HomeMy WebLinkAbout07152004 ZBA Notice (3)r City of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace A Neighborhood City ~ RecycledPaper Notice of Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) of the City of West University Place, Texas will meet in Regular Session on: July 15, 2004 . ~ Beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Bill Watson Conference Room of the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas The subject(s) of the meeting are as follows: [Call to orderJ 1. Notices, Rules, Etc. Matters relating to notices, rules and meeting procedures, identifying parties, swearing of witnesses, etc. ' 2. Docket 03-09. Matters relating to the extension of time for a variance granted at 3211 Pittsburg/6500 Buffalo Speedway, docket 03-09. 3. Public Hearing of Docket 04-OS (Special Exception & Variance). Request for a special exception at 3611 University Blvd to authorize the .existing church and customary ancillary uses (which may include schools, daycare, gymnasium, etc. in a single family district and to ~ grant P NC s tatus f or yard e ncroachments (9.5' side a nd 5' r ear). { Table 7-1:Uses/Special Exceptions and Section 12-102(e) Acquiring PNC Status/Certain Yard Encroachments} Request for a variance at 3611 University Blvd to allow the interior side yard setback of lot 9 to a 9' setback and of Lot 10 to a 13' setback. {Table 7-2: Yazds (or setbacks)} 4. Public Hearing of Docket 04-06 (Special Exception). Request for a special exception at 2737 Cason to grant prior non-conforming status, Section 12-102 (e) Certain Yard Encroachments, to an existing structure to project into the required side yard (2.7 feet from side property line). 5. Public Hearing of Docket 04-07 (Special Exception). Request for a special exception at 4201 Riley to grant prior non-conforming status, Section 12-102 (e) Certain Yard Encroachments, to allow existing 2 story garage structure to encroach on average 3" into rear 5' setback. 6. Public Hearing of Docket 04-08 (Special Exception). Request for a special exception at 3780 University Blvd to grant an extension of prior non-confornung (`PNC') status to allow construction of a new str.ucture (to replace existing dugout facility) including: parking, setbacks, use, quantity of accessory buildings and height of accessory structure {Section 12- 105 Special Exceptions to Extend PNC Status} i 3800 University Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005-2899 • 713•668•4441 • www.westu.org • 7. Meeting Minutes. Matters relating to the approval of minutes from the meeting held on June 17, 2004. [AdjournmentJ ANYONE WITH A DISABILITY REQUIRING SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE PERSON WHO S/GNS TH/S NOT/CE, BELOW, IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING, TO ALLOW TIME FOR ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE AS NECESSARY. THE MEETING PLACE MENTIONED ABOVE IS ACCESSIBLE BY WHEEL CHA/RS BY US/NG THE SLOPED RAMP LOCATED AT THE WEST ENTRANCE TO THE MUNIC/PAL BUILDING. SPECIALLY MARKED PARKING SPACES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE PARKING LOT ADJOINING UNlVERSITY BOULEVARD. Sallye A. Cl~c, Planning Assistant Sclarkna,westu.org 713-662-5843 POSTED THIS 12`" DAY OF July 2004 at 5: D(7 O'CLOCK P.M. • •