- ___._.[:=,c,~-.~=_~.=_~~-'r ':"""~ -_coc_.~= 1 0'='_ 1 AI . "'i 5' REGUIAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1960 1- The City Commission eonvened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. Monday, September 26,1960, with the following members present: 'Mayor Brown, presidingj Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Halbert was absent due' to business reasons. (- ) The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. Resolution 60-18, as follows, was presented to the Commission for con - sideration, and read in full: t;:J o o:::j'~ C) CO CC WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Genera'iFund, Health Fund" Trust Agency' Fund and Swimming Pool Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of nee city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prVl-dent ,to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: r-i i NOW, ~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION eF THE CITY OF WEST ~$ITY ~CE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of $10,000 from the General Fund; $1,000 from the Health Fund; $400 from the Trust Agency Fund and $2,0000from the , . Swimming Pool Fund in Savings and Loan Associations at lbheir prevailing divident rate. ,/ , I , \~._' Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Reso- lution 60,-18-, directing the City Treasurer to invest $10,000 from General Fundj$l,OOO from the Health Fund; $400 from the Trust Agency Fund and $2,000 from the Swimming Pool Fund, in Savings and Loan Associations at their prevailing divident rate, be passed and approved as"read. Voting Ayelo'tMa1[,onyEr.own, CommiSSioners Lamkin, Lutz and Davis. Votin~ No:J:iqrJfone With relation to action taken by the Commission on September 12, 1960, ap- proving the Chief of Police's recommendation that certain traffic signs be installed on Edloe Street 'and on Rice Blvd., in the 3700 block, and their instructions to the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance, City Attorney Cockrell advised. the Commission that Ordinance No. 69$ gave authority for the desired signs to be installed. i-- Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by CommiSSioner Davis, that the re- commendation from the Chief' of Police to install signs - "No Parking - 8 a.m. '\fa 4 p.!Il. Monday tbru Friday" on both the, north and south sides of Rice Blv9:. from Edloe Street west for a distance of $IDO feet;"No parking - 7: 30 a. m. to It.:30 p, m., Monday thru Friday" on the west s ide of Edloe Street from the intersection of Un&versity Blvd. north a distance of ap- proximately 31lt. feet; and "One Hour Parking" on the west side of EdloeSt., from the intersection of Rice Blvd. south a distance of approximately 317 feet, be approved and the necessary:' sighs insta.J:ed asssoon as possible. r,."~~oo~'~~"l'-., /" ,0 ,"~,~.~.,~... , 1 -r 14ft Voting AYE: Voting No: Mayor B~own, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Manager advised that he had received a request from the 'Petro Engineering Company for permission to use the tract of11and fue- tween Wroxten and Albans, fronting Kirby Drive, for the purpose of erecting portable gasoline refining equipment, and asked the Commis- sion's decisionas to whether a temporary permit should be issued for this purpose. There was no action taken on this request as the Com - mission desired further information as to the activities which would take place in order to determine whether or not a nuisance would be created. -....-i An invoice dm the amount of $8a5.00 from H. Keith Denny for drafting services was presented to the City Commission for consideration with the following explanation: During the course of preparing plot plans, layouts and studies f'D!J two new buildings to house trucks and equipment for the Garbage Department, and a water meter repair building and storage facilities, it was con M sidered advisable to emp10Y someone to assist the City Engineer in preparation of the plans. On February 22, 1960, the City Commission took the following action in relation to this subject: tlThe Commission discussed employment of a draftsman to assist the City Engineer in preparing plans and specification for construction of a new building for the Water Depart- ment, for a fee of $50.00 per sheet, not to exceed the sum of $400.00 Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that Mr. Keith Denny be employed as draftsman to assist the City Engineer in preparing plans and specifications for construction of a new building for the Water Department, for'a fee of $50.00 per sheet, not to exceed the sum of $400.00 Voting Aye: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Halbert,Lamkin &: Lutz. Voting No: 'None " " 1 \ ! '........J The action contained in'the moti0n relates to only one building for the Water Depart~entwh.ereas action should have been taken to include authority to engage Mr. Denney to prepare cbTawings and plans for both buildings. In order to provide proper authority for payment of drafting services by Mr. H. Keith Denny, for both the Equipment storage Building and the Utility Ser:B~Iid~~~ Water Meter Shop, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that an additiQnal amount of $425 be approved f.or payment to Mr. H. Keith' Denney for drafting services rendered in connection with the prepara- tion of plans for the equipment storage building and utility service building and Water meter shop, including revisions authorized by the _J -- rm~c""'''~~'~~~~T~ 1 r-- 147;' City Commission. (----i Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. L A proposal was received for lease of the city owned building and ground on Bellaire Blvd., in the 4200 block, which was formerly occupied by the Sparkle Car Wash. The Commission authorized the City Manager to proceed with negotiations for lease of the property and to report back to the 4 Commission when a firm offer is made. L"':) (,') ~.. u ~ c:Q The University 8choolof Music made a request for use of the Community Building on Sunday, October 16, 1960, for the purpose of having a spag- hetti dinner to raise funds to defray expenses of sending masic students to a concert in Enid, Oklahoma. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the University School of Music be granted permission to use the Community Building on Sunday, October 16th, 1960, for ,the purpose of having a spaghetti dinner to raise funds for benefit of the students, at a fee of $25.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission discussed the advisability of obtaining insurance to cover participants in the Auxiliary Police Department and the Volunteer Fire Department. It was decided that a conference should be held with the Insurance Committee for their advice and recommendations. Minutes of the meeting of September 7:3, 1960, were read and approved. With no further business to come bef'ore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST : 148 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY OCTOBER 10, 1960 The eity Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October IO, 1960, with the :following members present: Mayor Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. 'rhe City Attorney and City Manager were also present. --.J Commissioner Halbert pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with previous action by the City Commission and Notice to Bidders published in the official newspaper of the City, bids received for construction of equipment storage building for the Water and Garbage Departments, and construction of a utility service building and Water meter shop, were opened and results announced as follows: Name of Bidder 1, Joe E. Hajdik Construction Co. 2 ' Rhodes & Company 3. Houston Builders, Inc. 4. Jerome J, Epstein 5. Barron Builders, Inc. 6'. 