HomeMy WebLinkAbout10262023 ZBA Agenda item 3 OCityof West University Place Public Works Department To: Zoning Board of Adjustment From: John McGowan,Building Official Date: October 26,2023 Re: Staff Report for Docket 2023-0011,3609 Plumb Street. Applicant's Request The applicant in Docket#2023-0011 —3609 Plumb Street,requests that the Zoning Board of Adjustment (the "ZBA") approve a variance from the City's Zoning Ordinance, to allow a building site with more than 6,000 SF in area to utilize the Narrow Site"3/7"Exception. Background Information The applicant wishes to employ alternative side yard setbacks that deviate from the city's standard,which mandates a minimum of 10% of the building site width or 5 feet, as permitted by Note 2 of Table 7-2. Note 2 outlines a set of criteria that must be met to qualify for the 3/7 Exception. Earlier this year, the language of the 3/7 Exception was modified to clarify the existing exception criteria and introduce additional requirements to qualify for the exception. One notable change is the addition of a stipulation that restricts building sites larger than 6,000 square feet in area from using the 3/7 Exception. The City Council approved the 3/7 Exception amendments on May 8th, 2023, during the first reading, and subsequently, these amendments were approved on the consent agenda at the second and final reading of the ordinance on May 22nd, 2023, during the City Council session. Plans for this project were submitted to the City on July 20th, 2023, obligating the project to conform to the current version of the 3/7 Exception. The applicant has stated that the drafting of plans for the new home began as early as February 17th, 2023, and they were unaware that that the 3/7 Exception criteria were being revised. The applicant wishes to utilize the prior edition of the exception criteria, as the proposed building site complies with all the previous requirements. Please see below for the current and former language of the 3/7 exception criteria. Sec. 7-101.—Table 7-2,Note 2 (Current). Note 2. Narrow Site"3/7" Exception. Alternate side yard areas apply to a building site meeting all five of the following criteria: (a) The building site is less than 55 feet in width and no more than 6,000 square feet in area. (b) The use is single-family(detached) use. 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of- West University Place Public Works Department (c) Outside the rear yard, no main wall surface of any building is closer than 10 feet to any main wall surface of a `prior building' on an adjacent building site. A `prior building' is a principal building in existence, under construction or covered by a current building permit when a building permit is issued for a subsequent building. A `subsequent building' is a principal building that was permitted for construction after an adjacent prior building was permitted, and that is located on a building site that has a common side property line with the adjacent prior building. 1) Exception: If there are prior buildings on both sides of a subsequent building, each within 7 feet of the common side property lines, the minimum separation between main wall surfaces is 8 feet. (d) The owner has designated alternate side setback areas in a form approved by the administrative official and in accordance with all of the following criteria: 1) Minimum setback, interior: 3 feet. 2) Minimum setback, street side: 5 feet. 3) Minimum setbacks, both sides combined: greater of 10 feet or 20% of the building site width. 4) On each side, the setback is uniform in width along its entire length. See Table 7-5a regarding"alternating driveway"rule. (e) The proposed garage shall be located in the rear yard. The ZBA may issue or modify a special exception to locate the proposed garage outside the rear yard if all the following criteria are met. The special exception criteria conferred by Section 11-102(b) shall not be utilized when determining whether this special exception should be granted. The scope of the decision shall be limited to criteria enumerated below: 1) Locating the proposed garage outside the rear yard will not unduly alter the character of the immediate neighborhood; 2) The location will not restrict access to the principal or neighboring properties for fire or life rescue; 3) The proposed special exception will not cause any significant increase in on-street parking, will not cause any substantial traffic congestion, will not cause any substantial increase in traffic or an unreasonable burden upon utility systems or upon any other public facility or public service; 4) A Protected Tree(s) that would otherwise be removed due to a garage being constructed in the rear yard would be preserved; and 5) The submission of a Tree Disposition Plan and Tree Survey approved by the City's Urban Forester. 