HomeMy WebLinkAbout11161977 ZBA Minutes'~~ REGULAR MEETLNG OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOVEMBER 16, 1977 The Zoning Board of Adjustment convened in regular session on Wednesday, November 16, 197$, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Richard Wilkins, presiding; members Billings, Commander, Doughty and Marshall. Alternate members Burge and Cummings were also present. It was ascertained that notice of meeting had been posted in the City Hall three days before the meeting in accordance with provisions of Article 6252-17 U.A.T.C.S. ,~ Chairman Wilkins requested that the secretary read the Notice of Public Hearing. ~~.~ Motion by Mr. .Billings, seconded by Mr. Doughty, tha~t the Public Hearing be~~^^'' *~ opened to consider an application .docketed #77-9,~iled by Lester Thoede,'-~405 ' Plumb, for permission to enclose an existing front porch with glass. m Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Marshall Wilkins The Chairman ascertained from the secretary that Notice of Public Hearing had been published in The Houston Chronicle, on Saturday, October 29, 1977, and that notice was mailed to all property owners within 200' radius of the property on October 31, 1977, Chairman Wilkins administered the Oath to Mrs.. Thoede, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mus- sellman and Building Inspector Wayne Perry. Mrs. Thoede advised the Board that she and her family had. moved. into the house located at 3405 Plumb a few months ago and that they desired to enclose an existing screened porch. She presented several pictures which showed that the main entrance to the house does not go through the porch and that a door from a front bedroom opens onto the porch with a side door onto the driveway. .She said she had been advised by Inspector Perry on applying for a permit that such an enclosure would be in violation of the Zoning Ordinance inasmuch as the porch was located outside the minimum setback lines. She stated she desired this enclosure to utilize what is now only unused space, security reason and to improve the appearance of the house and neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mussellman, 3329 Plumb, both stated they had no .objection to the enclosure and that they felt it would improve not only the appearance of the house but the whole neighborhood. Mrs. Thoede presented a petition signed by residents of seventeen dwellings in the 3300 and 3400 blocks of Plumb saying they had no objections to the enclosure of the porch. A letter from Mrs.-Elmer L. Summers, 3422 Plumb, stating she had no objection to the enclosure, was also submitted for the record. Inspector Perry advised the Board that the application fora permit was denied inasmuch as it .was against the Zoning Ordinance in that such ordinance permits only open porches to extend not to exceed ten (10) feet into the front setback lines. Mr. Perry stated that he had located stakes and measured the property and that the front porch extends 3 ft. 3-1/2 inches into the front setback. During questioning, it was determined that the roof line of the porch and the main building are the same, that itwas built probably during the thirties, that Mrs. Thoede planned to remove the east door onto the driveway and enclose that side completely, and that the front line, including the porch, set back further than some of the other residences in the block. Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Doughty, that Public Hearing be closed. Voting Aye: .Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Marshall Wilkins Motion by Mr. Doughty, seconded by Mr. Commander, to opern re-hearing on applica- tion of Ms. Elizabeth Willoughby, 6417 Westchester, docketed #77-8, for permission to enclose an existing front porch with glass. Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Marshall Wilkins Chairman Wilkins administered the Oath to Ms. Willoughby and Inspector Perry. Ms. Willoughby presented the Board with a sketch showing the dimensions of the porch she desires to enclose and a sketch showing the manner in which she de- sires to enclose the porch with panels of smoked glass. She stated that en- closing the porch would update the appearance of the house and the neighbor- hood, provide a space fora number of plants, and that she had talked to her. neibhbors and all had assured her they had no objection to the enclosure.• Inspector Perry advised the Board that the application fora permit was denied inasmuch as it was against the Zoning Ordinance in that such ordinance permits only open porches to extend not to exceed ten (10) feet into the front setback lines. Mr. Perry stated that the main wall of the building was located 3'3" from the front property line; that the porch columns measured 22'5" from the front property line; and that inasmuch as the lot was 150' in depth the front setback line was 30', which would make the porch extend 7'7" into the front setback. When asked what hardship would be experienced if the application was. denied, Ms. Willoughby stated that he plants had to all be placed in the garage for the winter months and that financially they could not afford to make further addi- tions to the house. Motion by Mr. Doughty, .seconded by Mr. Commander, to close the re-hearing. Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Marshall Wilkins 1 1 1 269 ~ Members of the Board reviewed Mrs.-Thoede's application, docketed #77-8, discussing the construction of the house in regard to the. roof line and foundations,. entrance into the house, and location of porch making itunusable space under one roof. Motion by Mr. Billings, seconded by Mr. Marshall, that application filed by Lester Thoede, 3405 Plumb, docketed #77-9, for a variance to permit the enclosure with glass of an existing porch, be approved. Voting Aye: Billings Voting No: None Commander Doughty Marshall ~ Wilkins Members of the Board reviewed Ms. Willoughby's application, docketed #77-8, dis- "'~ cussing the construction of the house in regard to the roof line and foundation, location as an entry into the house, and depth the porch extends into the front m setback. Motion by Mr. Marshall,~~~~econded by Mr. Commander, fhat,,application from Ms. Elizabeth Willoughby,n.K`417 Wetchester, docketed #77-8//for a variance to per- mit enclosure with glass of an existing porch, denied at Public Hearing held October 20, 1977 and re-heard on this date, be approved. Voting Aye: Commander Voting No: Bi lings Marshall Doughty Wilkins Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zohing Board of Adjustment on October 20, 1977 were approved as presented. With no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Chairman ATTEST: Secretary