'rom L.Harpster Steel Erection Co. 7.V Van Clebe Construction Company 8. Mf.lnes Construction Company 9. Harbeson-Norris Construction Co. 10. Jax Construction Company 11. James M. Stone 12. Meyerson Construction Company 13. Donald W. Pung 14. Hanna Construction Company 15. Bracher Construction Company 16. De Fors ConstructiQn Company 17. Evans Construction Company 'rota 1 for Both Buildings $ 57,218.00 57,771. 00 58,000.00 58,133.00 58,830.00 59,470.00 59,839.00 60,794.00 60,996.00 61,350,00 61,464.00 61,945.00 62,300.00 63,600.00 6lt.,435.00 67,038.00 67,986.00 1 ~. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that bids received for construction of an ~quipment Storage Building and Utility Service Building, be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, CommiSSioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. :None. Mr. Steve Shevack and Mr. John L. Clark, represen.ting Wizard of Cars, Inc., appeared before the Commission in relation to a proposal for lease of property owned by the City at 4213 Bellaire Blvd. A lease contract prep- ared by Mr. Shevackts attorney was reviewed by the Commission and City Attorney Cockrell, and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Mayor Brown be authorized to execute the Lease Contract between the City of West University Place and Wizard of Cars, Inc.,in line with terms and r,o~~.:'~~7:'':",'2'':'='C'':=~~:",":-:.~:::~ _____ __..__....__-------"1: .0_' ,,"-:~'=--=":--=--='''__:''''r ..-'---:r..-..' , \- t,!:) o ~ u 00 CO , l (' _J 149 provi,sions as outlined by the City Attorney and approved by the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The Commission discussed the fact that it would be necessary to canvass the returns 'Within 5 days after the city election on November 8th. It was decided that the Commission should meet on Thursday, November loth to can- vass the election returns and to take care of any unfinished business in order that the No'tember 14th date might be set for installation of new officials. Resolution 60-19, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector's Fund, Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund and Charter Amendment Reserve - Water Fund which will not' be required for op- erating e~penses until the next fiscal year; and WH:EREA;S, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earnm.add-tttbD8a.l revenu~ in the form of interest for the operation of the city, and "WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- , Pend}tU'res of these, funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment WtlL,preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSlTY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $1009000.00 from Tax Collector's Furid; $55.00 f:Fomthe Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund (to be added to Trust Wo.1 at American Savings & Loan Assn.); $270.00 from the Charter Amendment Reserve-Water Fund at the dividend rate of 4~. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Re- solution 60-19, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $100,000 from Tax Collector's Fund, $55.00 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund and $270.00 from Charter Amendment Reserve-Water Fund, in Savings and Loan Associatipns at their prevailing dividend rate of 4~, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Charles E. Duffin, Fire Chief, was awarded a 10 year service pin by Mayor Brown, The Mayor e~plained to the group present that Mr . Duffin was em- ployed as Humane Officer on August 1, 1950, and that he was later transferred to the Fire Department, and was appointed Chief of that Department in Fe-bruary, 1957. A letter signed by Mrs. Stella Legnon, Chairman of the American Legion Aux- iliary Poppy Sale Committee, requested permission from the Commission to sell poppmes in West University Place on Saturday, November 12, 1960. ,~~__ [,C u..l - ---,-------------,-------,--_._- I 'C:TI , _,_--c [-"G~-~"'-"'~-'~---'-'-:"l 15U' Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the American Legion be given permission to sell poppies in West University Place on Saturday, November 12, 1960, as requested by Mrs. Stella Legnon, 'Chairman of the Poppy Sale Committee. -) Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the meeting of September 26, 1960, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion ,duly made, seconded and carried, the meeti,ng was recessed until October 17, 1960, *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RECESSED MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY:, OCTOBER 17, 1960 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, October 17, 1960, 8:00P.M." with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem E. R. DaviS, presiding; Commissioners Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Brown was delayed as he was preSiding at a monthly meeting of the men of the West University Methodist Church, but arrived at the Commission meeting at 8:30 p.m. and presided. I ! ; -----' The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lamkin. The Cd~ission discussed the final draft of a lease agreement between the City and Wizard of Cars, Inc., and agreed that the contract should now be executed by the Mayor. Resolution 60-20, as follows, was presented to the Commission for con - sideration and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission granted a right-of-way easement to the Harris County Flood Control District for the purpose 'of enlarging the channel of Kegan's Bayou along the northern boundary of the city's sani- tary land fill site on Ruffino Road, and . WHEREAS, said easement contained an area of 2.097 acres of land, for which the consideration was $1,688.87, or a total of $3,541.56, and WHEREAS, the right-of -way easement, executed by Acting Mayor M. C. Hidbert, has been delivered to the Harris County Flood' Control District and subsequently ghe check :for $3,541. 56 was received by the City Treasurer, a~d - . ~ WHEREAS, in order to provide additional :funds to finance the purchase of a 75 acre tract of land, lying between Ruffino Road and Kegan's ~ r'"'"'C'~=~~C~'"'i'~',"l 1- r~C~~~~ ""''- I l,fil i_ Bayou, $36,000.00 was transferred from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Im- provement Fund to'the Garbage and'Refuse Sites Fund as evidenced by Ordinance No. 704, dated March 12, 1956, and WHEREAS, 'provisions of Ordinance No. 704 require that the said $36;000.00 be repaid over a period of 10 years from General Fundre- venues at the rate of $3,600.00 per year: L'? o ~oj Co)" CC; CC NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE cm OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: The City Treasurer is hereby directed to deposit the $3,5lt.l.56, received from the Harris County Flood Control District for right-of-way eonsidera- tiori, as recited herein, to the Garbage and Refuse Sites Fund, and thence to the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, as a credit against the original $36,000.00 transfer. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Re- solution 60-~O,directirig the City Treasurer to deposit the $3,541.56 received from Harris County Flood Control District for right-of-way c6nsid.erat~on to the Garbage and Refuse sites Fund, and thence to the SanitarySb.wer Capital Improvement und as'a credit against the original $36,000 transfer, be passed and s.