HomeMy WebLinkAbout09291975 ZBA Minutes ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 29, 1975 The Zoning Board of Adjustment convened in specia] session at the City Wall on :Monday, September 29 ,1975, with the following members present: Chairman Casey, presiding; members.. Ayres and Johnson. Alternate member Doughty had been designated to sit as a member in the absence of Mr, Wilkins, Members Wilkins and Billings were not present, Alternate member Burge was also absent. Chairman Casey advised the Board that the meeting had .been called in response to a written request received from Monroe F. Jahns, 6319 Vanderbilt Street, „~ that the public hearing relating to his request for a variance for the con- ~ struction of a carport be reopened. Mr. Casey read the following provisions for rehearing a request as provided ~ by the Rules. of Procedure previously adopted by the Board: "Section 1. No rehearing of any decision by the Board of Adjustment shall be had except on motion by a member of the Board to reconsider the vote, made and acted on within ten days after its decision and carried by not less than four (4) concurring votes, 1 Section 2. No motion for a rehearing shall be entertained except upon. written request for rehearing, and then not unless new evidence is sub- . mitted which could not reasonably have been presented at the. meeting at which the hearing was originally had. Section 3. If a rehearing is granted, the case shall be put on the calendar for a rehearing and new notices issued in accordance with the notice provisions of these rules, Section 4. No additional application. to the Board of Adjustment shall be allowed unless there shall have been a substantial change in the circumstances affecting such property since the prior decision on the same piece of property." Mr. Casey advised the Board that the only consideration before it was whether or not Dr. Jahns should be granted a rehearing, Dr. Jahns stated that the sketch. furnished board members would show that placing the line of carport supports as near to an existing column as practical to clear an automobile (6'-10") would still place the supports beyond the set- back requirements of the City Ordinance.. The encroachment, however, would be essentially less .than that of the previous request. Motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr, Ayres, that based on evidence submitted by Dr. Jahns that his request fora rehearing be approved and the case put on the calender for the next regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment fora hearing before .the full baord membership, Voting Aye: Ayres Voting No: None Doughty Johnson Casey ~_4 With no further business to come before the Board a.t this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting adjourned at 8:t7~ p.m, ~~ Chairma ~----. ATTEST: Secretary 1 1