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department Sec. 7-101.—Table 7-2, Note 2 (Prior). Note 2. Narrow Site "3/7" Exception. Alternate side yard areas apply to a building site meeting all four of the following criteria: A) The building site is less than 55 feet wide. B) The use is single-family(detached)use. C) Outside the rear yard,no main wall surface of any building is closer than 10 feet to any main wall surface of a "prior building" on another building site (unless there are "prior buildings" on both sides, each within seven feet of the property line, in which case the minimum separation from a "prior building" is eight feet). A "prior building" is a building in existence, under construction or covered by a current building permit when a building permit is issued for the subsequent building. D) The owner has designated alternate side setback areas in a form approved by the administrative official and in accordance with all of the following criteria: (1) Minimum setback,interior: 3 feet. (2) Minimum setback, street side: 5 feet. (3) Minimum setbacks, both sides combined: greater of 10 feet or 20% of the building site width. (4) On each side, the setback is uniform in width along its entire length. See Table 7-5a regarding"alternating driveway"rule. Variance Request The ZBA may not issue or modify a variance unless all of the following circumstances are present: (1) The ZBA has made all findings and determinations required by state law for the granting of a variance. A "special condition" or "hardship" that is self-created, personal or based only on financial reasons is not sufficient to support the issuance of a variance. (2) The ZBA has made any additional findings and determinations required by a specific provision of this section which relates to the variance. (3) The variance has been reduced to writing and includes any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this section for the variance in question. The Board may approve,deny or approve with conditions a variance. 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") fxAS Address of site: 3609 Plumb Street Legal description of the site: E 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 63 Second Addition to West University Place Applicant: Alfredo Tellez Address: 3301 Georgetown Street Contact: Steve Santry Phone: 713-504-0039 Fax: Email: sgsantry@gmail.com Decision or Action Requested(check one or more and provide requested data): ( )Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( )Yes; ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note: Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s) involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( ) Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: • Exact wording of special exception requested: (X)Variance. • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requested: Sec. 7-101,Table 7-2, Note 2. -Narrow Site "3/7" Exception • Exact wording of variance requested: Requesting a variance to allow a building site larger than 6,000 SF in area to utilize the Narrow Site "3/7" Exception. Other Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No ( )Yes(list items here and attach them) Attached. The applicant has read th-e_____teid-City regulations attached. Signature of applicant: 1 �Jv \ ' Date: /v2\/ZUa- For Staff Use only Date filed: $ D3Date heard:' 'QJ(T Docket#: _ )t) Form ZBA-102 PROB STFELD AS SOCIATh S • PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS 515 PARK GROVE DRIVE, SUITE 102 ♦ KATY,TEXAS 77450 ♦ (281)829.0034 ♦ PAX(281)829-0233 N PLUMB 41.3aw+ STREET .....- 01.47.98 60' R.O.W. (Vol. 638, Pg. 147 HCDR) T10441 T/048.4 NOTES: 047A6470 047A 1104133 T1 C 1. Elevations shown are based on City of West • ' 40 4,,, University Place Benchmark No.5R Elevation 13 =52.06 NAVDBB(2001 Adjustment). waw Y/',:,,, +� AL . 2. Fences do not false lines as shown 10000 50.0 10.80 18.80 Fad. ori Fed.RodaIS' properlyMAO EAST 50.00' � 50T Iron Rod a � Iron above. O e- 3. Lot subject to the Zoning Ordinances now In force Fnd.Ser 0 0 ia4P 0 og Fix(5la'Iron w [jj In the City of West University Place,Texas, Fnd.1/2'Iron iron Rod Fnd,NS' Wit Fnd.618' Rod Rod std. Iron Rod (N-0.011 nary O i� inducting but not limited to Ordinance No.1204 ea !w reference low Red < set forth in instrument recorded under Harris (t0.5'on lure) . ra County Clerk's Re No.R741573,those recorded 305305 o ofin Volume 1075,Page 485 of the Dead Records My O4 04 '.I 04 . '. 