-pproved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Connnissioners Davis,Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Resolut:i.on 60-21, as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: WHEREAS, tl}e t!ity of West University Place currently has capital available in,the Sanitary Sever Capital Improvement Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year, and ~~S, it is deemed to be to the best interests of the city that such funds,be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in t~e form of interest for the operation of the city, , and WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of these funds, as anticipated until 1ll8.turity of this investment, will preClude a fund deficit: NOW, 'l'~'ORE, BE IT R)llSOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TBECITY OF WEST tJNIVERSITY PIACE,' '],'EXAS: The City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $3,540.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund in Savings and Loan AS'soeiation shares at their prevailing divident rate of It.i. Motion by Commissioner Halbert; seconded by Commissioner Lamkin,that Resolution 60-21, directing investment of $3,5lt.0.OO from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund in Savings and Loan Association shares at their ;";,,; , ." u.....i ,,' _ -fc'",:'~~--=r=.=.= =--: 152" prevailing dividend rate of 4% be pa.ssedand approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, La~in and Lutz. None. The Commission discussed the details of awarding a contract for construc- tion of two proposed buildings; equipment storage building and utility service building and water meter shop and two proposed alternates. 'Mr. Robert Nance, Superintendent for Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company, Inc., was present at the meeting and answered questions concerning the cons- truction experience and ability to perform under the contract. A financial statement of Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company, Inc. was also presented for the Commission's review. After determining that the Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company, Inc. was capable of constructing the two buildings arid that there was an understanding of the plans and specifications by the Company's representative, a certificate signed by William Dittert, Jr., City Treasurer, certifying that the amount of $571218.00 was available in the Water.S?we~'F1.lnd {or c,9~tructionof Equipment storage Building and for the water and Garbage'Departm.ents and Utility Service Building and Water Meter Shop, was presEmted to the Commission. ,--j Ordinance No. 784, captioned as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FIN.DIN~ AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE HERE'l'OFORE BEEN COMPLIED WITH AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE EXECT1.PION OF A C0NTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF TWO BtJILDINGS FOR THE CITY OF WEST t:JNIVERSITY PLACE 1 TEXAS: (1) EQUIPMENTABD STORAGE BTJIIJ)ING (2 )tJTILITY STORAGE Bu:rr.DING AND WATER METER SHOP RECITING THE DATE TO RECEIVE BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SAID BUILDINGS; REFERRING SAID BIDS TO THE CITY MANAGER AIm CITY ENGINEERFQR. TABULATION AND RECOMMENDATION; APFROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDS FOR CONm'RUCTION OF SAID BUILDINGS; APmOVING AIm ADoPTING RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ENGINEER; APPROVING AND ADOJS'.rrJRmi THE COBTRACTOR'S BONDS AND INStJRANCE IN CON- :NECTImv WITH SAID, IMPROVEMENTS; AWARDING CONTRACT TO THE JOE E. HAJDIK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND At1!'HORIZING AND DmECTDG THE EXEC11rION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR ON BEHALF OF THE CITY' OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE 1 TEXAS. _i Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert1 that Ordi- nance No. 784, appropriating funds for construction of' Equipmand and Storage Building a.nd Utility Storage Building and Water Meter Shop,andawarding a contract to Joe E. Hajdik Construetion Company, be passed and approved as read. * City Attorney Charles Cockrell advised that Mr. Burke HOlman, Attorney in the case of George E. Marshall et aI, vs. City of West Un.iversity Place * Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown; Commissioners Davis,Halbert,Lamkin and Lutz. None ~ ~ ,_..: ___ ~ ~'I~'L"-,~',-','~'~" '~~-~-,'=~ ,~ _~__ ['_'~"~_~~c,~_~ ----=r, '-----~-'- 1'5'31' , \,-~ had requested that the city agree to have Attorney Paul Stro~ to' make ap~earance,without service in order to save cost in connection with a petition to perpetuate the testimony of Edward M. Roach, who was the Court Reporter when the case was tried in District Court. The City Commission informed the City Attorney to advise Attorney Burke Holman that the city would a~ee to this request without cita- tion for service. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. L":;) o ~ Cd CO CO City t University Place, Texas A'l'l'EST : "~T'''""~'''"'''' "''''''''T-~ c '" """"'~'~'''"''~''1 r 154' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY,OC~OBER 24, 1960 The City Commission conv~ned in regular session at the City Hall October 24, 1960, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Brown, presiding; Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. City Manager and City Attorney were also present. on Monday, Mayor ~he Commissioner Davis pronounced the Invocation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board on October 13th were presented for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the request of Mr. E. R. Dost, 6540 Sewanee, ': for permission to replace his pre- sent fuse box with a circuit breaker in the eXisttng servants' quarters, which is used as a home workshop, be referred back to the Zoning Board for study in view of the fact that additional information was submitted to the Commission which was not contained in th~ minutes of the Zoning Board's meeting. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners navis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, secondedpy Commissioner Davis, that the re- quest of Mr. T. A. Flanagan, 3407 Sunset, to provide 200 volt electric service to an existing room above his garage that he intends to use as a den or recreation area, be approved as recommen~ed by the Zoning Board, subject to execution of an affidavit that the room Will not be used for rental or com- mercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners :pavis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded'by Commissioner Davis, that the re- quest of~. Curtis Albitz, 3741 Arnold, ifor a 6 foot extension on the east side of his present garage to permit spa~e for his automobile, workshop and dark room, be approved as recommended by[the Zoning Board, subject to execu- tion of an affidavit that the structure 1'1ould not be used for living quarters or fortr!commercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded, by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Mr. R. L. Gallaway, 2632 Bellaire Blvd., for permission to cons- truct a new 22 x 48 two story garage, be'deferred for action until a meeting when Mr. Gallaway could be present to anj;wer questions in regard to the pro- posed structure. