HomeMy WebLinkAbout12212000 ZBA Notice+y~ .~ .r . Cit of ~est Uni~ersity P1ace y ~ ~ Recyeled Paper NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, and City of West University Place, Texas at 7:30 P.M. on December 21, 2000. The hearing may be recessed and continued to the ZBA meeting set to begin at 7:30 P.M. on ]anuary 18, 2001 at the same place. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site; 4004,4006,4008,4010,4012,4016, 4020, 4024,4028, 4032, 4036, 4040, 4044, 4048, 4052, and 4056 Bellaire Boulevard West University Place, Texas 77005 • ~res e~ eounos oESC'wPria+ s.ess~ ~cnes oF ~u+o - Lega/ description of the site: CITY OF WEST UNIVENSITY PIACE, HARRIS COUNTY. rex,~s NI lhal eerloN J.B35J-ae~ee ol lond belny all o/ Lola 1B, 19 k 20 ond adJolninq olley oul o! Cambrtdqe Yluu, aeeoMiiq lo Ue plot lhereol filed In Vduma ~, Poga 55, Marrla Counly Ilop Records, ond Lota 1, 2 k J, Blxk 22 md ed~ou~Iny alley. ond lols 7. B, 9 k 10, Bloek 25 wl 01 Colleqe Ner, Sscl{on Ons, oeeordlny to lhe pbl lhaeof flled M Vdume 6, Poge ~~. Harrh Cwnly Map Raeords, aab J.9353 oera lroeY belnp more porltculaly descrlbed, by matu and bounds aa /ollorc / -' •-- '-' -..'-'--' --' -' - BEWNMNC at o(ound 5/B~ kon rod mnking the nwtl~eost camv of wIp Blodt 25, Calleqe Kew, ~ Saetlon One; : I A f MENCE 5 00' 21' 37' E- 115.15'. w(th lhe wclarly rlqhl-of-wo~ lina el Wealoyon Awnua (wtdth vorles), ~~ lo a set 'X' M eenvela la earper; I ~~ MENCE N 89' ~1' W E- A06'.. Ao o sel '%' In eonueta Ifw oamr, ' ~' J~ 1 ~, ~, MENCE 5 00' 10' ~5~ W- 3B0.1B'. vAth the reslaAy rlghl-ohNay IMe of wld YYasloyon Awws. lo o sat r R- n~ j~ P.K nd fw ewnar, / ~ 1HENCE S B9' ~8' 00' W- 370.00', wlth Ue nalherly rlqht-of-way Ilna ol Bdlalre Beulewrd (f20' ~wlde), ~~ lo a/wnd Swlhwalan Bdl Tdepbone Canpany conaele mqwment 1x ewnr ~`~~ 7 H E N C E N' 0 0' 1 7 5 4' E- SB 0.~Y. dth lha ~ealerl y Ma of add Lot 1 4 WmSAd ge A x a, lo o rood .lanee eorner fw eorna; ' ~ ~ I 1NENCE N B9' Jt' 10' E- 166.9~', Mlh Ihe saulhWy Ilna el add Bleek Y5, Cdlaqe Naw, Sectlon Onq lo a sel P.K. na1 fa corner: 1NENCE N 00' 21' A" W- 115.15', w11A lha ~eaterly IMa of sold lol 7, Bleck 25, Cdlege New, Seelton ~' One, to o lound Seulhreslem Bdl Tdephona Company eonernle monumanl fw comer, . MENCE.N,B9' !1' 40'. E~ 20D.OD~.'wl~h tha southaly rlyhl-of-woy Ilne ot RuskM 54ea1 (60' wlde~ lo lh~ PpNT OF BEGPINWC ond eonlolnlnq 3.8]SS aeres (167,067 aquxa leat) ol lond, mors a kaa Bui/ding Permit No: N/A ~ Permiltee/App/icant: Trammell Crow Action Requested orProposed: Request for a special exception to reinstate PNC status of the pervious area requirement. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. Additional details on such matters, as well as, the applicable regulations are available for public inspection in the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearings. 3800 University Boulevard • Houston, Texas 77005 • 713/668-4441 ~ • ~ • Notice of Zoning Board of Adjustment - 2 - If you p/an to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that ~equires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the P/anning & Deve%pment Assistant at 713. 66Z.5843 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting. The Municipa/Building is wheel chair accessib/e f~om the west ent~ance and specially marked parking spaces are a vai/ab/e in the southwest,v~kin9 area: „ Signed~C~ Sallye A. for the ZBA 12-11-2000 Planning & Development Assistant. u