HomeMy WebLinkAbout04101989 BSC Minutes• GENERAL APPEALS BOARD MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1989 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 6:30 P.M. General Appeals Board convened in regular session in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, in the City of West University Place, on Monday, April 10, 1989, with the following member present: Philip C. Lewis, John M. Farrell, Nicholas J. Aschliman, Sharon Mathews, and Curtis R. Cooper. Also present was Wayne Perry, Chief Building Official. Motion was made by Curtis Cooper, seconded by John Farrell, that Phil Lewis act as presiding officer for this first meeting of the General Appeals Board. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Absent: None • Mr. Lewis called the first meeting of the General Appeals Board to order. He explained the Board is a recently adopted board established to interpret building codes, grants variances to set building codes and things of this nature. He introduced Curtis Cooper, John Farrell, and the two alternates Nicholas Aschliman and Sharon Mathews. Mr. Lewis asked that the two items on the agenda be reversed; 2) Consideration of Demolition Order of 5616 Community, and 3) Consideration of Fence Variance of 3002 Quenby. COMMENTS OF CONCERNED RESIDENTS There were none present who wished to speak. CONSIDERATION OF FENCE VARIANCE OF 3002 QUENBY Mr. and Mrs. Herman Frietsch were introduced and sworn in by Phil Lewis. Mr. Frietsch presented his plans and asked for a variance for construction of a fence on the property at Quenby. His design specifies a main entranceway at the corner of the house from where the fence runs. Mr. Frietsch stated that a 6' fence would not be proportionate and would not give the privacy that is desired. The portion that is to be discussed is the fence itself and the middle pillar. A variance is requested for 1/2 foot on the fence and the middle pillar to go up to another foot • and one half making it 7 1/2 feet. Mr. Lewis asked that Wayne Perry give his interpretation of this portion of the Code. Mr. Perry stated the fence ordinance allows ~ a 6' fence across the front of the property and 8' high projection, 75" is acceptable if it is built of the same material and at the same time the house is being constructed. He also stated that to bring this into compliance both panels and the center posts would have to be built at 6'. The side is in compliance at 8'. Mr. Lewis asked that time be granted to the Board to discuss this variance. CONSIDERATION OF DEMOLITION ORDER OF 5616 COMMUNITY DRIVE Mr. David Allums was present to comment on consideration of the demolition order of 5616 Community Drive. Mr. Allums stated he represents Mrs. Jeannine Chatelle of San Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Quida Allen of Houston, Texas and Mrs. Judith Robbins of Buda, Texas, Mrs. Mildred Pelzel of Rockville, Texas and Ms. Lee McCaskill of unknown location. He explained that the owners of this property have just been decided and now determined that there are five daughters which are owners. Mr. Allums stated that in Probate Court #1 of Harris County in an application for determination of heirship, it was determined on March 23, 1989, that the five ladies indicated are the heirs of Alvin McCaskill who was deceased in 1971. • Mr. Allums stated that whether or not the building needs to be torn down is a mute point as everyone is in agreement that it needs to be torn down as it is an awful looking building. The point was that up until March 23 when the determination of heirship was made no one was going to voluntarily see that the house was torn down. Mrs. Shotell has contacted several demolition companies, including Cherry, Bayshore and others. Mr. Perry commented that as of 5:00 this afternoon no one had pulled a demolition permit. Mr. Lewis verified that the necessary paper work for a public hearing had been posted, and an audience meeting had been held for anyone to come and speak. Motion made by Curtis Cooper, seconded by Phil Lewis to demolish 5616 Community within 20 days. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Absent: None Mr. Lewis adjourned the meeting to reconvene in the conference room. Meeting convened in the conference room to rule on request for a fence • variance at 3002 Quenby. 2 • Mr. Farrell gave the criteria for granting a variance. After discussion, Mr. Lewis made the motion to not grant the variance to the fence ordinance to the plans as presented. Mr. Farrell seconded the motion. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Absent: None Motion was made by Curtis Cooper that the design as amended allowing the center post to be 7' high be accepted within the framework of the fence code, Mr. Farrell seconded the motion. Voting Aye: All Voting No: None Absent: None Meeting was adjourned. ~ • 3 ~ j ~~ ~ ~ DE~ARTME~IT OF OPEr~ATIOi`JS `~~r: . a ~~ e~~~ n~~~ rs ~~y PUBUC WCFiKS RECAE4T10N ANO PAn'r(?, UTIUTIES SENICR SEr~VICc"~ ~~' ~ ~ ~ ~,e ~ ~ ~xG~S BUILCING ANO HE,~LTH INSPECTICN i • LIST OF PERSONS OWNING OR CONTROLLING Ms. Jeannine Chatelle 51 Wayside Dr. San Antonio, TX 78213 Ms. Ouida Allen 1028 Waltway Houston, TY 77008 Ms. Judith Robbins 106 Blue Jay Circ?e Buda, TY 78610 • r1s. Mildred Pelzel Route 1, Box 454 Rockdale, TY 76507 Ms. Lea McCaskill c/o Mr. Robert V. ~fcCreary 3701 Kirby Dr., Suite 1230 Houston,TY 77098 Estate of Alvin i~cCaskill, deceased c/o Mr. David Allums Attorney at Law 911 Walker, Suite 505 Houston, TY 77002 • . - .. ~~ . _ ,~ ~ . ~ .:~'~Y?i ; ~'~(~1..;~tC(1. i _~Y ~S ~ Vr,~ij i ~3i~iC0'~:.