0? Harris County,Texas,and Article 7 Table 7-2 of • rn the Code of Ordinances.Subject property lies ce within Zane Residential SF-3. -_ _ 1Caandd _ " ' 30'Front Setback Line °o (J) rt_ 10.5 j.,- (City SF-3 Zoning) a 4. TABLE 7-2:Yards(or'setbacks')as per City w 40. 104 6 25.1 E r I t Zo " t"; of West University Place Charter 8 Ordinances 03 I g. yJ II I AO 1 notes the following:FRONT YARD:20 feet 5 , ,y I OA 0' 0 '; the building site depth N 110 feet or lees;25 99 I m T6eWkl/2 r 2-Storyx feet H the building site depth is more than 110 �La y Brick TT+! I W�8�2 n m feet but not more than 125 feet;30 feet if the )e)i.MT6®. IX Brlc�f&Frame 1 #f Lo 3 building site depth Is more than 125 feet. W;Si.mCTT,m., I XI H OICCP•RP.202662a062) I fNNE.dRra'=RAO g1 I° INTERIOR SIDE YARD:Greater of 10%of b building site width or 5 feet(subject to narrow 44 4.4 I 0�i 01 site 3/7 exception).STREET SIDE YARD: & 357 I DI Greater of 10%building site width or 5 feet 8 4.5 0 - I ree n (subject to narrow o site 3/7 exception).REAR 'LM S.:.��, I 0 YARD:20 feet. = TCaon TREE Canopy r Sries Pole # Name Diameter Radios 5. TABLE 7-4a:Garage door or opening faring ° I' 04 T1 Pecan Tree 20' 30.0' front street line:Prohibited unless:(I)the 04 - -y I 10 J'='i 12 Tree 1T 10.0 GC744 9' T3 Tallow Tree 3Y 30.0 garage door la set back ten feet or more from i T4 Oak Tree 10' 15.0' the front yard.and(U)there Is only open area 'z+ 'I 8 TO Crepe Myrtle 18.• ISO' above the drivewayfor at least 7 feet Inward _ Y a TO Crape Myrtle 20' 15.0 from the front yard,and any structure above 6 T3 ® ,' *", I I 5'SCs Setback line f the driveway(and within 10 feet of the front (City 8F-3 Zoning) t�'I r•Cp • yard)must be cantilevered or suspended from 0 104 I 4> T4 0' i 4' 0the building.Additional requirements for I LOT 2 I B Bide Setback Line detached/accessory buildings,architectural BLOCK 63 p , 0.1722 ACRES . I (City SF-3 Zoning) features,and sports courts,swimming pools, ,gE 7.50080.FT. etc.,are not shown and should be Investigated SECOND b 0..Service Pole prior to any planning or construction.Lot may ADDITION TO 5 be subject to certain requirements pertaining to W B S T 04 104 h 0? r32 223 0 front,side and rear setback lines and also UNIVERSITY .) ° I architecturalGeryprotrusions such as eaves, P L A C E .sante.Pale •51.02 overhangs,ledges,etc.,in relation t4 _I-___ ° . 2-Story. ti ____20 Rear Setback Line SECTION 2 - Y (City SF-3 Zoning) easements and/or bulldog lines and should be (Vol.538,PE.147 HCDR) 1 = Frame vented pilot to arty planning or construction. 8. This survey was performed without the beret of 04 ' 0= 229 Set'UT iron Rod a current title opinion and Is subject to any facts a for Reference01_ �-re Ge.Meter -Wood 0.1 full and accurate title search may disclose.Al (3'x 3') 0® 0 O4 Op 9O4 Oe, easements,building lines,zoning setbacks, // 'a FM.1'Iron Pipe restrictions and covenants of record may not he Power PoSetB k♦01 0.5 04 r.Woad few 0.310 (3 46'34'E-0.5') shown. Found or No Iron RWEST 50.00' 7. All bearings are based on the South right of (Access Denied) LOTS LOT 6 way line of Plumb Street(East). PLAT OF PROPERTY FOR: MARIA LUISA LOPEZ IRREVOCABLE TRUST w ALFREDO TELLEZ AT: 310Y PLUMB STREIIT•WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,TX LGL: EAST ONEAOALP(S.1/2)OF LOT S,SLACK 63 SECOND ADDITION TO WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE VOLUME+ISS,PASS 147 OF TME DISED RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY,TEXAS SCALE: 1'■20' DATE: 7/512022 REVISED DATE: EMAIL Property DOSS NOT LMSI WINE .aaleested 100 year Ise4le.. EMAIL COPY PANEL ND:.4112010 ONO L'= FIS:L411+ LOMB:S1SA631SSP NOT TO I(SECORSEL FOR ANT MINS( ZONE: SHADED x EFF.DATE: 5/15/2007 1350412013 BASE FLOOD ELEVATION: 50.5'(100 YR) I S1.5'(500 YR) LOCATED BY GRAPHIC PLOTTNOONLY AND NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTUAL DETERMINATES/ THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE COMWTNENT PROVIDED BY: NO TITLE COMMITMENT WAS PROVIDED GF#:_. ALL E$MT'SIBUILDINO LINES MAY NOT BE SHOWN. JOB# 2905-004 DRAWN BY: RK IMDH THIS SURVEY IS THE PROPERTY OF PROBSTFBD S ASSOCIATES,INC.,IS CERTIFIED FOR T'NIS TRANSACTION ONLY,AND IS NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INITITVTIONS OR OWNERS. CAI Q C> pl Z (n v '. <,( D ,--F 0- > 0-(n > O n� � (D (n W nD (n -t z —• n - ( O (D• O n nrD -o 0 ,_..r q (=I: CM 74' (r) — 0 k0 (D -fi r* 0) r (D (-) 7t7 (1) -n-< Q D -sr-r (D < On or';' (-) rN-r 0-C3 F(D0 2r+ �_, (Dvoc C CD :— CD 3 * fD O -+ rt) � D o D Q0CU CD Q0. Cr CU W D � r-r (D CDS m (1) E• (D ri• CDD Q (D N V Q c W C < n 0 0O (n <• (n rn E: at'0 c' —. 