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners J)a.vis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The CommiSSion discussed the alternate bid submitted by Joe E. Hajdik Cons- truction Company on the proposed EqUipment Storage Building for the Water and Garbage De~rtments, whereby solor tile would be substituted for face brick ---) f5 ,!j , on outside walls of the structure. It was pointed out by the City Engineer that the additional bid figure was $1,394.00 and there would also be an. added amount of approximately $200.00 for waterproofing the outside wall, composed of hollow tile. After discussing the added cost, and the. fact that solar tile would be of no structural benefit, and would have only an aesthetic value, it was the opinion of the Commission that it would be more advantageous to use the building tile ,to blend with the Street Department Building across Milton street. Motion by Commission Davis, s~conded by Commissioner Halbert, that the al - ternate bid on Solar tile to replace the building tile, be rejected. L~ o ~ "(,,) CO CO Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. The City Commission was presented with a proposal to substitute a rein- forced concrete wall It. feet in height, 196 feet long and 9 inches thick, to increase the structUral strength on the rear wall of' the eq,uipment storage Building, and also to eliminate damage to the hollow tile which was in the original design. ,A firm proposal for the work involved was sub- mitted by the Joe Hajdik Construction Company, amoun.ting to $1,365.72. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the amount of $1,365.72, be added to the original contract,1 with Joe E. Hajdik Cons - truction Company for construction of a reinforced concrete wall 4 feet high, 196 feet lon.g and 9 inches thick, in connection with the construction of the EquIpment storage Building. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners, Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and' Lutz. None. A recommendation was received from the Insurance Committee and City Manager Whitt Johnson, with reference to insurance coverage for Auxiliary Police and Volunteer Fire1J!en. It was recommended that the proposal of the Floyd West Company for coverage in the amount of $5,000 Death and Dismemberment; $5,000 Blanket Medical and, as an alternate, coverage, $50.00 per week Weekly Indemnity for 52 weeks, be accepted. The premium for this policy would be $12~00 per Volunte~r Policementfor the Death, Dismemberment and Medical, and an additional $8.00 if the $50.00 per week Weekly Indemnity is desired. The proposed coverage for the Volunteer Firemen consisted of ' $5,000 Accidental Death and'D:tsmemberment, $2,500 ~edical Expense, $40~00 Weeklytndemnity - 104 Weeks with a rider to increase to $80.00 per week for io weeks while confined to hospital, for an annual premium of $252.50. This, proposal did not iQ.clude the Chief and 7 paid firemen, who are covered under Workmen's Compensation Ihsurance. The Commission was apprised of the fact that the Firemen are presently covered under a policy, riitten by Connecticut General Life Insurance 'Cpmpany, which will expire February 11, 1961. After discussing the advisa.:. bl1ity of deferring action on ~thereoverage for the Volunteer Fire Departlllent, the following action was 'taken: Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the proposal of the Floyd West Company for coverage tor Auxiliary Policelllen , in the amount of $5',,000 Death & Dislllemberment; $5..,QOOBlanket Medical .----- -T'~;'~''''~'O=-'---=--="",,"-",,~'~ _ _ __ r'-:="'==~=""'="-';""'="===...o.=_~-=.-.'l _----.l'.----- 156; and $50.00 per week Weekly Indemnity for 52 weeks for an annual pre- mium of $20.00 per man, be accepted, and action on a new policy for the Volunteer Firemen be deferred until expiration of the present policy with Conneeticut General Life Insurance Company. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Halbert, Lamkin and Lutz. None. It was the opinion of the Commission that the Insurance Committee should be requested to look into the possibility of obtaining a supplementary Death Benefit policy for Volunteer Firemen and Policemen. Minutes of the meetings of October loth and 17th were read and approved as corrected. With no further busine$s to come before theComm.ission, upon motion dUly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST : i --' rC,:~',CCc'=::,",",~~C~"1~=-' _.____r-" ------r=---,-=~=,.,-o-,~~.~ =r 1'57" S~ MEE'.UING OF CITY COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1960 The City Commission convened in a scheduled meeting at the City Hall on Thursday, November 10 , 1960, Tl,~O P.M. , with the following members present: Mayor Brown,presiding; Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Halbert and the City Attorney were absent. Mayor Brown pronounced the Invocation. It, -:J C "-J . {..) c:c CC Mayor Brown announced that the meeting had been scheduled for the purpose of canvassing returns of the General City Election, held November 8, 1960, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners , and other urgent business the Commission deemed necessary to transact at this time. The four precinct judges' official returns were submitted to,.the Commission, whereupon, after inspection of the poll and tally lists by the City Commission, it appeared that the returns submitted by the Precinct Judges were in order. Resolu~~Qn 60-22, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in fu11: A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1960, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AIID FOUR COMMISSIONERS OF SAID CITY; DECLARING THE RESULTS OF SUCH ELECTION AIID CERTIFYING SUCH RESULTS. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No. 783 of the City of West University Place, Texas, a General City Election was held in the City of West UniversityPlace.1 Texas, on November 8, 1960,for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; and WHEREAS.1 in accordance with the terms and provisions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, Ch. 492, Article Ill) the managers of the election have made out.1 signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists.1 to the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place.1 Texas; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, in Special Session assembled on November 10.1 1960, have opened and examined the election returns and have canvassed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.34, Acts 1951, 52nd Leg.,P. 1097, Ch. 492, Art. 116, and as a result of such examination and canvass, said Mayor and City Commis - sioners find that at such election the following votes were cast: Name Candidate For No. 183 No. 15 No. 133 No. 87 Stuart L. Lamkin Mayor 853 802 663 909 W. W. Bowman Commissioner 812 747 625 870 Charles L. Wall, Jr. Commissioner 786 739 614 856 Horace A. Rice Commissioner 818 758 617 866 William T. Lutz.1 Jr. Commissioner 795 736 609 859 and, r--- r""~ "~~"~'~~=r~'1 I="="'~' '~cC~~'C'''l - "-I'" ,____-:_,___'_,m_ 158' WHEREAS, as a result of such election, it appears that STUART L. LAMKIN, with a total number of 3227 votes cast for him was elected Mayor of the City of West University :rl~ce, Texas; and W. W. BOWMAN,with a total D~mber of 3054 votes cast for him, and CHARLES L. WALL, JR.,with a total number of 2995 votes cast for him, and HORACE A. RICE, with a total number of 3059 votes cast for him, and WILLIAM T. LUTZ, JR., with a total number of 2999 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that, ' 1. The official results of such election shall be, and they are hereby de- clared, pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election by the Mayor and City Commission to be that: stuart L. Lamkin was elected Mayor W. W. Bowman was elected Commissioner Charles L. Wall, Jr., was elected Commissioner Horace A. Rice was elected Commissioner William T. Lutz, Jr., was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place, at the said election. 