~~ ~ ~(~ } v'i r L~' k- `'-~- • CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE GENERAL APPEALS BOARD INTERPRETATION Name of Applicant: Herman M. & Jackie Frietsch Address of Property: 3002 Quenby Legal Description of Property: Lot No. 31, Block No. 10, Monticello Subdivision This interpretation authorizes noncompliance with the following ordinance: Number 1337, Article X, Section 6-341 by the applicant at the property described above, but only in connection with the~ onstruction aintenance of the following structure ~ (describe carefullly the noncompliant aspects): Front fence, Cen~er ~ brick pillow - Interpretation - Can be constructed to a heiqht of 7'6"; however, brick must be of the same house material and wood fence material can not be more than 6' in height according to the ordinance. This interpretation is subject to the following conditions and restrictions: N/A • This interpretation does not authorize noncompliance with any other rule, ordinance, law or regulation. This interpretation is subject to amendment at any time. i ,'y _ - Signed: ~ ~/'~ For t e Genera pea s Board • STATE OF TE;{~.S ( COUNTY OF HAR.RIS ( ORDER CONCERNING DA ( Y Proposed / X Final) T0: ALL P~'RSONS OWNING OR CONTROLLING THE BL'ILDINGS DESCRIBED BELOW AND TO ALL OTHER PERSONS INTERSTED IN SUC:i BUILD~VGS TAKE NOTICL that the Building Official of the City of West Univ2rsity Place, Texas has deter,nined that the buildings described below are dangerous, as contemplated by Article 6, Chapter 6 oz the Code of Ordinances of such City (the "Dangerous Buildings Ordinance"). Such buildings are described as follows: St=eet add~ess: 5616 Comr.iunity Drive Legai desc~ipticn building site: Lot 19, Block l, College Place, City of West University Place, • Harri~ County, TeYas General s=ze ar.c description of buildings: Three bedroom, one bath, kitchen, living room, attached garage, appro.{imatel;~ 1,000 sq. ft. THE CONDI'~'IONS ~hich cause such buildings to be dangerous are described as fc;lcNs: l. Foundation unstable - sinking and unable to hold load imposed properly. 2. Frame structure deteriorated so as to be dangerous. 3. Plumbino piping inadequate and unsafe. 4. Attached garage structure unstable and unsafe. 5. Electrical wiring unsafe and inadequate. 6. Windows broken, frames and sashes are deteriorated. YOU ARE HEREBY CRDERED to take the following action with respect to such bui~dir.~s: (indicate those applicable) • ( ) Vacate the buildings on or before the th day following the date this order becomes effective. • ( ) Halt the use of such buildings on or before the th day following the date this order becomes effective. ( ) Repair such building so that the conditions causing them to be dangerous are completely corrected, on or before the th day following the date this order becomes effective. aQ~ C~~ ( X) Demolish such buildings on or before the ~th day following the date this order becomes effective. IMPORTANT: This order shall not take effect unless, after a public hearing, the General Appeals Board of such City finds that such buildings are in violation of the standards set out in the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance and approves such order (either in its originally proposed form or as it may be amended by such Board). Dangerous buildings within the terms of the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance are therein declared to be nuisances. THIS ORDER IS PROPOSED BY: Date : ,~~5 igned : `~~L/ ..~ • Name: Wayne E. erry Title: Building Official Addz'ess : 3800 University Blvd. Houston, TX 77005 Phone : ( 713) 668-4441 ACTION BY THE GENERAL APPEALS BOARD: The General Appeals Board of the City of West University Place, Texas, after considering the above and foregoing order in a public hearing held on the l Oth day of Apri 1 , 19 89 :(1) f inds and determines that all notices required by the Dangerous Buildings were duly given, and that the Board has jurisdiction over this matter, (2) finds and determines that the buildings described in the order are in violation of the standards set out in Article VI of Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances of such City, (3) approves such order in the form shown above and (4) declares that the effective date of such order is the lOth day of Apr i 1 , 19 89 Date : ~ !/ / ~ S igned : ~ Title: General Npp ~Is Board Member i Attest: • Title: ~ ~ p.~ 36atty:ordrbldg ~ J ( ) Halt th day effective. the use ot such buildings on or before the following the date this order becomes ( ) Repair such building so that the conditions causing them to be dangerous are completely corrected, on or before the th day following the date this order becomes effective. ( X) Demolish such buildings on or before the lOth day following the date this order becomes effective. IMPORTANT: This order shall not take effect unless, after a public hearing, the General Appeals Board of such City finds that such buildings are in violation of the standards set out in the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance and approves such order (either in its originally proposed form or as it may be amended by such Board). Dangerous buildings within the terms of the Dangerous Buildings Ordinance are therein declared to be nuisances. THIS ORDER IS PROPOSED BY: • Date: __ _1i~~Signed. ~~~ ~ Name : Wa ne E. err Y y Title: Building Official Address : 3800 University Blvd. Houston, TX 77005 Phone: (713) 668-4441 ACTION BY THE GENERAL APPEALS B~ARD: The General Appeals Board of the City of West University Place, Texas,•after considering . the above and fo egoing order in a public hearing held on the ~_ day of ,,~,/~',~.'/~ , 19~: (1) f inds and determines that all notices required by the Dangerous Buildings were duly given, and that the Board has jurisdiction over this matter, (2) finds and determines that the buildings described in the order are in violation of the standards set out in Article ~V~ of Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances of such City, (3) ~~eS SL1Ct1 order ,l,Il thE? fnr chnnrn ahn~~o ~r,R ;,~T declares that the effective date of such order is the ~_ day of _ _, 19 89 ,~ Date: •Attest: Title: Signed: Title: B ial ~ ~ .~~ ~~~y „~~ ~~.. . 36atty:ordrbldg