HomeMy WebLinkAbout10192000 ZBA Agenda• . Cit of ~est Uni~ersi P1ace y ~ i ~ Recycled Paper Notice of Meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) of the City of West University Place, Texas will meet in a Regular Session on: Thursday October 19, 2000 7:30 PM Council Chambers 3800 University Boulevard West University Place, Texas The subjects of the meeting are as follows: 1. Call to Order. Report as to notice of ineeting. 2. Citizens wlio wish to be heard. Citizens who wish to address items that are not on the agenda will be permitted to speak to the ZBA after introducing themselves and giving their address. State law will not permit the ZBA to fully discuss deUate or consider items that are not on the agenda. Items that cannot be referred to the City Staff for action may be placed on the agenda of a future ZBA meeting. 3. Citizens ~vho ~vish to address agencla items. Citizens who wish to address specific agenda items will be permitted to speak to the ZBA after introducing themselves and giving their address. • 4. Public Re-Hearing of Docket 00-18. Matters relating to a request for a Variance to allow projection into the front yard setback at 3819 Sunset, Article 7, 2-13, Table 7-6. 5. Public Hearing of Docket 00-22. Matters relating to a request for a Special Exception at 2706 Bellaire, Article 7, Table 7-5., Note 2., to allow construction of an indoor ]ap swimming pool in a townhouse district. Matters relating to a request for a Variance at 270G Bellaire, Article 7, Table 7-2., Note 7., to allow construction of a small structure (indoor lap swimming pool) to project 10' into the rear yard 6. Public Hearing of Docket 00-24. Matters relating to a request for a Variance at 4235 Ruskin, Article 7, Table 7-2., to allow a 25' setback in a front yard consistent with the current setback profile on the South side of the block. Cunent setback requirements call for a 30' setback. 9. Public Hearing of Docket 00-25. Matters relating to a request for an Appeal at 3730 Plumb from an order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the City's Building Official in reference to Article 7, Table 7-6., page ii, Note 5. (c) that any projecting part must be at least seventy feet from the street line. Matters relating to a request for a Variance at 3730 Plumb, Article 7, Table 7-6., page ii, Note 5. (c), to allow construction of a projecting garage structure to be built 55' from the property line. 10. Meeting Minutes. Matters relating to the approval of minutes from the meeting held on September 13, 2000. 11. Adjournment. • 3800 Un3versi.i.y Boulevard • West University Place, Texas 77005 • 713/668-~41 • • Zoning Board of Adjustment Agenda October 19, 2000 If yoa~; plan to atte~zd this publ.ie meeting and you lzave a disabiliry thut requii•es special arrangements at the naeeting please contact tl:e: Plaruning: &:Deuelop~i:e~at Assistai:t at 713. 662.5893 in ailvance of the meeting. Reasonab~e accominodniions ivi.lL' be maile to assist your parti.cipalion in the meeting. The Municipal Building is wheel chadr accessibl~ froin tlze tivest entrance an~l speciully m.arked parking spaces are available in the soirthwest parking area. ; ~' Sa lye A. lark, Planning and Development Assistant. POSTED THIS 16`~ DAY OF OCTOBER 2000 AT 5 L~ O'CLOCK P.M. • 2