HomeMy WebLinkAbout06172004 ZBA Notice (2)City of ~lest Uni~ersity P1ace .• A Neighborhood City ~ Recycled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARINC The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, and City of West University Place, Texas at 6:30 P.M. on June 17, 2004. The hearing may be recessed and continued to the ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 P.ns. on Julv 15, 2004 at the same place. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the slte: 2707 Pittsburgh Street, Houston, Texas 77005 I.egal descriptlon of the site: Lot Nine (9), in block Eleven (11) of Pemberton Place, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in volume 8, page 41 of the map records of Harris County, Texas. Docket No.: 04-04 Permittee/Applicant: Lisa Young • Actlon Requested or Proposed: Request for a special exception at 2707 Pittsburgh Street to allow that the present encroachment along the East property line and the encroachment of the Front Yard setback be granted PNC status until such time as the residence is removed or alterations to the residence cause their removal. (Article 12, Section 1.02, Note (e)) Request for a variance at 2707 Pittsburgh Street to allow the construction of the proposed carport that maintains a 3 foot setback from the West property line and projects to a distance of 54 feet from the front street line. (Article 7, Section 6, Note 5 and Article 7, Secrion 2, Note 2) Appllcable regulations lncluqe the City~s ioning Ordinance. Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additional details on such matters. as well as. the applicable regulatlons are avatlable for publlc Inspectton In the Pubiic Works Center, 3826 Amherst. West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearings. If you plun to atte~:cl t/eis public nreeli~rg and you /ruve a disability tl~at requires speciul arrmtgenrenls at Ilre meeting, p[ease coritacl t/ie Plnfr~ei~rg & Deve/upmen~ Assistant at 713.662.5843 in advu~rre of t/ie nreeting. Rensonuble accommodatiars wi[[ be ma~le 10 ~rssist your participatioi: i~r t/ie nleeting. T/re Municip~rl Buildiirg is rv/reel c/rair accessible frnm the west entraiice r~i~d specirel/y mnrke~l purkiiig spaces nre available in t/ee sa~tlr ivesl pnrking a~ea. • Signed: ~ , for the ZBA 06-07-2004. Sal ye A. Clark, anning Assistant. 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org . ~ ' „~,_,:,_ ...__... _. ~ ... • ' • . . , ~. . r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ "._•'~ ~ : . . w• w : , ; . . 534-1~-~2rfi I' ~ ~~ e ~ o~~~«~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~,z,~~~~~ ~~~.~~ ~ $~~~~.~.~~~-~.~~.~~~~-~~ ~ . ~WUa~evsnNmr~a~wnw~ot~ra~,~sru.~a~~wti.s~.-t+c~s~s~s~.R. ~ u~ Htra~s ~rw Boei~s hs~x:o~o~, ~ra wra ~ _ .. BB~ICiAT'R~II'~~1t9BC710?f~'~181~78~ta180iFilACS~Ol1fAVJy7tD ~ 7~ IiAST1~D~iAlY L~'1B0~' ~B $~1~ ' ~ • . ` ~iCBl~t1~'ititvAv[.~O'ltQ788$ABxL¢~~~83~8EI'A~~I~ROWIOA ~ r ~~~wo.aa~ ' . . ' " " ~CAQVAI~I~AB~.YDa~T'WP1'IIAC~VHZOT~B~'S.~~Ail~EJ6~F W8~1S200t00r A~aF~MAi"lOAPO~irAt~A'~V~SENqV~ _ : • ~BGO~Eei'J~II~m~OII~rAUto~q.~~lEAC1At1fB~o7~ffiL~P~ . ~tAD OF c~79]~AAa'~0 P!'POR At~C~KIB~a+~a x--e~~^e~:rc+r+ ~oa•~. • - ~ ,q1'Bt66lII~~IA(~Di~ TD4PIWV~lBAi~L~ITBAT - ~ ' - ' ~t r.~~a~Till~Sll~1AeE~i7[~Ba~Gl~uLZ83UKK~d.l~i'~-W.O~Bl~1atIDRT ' • !lU9I~11Rt3t'iHAii8~9OC11~lttY.~80DElA~IIr1Vd..13Ra~Pri~31QH.C.D.A.Ai'iA7f~ - ~dBLIt~QlM'Q~AWP8~i7f'~O'Wt~DBYTJ~~D ~ 4t7DJ-tIS7JN II~SA~A.C. - B81C~10ti~Stl8~1TRY: . - • TiY~i~SOYJ'ffiALO~iG1~C6M1~tL1lOi~FBAID~~~AHD1'~A57'OP ' . 80t)NAf1~[Y3.CR13l1~11t~NN@Ii'I~9Hq~!\D[Sl411'CEOi~339.E"CpT~T'~HYR1Q'~1Y - LiADiO!$AmRR.Ts80'~$YAA~; , . - ~ ' 'i~WkB1~AWi'1~~?iq~tTA!'8~0~1YLn'IBOF'.~RICBHOVLBYAICDLSA$[ - atsr~-t~8 0~ ~ss~oo~ ~no~sroarraa~n~na+c~,~ca~r~~qsr~su~a~ uitut~[amsa~t~ss ~ ~ ~ ' _' .;r•'-s . .. : - .• -. ~ _ ~ ~~ ~~~ .•. • . . : . . . . • . • . , . ~ ~ ~ . . Exhibit nq~i : - . = . . ' J.M..H. S~Iper Markets, Inc. ~. ~ . . ~ ~ to . . ~ ' . ~.~~ ' '. . . Janet Carter Wil.son and Charles Roy Wilson - ~ ~ ~ . ~ t . ~• . - ~ • , . _ ~ . . . _ . - ~ ~ . ~ ~„ . ~ . - Titie Data TC 10.209':202.88 HA U634472.004 ~ ~