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each stuart L. Lamkin, W. W. Bowman, Charles L. Wall, Jr., Horace A. Rice, and William T. Lutz, Jr., as his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secret~ry of the City of West University Place, Texas, and the County Judge of Harris County, Texas, and the Secretary of state of the State of Texas, as provided by law. ' ~ Wl$it1i.ln ~811Jmni!tiJ[Bat'g" IJj'!io:M1Ed()Jjy'NO~~oill~60~ld::th,atJlalto_elu- tion~6~-2~~savA~sing(tie~asioftethHa~~ectioh~hetd)in the City of West University Place for the purpose of electing a ~or and four Commissioners, be passed and approved as read, Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Gallaway, 2632 Bellaire Blvd., appeared before the Commis'- sion to explain the use' they proposed to make of a two-story addition to their garage, stating that it was to be used in connection with Mrs. Gallaway's hobby of ceramics and that the bedroom and shower would be used by Mr. Gallaway occasionally and that it would not be permanently occupied by guests or renters. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the re- quest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gallaway, to build on the back of his property, described as Lot 8 and E ~ of Lot 9, Block 1, Belle Court, a 2 story struc- ture 22 x 48 ft., the first floor to be used as a 2 car garage, hobby shop and storage space, the second floor to be used as a recreation room,eeramic pouring room, paint room, storage room and tiled bathroom, be approved sub- ject to the building meeting all setback restrictions and execution of an affidavit that the building will not be used for living quarters or commer- T"~"'~,~r-~<"'~'~l -:-r F "'~~"'C'~--~--~ " ~______-:-____n__ _' 1 t::"9' .:. ,;)> ' cial purposes, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Chief Shipp recommended to the Commission that no parking be permitted on the East side of Mercer Street in the 6300 block for a distance of 120 ft. South from the south property line of University'Blvd. It was explained that this location was across the street from the West University Methodist Church and at times cars are parked on both sides of the street which wOl;lld prohibit any fire equipment making a turn onto Mercer Street in case of emergency. L~ C ~ t.) ........ \-l- Q:,"; Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lamkin, that" No Parking " signs be installed on Mercer Street in the 6300 block in order to prohibit parking automobiles on the East side of Mercer Street for a distance of 120 ft. South from the south property line of University Blvd., as recommended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Res91ution 60-23, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector's Fund which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City CommiSSion to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is necessary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS1TY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds in the amount of: $100,000.00 - Tax Collector's Fund, as funds become available through collections of current taxes, in Savings and Loan Associations, at their prevailing dividend rate of 4". Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by CommisSioner Davis, that Resolution 60-23, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds in the amount of $100,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund, as funds become available through collections of current taxes, in Savings and Loans Associations, at their prevailing dividend rate of 410, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners DaviS, Lamkin and Lutz. None. A letter from Dr. L. D. Farragut submitting his resignation as City Health Officer of the City of West University Place, to be effective November 17, 196o, was presented to the Commission for consideration. Dr. Farragut stated in his letter that he was submitting his resignation due to the fact r,~"'"c=='=~'~'i~ r" ,,' '-". ". ,,' ',----- ,-" . 160 that he had been advised by the state Health Department legal adviser and Snate Commissioner of Health that his status as Harris County Health Officer would be jeopardized to be the Health Officer of West University Place at the same time. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the resignation be accepted in accordance with Dr. Farragut's wishes, with regrets. Voti,ng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, CommisSioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mr. Horace A. Rice, Chairman of the Zoning and Planning Board, appeared before the Commission and submitted a letter announcing his resignation from the Zoning & Planning Board, for reason that he had been elected to serve on the City Commission. Motion by CommiSSioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the resignation of Mr. Horace A. Rice as a member of the Zoning and Planning Board, be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Mayor Brown expressed on behalf of the City Commission appreciation to Mr. Rice for his services and leadership as Chairman of the Zoning Board. The question of renovating the exterior and improvements to the office of the Water Plant bUilding, located at 3825 Milton street, was discussed. It was the desire of the City Commission to make improvements to this structure to increase efficiency and improve the appearance to harmonize with the two new buildings for the Water Department and Garbage Depart - ment, which are pre~ently under construction on the grounds in the immediate area. The City Manager advised that he had contacted an architect and reviewed with him ,the desired improvements and it was estimated that architectural services for the work involved would amount to approximately $600, or lr:J{o of the work involved. Motion by Commissioner Lamkin, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be authorized to further negotiate with an architect to prepare preliminary plans and specifications for renovating the exterior and im proving the offices ,of the water plant building at 3825 Milton Street. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Brown, Commissioners Davis, Lamkin and Lutz. None. Minutes of the meeting of October 24, 1960, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded,and carried, the meeting was .ourned. ATrEST~ '~' " ',' I ~L/,~ Secr a rO"=~~~~i-;r------,,~oc~~'~""~"~'~~"l r'-'-,--- c--'-- 16J REGUlAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 14, 1960, 7:30 P.M. ,with the following members present: Mayor Wesley R. Brown, presiding; Mayor elect stuart L. Lamki,n" Conmiissioners E. R. Davis, M. C. Halbert, Commissioners elect William T. Lutz, Jr., w. W. Bowman, C. L. Wall, Jr., and Horace A. Rice. