HomeMy WebLinkAbout02211974 ZBA Minutes`~ REGULAR MEETING OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT February 21, 197+ The Zoning Board of Adjustment convened in regular session at the City Hall on Thursday, February 21, 197+, 7:30 p.m., with the following members present: Chairman Dunn, presiding; members Hilton and Johnson. Alternate member Wissel had been designated to sit as an acting member in the absence of Dr, Jahns. Alternate Casey had been designated to sit as an acting member in the absence of Mr. Wilkins. Mr. Dunn announced that the Board would hold the Public Hearing called for this date and hour to consider an application bearing Docket No. 7~+-l, filed by Mr. Peter D'Alessandro, Jr Mr. Dunn requested that the Board secretary read the Notice of Public Hearing. Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that the Public Hearing was now open to consider an application filed by Mr. Peter D'Allesandro for permission to construct a wooden deck on the east side of his residence, such deck to be located three (3') feet from the side property line. Voting Aye: Casey Voting No: None Hilton Johnson Wissel Mr. Wilkins arrived at the meeting at this time. Mr. Dunn introduced all members of the Board, the Building Inspector and the Board Secretary. Mr. Dunn ascertained from the secretary that Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Southwest Zone of the Houston Chronicle on Wednesday, January 23, 197+, and notice was mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of the property in question on February ~+, 197+, thereby ful- filling all legal requirements for the Public Hearing. Mr. Dunn administered the Oath to Mr. D'Alessandro, Mr. Jerry Burling 2719 , Pittsburg, and Building Inspector, J. D. Allstott. Mr. D'Alessandro advised the Board that his property is located on a corner lot at Annapolis and Pittsburg and that he was unaware that a building per- it m was required for the construction of a deck, which he proposed to build on the east side of his home, facing Annapolis Street. Mr. D'Alessandro further advised the Board that there is only five to six feet of usable space between his home and garage, which would not be sufficient area for outside entertaining ur ose d t p p s, an hat the area on the east side would not support the growth of rass be g cause of two very large trees. Construction of the deck would cover this area d an permit an outside living area. Mr. D'Alessandro presented a sketch of the proposed deck indicating that it was to be a tri-level construction and that he had already obtained a fence permit th t a would completely enclose the deck. Mr. Jerry Burling, 2719 Pittsburg, stated that Mr. D'Alessandro had done much to improve-his property since moving in approximately one year ago and that the deck construction would definitely improve his property and that of the surrounding property owners. In response to questions b members of th Board, Mr. D'Alessandro stated that the fence would be constructed of cedar and located along the side property line to the main wall of the residence. Mr. D'Allessandro also stated that the approximate total cost of the deck would be $500.00. rJ Mr. Dunn stated that a number of letters had been received supporting Mr. D'Alessandro's application and only one telephone call had been received in opposition to the proposed construction. Mr. Allstott stated that as Building Inspector it was his position to stop Mr. D'Alessandro's construction inasmuch as the deck was being constructed beyond the required five (5') foot required setback from any street lot line on corner lots. Motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Hilton, that the public hearing. be closed. Voting Aye: Casey Hilton Johnson Wissel 1 Voting No: None Mr, and Mrs. D'Alessandro and others supporting their application left the meeting at this time. Mr, Dunn announced that the Board would hold the Public Hearing called for this date and hour to consider an application bearing Docket No. 7~+-2, filed by Mr. T. C. Armstrong, 3127 Albans, and that inasmuch as Mr. Wilkins was now present it would not be necessary for Mr. Casey to sit on the Board as an acting member. Mr. Dunn requested that the Board Secretary read the Notice of Public Hearing. Motion by Mr, Johnson, seconded by Mr. Wissel, that the Public Hearing was now open to consider an application filed by Mr. T. C. Armstrong for permis- sion to construct a carport in front of an existing garage. Voting Aye:. Hilton Johnson Wilkins Wissel LJ Voting No: None Mr. Dunn ascertained from the secretary that Notice of Public Hearing was published in the Southwestern Argus on Wednesday, February 6, 197+, and notice was mailed to all property owners within a 200' radius of the property` in question on February ~+, 197+, thereby fulfilling all legal requirements for the Public Hearing. Mr. Dunn administered the Oath to Mr. Armstrong, Building Inspector J. D. Allstott and Mr. J. C. Faris, 3117 Albans. I~'1'6 Mr. Armstrong stated that in preparation for his retirement he would like to build a carport in front of his garage in accordance with the plans submitted to the Board for review, as storage space for his automobile to free garage space for boat storage. Mr. Faris stated that the posts would be located adjacent to his property, but would be behind a well developed hedge and would in no way affect the use of his property, and that the boat to be stored was owned jointly by he and Mr. Armstrong and had .been stored in his garage for a number of years. Mr. Allstott stated that Mr. Armstrong had asked if he would be permitted to construct the carport and had been advised that in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance supporting posts would have to be erected three (3') feet off the property line. In response to questions by Board members Mr. Armstrong stated that he had a two car garage located on his property, but because of a curve in the drive- way he had only been able to get an automobile in one side. Mr. Armstrong further stated that supporting post located three (3') feet inside his pro- perty line would result in their being on the driveway itself. Motion by Mr. Wilkins, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that the Public Hearing be closed. Voting Aye: Hilton Voting No: None Johnson Wilkins Wissel Mr. & Mrs. Armstrong and Mr. Faris left the meeting at this time. Discussion of Mr. D'Alessandro's application indicated that basically the proposed construction was a porch, rather than a building or structure, and if made of concrete no application to the Board would have been required. It was also noted that with the fence construction there would be no visual contact with the deck by other residents of the area. ~. Motion by Mr. Johnson, seconded by Mr. Wissel, that the Board grant Mr. D'Alessandro's application as an interpretation as a porch or sidewalk in lieu of a building or structure; that it is the feeling of the Board that the application complies with the spirit of the Ordinance as was stated by Mr. D'Alessandro; and that the construction of the fence, as shown on Mr. D'Alessandro's plans, be a condition for granting this application. The Board, therefore, instructs the issuance of a permit. Voting Aye: Hilton Voting No: None Johnson Wilkins Wissel Following a-discussion with regard to the application for construction of a carport filed by Mr. T. C. Armstrong, the following action was taken by the Board: _ ~ Motion by Mr. Hilton, seconded by Mr. Johnson, that inasmuch as th Board feels that the application is within the spirit of the ordinance, that the application filed by Mr. T. C. Armstrong for construction of a carport as outlined in his plat, with two posts located within one (1') foot of the property line, be granted. Voting Aye: Hilton Voting No: None Johnson Wilkins Wissel '7 "'J The Board requested that plats submitted by both Mr. D'Alessandro and Mr. Armstrong be marked Exhibit A and Exhibit B and made a permanent part of the minutes of the meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment. With no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, .seconded and carried, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Y Chairman 1 ATTEST: L~°~ o~~.~~~ Secretary 1