HomeMy WebLinkAbout03182004 ZBA AgendaCity of ~est Uni~ersity Place ~ A Neighborhood City ~ HecyeledPapet Notice of Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Adjushnent (ZBA) of the City of West University Place, Texas will meet in Regular Session on: March 18, 2004 ~ Beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Bill Watson Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas The subject(s) of the meeting are as follows: [Call to orderJ Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules and ~neeting procedures, identifying parties, swearing of witnesses, etc. 2. Public Hearing of Docket 04-O1 (Special Exception). Request at 4144 Tennyson that an existing 6' wrought iron fence and stone column that encroach into the front yard setback be granted PNC status {Section 12-102 (e)} by issuance of a special exception allowing them to remain. • 3. Meeting Minutes. M atters r elating t o t he a pproval o f m inutes f rom t he m eeting h eld o n November 20, 2003. [Adjourirn:ei:tJ If you plan to attend t/tis public meeting and you /iave a disability t/:at requires special arr~ingements at t/:e Meeting, plerrse contact t/ie Planning Assistant at 713.662.5843 i~: advance of t/ie ~neetii~g: Reasoi:able accommodatio~:s wil[ he nrade tn assist your participation in tlie meeti~ig. Tlre Mrirricip«l Bui[ding is wJieel cfiair accessible fron: t/:e west entrance a~rd specirrlly n:arked parki~rg• sp~rces «re availrrble in t/:e,sout/:west anrkin~ area. Sallye A. Assistant POSTED THIS 10`h DAY OF March 2004 at5~ ~ O'CLOCK P.M. • 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org