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounceq. by Rev. Rodney Sunday, Minister of st. Andrews Presbyterian Church. ~.Q C "i" Cd CC ~ Maypr Brown extended aC9rdial welcome and introduced those present. who had served on the City Commission in prior years. Former officials present were ex-MfJyors H. E. Terry, Edwin W. Morris, Cecil P. Lanmon; ex-Commissioners Dupree Holman, R. W. Goff, W. A. Hamlett, Frank Hangs and E. A. Nisbet. Mayor Brown introduced Mayor Pro tem E. R. Davis who expressed appreciation for the co-operation he had received during his tenure of office and ex - pressed @ppf~aeaceo~nfbhose elected to serve during the next $erm. Commissioner Halbert, after being introduced by Mayor Brown, also voiced appreciation for the experience he had gained by serving as CommisSioner and his relationship with citizens and city employees. Congressman Bob Casey and Judge Phil Pedenw:ere introduced by the Mayor and after appropriate remarks by Congressman Casey, the Oath of Office was ad - ministered by him to the four Commissioners elect. Each of the four Commissioners pledged his efforts and energy to maintain the outstanding high standards and efficiency of the city government. - Afterwords of gratitude for the enjoyable experience of having been given an opportunity to serve West University Place as a member of the Commission, Mayor Brown introduced Mayor Elect Stuart L. Lamkin, who was administered the Oath of Office by Congressman Casey. Mayor Lamkin addressed the group present and explained the reasons for the unique type of government which is enjoyed by citizens of West, University Place and is recognized through- out the state of Texas as being most unusual. Mayor Lal')lkin introduced City Manager Whitt Johnson who presented all de - partment heads of the City. In compliance with charter provisions, Mayor Lamkin stated the first order of business would be the selection of a Mayor Pro tem to serve for the en- suing two year term. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Commis- sioner W. T. Lutz, Jr. be elected Mayor Pro tem for the ensuing two year term. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Rice and Wall. None. --', iI r ,. C-"I-'_n_~----'~~l l62' With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad - journed at 9:00P.M. Mr. Edwin W. Morris announced that a public reception would be held immediately at the Community Building. ~~t-~ Mayor ATTEST : A/~i2-~ Sec a ' , '1" 03" .i.' i~i,._,.- REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, November 28, 1960, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Lamkin. "t""I '~'" r"" "-' "1" 'u ,.c cc The following Qirl Scouts from Mrs. C. E. Emmert's Troop No.2 were present at the meeting to observe action taken by municipal officials; Pat Regan, Lane Smith, Debby Duree, Lynne Beavers, Sarah Brashears, Sally Dodd, Nelda Emmert, Ellen Johnson, Susan Arnim, Mudlowe?Donaldson, Carol Bassett and Carolyn Cruz. A letter from County Commissioner E. A. Lyons, Jr., advising of a proposed change of the special Harris County road law and asking assistance in in - forming the legislative group in Austin that it is a good local bill and should be passed, was presented for consideration. The proposed amendment would permit Commissioners' Court to accept roads which have a right of way of less than 60 feet when in their judgment, it is to the best interest of the taxpayer; and to permit the Commissioners' Court to determine which ar- terial roads within, or passing through a city, town or village, are to be maintained by Harris County. It was the opinion of the Commission that such amendment would be benefici~l to the, taxpayers of the City of West University Place. Motion by Commissioner wall, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the Commis- sion of West University Place goon record as endorsing the proposed amendment which would permit Commissioners' Court to accept roads which have a right of way of less than 60 feet when in their judgment it is to the best interest of the taxpayer; and to permit'the Commissioners' Court to determine which arterial roads within, or passing through a city, town or village are to be maintained by Harris County, with letters of endorsement to be written to State Representatives by the Mayor at the appropriate time. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board, held on November 10, 1960, were submitted to the Commission and the following action taken: .- Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that there- quest of Mr. E. R. Dost, 6540 Sewanee, for permission to replace the defective 110 volt wiring and a new circuit breaker to replace the old fuse ,box in the two story garage building, be approved, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, for reason that thi,s request was pointed out as not being a violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Voting Aye:, Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. 1"'~:-"'~~-- ,'. -~ ~~ r:-~.--.r...,,--'-'~_~"'---=>r.-o~ ,,='''' _~'1 -[ ---- 164 Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that the request of' Mrs. Mary Alice Wheeler, 3819 Oberlin, for permission to con- vert the existing garage into a utility room, which will include raising the garage and pouring a new concrete slab, sheetrocking the inside, installing hot and cold water connections and a service door on the side, and placing a drain in the floor, also to make nece~sary changes in electrical wiring f'or 220 volt electric service and in - stalling a water heater, washing machine and drier, also to install gas service in the building, be approved, subject ~o execution of an af'f'idavit by Mrs. Wheeler that the structure will not be used for commercial or rental purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Mr. E. E. Mitchell, 3103 Amherst, be permitted to install a lavatory and commode in an existing room above his garage, subject to execution of' an af'f'idavit that it will not be used for rental or commercial purposes but only as a study room f'or his sons, as indicated by Mr. Mitchell. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. ,~ Resolution 60-24, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for con- sideration and read in f'ull:, WHEREAS, the City C,ommission qf the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to invest the city's available cash in shares and sav- ings accounts with University Savings and Loan Association, South - western Savings and Loan Association and American Savings and Loan Association, all 'of Houston, Texas, which is not required f'or current operation of' the various municipal activities, and WHEREAS, it is necessary that certain elected and appointive of- f'icers of' the City of' West University Place, Texas, be designated to act f'or and on behalf' of' the City of' West University Place, Texas, in connec- tion with the deposit, withdrawal or exchange of f'unds, and WHEREAS, signatures of' designated officers are required and authority shall be invested in three of' the five such of'ficers to act f'or and on behal~ of' the City of' West University Place, Texas, in connection with the handling of shares and savings in the various ~avings and Loan Associations, as set forth herein, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to substitute the names of two of the elec- ted city of'f'icers to serve in'lieuof..May:or Pro tem E. R. Davis and Commis- sioner M. C. Halbert, ~ wtlose,t~rll!.$,' e~q~:treQ. ,on November 14, 1960. NOW ,THEREFORE, BEIT"RESQLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF , WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The herein designated of'ficers are hereby authorized to open an investment share account f'or the City of West University Place, r~~~<<~~".