HomeMy WebLinkAbout04041974 ZBA Minutesf ~ ~ REGULAR. MEETING OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APRIL ~+, 197+ The Zoning Board of Adjustment convened in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, April ~+, 197+, 7:30 p. m.,with the following members present; Chairman Dunn, presiding; members Hilton, Jahns, Johnson and Wilkins. Alternate members Casey and Wissel were also present. Mr. Dunn announced that the Board would hold the Public Hearing called for this date and hour to consider an application bearing Docket No. 74-3, filed by Mr. Steven L. Frakes, 2802 Sunset Boulevard. Mr. Dunn requested that the Board secretary read the Notice of Public Hearing. Motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mx. Hilton, that the Public Hearing was now open to consider an application filed by Mr. Steven L. Frakes for permission to enclose an existing front porch and to construct a carport in front of an existing garage. Voting Aye; Hilton Voting No; None Jahns Johnson Wilkins Dunn Mx'. Dunn introduced all members of the Board, the Building Inspector and his Assistant and the Board Secretary. Mr. Dunn ascertained from the secretary tha Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Southwestern Argus on Wednesday, March 20, 197+, and No- tice was mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of the pro- perty in question on March 20, 197+, thereby fulfilling all legal require- ments for the Public Hearing. Mx. Dunn administered the Oath to Mr. Frakes, Mr. Allstott, M,r. Perry and Mr. Virgil P. Hammerle, 281E Sunset. Mr. Frakes advised the Board that he and his wife had two year old twin boys and were expecting another child in May and were in desperate need of yard area for them. Mr. Frakes presented sketches showing that he proposed to enclose his front porch as an entryway into the living room, using rough cedar for the front of the house to tie. into a fence on the. side property line, creating a courtyard area. Mr. Frakes' sketches in- cluded plans to construct a carport in front of an existing garage with the support posts being located on the property lines. Mr. Allstott advised the Board that the original developers of the pro- perty penalized all other builders by using a 25' front setback rather than the 20' setback required on lots having a depth of 110 feet or' less. Mr. Allstott also stated that a;<permit for a construction of the carport had been denied inasmuch as the Zoning Ordinance required that no building or structure of any kind shall be constructed or erected with three (3} feet of the rear and inside property lines and within five (5) feet from any street lot line. 1 :'7 d'~ CQ Mr. Hammerle advised the Board that he had no objections to the pro- posed construction and thought that the house would look much better. Mr. Frakes stated that construction of the carport would give them addi- tional storage space, but that if he could be granted permission to do only one, he preferred the entryway. Motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the Public Hearing be closed. Voting Aye; Hilton Jahns Johnson Wilkins Dunn Voting No: None Mr. Dunn read a letter received from Mr. Ralph Walton, 2736 Sunset, stat- ing that he had no objections to Mr. Frakes planned construction. Mr. H. L. Collins, 280+ Nottingham, arrived at the meeting late, but stated that he would like to request that the Board approve Mr. Frakes' application inasmuch as it would improve the neighborhood and they were a nice young couple, with small children that needed the area to play. The Board discussed the provision of the Zoning Ordinance which requires that ~f twenty-five percent (25~) of a block frontage is improved with buildings, the front yard shall extend to the alignment of such existing buildings; the extension of second floor overhangs beyond the 25' front setback line; and their ability to grant an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance in this case. Motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that inasmuch as the Board feels that the application is within the spirit of the ordinance that the application filed by Mr. Steven L. Frakes for enclosing the existing front porch as outlined in his sketches, be granted as an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance on the part of the Board. Voting Aye; Johnson Hilton Motion by Mr. Wilkins, seconded by Dr. Jahns, by Mr. Steven L. .Frakes to construct a carport Gated within the 10' setback lin e be denied. Voting Aye; Dunn Hilton Jahns Wilkins Mr. Johnson abstained from voting. Voting No: Dunn Jahns Wilkins that the application filed with support columns lo- Voting No; None The Board discussed the ambiguity in the provision of the Zoning Ordinance requiring that if twenty-five (25~o) percent of the block frontage is im- ~2 proved with buildings the front yard shall extend to the alignment of such existing buildings. Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that the Chairman write a: letter to the City Commission asking them to consider whether re-wording of Section 24, Sub-Section 1, Paragraph 2 of the Zoning Ordinance is desirable. Voting Aye; Jahns Voting No; None Johnson Hilton Wilkins Dunn With no further. business to come before the Board at this time, upon mo- tion duly made, seconded and carried the Board adjourned at 10;1a p.m. ~~ f ,rl :: ,~ ~j~,V,,,,__.., Chairman ATTEST ; c~ ~ ~ I ~~ ~~~ Secretary 1 1