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The action requested states that Mr. Tellez is requesting a Variance as authorized by Appendix A, Article 7, Section 7-101, Table 7-2, Note 2, to allow building site with more than 6,000 SF in area to utilize the narrow site "3/7" Exception for the site address—3609 Plumb St, Houston, TX 77005. The Legal Description is E %z of Lot 2, Block 63 Second Addition of West University, Harris County, TX. Docket number 2023-0011. I do not believe a variance should be granted when doing so would raise safety concerns. Should the board agree to this action request, the house as built will be too close to our home. We are worried about proximity should there be a fire, hurricane, or any other natural disaster. Additionally, the natural light that is now flowing into our home will be complete and total darkness. Both of these concerns will affect our quality of life and the enjoyment of our property. Thank you for your consideration in not passing the action requested by Alfredo Tellez as stated above. Respectfully yours, Julie Thomas 3613 Plumb St. Houston, TX 77005 Donna P. Donnell 3620 Plumb Street Houston, Texas 77005 October 26, 2023 Zoning Board City of West University Place Public Works Department 3826 Amherst St. West University Place, TX 77005 Dear Zoning Board for the City of West University Place, I am joint owner with my husband, James, of my current residence at 3620 Plumb Street. I am aware of the request for a zoning variance by Mr. Alfredo Tellez for the property diagonal to my home, 3609 Plumb Street. The action requested states that Mr. Tellez is requesting a Variance as authorized by Appendix A, Article 7, Section 7-101, Table 7-2, Note 2, to allow building site with more than 6,000 SF in area to utilize the narrow site "3/7" Exception for the site address—3609 Plumb St, Houston, TX 77005. The Legal Description is E 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 63 Second Addition of West University, Harris County, TX. Docket number 2023-0011. While I am extremely interested in moving past the unsightly, neglected condition of the property currently, I oppose the variance request even if this means delays while Mr. Tellez works through his building plan to build within the current requirements for 5' on both sides of the home. I am not interested in placing any of our homes in West University only 3' apart for any reason. We all must build our homes within the rules at the time of our permitting. The rules are not always convenient and, truly, often spawn a series of seemingly intolerable compromises in the dreams for the home. The compromises most often do not impact the quality of life once you move into the home. Having a home only 3' from a neighbor, however, could impact the quality of life on an ongoing basis. Privacy and safety are compromised when homes are only 3' apart. I live on the ditch with no neighbor to the west and have a neighbor across the driveway on the east. Even with this extended and unique space, I sometimes feel as though my neighbor is staring down on my family spaces on the east side. I cannot imagine being only 3' from any neighbor; I believe would feel as though the neighbor was in my home with me. We spend much too much on our land and our homes here to have to endure spacing of only 3'. I have heard on the sidewalk that Mr. Tellez is building a spec home on this property, and he plans to build a front-loading garage if he is not granted the 3/7 exception. If his desire is to avoid a front-loading garage, and he does not have an owner to please with his design, then I propose that he consider narrowing the home by a suitable amount to work within the 5/5 rules and have the design (garage in back) that he desires. I do not believe that the outcome from the 5/5 requirement must be a front-loading garage, especially if not building to please a current owner. Furthermore, as a spec builder, Mr. Tellez is not personally invested in the outcome of building a home only 3' from a neighbor. He will build, collect his money, and walk away to leave a new owner on top of an existing neighbor. Mr. Tellez will never have to manage the relationship with an existing neighbor whose privacy and safety are now compromised and who bought a home at a princely sum to now have a new home built only 3' from their home. I believe that Mr. Tellez's interests are simply in moving forward with his plans instead of being a good neighbor with his plans. Please do consider his motives as you study this case. Thank you for soliciting my input on the decision regarding the home at 3609 Plumb Street. I appreciate the time you are taking to allow neighbors to express their concerns. I genuinely hope you will not pass the variance for Mr. Tellez. I implore you to deny his request. Respectfully submitted, City of West University Place Public Works Department NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas 77005, during a meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m.on October 26,2023.The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on November 16, 2023. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 3609 Plumb St.,Houston,TX 77005 Legal Description: E lA OF LOT 2,BLOCK 63 SECOND ADDITION OF WEST UNIVERSITY,Harris County,TX Docket Number: 2023-0011 Applicant: Alfredo Tellez Action Requested: Requesting a Variance as authorized by Appendix A,Article 7, Section 7- 101,Table 7-2,Note 2,to allow a building site with more than 6,000 SF in area to utilize the narrow site"3/7"Exception. Additional Details: A new single-family home has requested a Variance as permitted by Article 11, Section 11-100 to utilize the narrow site"3/7" exception on a building site which does not satisfy all listed requirements for the exception. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. The application is available on the city's website at www.westutx.gov. Additional details on such matters, as well as the applicable regulations are also available for public inspection in the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearing. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting please contact the Public Works Director at 713-662-5846 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting. The Municipal Building is wheelchair accessible from the West and Southwest entrances and specially marked parking spaces are available in the Southwest parking area. Signed: John McGowan,Building Official,for the ZBA posted and mailed on or before October 16,2023. John/McGawa ry jmcgowan@westutx.gov 713-662-5830 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 CURRENT OWNER BILLIPP PETER H & CAROLINE K THOMAS WILLIAM L&JULIE M 5102 BRAESHEATHER 3601 PLUMB ST 3613 PLUMB ST (C/O 3605 PLUMB) HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 HOUSTON TX 77096-4106 CLARK ROBERT& KIMBERLY J CURRENT OWNER HUSTON FRED N JR &JILL W 3619 PLUMB ST 3602 PLUMB ST 3612 PLUMB ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 DONBERT TRADING INC DONNELL JAMES M & DONNA P ODONNELL CAROLYN C&CAMPBELL 3614 PLUMB ST 3620 PLUMB ST JANET ODONNELL HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 3701 TANGLEY ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2031 EUBANK STEPHEN W& KELLY V DUDEK RICHARD E CURRENT OWNER 3704 PLUMB ST 3701 PLUMB ST 3620 GEORGETOWN ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2810 HOUSTON TX 77005-2809 HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 CURRENT OWNER HERMAN JOSEPH 3620 GEORGETOWN ST SHU TUNG &TAI PEI-CHING 3606 GEORGETOWN ST (C/O 3614 GEORGETOWN) 3610 GEORGETOWN ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 CURRENT OWNER FIELD THOMAS G IV& CAROLINE C FIELD THOMAS G IV& CAROLINE C 2726 BISSONNET ST STE 240 PMB 632 3605 GEORGETOWN ST 3605 GEORGETOWN ST (C/O 3602 GEORGETOWN) HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 (C/O 3611 GEORGETOWN ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-1352 HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 BRACHT GERALD L BERKLE BRIAN J & PARTIN JENNIFER L SIEBER ANN W &JOHN G 3615 GEORGETOWN ST 3619 GEORGETOWN ST 3621 GEORGETOWN ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 HOUSTON TX 77005-2913 3702 GEORGETOWN LLC ESTRADA JORGE VEGA ZULMA NOBEL PAUL MICHAEL& MARGARET 4906 BELLVIEW ST 3524 PLUMB ST RENEE (C/O 3702 GEORGETOWN) HOUSTON TX 77005-2928 3520 PLUMB ST BELLAIRE TX 77401-5308 HOUSTON TX 77005-2925 DEBMEN LLC YOUNG PAUL R JR& SUSAN T KEYHANI MELINDA 3510 PLUMB ST MANAGEMENT TRUST 3515 PLUMB ST (C/O 3514 PLUMB) 3521 PLUMB ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2927 HOUSTON TX 77005-2928 HOUSTON TX 77005-2927 FRASIER SCOTT OWEN VIVIEN W LORENZEN CHRIS A JR 3511 PLUMB ST 3514 GEORGETOWN ST 3518 GEORGETOWN ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2927 HOUSTON TX 77005-2912 HOUSTON TX 77005-2912 WALTER KEVIN & CAROLINE BURKE ADAM &SYLVIA ARNOLDY JOHN S JR & KATHRYN 3524 GEORGETOWN ST 3523 GEORGETOWN ST SHOLEM HOUSTON TX 77005-2912 HOUSTON TX 77005-2911 3601 TANGLEY ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2251 BURNETT RILEY LJR 7 PRESCILLA T H LAND HOLDINGS LTD DONNELLJAMES M & DONNA P 3607 TANGLEY RD 1400 ANDERSON ST 3620 PLUMB ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2251 (C/O 3636 RICE BLVD) (C/O 3621 TANGLEY) BELLAIRE TX 77401-6098 HOUSTON TX 77005-2929 DODDS SHARON 3613 TANG LEY RD HOUSTON TX 77005-2251