-;-r ,q<<<<'~~~~C"'-'~l 165 r---- i_ Texas, and to invest its available funds from time to time with Univer - sity Savings and Loan Association, Southwestern Savings and Loan Association and American Savings and Loan Association, all of Houston, Texas, and that said Associations are hereby authorized to act without further inquiry in accordance with signature card~ bearing the, signatures of three of, the five such officers, unless and until the three Associations have been notified in writing of any change of officers or further authori- zation for other individuals to so sign. 11'"'';; W. T . Lutz, Jr. Chas. L. Wall, Jr. Whitt Johnson William Dittert, Jr. George P. Corry Mayor Pro tem Commissioner City Manager City Treasurer City Controller .";;"''''' '-..~,:;,.." Section 2. Each of the five designated officers shall execute sig- nature cards required by the Association, with a specimen of their signature. "'t C) H~ ....~ C~(; r--j i r ! i I I - Section 3. This Resolution shall supercede the authority con - tained in Resolution 60-2 applicable to the University Savings and Loan Association, Houston, Texas, where E. R. DaviS, Mayor Pro tem, and M. C.Halbert, Commissioner, were designated as elected officers of the City eligible to,act on and behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas. The signature and authority of 'E. R. Davis and M. C. Halbert is hereby removed inasmuch as their terms as Commissioners of the City of' West University Place, Texas, expired on November 14, 1960. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Reso- lution 60-24, designating officers to invest available funds with Savings and Loan Associations and to act in accordance with signatUre cards, be passed and approved as rea.d. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Resolution 60-25, ,as follows, was presented and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has cash available in the Tax Collector Fund and the Storm Se:wer Bond Fund, 1948, which will not be required for current operating expenses, and WHEREAS, it is the objective of the City Commission to keep all of the city's money invested to earn additional income and it is neces- sary and prudent to authorize investment of these certain sums of money: NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby direc- ted to invest funds in the amount of: $100,000 from the Tax Collector's Fund,as Funds become ,available through collection of current taxes, and $1,452.96 from the Storm Sewer Bond Fund, 1948 , in Savings and Loan Associa- tions, at their prevailing dividend rate of 4%. ' L Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Resolu- tion 60-25 directing investment of funds amounting to $100,000 from the l. r'==~~'=-~'~- r-"'..-'''=O~''"'-.~.,",",~-,C='. ,. .- 166 Tax Collector's Fund, and $1,452.96 from the storm Sewer Fund, 1948, in Savings and Loan Associations at their prevailing dividend rate of 4%, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. ~! Engineer's Estimate No.1, amounting to $9,585.00 due Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company, for work on the Equipment Storage and Utility Service Buildings, was submitted for the Commission's consideration. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Engineer's Estimate No. 1 for the period November 4th to November 28th, 1960, inclusive, amounting to $9,585.00 for work performed in connection with construction of the Equipment Storage and Utility Service Buildings by Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The 'City Manager apprised the Commission of the fact that the city has sold season tickets to the swimming pool for the past two seasons on an installment basis by permitting residents to pay for the tickets in four equal payments; said amounts being placed on the residents' water bill ea.ch month. The Commission discussed the advisability of changing the policy or the rates which have been used in previous years but de - cided to set the rates for season tickets the same as last year and to, permit any residents who desire to. pay for their season tickets in full before the lOth of January, 1961,to deduct lC/fo. Motion by Commissioner BOwman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that rates for season tickets to the swimming pool be set at $10.00 for single .ickets, $14.00 for family of two participating membe'Bs; $16.,00 for family of three participating members and $18.06 for family of four mr more participa - ting members; permitting any resident desiring to pay',rf'or his season tickets before the lOth of January, 1961, to deduct lC/fo of the sale price, Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. City Attorney Charles Cockrell reported that he had no further infor- mation from Attorney Will Sears regarding Southwestern Bell Telephone Company's position with respect, to the gross receipts charge and renewal of their franchise; however, Mr. Cockrell" stated that the City of South Houston had passed an ordinance increasing the gross receipts tax to the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company from 2 to 4% based on an at torney's brief that had been prepared on the subject and tha.t the City of West University could obtain a copy of the brief by paying half of the cost, which would amount to $30.00. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Attorney be instructed to obtain from the City of South Houston a copy of the brief pertaining to the state law on gross receipts 161. I'" " tax applicable to the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, for the sum of' $30.00. l_ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the meetings of November 10 th and 14th were read and ap - proved as corrected. l.~ C <9'" '" With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and ca.rried, the meeting was ad - journed at 12:00 midnight. (.) "-..-.,, oW-. ee ~.~~ MAYOR City Qf West University Place, Texas A'ITEST: 108 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1960 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, on Monday, December 12, 1960, 7:30P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Lamkin, presiding; Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and vIall. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. . ) _I The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Lutz. In response to an invitation from the City Commission, Mr. Stewart Newland, Engineer with Wallace and Tiernan Company, explained the desirability of in - stalling two new chlorinators at the Water Plant, one to pre-chlorinate water as it comes from the wells and is retained in the reservoirs, and the other to post-chlorinate the water as it is pumped to the distribution system and also other recording instrumeats necessary to make the .chlorination system complete- ly automatic. It was estimated that the two chlorinators and the recording instruments would cost approximately $10,268.00. The City Manager reported that money was available for this purpose in the Water-Sewer Revenue Fund. After the complete chlorination system was explained by Mr. Newland, and questions from members of the Commission answered, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., January 9, 1961, for delivery of two new chlorinators, one to pre-chlorinate water and the other to post-chlorinate water, and recording instrumentsneces- sary to make the chlorination system completely automatic. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. I , I _I City Manager Whitt Johnson advised that two one-ton chlorine containers would be needed in connection with the proposed chlorination system. The estimated cost of each container was $450.00. Motion by Commissioner Wall, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., January 9, 1961, for construction and delivery of two one-ton chlorine containers to be used at the new utility Building in connection with the chlorination system. