HomeMy WebLinkAbout07272023 ZBA Minutes City of West University Place Public Works Department ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES July 27, 2023 6:30 p.m. I. MEMBERS Ross Fava(voting), Lawrence Foust (voting), Frank Monacelli PRESENT: (voting), Francois Daube (voting), and Harold Rocketto (voting) II. MEMBERS Jay Cohen, Owen Rutz, Donald Yurewicz and Michael Tucker ABSENT: III. STAFF PRESENT: Tommy Ramsey, Legal Counsel, John McGowan, Building Official, Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator, Ronisha Ellington and Paula Alonzo, Permit Technicians and Joseph Newton, Zoning Official IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:55 p.m. 1. Call the meeting to Ross Fava called the meeting to Ross Fava administered the oath to all ZBA order.Notices,Rules, order at 6:55 p.m. Ross Fava asked members and witnesses. etc. members to briefly introduce themselves. Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator, stated that all notices were posted in accordance with state and local laws. Ross Fava then described the hearing procedures. Swearing in of witnesses.Francois Daube and Harold Rocketto were the alternate voting members. 2. Docket No. 2023-0007; Applicant's Request After deliberation,Lawrence Foust made a regarding property at The applicant in Docket 2023-0007; motion to deny the special exception to allow 3701 Sunset Blvd.,West 3701 Sunset Blvd.requests the a driveway which connects two intersecting University Place,Texas Board approve a special exception as streets. Second by Francois Daube.AYES: 77005(Special allowed by Appendix A—Table 7- Lawrence Foust, Frank Monacelli,Francois Exception). 5a,note 5,to allow a driveway to be Daube and Harold Rocketto.NOES: Ross a. Public hearing constructed in another location and Fava. Motion denied(4-1). regarding a special with a different design that exception from the City's prescribed by the Zoning Ordinance. Zoning Ordinance, The applicant wishes to construct a 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department Appendix A of the Code driveway which connects two of Ordinances,Article 7, intersecting streets. Section 7-101, Table 7- 5a;Note 7 to construct a Staff did not receive correspondence driveway which connects in favor or against the special two intersecting streets. exception: b. Deliberation, decisions, other action, Robert Doty; 5300 Mercer#6 and etc.regarding the George Gerachis, 3621 Sunset spoke preceding matters. against the special exception. Background Information: The legal description of the site is LT 20 BLK 1 SUNSET TERRACE SEC 1. The applicant desires to construct a new driveway for their home which connects two intersecting streets(Sunset Blvd. and Edloe St.)The applicant has stated that their intent is to limit on-street parking by providing additional guest/visitor parking in front of their home on the requested driveway configuration. The city curb regulations located in the Zoning Ordinance were recently amended to specifically disallow circular driveways which"cut the corner"as desired by the applicant. The curb- cut amendments were approved on the consent agenda at the second and final reading of ordinance during the May 22,2023 City Council session. The applicant submitted this project to the City prior to the approval of the amending ordinance and this request for Special Exception shall be reviewed under the prior curb cut regulations that were applicable at the time of project submission(May 10,2023). 3. Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes from Francois Daube moved to approve the May May 25,2023. 25,2023 minutes. Second by Frank 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of Nest University Place Public Works Department Monacelli. AYES: Ross Fava, Lawrence Foust,Frank Monacelli,Harold Rocketto and Francois Daube. Motion carried(5-0). 4. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46 Lawrence moved to adjourn the meeting. p.m. Second by Francois Daube.AYES: Ross Fava,Lawrence Foust,Frank Monacelli, Harold Rocketto and Francois Daube. Motion carried(5-0). \OD APPROVED THIS ' \ DAY OF11C-4.1° 2023. tfir, Presi.' .. 0 fiver ATTEST: 9-_ m_ 41-D �S Josie M. Hayes, Administra or Coordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830