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Minutes of the regular Zoning Board meeting on December 8th were presented to the Commission for consideration. No action was requested by the Commission at this time. The City Manager submitted a list of automobile and truck equipment which needs replacing during 1961 and explained the previous procedure of re - placing old equipment and re-assigning equipment which is in good condition. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. r~c,...o.c...o"O='CC'""'T:::':TI c. .~ r=''''=='~''=''='''~ ::1 1_ ~...~ o 7 U 0.: ~ 169 January 23, 1961, for delivery of one~-door passengerfor the Adminis- trative Department, three passenger cars for the Police Department, one truck cab and chassis for the Street Department and one pickup truck for the Garbage Department. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Estimate No.2 prepared by the City Engineer in the amount of $4,125.60 due -Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company for work completed on the Equip- ment Storage and Utility Service buildings, during the period November '28 through November 30, 1960, inclusive, was presented to the Commission for consideration. This estimate covers work performed but not. included in previous estimate. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Estimate No.2, prepared by the City Engineer, in the amount of $4,125.60, due Joe E. Hajdik Construction Company for work completed on the Equipment Storage and Utility Service buildings, during the period November 28th through November 30, 1960, inclusive, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Resolution 60-26, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place,Texas, has elected to invest the city's available cash which is not required for current operation of the various municipal activities, in shares and savings accounts, with University Saving~ and Loan Association, South - western Savings and Loan Association and American Savings and Loan Association, all of Houston, Texas; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that one of the elected officials of the City of West University Place, Texas, be appointed for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, in connection with the deposit, withdrawal or exchapge of funds; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has elected to deposit its funds in trust accounts limited to a maximum of $10,000 in each trust account in order to obtain Federal insurance coverage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section l. That Stuart L. Lamkin, Mayor of the City of West UniVersity Place, Texas, be appointed ~rustee repr~senting the city and authorized to sign trust fund accounts in connection with investment of funds in the herein ~d Savings and Loan Associ.ations with a maximum of' $lo,.CX)O in each of such trust accounts. j. ! Section 2. That the appointment of Mayor stuart L. Lamkin as Trustee repre'senting the city for the handling of trust fund accounts, shall T~:~=~--='O~~="""~~'=i-""""""T~ ro, '0 ........,...=c.....T- ._--,n 170 . supercede the action. of the City Commission contained in the regular minutes of July 11, 1960, appointing Commissioner E. R. Davis as Trustee for similar circumstances. Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Rice, that Resolution 60-26 appointing stuart L. Lamkin, Trustee, to represent the city and authorizing him to sign trust fund accounts in connection with investment of funds in Savings and Loan Associations with a maxi-wR~l mum of $10,000 in each of such trust accounts, be passed and approved as read. ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. The Commission discussed appointment of members to serve on the Board of Health and the Zoning and Planning Board, and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Bowman, seconded by Commissioner Wall, that Dr. L. D. Farragut, Dr. Ben Walpole and Professor James R. Sims be appointed as members of the Board of Health with Dr. Howard L. Evans and Mr. George Dickinson appointed as alternate members. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bo\vrnan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Lutz, that Messrs. O. D. Gill, David Hannah, Frank Hangs, R. M. Fitzgerald, Jr. and Loys E. Vest be appointed as members of the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bowman, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. During the discussion of alternate members to be appointed to the Zoning Board.at a later date, it was brought out that alternate members ap - pointed to the various Bo~rds and Committees do not have a voting right until after such time as they are officially appointed as a board member. Ordinance No. 785, captioned as ~ollows, was presented and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENr OF PERSONS TO SERVE AS CITY ATI'ORNEY, CORPORATION JUDGE AND CITY TREASURER- TAX ASSESSOR AND COLLECTOR OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; STATING THE TERM OF OFFICE; PRESCRIBING THE POWERS AND DUTIES OF SUCH OFFICERS; PRESCRIBING THE COM - PENSATION OF EACH APPOINTIVE OFFICER; STATING THE VALIDITY OF THE ORDINANCE; PRESCRIBING THE EFFECTIVE DATE. ' Motion by Commissioner Rice, seconded by Commissioner Bowman, that Ordi- nance No. 785, appointing Charles F. Cockrell as City Attorney at an annual rate of $2,400; Karl E. Kraft as Corporation Judge at an annual rate of $1,500 and William Dittert, Jr. as City Treasurer-Tax Assessor- Collector at an annual rate of $7,020, be ~assed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners Bmvrnan, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. '----, ~...":j o . """ U 0.: cc '-.-- 171 It was brought to the Commission's attention that the next regular meeting would fall on December 26, 1960, which is a scheduled holi- day. After discussing the matter, it was the desire of the Commission that the meeting on the 26th be dispensed with and the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Lutz, seconded by Commissioner BOvnnan, that the regular meeting scheduled for the 26th of December be dispensed with since this falls on a holiday. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Lamkin, Commissioners B01~n, Lutz, Rice and Wall. None. Mayor Lamkin stated that the prior city administration had considered the feasibility of co-operating with the Houston Lighting and Power company in a project to eliminate the poles and overhead transmission lines on Buffalo Speedway and University Blvd. Mayor Lamkin stated that conferences had been held with officials of the Houston Lighting & Power Company and they were willing to participate in the cost. It was also determined that electric service connections to four of the homes facing Buffalo Speedway would require re-routing and that the source of power to the city's signal lights would have to be changed which would also result in additional expenditure. The matter was presented to the City Commission with the request that consideration be given for immediate action. A list of agents to receive a pro rata share of the commission on the city's insurance premiums was submitted for consideration. The Commis- sion instructed the City Manager to submit the list to the Insurance Committee for the city for their recommendation and comments before official,action is taken. Minutes of the meeting of November 28, 1960, vTere read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 A.M. Tuesday, December 13, 1960. 4.mry; 'L~~ MAYOR City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: